What you need to know for a successful interview with a manager

What is an interview


- this is a meeting between an applicant and a potential employer or his representative when applying for a job. This procedure takes place in the form of an interview. It is necessary so that the two parties can understand how well they will work together and suit each other.

This is the most critical process when hiring. It doesn't matter who will conduct it. The business owner or his representative. The main task is to show interviewers that you are exactly the specialist they need.

Interview stages:

  1. Meeting and establishing contact - the recruiter introduces himself and voices the vacancy in question. This is necessary to avoid any misunderstandings.
  2. Asking questions to the applicant - what questions are asked and how to answer them I will tell you further.
  3. Talk about the vacancy and the company - if the recruiter is interested in the candidate, then he begins to talk about the company. For example, about its history and achievements. Also talks about a vacancy. Why is it open, what career growth is expected, and so on.
  4. Questions to the recruiter - the applicant has the opportunity to ask the necessary questions to a company representative. I will also mention this below.
  5. Plan for further action - issues of decision-making, further communication, and so on are discussed. An additional interview may also be scheduled.

How to curb emotions?

How not to worry during an interview? All candidates ask themselves these questions. Many people consider the interview the most intimidating stage of employment. Anxiety and fear can prevent an applicant from realizing the potential that he or she has. Feelings of anxiety have a detrimental effect on a person and destroy self-confidence.

Be relaxed and at ease during the interview. Create the impression of a harmonious personality. Think of the interview as an opportunity to prove yourself, not as torture. You have a good opportunity to influence the choice of employer.

It is not the interviewer's job to find flaws. It is more important for him to determine how well your knowledge and personality fit the psychological portrait of the ideal candidate. In any case, try to be philosophical about failure. There are always ups and downs on the path of life. Every failure brings you closer to victory.

Treat the interview with a dose of irony. It didn’t work out today, but it will definitely work out tomorrow. It is better to focus your energy on preparing for an interview than to waste it on worry and fear. Knowing how to behave in an interview and how best to prepare for it will give you the confidence you need.

Types of interviews

Let's look at the main types of interviews. They may be used differently for different companies. Let's see in what situations each type is used.

Group type of interview


- here the applicant enters into a conversation alone with his interviewer or a group of company representatives.

Group interview

— several applicants undergo the same interview. As a rule, this is selection for mass positions. There is also often selection for sales. These are sales or banking representatives. This type allows you to identify the person with the greatest abilities among the entire group.

Telephone interview

- this is already a regional selection. That is, the personnel manager plans to select personnel for certain regions. He wants to come to a certain city in a week to have a personal conversation.

In order to understand who to invite ( especially on a business trip

), we need a quality candidate. Therefore, in such cases, a telephone interview is carried out.

Its duration is on average 30 - 40 minutes. This way you can understand whether the candidate is worthy for a manager to come and spend time on him.

Competency interview

— it turns out what skills and knowledge the applicant has. But not always the answers to questions can be regarded as good knowledge of the candidate in this area. And for this, the HR manager will need not only this type of conversation and professional questions. He may also ask you to take some tests.

Such an interview does not give good knowledge!

After all, the candidate does not always speak sincerely. Often he may have good theoretical knowledge. But this does not always apply to his specific professional experience. Therefore, the next type is the cases that the recruiter gives during the interview.


or situational interview
) is a specific situation that occurs at work. It can be completely different. Therefore, the correct answers to the questions here can have up to 100 or 1000 options. There will not necessarily be a standard correct answer among them.

Stressful interview

- here the interviewer deliberately provokes the candidate. It creates certain conditions to reveal the level of stress resistance.

Surely you have encountered the situation when you come to the secretary’s reception area and then start waiting. The wait can last from 5 minutes to an hour. At this time, you see that your interviewer is drinking tea and relaxing.

That is, he is not busy with anything important.

Here I recommend not to be nervous, run around and ask again. Perhaps in such a company it is customary to identify a candidate’s stress resistance and reaction to such situations in this way.

Interview with non-standard questions

— they ask unprofessional questions that require an immediate, quick answer. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. The main thing is your non-standard approach.

Questions are asked quickly and from completely different industries.

This interview is used for people in creative professions and in IT companies. Also applies to people who must make quick decisions in unusual situations.

Questions may vary. For example, how to get to the Eiffel Tower, what device can be used to measure the weight of an object, and so on.

Tough questions

Top 3 difficult questions in any interview: Describe a time when you were criticized for your work, what you consider to be your weakness and sell me this pen/water bottle/phone. Martin Yate, author of the best-selling book The Best Answers to Tough Interview Questions, offers the following solutions.

By asking a question about attitude to criticism, the interviewer is trying to find out how manageable the candidate is. It's best to respond by mentioning a bad idea rather than talking about a poorly executed job that cost the company money. Successful answers would be from the series: “This experience taught me a lot” or “Receiving feedback on the work done is always useful.”

