Everything you need to know about cheek biting

Biting lips, biting nails, constantly asking questions - these are the main bad habits that adults often suffer from. It is worth saying that lip biting is the most common of them. When a person thinks about something, worries, worries, he bites his lips. It doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. You can catch an infection that can cause inflammation of the skin.

You need to get rid of such a habit. You need to strictly control your own actions and analyze your psychological state in detail.

Why does this habit appear?

Lips contribute to the expression of human feelings. There are those who constantly bite them. This happens because such people are not confident in themselves and are very worried. Such a gesture may indicate puzzlement or a feeling of fear.

The habit appears already in childhood. The following are common reasons:

  • lack of attention;
  • lack of parental love;
  • constantly experiencing stress;
  • Nervous breakdowns often occur.

By biting the skin, the child tries not to cry/get angry when he is scolded. He does the same thing when he doesn't know the answer in class and gets nervous because of it. A child bites his skin every time he is exposed to negative external/internal factors. If he does this too often, biting becomes a habitual behavior. When a person reaches adulthood, he cannot overcome this habit.

Biting the skin promotes calm. Using this method, an adult seeks to normalize his psychological state. There is an opinion that pain helps to calm down.

Habit of biting lips and cheeks: gnawing, from the inside, peeling

The habit of biting lips is a problem for most adults. Thinking about the problem, worrying and worrying, they bite their own lips. It looks unaesthetic. This way it is easy to cause infection and inflame the skin.

You can get rid of such a habit. You need strict control over your actions and detailed psychoanalysis.

Possible reasons

We use our lips to express our feelings. There are people who have developed the habit of biting their lips or cheeks. This expresses their feeling of self-doubt and worry. This facial gesture shows that a person is puzzled by something, feels fear and is nervous about something.

The habit begins in childhood. Its causes: lack of attention, lack of parental love, frequent stress and nervous breakdowns. By biting his lip, the child tries to hold back tears or anger when he is scolded.

He does this when he doesn’t know the answer in class and is nervous about it. He bites his skin every time he experiences negative emotions. If the baby does this regularly, then the action becomes a habit.

And being of a conscious age, he cannot get rid of it.

Biting the skin helps calm you down. In this way a person tries to cope with emotions. When he makes this gesture, he feels better and calms down faster. They believe that physical pain sobers up and helps you come to your senses.

The habit of biting your lips is a way to get rid of rough skin. In a strong wind, lips often become chapped, the skin becomes flaky and irritating. And instead of lubricating it with a moisturizing balm, the person once again chews off the rough skin. But often this brings discomfort. Lips can be bitten until they bleed, which will lead to the formation of cracks.


It is imperative to get rid of bad habits. This develops willpower.

Learn to control your actions. Pay attention to what you do in moments of stress and anxiety. Motivate yourself. If the process could not be stopped in time, you can come up with a light punishment.

Ways to get rid of the habit of biting your cheek and lips:

  1. Pamper yourself after every small victory. If you manage to spend the planned time without biting the skin on your lips, give yourself a little encouragement. This could be a sweet, half an hour of rest, a walk. Relaxing treatments like going to a spa or massages are excellent motivation.
  2. Taking vitamins. Deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals negatively affects the skin. It is important to start taking the appropriate medications to get your lips and mouth in order. You need to drink the whole complex. For a list of medications, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  3. Sedatives. If cheek biting is caused by nervous breakdowns or mental disorders, calming pills will help. They improve the condition of the nervous system, making it easier for a person to find harmony with himself. Be sure to contact a neurologist for an appointment.
  4. Proper care. This is especially true for girls. It is necessary to use special creams and ointments. Before going to bed and going outside, thoroughly lubricate your lips with a moisturizing balm or hygienic lipstick.

If your lips are bitten or have cracks, applying lipstick to them is prohibited. This may make the situation worse. Yes, and it doesn't look nice. Only special care products are allowed. This will help make your skin well-groomed, soft and beautiful.

Relatives can help you cope with the problem. Ask them to remind them not to pick the skin every time it happens. The patient will feel ashamed and want to get rid of the habit as soon as possible.

Working with a psychologist

In psychology, the habit of cheek biting is called a mental pathology. To treat it, a technique such as psychoanalysis is used. It is necessary to determine the reasons why the habit of peeling lips or cheeks was formed. To do this, the patient is asked to consider the following:

  • why do I bite the skin on my lips,
  • what happens if you replace this habit with another action,
  • what I feel when I bite my cheek,
  • Does it make me feel better after this?

This allows you to understand whether the disease is related to mental disorders or whether it is a need to remove rough skin. If a person has a second cause, self-treatment should be tried. If the problem arises at a psychological level, you need to seek help from a specialist.

