The most important criteria of human health. What are the determining components and negatively influencing factors?

General concept

Since Soviet times, science has established the definition of human health as the absence of any diseases or defects (in the psyche and body).

But such a truncated concept was relevant before the World Health Organization (WHO) supplemented it with an important remark, pointing out that human health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects.

Thus, an international organization introduced such an important social category as “well-being,” which means that there are no misfortunes in a person’s life, and life proceeds calmly and without any negative incidents.

Help: it is worth considering the point of view that a person’s well-being is a subjective concept.

For example, the great philosopher Immanuel Kant, who had poor health since birth, believed that one should perceive one’s weaknesses and illnesses as if they did not exist. Therefore, he behaved like a completely healthy person, simply ignoring the existing deviations in his health.

How to avoid stress?

Poor nutrition and lack of adequate sleep can primarily contribute to the development of neuroses, which will develop into a depressive state if you do not consult a specialist in a timely manner. Therefore, a correct lifestyle can support normal mental and physical health.

Stress can also arise due to unusual life situations. It should be remembered that any problem always has a solution. You can’t close yourself off and try to cope with your emotions on your own. The support of family and friends is very important. Those who know how to quickly restore their mental state also manage to maintain physical health.

Health levels and their contents

Still, health is not an abstract concept ; it is applicable to each specific individual.
And several individuals already make up a collection of people, about whose well-being we can also draw certain conclusions in the light of medical and social research. It is on this basis that there are several levels of health .

  1. Individual is the health of an individual. That is, proof that he does not have any diseases or defects in the body (including the psyche) and he lives a full life, works in a good mood, without experiencing discomfort.
  2. Group – the state of health of a certain social group of people or ethnic community. For example, this could include a group of women of a certain age or a community of indigenous peoples.
  3. Public is a characteristic of the health of the entire population as a social organism. In order to maintain public health, the ideas of preventing the causes of diseases, prolonging life, reducing the mortality rate and increasing the birth rate are promoted at the level of the entire state. It is for these purposes that the following is carried out:
      educational programs in schools;
  4. vaccination against diseases (tick-borne encephalitis, tuberculosis, etc.);
  5. state health promotion programs.

What to do to be healthy

Much depends in this regard on a balanced diet. If you don't feel completely healthy, try starting with this. Analyze whether your diet is calculated correctly, whether it contains enough vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements. It’s a good idea to estimate how many kilocalories you spend per day and how many you consume when eating. For many people, even those who appear healthy, all these parameters do not stand up to criticism. Set up your daily routine. Sleep should be long, at the right time - but not excessive (about 7-8 hours). And don’t forget about exercise: it needs to be done daily, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Main Defining Components

According to the well-known Petlenko V.P. and Davidenko D.N., the following components of health can be identified.

Component (in other words, types of health) Characteristic Health criteria
Somatic (physical) It means:
  • state of organs and systems of the human body;
  • the level of how well these organs and systems can function throughout an individual's life.
  • normal development and functioning of organs and systems of the body;
  • absence of any chronic diseases;
  • absence of physical defects or impairments that would limit a person’s social capacity.
Mental This is a normal state of the human psyche.

The psyche is the ability of a person to subjectively reflect the objective reality around him.

  • Awareness and sense of continuity, constancy and identity of one’s physical and mental “I”.
  • Consistency in your experiences in situations similar to each other.
  • Ability for self-analysis.
  • Correspondence of reactions of the human psyche to the influence of the social environment.
  • The ability to independently manage one’s behavior, as required by social norms.
  • The ability to make specific plans for life and carry them out, achieving your goals.
  • The ability to adjust one’s behavior to specific life circumstances and situations.
Sexual It is a system of intellectual, emotional, somatic and social components of a person’s life, which positively enriches him, increases his sociability and develops the ability to love.
  • the ability to obtain sexual pleasure and reproduce;
  • freedom from fear, guilt and shame, as well as false beliefs that could suppress sexual development;
  • absence of diseases associated with reproductive function.
Moral this is a set of such components of individual development as motivation, obtaining conscious information about what good and evil are, beauty; what is bad and what is good, etc. What constitutes moral health?
  • system of values, attitudes and motives of human behavior in society;
  • compliance of an individual’s behavior with generally accepted human laws (for example, the priority of reason over physical strength)

That is, a morally healthy person understands that he must act in a certain way, as society wants to see. Because it is accepted and it is considered true.

