From stress to perfection. Mental problems of a healthy person Alexander Kukushkin

The term “psychological problem” will not make anyone ask the question, what is it? This is an issue that is important to a person internally or mentally. Here there is a clear connection between the individual’s worldview and his life, needs, relationships, and so on.

It's no secret that every person sooner or later experiences a crisis or breakdown. All this relates directly to this term. Such problems are divided into several subtypes. And their classification is strongly related to needs.

Types of psychological problems

The first type of psychological problems can be called individual. This type has a main side that can be traced in the person himself, his essence. The essence includes the sexual sphere, fears, anxieties, denial of one’s external essence, physiology, and much more. This subspecies is characteristic of all people at different periods of life.

The second subtype is called subjective. These are problems that relate to the type of his activity. That is, lack of purposefulness, laziness, reluctance to get out of this vicious circle, lack of energy, irrationality, in general, can be listed endlessly. People most often do not want to eliminate these problems themselves, due to the fact that it is more convenient to live with them. After all, nothing needs to be changed. And changing is, first of all, painstaking and time-consuming work on oneself.

The third group is personal problems. First of all, they are connected with society and its opinion. This includes an inferiority complex, misunderstanding of colleagues and partners. These and other similar problems indicate the influence of society. Often a person simply does not follow principles; perhaps he does not want to put himself in the place of another. But it is not always the case. Each problem has its own cause, which needs to be understood individually.

And the last type is an individual problem. First of all, it is the realization of oneself as an individual. There are many reasons that are important to a person. Crises that undermine the integrity of nature.

BSFF problem solving process

The BSFF process is a new way to solve a psychological problem without resorting to the help of a specialist, that is, it is an effective method of self-therapy.

“The BSFF process for solving psychological problems uses the developments of cognitive psychotherapy, self-hypnosis and TRIZ.” Psychologist of Happiness.

BSFF is a technique for deprogramming the subconscious , that is, eliminating the emotional roots of the problem, and, as a result, eliminating the automatic reactions that lead to the problem.

Do you know a way to solve problems?

BSFF is a good way to solve a problem by working through the emotional charge of negative beliefs.

This is an alternative to recapitulation, operating on slightly different principles, but giving very good results.

How to get the entire BSFF processing technique?

In this article I will show only part of the BSFF method - decomposition of a major psychological problem into aspects . To get a link to download the entire method, click on the social network button and paste this text into the message field:

Find out about the latest self-therapy on the happiness psychologist's blog. You can carry out the BSFF process yourself to solve a problem of any complexity. Download the BSFF methodology there.

Then, in the comments to the article, indicate a link to the place where this article was “reposted” and I will send you the method to the email specified in the form of your comment.

Ways to solve psychological problems

These subspecies have always been and will be present on the path to a better future. Remember that no matter what is done, everything is for the better. Try to look for positive aspects everywhere, in all problems and work on yourself. After all, no matter what, the best is yet to come.

Of course, it is very difficult to solve many of these problems alone, because not every person will be able to look at themselves from the outside. Don't be afraid to trust psychologists. Of course, they won’t help right away, but they will certainly direct you to the right path. The main thing is to listen and hear people.

How does a psychological problem work inside our head?

So, examples in the studio:

1. Here is Svetlana’s problem: all her life she was afraid of making a mistake: saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing. However, if earlier this fear was episodic, then with the birth of my son it grew into a phobia.

Svetlana is constantly afraid that her one-year-old son will contract some kind of infection. For her peace of mind, she does not allow him to walk on the playground, allows him to communicate only with those closest to him, and endlessly wipes his hands with antibacterial gel.

In the session we found out that Svetlana’s fear is that if her son gets sick, she will blame herself for being a “bad mother” and, to prevent this from happening, fear constantly forces her to be vigilant in matters of health.

Now, pay attention: fear protects Svetlana from guilt. This is her problem diagram.

2. But Alexander’s problem: he is afraid to make high bets for his clients on the stock exchange.

They began to look into it and learned the following logic of fear: Alexander will make a bet, make a mistake, the client will lose his money, start scolding him and he will be ashamed of his work.

