How should a guy behave after a first date and what should he avoid?

Many men wonder: how to get a girl to like you on the first date? To do this, there are 2 main principles. First you need to be yourself. And the method of exaggerating one’s financial capabilities will only push the girl away.

It is equally important to establish contact with your interlocutor. First of all, communication should bring pleasure to both people. It is worth noting that excessive worries about the date only aggravate the situation.

First date analysis

After the date, as a rule, an analysis is carried out. At the same time, signs are looked for that can confirm whether the other person is liked. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  • how you treat a person;
  • does she have the qualities you were looking for in a partner;
  • in your opinion, was there a connection between you?;
  • whether you found her physically attractive.

Advice! Sometimes it's easy to be flattered that someone is clearly interested in you.
Don't forget about your own feelings. You should understand your impressions and what kind of continuation this relationship requires. An evening spent together could strengthen the desire for a future together. But there is also the opposite result, when it becomes extremely clear that the interest will forever remain at the level of friendship.

How to behave if you like a girl?

When you really really like a girl, in the heat of the moment you can do a lot of inappropriate actions and actions. As a result, even the young man who was initially attracted to him will be refused a second meeting.


Some people are sure that calling a girl immediately after a date is the most reckless thing to do. Such an act will give the girl confidence in her own irreplaceability. She will definitely decide that the guy is desperate from loneliness and has nothing else to do. The following scenarios are more acceptable:

  • contact her the next day;
  • call the same evening, but do not make yourself known the next day.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

You should not shower the girl with calls and messages every day, this will lead to her quickly losing interest.

At the same time, we must not forget that the man has a leading role, so calls are made at will, depending on what he wants to achieve. Talking over the phone will help clarify her emotional background after the first date. You can tell by her mood whether she liked everything.


The same evening you can send short, unobtrusive SMS. They should contain the following text: “Thank you for a wonderful evening”, “You are charming”, Have a nice night”, “How did you get home?” You shouldn’t immediately describe your fiery feelings and describe how much you miss you.

The next day the content of SMS messages may be more meaningful. You can ask her impressions of the film or performance she watched. Original compliments about a beautiful smile, bottomless eyes and self-confidence are also allowed.

Social network

Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Communication online is much more active, because it’s much easier. There is no need to give an answer immediately; you can think about it and find the appropriate words. The conversation should be lively and relaxed. The girl’s page will also provide a lot of useful information that will tell you what to talk about with the girl on the second date. For example, you can study its statuses. They will tell you a lot about her inner world and range of interests. There is no need to send free gifts and winks - these actions get on the nerves of girls.

Important nuances when communicating

There is no need to try to ask standard questions about studies, music, and so on. If there is no emotional contact, then unnecessary conversations are not needed. The girl should experience a storm of emotions from the meeting. Let her be embarrassed and laugh, this is how you can accurately understand the presence of sympathy. Girls are much more emotional than men, so the more emotions she has from communication, the higher the chance of creating a strong relationship.

For a first date, one to two hours will be enough. Thus, you can understand whether you like each other or not. This period of time is enough for communication and you don’t have to worry about running out of topics for communication.

A park or a cafe is ideal for a date. There is no need to immediately invite her to a restaurant and spend her entire salary there. After such an impression, there is a risk of being left without money for the whole month, provided that communication may not work out. And paying for dinner 50/50 will ruin the date even more. This situation is perfect for the current times, when the beauty from Instagram turned out to be not so attractive.

Moreover, during a date, every girl understands who this man will become for her, so if we are talking about friendship, then the friend zone cannot be avoided. Of course, a lot depends on the man. For women, it is no less important that the conqueror achieve his goal with drive and masculinity. Self-confidence is an important aspect that helps in many situations. You don't have to appear better, but you don't have to put yourself down either.

When meeting you in person, the girl will be happy to receive a small bouquet of flowers. After the date, be sure to see the girl off and leave her your contact information; you can also ask for her phone number or social network login.

Invite a girl on a second date

So, if contact is not lost after the first meeting, then the second rendezvous is just a matter of time. But how do you know when is the right time to ask about your next date? To do this, you just need to follow the conversation. A good moment is when one of the partners starts flirting or making suggestions.

Advice! Wait a day or two before setting your next meeting date. Asking a girl about the next meeting on the same day is strictly not recommended.

Let her think things through on her own. You need to find out more about her plans for the week, and then you can safely ask: “What are you doing this Saturday? Let's meet again". But when the question is asked again the next day, the man must be specific. Without vague questions or hints, immediately set the right time and place where to go on a second date.