In the absence of any of the listed components, it is likely that the person has a disease.

Important: a disease is a specific life process that occurs under the influence of various factors that are harmful to the body.

This leads to structural changes, as a result of which a person cannot continue to work normally in an area of ​​interest to him or carry out other socially significant activities, and in some cases, sleep, eat, etc.

Getting enough sleep

Everyone knows how important healthy sleep is. Lack of rest increases the risk of a variety of diseases, including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Sleep plays a key role for your immunity, metabolism, memory and other body functions. Sleep allows the body to recover; during the process of rest, muscles grow, tissues are restored, protein is synthesized, and growth hormone is produced. Getting enough sleep is essential for health.

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The most important criteria

Without such integral signs characterizing the general condition of a person, he cannot be considered completely healthy. Therefore, an individual is considered healthy when he lacks:

  1. problems in the development of the body and genetics;
  2. diseases, pathologies and mutations;
  3. injuries and defects on the body;
  4. deviations in the psyche and mental development;
  5. difficulties in sexual development;
  6. inability to behave appropriately and be a full-fledged member of society.

Feeling good

At the physiological level, an individual's well-being may consist of specific manifestations.

There is enough (and even excess) energy to carry out everyday activities: going to work, doing household and family chores, housekeeping

And, what is typical and especially important, do not feel unhappy at the same time! Healthy and restful sleep. It’s easy to wake up, start your daily activities without tension and swaying, feeling cheerful and energized after a night’s rest. There are regular (at least once a day) bowel movements

Sometimes this factor is not given due attention, but in vain! After all, irregularity is the key to poisoning the body with waste products, and slagging (especially after forty) cannot lead to anything good: a person begins to get sick, immunity decreases, and a loss of strength appears, indicating general and regular poisoning of the body.

Evaluation and correlation of conditions

Based on statistics obtained from the World Health Organization, the following indicators affecting well-being are assessed:

  • conditions and lifestyle, nutrition – 50%;
  • heredity and genetics – 20%;
  • natural conditions, external environment – ​​20%;
  • healthcare – 10%.

In addition, one cannot but agree that health is also affected by:

  1. nutrition (for example, foods enriched with GMOs and other harmful additives);
  2. environmental quality;
  3. training (sports, physical education, exercises).

Daily regime

Living according to a schedule is quite unpleasant, and sometimes even boring. But it’s hard to deny the usefulness of this activity. Adhering to a daily routine helps to normalize the functioning of the body, improve the functioning of internal organs, and also improve well-being.

The essence of this regime is to eat, exercise, work, rest and go to bed at approximately the same time. Of course, this is not always possible, and such predictability will not always be pleasant, which makes it extremely difficult to stick to a daily routine. But the truth is that it’s easier for our body. If he gets used to eating at a certain time, he will be able to digest food better and get more benefits from this process. If you go to bed at the same time (before midnight), it will be easier to fall asleep, and your sleep itself will become healthier.

Negatively influencing factors on a person

There are several main factors that can cause an individual's health to deteriorate. Below we will talk about each of them in detail.


This is a fairly strong group of factors influencing human well-being. And all because there is continuous pollution of the atmosphere by industrial enterprises that discharge chemicals into the outside world. As a result:

  • poisoning of the water that a person drinks daily;
  • soil contamination after a chemical waste leak, which then grows poisoned plants that we eat;
  • deterioration of air quality. This is the most dangerous type of pollution, since a person inhales approximately 20 thousand liters of air every day, and even small concentrations of toxic substances from the air can cause severe intoxication of the body.


This group of harmful factors includes:

  1. Noise is a complex of sounds and sounds that cause discomfort in the body and can harm the hearing organs.
    For example, noise at 35 dB can lead to insomnia, at 60 dB - to irritation of the nervous system, and at 90 dB it can lead to a weakening of hearing, as well as depression (or, conversely, to excessive stimulation of the nervous system). Everyday sources of noise are automobile, air and railway transport, and enterprises.
  2. Electromagnetic radiation transmitted by radio or television; through radar installations and various industrial devices. Constant exposure to such radiation can lead to problems with the nervous and endocrine systems.
  3. Vibrations are numerous oscillatory processes arising from the action of any mechanism capable of transmitting vibrational energy. Vibrations arise from transport or from the activities of an industrial enterprise.
  4. Electric current is basically a matter of handling electricity in everyday life. With a strong shock, the current can lead to the death of a person, or severe injuries or burns.