Here we see the following pattern: fear protects its owner from shame.

3. In my case, the pattern was this: fear was afraid of the end of the world, because if this happens, I will experience grief! I will suffer because my life is destroyed, friends and family are not around, happiness and joy are lost!

To summarize: most psychological problems are structured like this - our negative active emotions do everything so that we never feel our negative passive emotions!

How does a problem arise in a person’s head? Look. A child's brain is a blank sheet of paper. Every day, as a child grows up, he makes conclusions about the world: what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not.

And the more conclusions a child has that he is bad, life is difficult and dangerous, and people are cruel and indifferent, the more they scold, punish, and beat him, the more psychological problems he will get in later life.

Our head can program a wide variety of schemes: if you are very happy, they will scold you; if you make a mistake, they will laugh; if you do not study well, your mother will not love you; if you do not help people, they will turn away from you; if you cry, they will beat you.

There are plenty of similar schemes. It all depends on what exactly will cause psychological trauma to the child, what will be the focus of his attention - his own “worthlessness” or “indifference” of the mother or “coldness” of the father..

Everyone will also have their own response patterns: one will be quiet and shy, believing that he can be punished for excessive activity, the other, on the contrary, will behave aggressively in order to protect himself from punishment.

All clear! Now, Alena, tell us how exactly the work on TPV is going?

OK. I'm telling you!))

So, the task of each session is to find and realize the filters of perception that hold the psychological problem.

To do this, during the session I will ask questions and give special commands.

  1. The command may be an instruction to imagine or remember an unpleasant situation and immerse yourself in it. The command can be an instruction to think and dramatize a negative thought, while observing what sensations and emotions it causes in the body. The team may be asked to focus only on the problem, not to be distracted by extraneous topics...
  2. There are different types of clarifying questions. I can clarify the name of the emotion or clarify for myself the image that you see or find out what thought triggers this or that emotion. Also, with the help of questions, we will study your problem in detail, and then move to its root cause.
    The main thing is to hear my questions and follow my commands.

    The success of the session and the speedy resolution of the problem largely depends on this.

    5 reasons why you should contact me to solve your problem?

  • I am one of the few who was able to complete all the trainings of Ivan Pirog (the author of, at the moment, the only technique for the irreversible elimination of psychological problems).
  • Since October 2020, I have been regularly working with people as a TFW processor, constantly honing my knowledge and increasing my skills.
  • The result of working with me is getting rid of a problem that has tormented you for years in a fairly short period of time.
  • I give a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with anything during the first three meetings.
  • It's pleasant and comfortable to work with me. I am friendly and sociable. My phone number will be available to you 7 days a week, so that if necessary, you can contact me without any problems.
  • As a bonus, you will receive a description of all negative emotions, as well as a manual for more productive work using the TFV technique.
  • The positive changes that happen to you will stay with you for life.

Sign up for a consultation

Problems I worked with:

  • Fear of loneliness, fear of being alone at home
  • Fear of becoming rich, headaches
  • Panic during webinars
  • Anger at subordinates and their actions
  • Resentment towards parents, arrhythmia
  • Irritation with spouse, lack of understanding of her behavior, back pain, tension
  • Anxiety and palpitations when visiting a doctor
  • Fear of passing out on the street, accompanied by lack of air
  • Migraine associated with criticism from mother
  • Feelings of guilt, inability to refuse others' requests
  • Apathy, self-doubt, mood swings
  • Inability to achieve goals, doubts, prohibition from watching TV
  • Shame about your behavior, thoughts, blushing in the company of strangers
  • Indecisiveness in making decisions, guilt for one's actions
  • Fear for your child
  • Panic attacks when thinking about your health
  • Grief due to unloving spouse
  • Food addiction, inhibition when communicating with strangers
  • Reluctance to develop your business, feelings that the knowledge given away will not be useful to anyone, fear of living for yourself, fear of starting new relationships, fear of paying little attention to children..

