To help the student: various ways to memorize information

Human memory is amazing in nature. What happens is that she puts into long-term files something that should be quickly forgotten, and puts something that really needs to be remembered into a blind spot. Having put in a lot of effort and resources, you still manage to pull the thread and bring the event to the territory of attention and awareness. This was noticed even in the pre-literate period of human development. Shamans and priests, later monks and clergymen, kept huge amounts of information in their heads, using the “science of imagery.”

The first book on memory training was published in France under the title “On the Shadows of Ideas”, author - Giordano Bruno .

Since ancient times, people have understood that memorization cannot happen arbitrarily, but that by applying will and desire, one can use information throughout one’s life.

Numbers, events, people, facts, memories - everything is confused in your head and begins to irritate. Memory problems? There is a solution! Memory training.

The mental process of memorization is directly related to the senses and imagination:

  • more impressions and associations, brighter memories;
  • strong visual, auditory and kinesthetic experiences are more easily transferred into long-term structures;
  • replacement of facts (objects) with ideas and concepts, more memorably impressive images.

Do you want to remember everything and always? A real combat mission. Simple memorization will erase information in a few days, but meaningful learning will leave it forever. A huge number of techniques, techniques and exercises have been developed to train memory. One of them is mnemonics.

Method No. 1. Method of analogy or association.

Any innovation that is difficult to learn can be learned through association. To do this, it is enough to draw a parallel with some familiar phenomenon or event. Moreover, the established analogy may have nothing to do with the phenomenon being studied. It should be simple, close and understandable directly to the student: an event from his life, a favorite word, etc.

Application of the analogy method in practice

Experienced experts recommend drawing analogies with similar words that are consonant with the term or topic being studied. This technique can speed up the “learning process” by 40-50%, while memorizing information is guaranteed.

This technique is most often followed by people with good imagination, a bright and rich life, who have something to “compare” with a term, object, etc.

How to learn foreign words using mnemonics?

Mnemonics - a quick memorization technique
All students of a foreign language need to remember more than one thousand new words during their studies. The use of mnemonics will help make the process of learning a foreign language faster and better. How to quickly memorize foreign words using the mnemonic association method?

To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

  • A sound association in Russian is invented for a foreign word;
  • Come up with a plot, phrase or story that uses an association and the correct translation;
  • Remember the plot or story;
  • Repeat for several days a chain of a foreign word, a sound association, an invented story and a translation.

Sample stories for words to remember

half – [ha:f] – half. A boy went out into the street with ice cream, and another boy said: “Give me a bite!”, and he himself was haaf (half), and half was gone.

knife – [naif] – knife. Why did Naf-Naf become brave? Because he holds a knife in his hands.

eye – [ai] – eye. When something gets into the eye, the person shouts “Ouch.”

Now you understand that the Mnemonic technique is an effective memorization technique that works instantly!

Come up with your own associations and stories - this will help you better remember the word you are studying

Method No. 2. Abbreviation.

An abbreviation is a shortening of words. Today, each of us is faced with various abbreviations every day: IMF, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, CIS, etc. Even schoolchildren, when writing down homework, essentially use abbreviations and the principle of “verbal minimalism” (for example, Russian language exercise 360).

An abbreviation can be presented in different forms: an abbreviation based on the first letters of a word, a saying, where each first or last letter indicates a specific feature (for example, the color of the rainbow), etc.

Using abbreviations to better remember information

Similarly, a student can study subjects. Most often, he uses abbreviations when taking notes on lectures (this is where new abbreviations are born), but why not start learning the subject with the help of them?

Read the topic and then create an “abbreviated version” of it. It is important to note that this technique will allow you not only to better remember the most important things, but also to prepare cheat sheets that will help you out in difficult times or will warm your soul, calming you down during the exam.

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The most common techniques


We've probably all used popular mnemonics. From school days, you can remember rhymes that help you memorize the sequence of cases or a list of exception verbs. You can compose such poems yourself to memorize any information. Poetic forms were also common among students of gymnasiums in Tsarist Russia. The technique is very old, but quite effective. It's called rhyming.