This factor is a little related to the chemical one, because some toxic and polluting substances can affect the genetic code of a generation, which will be passed on to subsequent descendants. With this influence, newly born children may have a certain chronic morbidity , and, as a result, low life expectancy.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is an individual system of human behavior that provides him with spiritual, social and physical well-being. According to doctors, the physical health of an individual is largely influenced by his lifestyle (50%). Other factors have a much smaller influence: genetics and environment - 20%, healthcare system - 10%.

This topic became relevant in the 70s of the 20th century. Changes have occurred in the human environment, life expectancy has increased, and the environmental situation has worsened.

Now many people do not need physical labor to survive, there are no food restrictions, and they have more free time. At the same time, the increasing pace of life leads to frequent stress and other psychological problems. These factors negatively affect human health; the number of hereditary diseases increases every year. All this makes us think about how to maintain spiritual and physical health in the modern world. How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Bad habits

Bad habits are smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs. If a person does not get rid of them, further aspirations for a correct lifestyle can be considered pointless.

A person who does not have bad habits lives about 14 years longer. Giving up them can be difficult, but many people succeed. People read relevant books (A. Carr “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking”), visit doctors. The most important thing in this struggle is the person’s understanding that these habits are destroying his life.

It is especially important to pay attention to this for women planning a child.

Proper nutrition

A healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition. Dishes must be natural and contain the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is advisable to eat according to a predetermined regimen, 5-6 times a day. The main meal should be in the first half of the day.

BreakfastIt is ideal to start the day with porridge: millet, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. It is advisable to eat whole grain products rather than quick breakfasts such as cereal. Breakfast can be varied with fruits, nuts, dried fruits. You can make a sandwich with butter and make tea. Sometimes it is permissible to have a “protein breakfast” - an omelet, scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, boiled meat or fish.
SnackAfter 3 hours, it’s good to have a snack: fruit, dried fruit, bread with cheese and herbs. You should not eat sausage, sausages, fast food.
DinnerFor lunch you should eat a lot of grilled or steamed vegetables. Also soups, meat, fish, whole grain bread sandwich with cheese. It is better to give preference to baked and stewed dishes.
SnackFor an afternoon snack, a glass of yogurt, fermented baked milk, or kefir is suitable.
DinnerDinner should be lighter than morning and afternoon meals. This could be seafood, light vegetable salads, cottage cheese casseroles.
SnackThree hours before going to bed, you can eat an apple, drink kefir or warm milk with honey.

In the evening you can create a menu for the next day. Afterwards, you can adjust it by carefully listening to your own feelings and desires. Also, do not start eating without feeling hungry.

Proper nutrition is the basis of good health


Scientists have proven that spending a long time at the computer has a bad effect on health, in particular on the nervous system. Problems with the spine also appear. To lead an active lifestyle and be healthy, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • Maintain a daily routine;
  • Do morning exercises;
  • Walk outside more often, be closer to nature.

The online course “Modern body in 15 minutes a day” offers to fit your physical self-improvement into the modern pace of life. This course assumes independence from the availability of gyms, sports equipment, inevitable material expenses and chronic lack of time.

If possible, walk to and from work. Weekends should also be devoted to active pastime - walks around the city, trips to nature. Read more about the benefits of physical self-development in this article.

Body care

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower at least 2 times a day. Sometimes it is worth visiting a sauna or bathhouse.

A healthy lifestyle includes sports and fitness. Men can go to the gym, women can do aerobics. Yoga is also suitable for everyone, as it allows you to keep not only your body in shape, but also maintain mental balance.

Yoga leads to harmony

Read about the main factors that promote health here.

Thick, shiny hair

Brittle, dry, thinning hair can be a sign of problems with the body, for example, nervous tension or hypothyroidism. The opposite is also true - healthy hair indicates a healthy body. Hair is a barometer of your condition. Their appearance depends on the body’s ability to create a normal hair structure, as well as on the condition of the skin and follicles. Good nutrition creates ideal conditions for the growth of strong, shiny hair. The follicles are nourished by proteins, vitamins, healthy fats - if your diet contains all these components, your hairstyle is guaranteed to show it.