The psychologist asks you to imagine a situation that causes stress and makes you nervous. The doctor’s task is to monitor the patient’s behavior and actions. Usually, habitual actions are performed automatically, on a subconscious level. And if the client begins to bite his cheek, then additional sessions are scheduled. If not, he is asked to start caring for the epidermis.

The client is given homework. These may include finding a favorite activity or hobby. This includes physical activity, travel, new hobbies, and visits to cultural institutions. The main thing is for the patient to relax and forget about his problems. Every competent psychologist says that this technique is effective. And in addition to treatment, it helps you develop yourself and become better.

The psychologist asks the patient to use affirmations. These are positive statements whose purpose is to motivate a person. They work through self-hypnosis.

Effective affirmations:

  • I will succeed,
  • I will definitely stop biting my cheek,
  • I have enormous willpower
  • I will deal with my problem very quickly,
  • I will stop biting my lips and they will look attractive, etc.

Such phrases help a person to believe in himself. It is important that close people repeat them to the person. This will be double motivation.

The average number of sessions in the course is 5. Depends on the mental state of the patient and his desire to cope with the problem.


The habit of biting the cheek or lips is a problem for many adults. This indicates their lack of self-confidence, worries, fears and other problems on a psychological level. The result is ugly, bitten lips.

Self-medication will help you cope with the problem. The main thing is to have desire and willpower. Initially, you need to start taking care of your skin, which will help with moisturizing lipsticks and balms. If this is not enough, you can contact a psychologist. He will conduct psychoanalysis and help the patient get rid of the bad habit forever.

Source: https://eraminerals.ru/psihologiya/izbavlyaemsya-ot-privychki-kusat-guby

Reasons for the habit

The bad habit of biting your lips doesn’t just appear. It can form at any age, but usually it is the period of childhood and adolescence. In most cases, the habit indicates problems of a psychological nature.

The main reasons for the habit:

  1. Lack of parental attention. The child receives little love from his parents. He needs his mother's hugs, kisses, and praise. He has a bad relationship with his family. Instead of love and affection, he usually receives punishment for bad behavior and bickering. In such cases, the child involuntarily begins to slightly bite his lips, and may also gnaw on the inside of his cheeks. After some time, this unconscious movement turns into a habit.
  2. Negative emotions. Adults bite their lips or cheeks when they cannot control their emotions. Some are hysterical, and there are those who simply silently bite their cheeks in the hope of getting rid of emotional discomfort. The habit may occur when stress is experienced at work. The person reacts too emotionally to this situation. He is overwhelmed by frequent anxious feelings and, in order to calm down, he bites his lips and cheeks. In this way he inflicts pain, wanting to quickly bring himself to his senses. Sometimes a person bites his cheeks even while laughing.
  3. Desire to get rid of rough skin. In frost or strong wind, lips become chapped. Their surface becomes rough and the skin cracks. This creates some discomfort. Some people end up chewing off the flaky crust.

Another reason when they bite from the inside of the cheek is that the person is in thought. This simple action helps keep him focused on the problem and not lose focus. After he has thought through all the important issues, the action stops.

If a child had a good, carefree childhood, then he will not have the bad habit of biting his cheeks. Otherwise, you should first find out the reason why this disorder was formed and later try to eliminate it.

Causes of the bad habit of biting lips

To understand the origins of this manifestation, you need to understand yourself and your life. After all, any bad habit is a reflection of a psychological problem. Having realized this, you can look for ways out of the situation.

Psychologists say that the origins of bad habits are in our childhood. This is a lack of love, attention, affection and tenderness from family and friends, this is a lack of self-confidence that we have endured from years ago, and at the current stage we are replacing these events with obsessive movements that we do not even notice.

It is important that your childhood is joyful and prosperous, then there will be no reason for bad habits to arise.

We start biting our lips when we lose control over our feelings and emotions. Various events lead to this: stress, hard work, a surge of emotions, deep thoughts, anxiety.

How to get rid of the problem of biting your cheek from the inside?

The only sure way to solve such a problem is to quickly contact a professional dentist.

Options for solving the problem:

  • Grind and polish the sharp edges of the teeth that touch the mucous membrane;
  • Prescribe orthodontic treatment. Mouthguards for bruxism, aligners correcting minor malocclusions. The plate also allows you to reduce the clenching force of the jaws and protects the teeth from rapid abrasion (plates are installed for children under 14 years of age). Install a braces system to correct serious inaccuracies of malocclusion.
  • Correction of the location of wisdom teeth or their complete removal.
  • Restoration of damaged teeth, removal of old ones, reinstallation of fillings, dentures depending on their location in the jaw.

