Fear of childbirth: help for the expectant mother

Fear of childbirth, whether it is the first or the second, is normal and quite common. But still, many pregnant women want to know how not to be afraid of childbirth, and is it possible to avoid fear altogether?

The appearance of fear and its nature depend on various factors that directly affect the psychological state of the woman in labor. Some are afraid of the unknown (this applies to women giving birth for the first time). They don’t know what will happen and how it will happen, which is where fear arises. Women who give birth again, on the contrary, are afraid of childbirth because they remember the pain and possible complications of the first time. Still others have a fear of harming the baby, of hurting him. Still others are terribly afraid of pain, and they have a fear of not being able to withstand the fight. But you shouldn’t worry in advance; you shouldn’t forget that any woman intuitively knows how to behave during childbirth, this is inherent in her very nature.

Dispel doubts

The happy moment has come when mother and baby see each other for the first time. At this time, looking at the newborn, it is impossible to imagine what a difficult journey he overcame just five minutes ago. The uterus and passage through the birth canal are thought to place high pressure on the newborn. But don’t worry, because this natural process is unlikely to cause any harm to the baby.

Every mother knows that the tighter you hug your baby, the louder he laughs. And children, tightly wrapped in diapers, can sleep sweetly and soundly. So put aside your worries and remember that the first experience of overcoming difficulties is being born. And this process is thought out by nature itself. Forget about fears and help your baby be born strong, healthy and happy.

Childbirth is easy!

"Hello. I'm nine months pregnant. Soon to the maternity hospital . I would like to get psychological help in “this matter.” It’s scary... I’m afraid of losing control of myself during childbirth. It seems like I won't be able to handle it when the contractions start. Linx"

Linx, such fears are common for those who give birth for the first time. With the second birth everything is much simpler - your head is filled with completely different things.

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