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Healthy body: signs

General physical condition of the body

A fit and well-groomed body is always healthy. With regular activity, you will not have to visit doctors often, because the body will take care of itself. Moreover, you will be able to climb stairs without shortness of breath and not get tired prematurely.

We recommend: play sports. Any kind, anything and everything you like. At least 30 minutes of activity a day and your body will look great. All body processes will be activated and work thanks to physical activity. Life is motion.

Not overweight or extremely thin

A healthy body is simply normal. Fat doesn't have to rule your life. Thinness cannot be painful. No extremes in relation to the body.

We recommend: eat right. Review your diet and consult a nutritionist and gastroenterologist. Eliminate unhealthy foods and drinks that are harmful from your diet. Train yourself to be useful, but also do not go to extremes. Just love yourself more than food.

A good appetite

As you already understood from the previous paragraph, it is also a sign of health. If you eat when you're hungry and don't eat when you're full, it means your body is working correctly. We recommend: existing problems with appetite should be immediately eliminated and nutrition adjusted

Please note that if you are losing weight very quickly, consult a doctor. Don't overeat, but don't starve either

Obesity leads to many health problems, and your reflection in the mirror will make you depressed. Don't let this happen.


In healthy people it is high. They have strength, energy, and most importantly the desire to do something. Such people realize themselves in life without complaining about circumstances.

We recommend: get enough sleep. Sleep should be calm and deep. The optimal sleep time is 6-8 hours. But everything is very individual, so you shouldn’t sleep more if you’ve already had enough sleep. Or torment yourself for 4 hours of sleep when you are accustomed to such a regime. The main rule: after sleep, feel energetic and capable of moving mountains right now. Take care of your sleep and consult a doctor if you have problems falling asleep.

Healthy teeth

Monitor their condition at all times. Don't put off visiting the dentist until another time. Food also affects the condition of teeth and can either help them stay healthy and beautiful or destroy them. Smoking makes teeth yellow. Poor dental condition can cause problems throughout the body, because germs get inside and multiply. Consult your doctor.

We recommend: daily dental care can preserve the beauty of your smile. Do not neglect brushing your teeth not only in the morning and evening, but also in the middle of the day, if possible. Use special dental floss to remove food debris from between your teeth. Don't forget to clean your tongue, which also contains germs.

Healthy hair

Healthy hair is immediately visible. They are shiny, well-groomed, alive. In turn, brittle, dry hair indicates poor health. In turn, the scalp will also tell you about the state of a person’s health. If there are spots, peeling or any other unclear changes on it, consult a doctor. We recommend: consult a trichologist. Sometimes a few simple steps will help improve the condition of your hair: changing your shampoo, adjusting your diet, or taking a multivitamin.

Clean skin

Ideally, human skin should be even, smooth and pleasant to the touch. All human diseases are reflected on the skin. For any changes in the skin, you should consult a dermatologist. We recommend: take care of your skin from the inside: eat right, drink plenty of clean water. And externally: do not expose to direct sunlight, moisturize, nourish and take care of the condition of the skin.

There aren't many things you need to do to have a healthy body. If you train yourself and take care of your body, you can maintain youth, beauty and health for a long time. So, be healthy! And remember that a healthy body is the norm!

Social support

Surprisingly, having friends and support from others matters for your health. Obviously, this affects the psyche, but, as research shows, it also affects the physical state. Research shows that people with strong social networks live longer and are healthier. There is no aspect of health that does not suffer from isolation and loneliness. This is because social contacts help reduce the harmful effects of stress and stimulate the production of happiness hormones.

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The influence of cultural development of personality on attitudes towards health

Is there a great connection between a person’s cultural development and his attitude towards himself and his health? People of different levels of culture can be sick. But the preservation and reproduction of health is directly dependent on the level of culture.

Recently, many publications have appeared on the role of culture in human development. They note that a person is a subject and at the same time the main result of his own activity. Culture from this point of view can be defined as self-awareness, human self-production in specific forms of activity.

Thus, against the background of general literacy, people do not know much, and even if they do know, they do not follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Health requires knowledge that would become habits.

Health orientation is a subjective category, but it can be an important objective factor of health. Focusing on health, on the contrary, motivates behavior and mobilizes health reserves

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