Source: https://neotravlen.ru/psihologiya/privychka-kusat-guby-i-shheki-gryzt-iznutri-obdirat.html

Negative consequences

Bitten lips look ugly. They look especially unattractive when the lips have a red border. This reveals self-doubt; even good cosmetics are unable to hide such a flaw.

Other consequences of lip biting habit :

  1. Inflammatory process. The skin often cracks, and microbes can be introduced through the cracks. This is especially true for those who constantly bite their nails. Herpes in women does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Uncomfortable sensations. For a person with bitten lips, any meal becomes a problem. In areas with wounds, burning and pain are felt. This is especially true for lovers of salty and spicy dishes.
  3. Condition of the skin. Due to frequent biting, the skin becomes very rough.

Possible reasons

We use our lips to express our feelings. There are people who have developed the habit of biting their lips or cheeks. This expresses their feeling of self-doubt and worry. This facial gesture shows that a person is puzzled by something, feels fear and is nervous about something.

The habit begins in childhood. Its causes: lack of attention, lack of parental love, frequent stress and nervous breakdowns. By biting his lip, the child tries to hold back tears or anger when he is scolded. He does this when he doesn’t know the answer in class and is nervous about it. He bites his skin every time he experiences negative emotions. If the baby does this regularly, then the action becomes a habit. And being of a conscious age, he cannot get rid of it.

Biting the skin helps calm you down. In this way a person tries to cope with emotions. When he makes this gesture, he feels better and calms down faster. They believe that physical pain sobers up and helps you come to your senses.

The habit of biting your lips is a way to get rid of rough skin. In a strong wind, lips often become chapped, the skin becomes flaky and irritating. And instead of lubricating it with a moisturizing balm, the person once again chews off the rough skin. But often this brings discomfort. Lips can be bitten until they bleed, which will lead to the formation of cracks.

How to fix the problem

So, a person usually begins to bite skin in childhood, when he lacks attention and tenderness. The following treatment methods are available:

  1. Make yourself happy after any victory, even a small one. If you haven't bitten your lips for a long time, treat yourself. It could be something sweet, a short rest, a walk. Going to a SPA salon and massages are great motivations for people. Look after yourself.
  2. Take vitamins and minerals. The lack of necessary vitamin and mineral components negatively affects the skin. You need to take special products if you want your lips to become healthy. To obtain a list of medications, you need to visit a dermatology or cosmetology office.
  3. Sedatives. If you bite your skin due to stress, use sedatives. They will help you remain friendly, just don’t overdo the dosage. It is better to check with a neurologist.
  4. Take proper care of yourself. You need to use special creams, ointments, and hygienic lipstick. This way you minimize the negative effect of harmful movements.

If the skin is bitten and there are cracks, you should not use lipstick. This can complicate things. It is allowed to use only special care products. Thanks to this, the skin will look well-groomed, soft and beautiful.

Relatives can help you get rid of the habit. Ask them to remind them not to bite off the skin. You will feel a sense of shame, and you will want to quickly overcome your bad habit.

Follow these tips to stop biting your skin. Such a habit has never graced a single person.

Biting your lips: psychology or habit: what does biting mean?

Almost every person has bad habits. A person acquires many of them in early childhood, but most are vaccinated throughout life.

In psychology, lip biting is a bad habit that most often occurs due to stress and anxiety. It not only indicates the presence of internal experiences, but is also harmful to the body.

To wean yourself from this habit, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence and try several practical methods of combating it.


The habit of biting lips is considered in psychology as a youthful manifestation of psychological problems. It can appear at any age, but more often it occurs in childhood, adolescence. Causes of bad habit:

  1. Active thought process. A habit can manifest itself in those moments when a person is thinking about something. It helps you concentrate on the object of your thoughts and not lose focus.
  2. The presence of negative emotions. For this reason, the habit more often manifests itself in adults who cannot get rid of worries and bite their cheeks when angry or hysterical. The pain that occurs after bites helps to bring a person to his senses during strong experiences.
  3. The child experiences a lack of attention from adults. A baby may bite his lips if he lacks the mother's care and affection. Moreover, if parents show more negative emotions, children can chew their cheeks from the inside.

Another reason is the natural reaction of the body when there is a desire to get rid of rough skin. It is formed when it freezes. You want to remove flaky skin reflexively.

Possible consequences

Lip biting in psychology is a phenomenon that provokes the development of various problems:

  1. Bitten lips look unsightly. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for girls with this problem to hide damaged skin under a layer of cosmetics.
  2. Discomfort - while eating, pain may occur due to damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. Particularly severe discomfort occurs when eating spicy or salty foods.
  3. The appearance of inflammatory processes. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through the cracks that appear on bitten skin. This can lead to herpes, which will have to be treated.