The difficulty of the question about weaknesses is that all convincing answers have already been voiced hundreds of times. Your task here is to be honest, without giving the interviewer a chance to doubt your candidacy. For example, name a competency that is not so important for this position and describe how you are trying to fill the existing gap.

The purpose of the “sell me a pen” task is to test communication skills and the ability to quickly navigate a situation. We proceed as follows: first ask a few questions to understand why the client needs a pen. For notes, for underlining, for editing? Then build your sales copy around how the pen can meet his needs. For example, it is inexpensive, which means you can keep several in different places, or it is bright in color and can be easily found.

How to pass an interview

Now you will learn how to pass an interview successfully and increase your chances of getting a job. There are many subtleties here, which we will discuss below.

How to pass an interview in difficult situations

Before you go to an interview, ask yourself questions


  1. What is important to me when looking for a job?
  2. What is important for a company to meet?

Many job seekers do not give due importance to the importance of preparing for an interview. This attitude is not conducive to success.

Collect as much information as possible about the employer

. Try to use different sources. Today there are many sites on the Internet where there are reviews about employers. The more information you gather, the clearer the picture will be.

Try to understand what reputation

has a company. If possible, find out who you will be meeting before your interview. With a supervisor or manager.

What will the interview format

. Find out about the dress code. Also ask what to bring to the interview. What things and documents should you have with you?

Mistakes during an interview

Let's look at common interview mistakes. First of all, these are bad reviews.

from a previous employer. You shouldn't take quarrels out in public. Your prospective manager will project your every bad word onto himself.

Secondly, you should differentiate what you can talk about and what you need to remain silent about. Speak only to the point

. For example, there is no need to touch on personal information that is not related to the interview.

Don't interrupt. Listen carefully


Some candidates don't give interviewers the opportunity to do a good job. They are constantly being interrupted. They talk non-stop and get distracted from the topic in every possible way.

Don't be silent


It will be difficult for an employer to evaluate an applicant if information has to be practically ripped out of him. Therefore, keep a balance.

Give examples


Talk about specific events and facts that will demonstrate your professionalism and necessary qualities. Think in advance about what examples and facts you need to tell during a job interview.

Be honest!

You should not deceive your future employer about your achievements at your previous job. There are many ways to check this information.

Don't allow yourself to be criticized

on the organization of the labor process in the employer’s company. Give some advice. Presenting yourself as a savior will only cause irritation.

Be tactful!

How to look at an interview

Now I’ll give you some tips on how to look at an interview. There are two basic rules here:

  1. Relevance and adequacy of the situation
  2. Neatness and neatness in appearance

You can't make a first impression a second time. Think through all the details in advance. Based on your appearance, the employer's representative will judge how you will fit into the company.

But don't overdo it!

It shouldn't seem like you spent three hours planning the interview. Nowadays, many companies are abandoning strict dress codes. Looking too formal can even be harmful. Therefore, look at the situation.

For example, if you are going for an interview at a bank, you should choose a strict business attire. Often you can find photographs of employees on company websites or on its social media pages. If such information is available, then take it into account when choosing clothes before the interview.

You should feel confident and comfortable in your look. But don't forget that you are going for a business interview. You need to dress modestly and tastefully.

Even if you are going for an interview at an IT company, torn jeans and sneakers will not work here. Just like a formal suit will not work. In this case, a smart casual


Smart casual style for an interview
Regardless of what position and company you are going to, jewelry should be kept to a minimum. You can even refuse them altogether. Perfume should not be strong and harsh. It's better to give them up too.

Dress neatly in relatively new clothing that matches each other. Untidyness, wrinkled clothes, dirty shoes and a careless hairstyle will not make the best impression.

Dressing for an interview can either enhance or detract from your image. Dress simply and neatly. It's better to be conservative in your clothes. It is very important that you yourself feel comfortable and comfortable in this image.


It is better to arrive for the interview on time. Ideally - in 5 minutes. I don't recommend arriving very early. After all, the employer planned the meeting at a certain time. Therefore, your arrival 30 minutes before the appointed time may cause him inconvenience.

Definitely don't be late!

This creates the feeling that you are not serious about your work or are not a punctual person. Therefore, calculate your travel time in advance and think through your route. Don't forget to allow 5 - 10 minutes to get a pass to the office.

What to do if you are late for a meeting?

You must notify your employer. Call or write a message. Apologize and find out if it would be acceptable if you arrived, for example, 20 minutes late.

When meeting, you should apologize succinctly. For example, sorry about the conflict in my schedule.

Don't worry too much or make excuses. This will only make the situation worse. It will be enough to simply calmly, politely and briefly apologize. Then you can move on to the topic of communication.