"Yellow and Blue Bus"

Another common mnemonic technique involves the use of consonant words. It helps to remember foreign and simply complex words. The simplest example of such technology is the so-called “yellow-blue bus”. When English-speaking students learn Russian, they have no less problems than Russians who learn English.

How to say “I love you” in Russian? The British and Americans are taught this phrase using the consonant one - “yellow blue bus”. This phrase will sound funny in Russian, but the “sufferer” will eventually learn to pronounce it. It is more important to lay a certain foundation in the student’s head and make it easier to memorize.

Very bright “yellow-blue bus”

Another interesting method that you can safely use is vivid associations. We are talking about figurative thinking, linking information with pictures. The technique can be correlated with the previous one - when a student associates a declaration of love in Russian with a yellow-blue bus, he can additionally imagine a vivid picture of this vehicle. For complex information, a number of images can be used.

Method No. 3. We remember visually.

If you have a well-developed visual memory, then try not just to memorize the material, but to remember its location in a textbook, lecture or other primary source. This will not only allow you, if necessary, to quickly find a fragment for a full answer, or copy it off during a test or exam. It is enough to remember on what page it was written, what this page looks like (a crushed corner, old, shabby paper), in which paragraph the information suitable for an answer is located, and how the text will completely appear before your eyes.

Method No. 4. The method of arranging objects or the “Cicero” method.

If after reading you were unable to remember anything, do not freak out or despair. Try connecting memory and associations at the same time. Remember the environment or room that is familiar to you, imagine that you are in it. And now “put each moment you read into its place” in this room, but this must be done in the order in which you usually walk through the room (out of habit).

The principle of the “Cicero” method

Let's say you're standing in front of your own bedroom door. The door itself is a theme, you entered and put things on a chair or in a closet (there should be another link to the theme, an introductory note, for example, how it all began, etc.), then you go to the bed and sit down/lie down (here is another link) and etc. And so you need to learn and “rehearse” until you remember everything you need.

Further, if you suddenly forget something during the exam, you just need to remember the usual room and procedure, and your memory will give you the entire text.

Mnemonics: you can remember everything The second part is already here!

What is a mnemonic?

I don't like to write definitions from Wikipedia, so I'll explain in my own words what mnemonics are. Mnemonics are ways to remember information by changing the type of information. Instead of memorizing numbers, memorize words. Instead of words, you can memorize places. Instead of moves in chess there is a poem. The simplest example of mnemonics is an example of a rhyme, thanks to which you can easily remember the first digits after the decimal point in the number Pi:

So that we do not make mistakes, We must read correctly: Three, fourteen, fifteen, ninety-two and six. Well, you need to know further, If we ask you - It will be five, three, five, Eight, nine, seven.

Write in the comments other examples of poems for the number Pi.
I know that there are a lot of them. I ’ll be honest, I didn’t specifically look for information on mnemonics on Habré. I want to present my view from my side: what I know. I had no desire to “dilute” the information with other sources. Under the cut there is a lot of useful information that I spent a very long time collecting bit by bit. Mnemonics is very extensive: there are dozens of ways to remember everything you need. I found some methods bad, some too complicated. Therefore, I have highlighted several of the best, in my opinion, mnemonics techniques. I will specifically not insert descriptions from third-party sites, explaining everything in my own words.

Palace of Memory (Cicero Way)


The ancient philosopher and orator Cicero walked to “work” every day. Possessing brilliant attention, day after day he noticed various features in the road along which he walked. After a long time, Cicero remembered the road so well that he could flawlessly remember any part of it with all the details. After this, Cicero learned to “tie” some objects to the road in his memory. And when he remembered a place on the road, he instantly remembered an object that was “attached” to the place. This is called an associative link

The method of the memory palace (hereinafter I also mean Cicero’s way) consists of strong associative connections, thanks to which you can remember any

amount of information
in the correct order

How to remember?

To use the memory palace, you need to have a good imagination.
In fact, anyone can use this method, but a good imagination will help a lot. Let's take an abstract random set of products that need to be bought in a supermarket:

  1. A pack of sugar
  2. Sukharikov
  3. A jar of peas
  4. Crab sticks
  5. Strawberry jam
  6. Carrots
  7. A dozen eggs
  8. Piece of meat
  9. A bunch of bananas
  10. A carton of milk

as you can see, my imagination is not so good.
Now we need to find a “road” to which we will attach this shopping list. Imaginative people can come up with hundreds of different places and remember them well (a space station, a football field at an underwater camp, whatever), but for a short list of ten items, you can use a real road.