Fighting methods

There are several effective ways you can wean yourself from biting. You can try each of them for yourself.

How to get rid of the problem on your own?

You can wean yourself from biting your lips using various folk recipes. Their effectiveness has been tested in practice by many people.

First recipe:

  1. Prepare cocoa powder, shea butter, cocoa butter, wax, coconut milk. The required amount of components is 1 teaspoon.
  2. Use a water bath to melt the wax. Next, add the remaining components to it, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

After preparing the medicinal mass, transfer it to a separate container that you can carry with you. Apply homemade cream when your lips become dry or you feel like biting.

Second recipe:

  1. Prepare 1 teaspoon of butter, the same amount of natural honey.
  2. Mix the components thoroughly in a separate container.

Apply the product before going to bed or going outside.

When using folk remedies, it is necessary to take into account possible individual intolerance to individual components of the product.

What do doctors advise?

If after using folk remedies the problem does not disappear, it is recommended to consult a psychologist. To carry out effective therapy, several techniques are used:

  • group;
  • NLP;
  • cognitive-behavioural.
  • individual.
  • psychoanalysis.

A survey is also conducted, which includes a number of questions:

  1. For what reason does a habit arise?
  2. What sensations arise after biting?
  3. Do you feel relief after starting the habit?
  4. What happens if you replace lip biting with something else?
  5. Are the consequences clear after taking actions?

When the interview is completed, the psychologist asks the patient to imagine a negative situation that will cause him a feeling of stress. To get rid of a bad habit, a specialist offers a person a number of home techniques, which include:

  • finding an interesting hobby;
  • journey;
  • communicating with other people who like to bite their lips;
  • yoga, meditation;
  • playing sports;
  • reading interesting books.

The goal of home techniques is to shift your attention to something else.

Changing your lifestyle leads to a restructuring of behavior and helps you get rid of bad habits.

How to avoid the problem?

To prevent a bad habit from appearing throughout your life, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. Lead a calm lifestyle. To do this, you need to avoid conflict situations and try to control your emotions. To relax after a busy day at work, you can take warm baths or visit spa treatments.
  2. Buy hygienic lipstick at the pharmacy that you can use to smear your lips when they get dry. It will help the skin not to dry out and eliminate microcracks.
  3. Set specific goals for yourself and praise yourself after achieving them.
  4. A negative habit can arise due to a lack of vitamins in the body. To help yourself, you need to take vitamin complexes, beneficial microelements, and minerals.
  5. To relieve psychological stress, you can take sedatives - Persen-Forte, Uspokoin, Novo-Passit, Corvalol. You can take such medications only after consulting your doctor.
  6. Set a goal for yourself to have beautiful lips. To do this, you can find a photo of a person with well-groomed facial skin.
  7. Keep a diary to record your successes. This will allow you to get rid of a bad habit and increase your self-esteem. This technique will help not only wean you from biting your lips, but also achieve your goals.

Additionally, psychologists recommend repeating positive statements to yourself more often. Their purpose is to energize.

Many people noticed that they began to bite their lips frequently. This is a bad habit that can be based on psychological and physical factors. To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, you can use folk remedies or consult a psychologist.

The video shows ways to get rid of the habit of biting your lips and biting your nails.

Source: https://mystroimmir.ru/psihologiya/perestat-kusat-guby.html


It is imperative to get rid of bad habits. This develops willpower.

Learn to control your actions. Pay attention to what you do in moments of stress and anxiety. Motivate yourself. If the process could not be stopped in time, you can come up with a light punishment.

Ways to get rid of the habit of biting your cheek and lips:

  1. Pamper yourself after every small victory. If you manage to spend the planned time without biting the skin on your lips, give yourself a little encouragement. This could be a sweet, half an hour of rest, a walk. Relaxing treatments like going to a spa or massages are excellent motivation.
  2. Taking vitamins. Deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals negatively affects the skin. It is important to start taking the appropriate medications to get your lips and mouth in order. You need to drink the whole complex. For a list of medications, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  3. Sedatives. If cheek biting is caused by nervous breakdowns or mental disorders, calming pills will help. They improve the condition of the nervous system, making it easier for a person to find harmony with himself. Be sure to contact a neurologist for an appointment.
  4. Proper care. This is especially true for girls. It is necessary to use special creams and ointments. Before going to bed and going outside, thoroughly lubricate your lips with a moisturizing balm or hygienic lipstick.
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