We will work well together if: - you understand that you have a problem and you want to solve it

-you have no illusions that the problem can be solved in a couple of sessions

-you are ready to execute the commands of the TFV processor in order to ultimately get freedom from your problem. You and I will not get along if:

-you do not trust psychological techniques that are not officially recognized

-you think that solving a psychological problem is an easy and quick process

- you believe that the success of finding a perception filter depends mainly on the TFV processor rather than on the client - you will ignore the commands of the TFV processor

-instead of working on a problem, you will tell stories from your life

Sign up for a consultation

Questions to the studio!))

How long will it take to solve one problem? Every problem has its own deadline. Some people solve their problem very quickly, while others take a very long time. Everything is individual.

The main thing to remember is that any psychological problem using the TPV technique is eliminated forever.

After working through it, you will not be able to think about it, hang in it, or suffer because of it. The problem will turn into a soap bubble and burst, as if it never existed.

You will live, develop and move forward, without even remembering that you were once tormented by resentment or that your boss annoyed you. Thoughts will be positive and actions will be productive.

I am sure you will appreciate the changes that will happen to you!

How can you be sure that the problem will go away forever?

This confidence comes from my own experience (remember I wrote to you about the fear of the end of the world?) and experience working with clients.

My problem, which hung on 25 filters, disappeared and evaporated.. Now, when I am writing this paragraph, I can’t even remember what terrified me so much.. I don’t feel any emotional reaction either.. The words “end of the world” have no now there is no power for me...

My many clients can tell the same thing, because TFV works equally positively for everyone!

Are you sure you can help me? I have been visiting various cool specialists for many years, but no one has been able to help me. I sympathize and.. am happy for you at the same time, because if you have reached my site and are reading these lines, then it’s your time to free yourself from the problem!

TFV really works, you just don’t know about it yet!)) How long does the session last?

On average, one session lasts from 1 to 2 hours.

Everything is individual and unpredictable, and also depends on the result you want to get from the session. The session ends the moment we have successfully found 1, 2 or 3 perception filters. When you feel satisfied, relieved and feel that today is enough.

Addiction is a problem

Many people suffer from problems such as:

  • periodically encounter this problem
  • Depression.
  • Stress.
  • Tobacco addiction.
  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Drug addiction.

This is not a complete list. There are a lot of reasons for this , from material problems and unsettled life in general to psychological problems. All people are different from each other, some can cope with any of them on their own, while others need help and support, and it is best if this is professional advice from knowledgeable people or an intelligent article on our website.

Perhaps the most common disease is alcoholism; it affects not only people who drink alcohol, but also their loved ones. A person who abuses alcohol gradually begins to degrade, losing his human appearance.

Such people lose everything: jobs, housing, family, friends. The same can be said about drug addiction. Only in her case, 95% of addicted people even commit crimes in order to get money for the next dose. They begin to take things out of the house, take money from relatives, when all valuable things have already been taken out and exchanged for drugs, they try to get them in an easy way elsewhere, for example, by stealing them.

How to get rid of them

To cure addicted people, it is important to first understand the causes of the disease , it is necessary to understand why the addicted person began to use illegal substances and alcoholic beverages, what led to this. Why is it enough for one person to drink a glass of wine and he can stop there, but for another even two bottles will not be enough?

We recommend that you read: What is manic-depressive psychosis and how to cope with it

In most cases, it all starts with a feeling of loss, hopelessness, there was no person nearby who could lend a helping hand, indicate the necessary guidelines, and set priorities. In order to do this correctly and convey the necessary information to a person suffering from addiction, it is important to have certain knowledge in psychology.

Many years of experiments by scientists have revealed that drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking are a kind of barrier that people use to hide from their problems . By using various substances, they are transported to another world, where they do not need to think about how to get a good job, how to solve problems with their wife or husband, etc.

Surely, you have at least once heard from the wife of an alcoholic: “in general, he is a good person, but he drinks a lot.” It seems like alcoholic drinks are to blame, but he’s good. In most cases, the problem can be solved with the help of psychology.

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