I will give an example of my “road” and show how to tie objects to it. Here is my path that I take in the morning every day:

  1. Bed (I wake up on it)
  2. Toilet (should I pee?)
  3. Kitchen (breakfast)
  4. Corridor (getting dressed, putting on shoes)
  5. Entrance (going down the stairs)
  6. A billboard with advertisements opposite the entrance.
  7. A traffic light that I pass every day.
  8. Ice cream shop.
  9. Barrier in front of the school.
  10. School porch.

The more information you need to remember, the more detailed the road needs to be.
Or longer - whichever is easier for you. The main thing is to remember the entire journey perfectly in your head. There are no problems with my road, I go to school every day. Now let's start linking the shopping list. The most important thing in associative communication: make unique, unusual, funny or terrifying, any extraordinary associations. Simple associations “there is a packet of sugar on the bed” are not suitable. Try to add feelings to your associations: sound (crunch of crackers), touch (nasty sugar).

  1. All night I slept not on the bed, but on a pack of sugar. The pack was full of holes and I had sugar crumbs everywhere, they were cracking unpleasantly, ugh!
  2. I go into the toilet and step on crackers (disgusting sound), from fear I slip and fall face first into the toilet. (which you can’t do for mnemonics)
  3. Having got out of this hell, I go into the kitchen, open the cabinet, and a huge mountain of peas, slippery and disgusting, falls out on me (I don’t like peas)
  4. In the hallway I use crab sticks instead of a spoon to put on my shoes. Naturally, it breaks and I put on shoes with a stick inside.
  5. I go out into the entrance, start going down the stairs and slip on the jam (I’ve been falling a lot, ah-yay-yay)
  6. On the billboard there is an advertisement for the purchase of the planet Carrot.
  7. At a traffic light, when I cross the road, people throw eggs at me from cars.
  8. I decide to buy ice cream, and instead of the list of ice cream there are various pieces of meat (disgusting, I will never forget this)
  9. The barrier is opened by a monkey holding a bunch of bananas. Quest!
  10. As soon as I step on the porch, the entire floor turns into a milk pool! And I can't swim! Uh...

Most likely, my associations will seem stupid or unfortunate to you.
But this is the first thing that came to my mind. And this is the most important thing. You don’t need to think about the association for a long time, choose the first thing that comes to mind, otherwise you will then remember it for as long as you came up with it. Just try it a few times and you will do it very quickly, believe me. Thanks to this method, I can easily remember 50-60 objects, and potentially - there can be an unlimited number of them - as long as your road or roads are enough (no one forbids using several!).

Link to numbers

Another way to remember some list or other information.
The method is somewhat more complicated and requires preparation, but there is no need to invent or remember the route. For each number from 1 to [as many as you need], you come up with a rhyme that comes to mind first. Instead of rhyme, you can use a strong association that you have with the number. The main thing is to be creative. I get it like this:

  • One - Aladdin
  • Two - Lithuania
  • Three - rub (lamp)
  • Four - holes in the cheese
  • Five - again
  • Six - Six. (same spelling)
  • Seven - James Bond (007)
  • Eight - Snowman. (8 looks like a snowman)
  • Nine is a swan
  • Zero - Kolobok

Now, in order to remember (link an object) you only need to make an associative connection with this object. The advantage of this method is that there is no road, we can easily follow the numbers. The disadvantage of this method is the preparation.

Interesting fact

Japanese Hideaki Tomoyori can reproduce the number PI up to 40,000 characters. It took him about 10 years to memorize this number of numbers.


