Ways to resolve conflicts between teacher and student.

Conversation with the teacher

When communicating with a teacher, parents should be guided by the following rules:

  • When talking with the teacher, you need to stay neutral. You should not openly take the side of the teacher or, conversely, your child - this will not lead to anything good.

  • You should pay attention to the fact that the teacher, when describing conflict situations, points to specific facts and actions of the child, and is not guided only by his own opinion or impression. If something is unclear, do not be afraid to ask again or clarify with the teacher.
  • There is no need to “spread out” in front of the teacher to smooth over the conflict, thereby exaggerating your child’s guilt.
  • You should also not be afraid that the teacher will unfairly find fault with the child and pull him out of school. You just need to protect his rights and ensure that he feels comfortable at school. If a teacher abuses his position, then you can find a way to influence him by contacting the head teacher or school principal.
  • What to do if an attempt to resolve a problem reaches a dead end? You need to openly ask the teacher what he sees as the solution to this problem.
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