How to behave during an interview

Now you will learn how to behave during an interview. According to Albert Mehrabyan's formula, when we see a person for the first time, we trust verbal signals by 7%. That is, what he says.

38% to paraverbal signals. The way he speaks. This is the tone and pitch of the voice, timbre, speed and intonation of the spoken words.

And 55% to non-verbal signals. This is posture, gestures, facial expressions, glances, and so on. That is, what he does and how he behaves.

Note how important nonverbal and paraverbal communication is. 38 and 55% versus only 7% verbal communication. So let's look at this in more detail.

So, nonverbal communication

. I give simple rules of conduct during an interview.

Your nonverbal signals should be in harmony with your verbal ones. And gestures should help when communicating information and not interfere. The facial expression should be calm and confident.


Posture affects the quality of speech. If you tilt your head to read notes, your voice becomes quieter. You also lose visual contact with your interlocutor. And he should see you clearly. The more visible you are, the higher the quality of perception of what you communicate.

Do not block your face with your hands. Contact your interlocutor. Maintain eye contact. Use gestures that are positive and natural to you.

Avoid negative gestures. For example, the index finger, clenched fists and rocking from side to side. As well as foreign objects in the hands, hands in pockets or arms crossed over the chest.

As a rule, an interview with a candidate takes place in a meeting room at a table. If you enter a room where you are already expected, say hello to everyone and smile slightly.

For men, a handshake is appropriate.

You should shake hands vigorously, firmly, and with your entire palm. In some Western companies, a handshake is mandatory for women as well. In any case, you should adapt to the receiving party.

The offer to shake hands must be from the receiving party.

You need to sit down so that your face is clearly visible to the interviewer. Remove all foreign objects from the table. The phone should be turned off and hidden.

Some candidates place their purse in front of them.

This is distracting and creates a barrier to communication. And even if you put your purse on your lap, it still creates a feeling of insecurity. And if you put your purse behind you, it turns out that you are not sitting on the entire chair. This also creates a feeling of uncertainty. As if something is bothering you.

It is permissible to place a notepad and pen on the table in front of you.

You can make notes occasionally. But you definitely shouldn’t take notes. If you are often distracted by notes, you will lose contact with the interviewer.

During the interview, you should look at the company representative. Maintain eye contact at all times. It is very important! Look at your interlocutor, but don't stare

" with his gaze.

You need to sit upright in a chair. Watch your posture. Keep your back straight. Don't cross your legs or cross your arms. Maintain an open posture. Do not cover your face with your hands or prop up your head.

When you prop your head up, the employer gets the feeling that you are tired and are not listening to him. When you cover your face with your hand, it seems that you are not saying something. You are trying to hide some information.

You need to sit on the entire chair. Keep your hands free. Gestures open from oneself. Don't forget about a slight smile and friendly behavior.

Change your position occasionally. This will make communication more relaxed.

If you constantly sit in one position, you get the feeling that you are very tense. It seems that you are heading into some kind of conflict or that you are having a confrontation with your interlocutor.

Adapt to the interviewer. Pay attention to what position he sits in and how he behaves. So adapt to it.

For example, you started a conversation in one position. Then we pulled back a little. That is, occasionally the position needs to be changed. But at the same time, each position should be comfortable for you and conducive to communication.

How to speak at an interview

How to speak at an interview to inspire confidence? To do this, let's look at paraverbal communication

. The high, sonorous voice of a pioneer creates the feeling that in front of you is a petty clerk. That is, a person who does not have authority.

And vice versa. A low voice creates the feeling of a competent decision maker.

A fast pace of speech creates the feeling of a frivolous conversation. Rapid speech indicates internal tension and causes discomfort in the listener.

The slow pace of speech creates the feeling that you are a slow-witted person who does not understand the topic well. Such speech leads to loss of attention of the interlocutor.

The average pace of speech with meaningful pauses creates the feeling that this is a competent person. This speech rate averages 120 words per minute.

A metallic voice speaks of malevolence. A warm voice creates trust and demonstrates a willingness to solve problems.

An energetic, cheerful voice inspires confidence. An increase in intonation and energy towards the end of a phrase is characteristic of an employee who is confident in his words. Therefore, it is worth listening to him.

And vice versa. If the intonation and energy drop towards the end of the phrase, then this indicates uncertainty and disinterest.

Recommendations for voice control.

Use the same words and expressions as in normal conversation. Speak loudly enough to make the person you are talking to feel comfortable. Adjust to the volume of his voice.

However, remember that presenting material too loudly makes your speech aggressive. While it is very quiet, it makes it monotonous and boring.

Watch your intonation! Highlight keywords.

Intonation and pauses can be used to highlight entire sentences that have important meanings. Pauses give your interlocutor time to process your words. It is necessary to avoid words of parasites, harsh sounds and slurred pronunciation.