I'll tell you about other methods next time. There are many different methods on how to memorize numbers and words. And now a few truths about mnemonics that I noticed while studying:

  • Minimum practice required. After just two or three attempts, you will be able to make associative connections well.
  • In life this is needed quite rarely.
  • But it develops ordinary memory!
  • Most of your friends won't be able to remember 20 items in the correct order, you can show off ;)
Where did you get it from?
  • Corinda - 13 steps to mentalism
  • Dominic O'Brien - How to develop a perfect memory
  • Stepanov - Mnemonics. Truth and Fiction (so-so book)

If you find errors in the text, write in private messages, I will correct them promptly. Thank you :)

Method No. 5. Rhyming.

Memorizing poetry is much easier than boring and long text. Why not turn the study of the subject into one large poem with chapter themes? To do this, it is enough to rhyme each term or definition with familiar and everyday words or even rewrite them as poetry (of any composition).

If you are far from writing creative works or poetry, then you can simply link individual concepts to poems already familiar to you. To do this, you need to connect associations or analogies, a little imagination.

Method No. 6. We encrypt the recording.

If complex terms are difficult to memorize and decipher, then it is worth trying to transform the process of preparing for a test or certification into a children's game - encryption. Remember how you used to correspond with your friends in a language that was incomprehensible to others: you assigned each letter a number or a specific symbol, etc. Why not apply this method here too? Scientists have proven that the form of play activates brain cells, and the feeling of excitement allows you to quickly understand the essence of the matter.

Features of using the encryption method

Students most often “encrypt” information “in their own way.” They look for analogies between numbers and letters, symbols and individual elements. For example, in mathematics there are certain abbreviations (for example, infinity, sum, etc.). Why not use familiar symbols in other objects?

Why do mnemonics work?

Mnemonics work great, and this has been proven not only in the humanities and linguistics. Numbers are also perfectly put into the head using special methods. What is the secret of the technique?

It's all about the peculiarities of perception. You can understand why mnemonics are effective by learning how memory works. It is difficult for a person to work with abstract information. Each of us has an auditory, kinesthetic and visual channel of perception through which we are accustomed to receiving the lion's share of information. These channels work perfectly and provide us with the knowledge we need to survive. But when we take on a textbook, we are not working with pictures, sounds or sensations. An adult is forced to perceive letters, numbers and incomprehensible terms.

Mnemonics tie the abstract to the concrete - tangible, visible, audible. What our brain is used to working with. Of course, any data can be memorized, but this is unlikely to be effective. What was forcibly memorized will disappear from memory without a trace, like the contents of old notebooks. But what is memorized with the help of mnemonics is literally kept in the subconscious.

Method No. 7. Spaced repetition.

Everyone knows that learned material can be “erased from memory” over time if it is not used. This is how the body cleanses itself of unnecessary and useless information, freeing up space for new discoveries and information. Therefore, if you want the learned material to be stored for as long as possible, and preparation for certification to be easy and quick: delve into each topic from the very beginning, and then periodically repeat what you have covered: re-read lectures, seminars, etc.

In this case, preparing for the exam will be easy and relaxed: the author will know everything necessary, he will only have to repeat it, focusing on the most difficult moments for him.

Moreover, experts note that it is necessary to repeat, not just re-reading the data at hand. It is important to try to extract them from memory, and rereading is intended to fill in the identified gaps. Therefore, first try to remember and tell the question, then re-read it and retell it again.

If the topic is too long, it is best to adhere to the following rules of spaced repetition:

  • Review the material directly on the day you learn the topic;
  • On the second or third day, retell what you taught, re-read the question again and highlight the key points;
  • After 5-6 days, repeat what you have learned again, if necessary, read it again.

To better understand the material, it is enough to devote 10-15 minutes to it every day: briefly retelling and quickly rereading lectures or other manuals.

Method No. 8. Edge principle.

What information does a person remember most quickly? As a rule, when studying a topic, the initial and final scenes are engraved in the memory, and the middle remains “unconscious”.

If you read the material, but could not completely remember it, do not be discouraged. We are more than sure that the first and last couple of paragraphs remained in our memory. To remember the rest, you need to start learning from those moments that could not be memorized. Just start studying precisely from those fragments that you failed to learn or did not understand.

Mnemonics: types and techniques, directions

Mnemonics is a branch of applied psychology that is actively developing and adding new techniques. Hundreds of textbooks and manuals have been written about mnemonics, which present a variety of practices for improving the memorization process.