If the second meeting takes place with a woman who has already known each other for a certain period of time (a classmate, a colleague or a friend from a common company), then if there is mutual sympathy, there is no point in refusing a kiss, at least on the cheek. After all, the first kiss often becomes the very spark that can ignite true love. It remains to understand how to behave with a girl after the first kiss. The best option would be to show tenderness, sensitivity, affection, you can whisper compliments so that she can relax and completely trust.

Reasons for possible ignoring by the chosen one

A partner can “disappear from the radar” (avoid communication, ignore calls and messages) for various reasons:

  1. She caught the new gentleman communicating with other women, and she was left with an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. This is a test. The lady expects confident steps from the man, especially if the meeting took place on a romantic wave.
  3. The girl tries to seem unapproachable by reading women's magazines and listening to her “experienced” friends.
  4. She does not want to continue communication, but is afraid of offending the man.


Qualities of a serious man that real women appreciate

It’s worth trying to explain yourself over the phone or in a meeting. But if this fails, it means that the girl is really avoiding the guy. In this case, you should not impose.

How to behave if you don't like a girl?

In the case when the girl is not to your liking, you need to try to delicately hint to her about it. In this case, you should act very carefully so as not to hurt her feelings and self-esteem.

Don't wait too long to break up

If you have a clear understanding that a relationship is impossible, then you should not wait for the right moment or for everything to be resolved by itself. Of course, options to end the relationship via SMS or phone call are inappropriate. To do this, you only need a personal meeting and a calm conversation. You need to be honest both in relationships and when parting, to respect the person, despite the reasons that led to this. You should not endure, grind your teeth and be afraid. After all, parting is the prospect of a new meeting.

How to break up without offending?

The most reliable option is an open, honest conversation. It is imperative to dwell on the positive qualities that the girl possesses. Mention her cheerful and easy-going character, friendliness, sociability and beauty. Explain that she is a congenial person and takes the place of a friend in her heart. This way, you can continue to spend time together and the relationship can move into a new direction and become friendly. Or the girl will move away on her own over time.

Read also:

First date with a girl - signals of sympathy →

Why does a girl ignore SMS and calls?

The reasons for this behavior can be very different. To find out the exact reason, you need to first remember whether the girl had a lack of interest during the date. If the girl responded to the kiss, behaved actively and showed sympathy, she probably does not answer calls for third-party reasons that have nothing to do with you.

In addition to the phone, it is worth trying other methods of communication. For example, social networks - it’s worth writing to a girl, or meeting her unexpectedly after work in order to understand the reasons for her behavior. It is quite possible that she is waiting for just such a bright and unexpected act.

There is also a possibility that the girl decided not to continue the relationship and is embarrassed to say so directly. Here you can jokingly ask her, saying “if you don’t want to communicate with me, just say so. I’m understanding and will accept everything.”

Many attempts have been made to meet and call, but the girl still avoids communication? So she really decided not to continue the relationship. In this case, you should not bother and try to win her.

Mistakes to Avoid After the First Date

Often men who suffer failure after failure in their personal lives make the same mistakes:

  • greed. Usually girls believe that stinginess is a sign of indifference. Undoubtedly, everything depends on the man’s financial situation, and yet real greed cannot be confused with anything. Girls instantly determine when a man wants but cannot pamper her, and when he simply does not pay attention to her needs;
  • rushing things. They constantly hint that the time has come to “communicate more closely,” despite the fact that the companion is not ready for this;
  • whine and complain. Eternal tirades about how “everyone is tired of work” or old man’s grumbling about rising food prices are unlikely to please a woman. No one is interested in other people's problems, especially at the dating stage;
  • They don’t call after a date for more than three days. As a result, the girl perceives this behavior as a lack of interest. And after the guy decides to call back, the girl will be sure that he did it out of boredom and she is one of hundreds of waiting friends;
  • do not follow the rules of good manners. A girl definitely pays attention to how a man behaves: he holds the door, says “thank you” and “please” on time, asks tactless questions or constantly grabs.

Do you take pictures with a girl on the second date?

Not really

Don't make overt sexual innuendos

If you constantly look at a girl’s chest or legs, and not at her face, she will perceive this absolutely unambiguously... You shouldn’t “paw” her either. Holding someone's hand or lightly touching them on the shoulder is fine and will not look like sexual harassment.

Not every girl will like talking about sexual topics. Some men prefer to ask at the first meeting what positions the new acquaintance prefers in bed and what he prefers. This is simply shocking to most women. At the very least, she will think that you are only looking for a one-night stand or a non-committal relationship.

The same “forbidden” area includes offers to sleep or immediately go to your home. If a girl enthusiastically accepted your proposal, then she is most likely of “easy virtue.” Do you want a “real” relationship? Wait. With the normal development of a romance, sooner or later you will still have sex, and then you will learn everything about each other.

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