Interview Questions

One of the important points is questions during a job interview. So now we move on to the interview itself. That is, to the verbal channel

perception of information.

So you're in a meeting and the recruiter asks you questions. Listen to questions until the end. Don't interrupt. If you don’t quite understand what the employer is saying, apologize and ask again.

And the main rule is to answer honestly.


Rarely does an interview pass without awkward questions. For example, reasons for looking for a job, conflicts with the manager, professional failures, and so on. It is important for the employer to get a complete picture of your experience.

Be honest

, but don’t go into negativity.

Speak either neutrally or well about previous employers and companies. Employers only want friendly employees in their company. They must be able to find a common language with colleagues.

Remember that the market is smaller than it seems. The interviewer may be a friend of your former boss. Many of them check the facts.

You may claim that you left your previous job due to layoffs. But there is already a vacancy for your position on the website of your former employer. This way, the recruiter will suspect that the problem is not downsizing.

Be prepared for questions about your achievements and failures

. Talking about the latter speaks about your level of decision-making and responsibility. And also whether you know how to learn from your mistakes.

Prepare in advance a brief oral self-presentation at the interview about your achievements at each job. Think about what examples you will give. Refresh your memory of the numbers in which you measured your main achievements.

If you prepare this information in advance and discuss it the day before, you will appear more convincing.

Prepare to be asked about important points. For example, about the reasons for wanting to work

in this organization.
And also about the applicant’s potential contribution
to the well-being of the company.

What matters here is how well you prepared for the meeting. And also what information you managed to study before the interview. Don't answer the question with a banal phrase. For example:

You are a well-known company. That's why I want to work for you!

Mention the company's achievements. Demonstrate your knowledge of the history of its creation. By doing this, you will show your desire to work only for this company.

If an employer asks questions like what vacancies have been considered, what were your successes in previous interviews, how long have you been looking for a suitable vacancy, then he is interested in whether you are in demand

in the job market.

In this case, you should not focus on the exact addresses and dates of interviews. It is better to answer this question concisely, without going into details. You could, for example, say:

I am interviewing at two more companies for a similar position. However, in your company I will be able to use English regularly, which is very important to me.

Some interviewers like to ask questions about your personal life

. This is necessary to understand your life strategy and psychological state. You should respond to such questions calmly and answer truthfully.

What else do they ask during an interview?

People often ask about the advantages and disadvantages

applicant. Tell us about your real strengths and give brief but vivid examples. Also talk about shortcomings succinctly. Don't go into deep introspection.

This is absolutely not required!

The recruiter asks the question about shortcomings to see your reaction to uncomfortable questions. He definitely doesn’t expect you to confess about all your sins. Calmly and concisely name the shortcomings that will not be critical for making a decision in your favor.

Add that you are working on your shortcomings.

When asked what salary

If you would like to receive it, you should not avoid answering and be shy. State your acceptable amount.

According to statistics, the average increase when moving to a new position is 15% of current income.

Preparing for an interview

  • Try to provide yourself with information about the organization you want to work for.
  • Carry with you copies of all necessary documents, a professional resume, copies of educational certificates.
  • Get ready to give the names and phone numbers of people recommending you, having previously agreed with them.
  • Find out exactly the location of the organization and the route so as not to be late.
  • Make sure you have enough time and don't get stressed if the interview goes on for a long time.
  • Stick to business casual attire.
  • Make a list of expected questions and prepare possible answers.
  • Prepare specifically to discuss the issue of wages.
  • Practice your answers to the most likely questions well, doing this in the form of a game interview rehearsal.
  • Be sure to prepare the questions you will ask if you are offered this opportunity.

How to dress for an interview?

In addition to extensive professional experience and self-confidence, you should have a decent appearance. Try to choose your outfit carefully. Clothing should fit you. You will look ridiculous if you show up to an interview in a suit that doesn't fit you. Take care of this in advance. Use the services of a studio if necessary.

Remember that you are going to get a job, not to have fun. Dress casually and formally. For men, the ideal option would be to wear a classic dark business suit. If you don't have a suit, no problem. A regular plain shirt paired with dark trousers will also work. There is no question of any sports shoes. Opt for formal shoes.

For women, a business suit is also a great choice. A strict skirt combined with a light blouse would be a good alternative. Don't wear a bright evening dress. You should be comfortable in your outfit. Don't wear bright makeup. Don't overdo it with perfume. Avoid unnecessary accessories and complex hairstyles. You also need to dress according to the time of year outside. For example, this article tells you what to wear before a job interview in the summer.

You should have a neat appearance.

You might have chosen an expensive outfit, but your efforts will be in vain if it is wrinkled or dirty. You don't have to have clothes from expensive brands to look beautiful. Keep the shirt clean and ironed. Treat your shoes with shoe polish. Take a shower beforehand. Aesthetic appearance will emphasize your professionalism.

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