They have a common principle: it is necessary to create a program that establishes connections between memorization objects. In the future, a person does not have to specifically remember something; it is enough to apply one or another mnemonic rule.

Photo: UGC

Many will be surprised that they have been taught such rules, or mnemonic techniques, since kindergarten and school years. For example, most people will remember the sequence of colors in the spectrum by the phrase: “ K




going , which the first letter of each word is a signal of a certain color: 'k' - red, 'o' - orange, etc. Using this principle, children remember the order of the planets from the Sun: “



darted ,
, ran

not caught
, missed ” (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, etc.).

Method No. 9. Let's get to the point.

Believe me, if you tell a question or topic in your own words, without intricate and florid book phrases or clichés, then this knowledge will be much more valuable, both for you and for the teacher, who will make sure that the student has understood all the nuances and understands the material , learned it.

Identification of the most significant in the total amount of information

Therefore, when studying any subject or issue, highlight the essence (key aspects of terms, theories, formulas) and learn it. As popular wisdom says, the rest will follow.

Method No. 10. Feynman's method.

This principle was named after its creator, a theoretical physicist named Richard Feynman, who managed to develop a unique method for storing information. His “law” is based on simplifying complex issues by using simple and understandable words, phrases and phrases.

This rule is implemented in three stages:

  • We write out abstracts or create a plan of material that will allow you to briefly and succinctly describe the essence, highlight basic concepts, etc.;
  • As the plan is formed, we re-read the material and identify gaps that were not covered in detail in the previous paragraph. It is important to use only simple and understandable words for you;
  • Next, we form a simple and understandable full-fledged text, which will describe all the main aspects of the topic being studied. All that remains is to read and retell it, repeating it periodically to reinforce it.

Where to begin?

You can find many useful exercises for memory development on the Internet. There are even special textbooks, courses and paid seminars on mnemonics. However, it is enough for a beginner to master simple techniques that he can use in the near future. You need to expand your capabilities after your memory has been thoroughly prepared.

There is no mysticism in mnemonics, and even the most outstanding abilities can be easily explained by the use of special techniques.

  • Follow

Recommendations from Dishelp experts on how to assimilate the material as efficiently as possible

When studying and memorizing a large amount of information, it is important to create decent conditions: silence, peace, a minimum of distractions over trifles, allocate separate time for studying the subject, etc. Therefore, turn off all gadgets, warn your family or “roommates” so as not to be disturbed, concentrate in preparation.

Tips for better assimilation and memory of new information

Include all methods of memorizing information that are acceptable to you. Actively use those techniques that correspond to the “type of your memory”: visual, auditory (audio), written. If it’s easier for you to remember by ear, listen to audio books; in writing, take notes on all the questions; visually, use the association method, remember the location of the text in the original source, etc.

Don't give up on repetition. It is this that can not only refresh, but also deepen a student’s knowledge. It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes to each subject for repetition. At the same time, do not forget to take a short break when studying new topics, give your body time to recuperate.

Mnemonics (mnemonics) - an effective method of memorizing information

MNEMOTECHNIQUES (or mnemonics) - from the Greek mnemonikon - the art of memorization, means a set of techniques and methods that facilitate and increase memorization.

There are many techniques to develop and strengthen memory. The most effective methods of memorization include mnemonics or, in other words, mnemonics. I first met her when I was still a student, she helped me a lot in learning English. Then everyone was still wondering where I got such a phenomenal memory!!! The principle of operation of this technique is based on the ability of our memory to fix vivid visual and auditory images much faster than abstract concepts.

What is a mnemonic

Thanks to mnemonics, a person can easily remember numbers, words, tables and other difficult-to-remember things using associative connections. With the help of vivid images, it is much easier to learn a foreign language and remember new words, learn chemistry, mathematics, physics and other academic disciplines.

The method of storing information in this way was well known to people more than a thousand years ago. It was with the help of mnemonics that ancient priests and shamans stored a huge amount of various knowledge in their memory. Nowadays, we also often use mnemonics as “folk” methods for memorizing: we draw a cross on our hands, learn poems about the bisector and the colors of the rainbow, and draw images of literary characters in our imagination.

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