How to get rid of derealization syndrome with osteochondrosis?

Derealization is a neurotic condition in which the patient sees the world around him in a distorted format.

Some diseases and pathological conditions of the body can affect a person in unexpected ways.

Diseases in advanced stages affect not only the organ system that is sick, but also the accompanying organs of the body. Thus, in some diseases the brain is seriously affected.

The brain is the center of the whole organism. The work of every cell, organ, interaction and perception of the surrounding reality - all this occurs thanks to the subtle and precise work of the brain.

When some disease goes far and there is a danger to the whole body, the brain sends signals.

Mental health and well-being do not always depend on the presence of a psychiatric illness or previous emotional distress. Sometimes the brain signals in this way that a disease is present. Often such signals are neuroses and neurotic states.

Risks of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a common disease that is rarely detected at an early stage. Let's try to figure out why cervical osteochondrosis is dangerous. Its progression leads to the fact that a person begins to develop concomitant diseases that are life-threatening.

Problems with the cervical vertebrae lead to compression of nerve endings and arteries. The brain stops receiving oxygen in the required amount. Blood supply slows down. The person immediately begins to experience discomfort. Headaches occur, a person may feel impaired coordination of movements, and often complains of dizziness.

Feelings of weakness and constant dizziness lead to perception disorders. They are expressed in distortion of vision, everything floats before the eyes, perhaps ripples.

The consequences of cervical osteochondrosis can even lead to disability, which is why it is so important to take care of your health and not neglect the recommendations of doctors. Pain is not the most dangerous sign of pathology; it is a warning factor that indicates the onset of health problems. And if the body’s signal is neglected at this stage, then more severe symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis may subsequently arise. Here are some of them:

  1. Intervertebral disc herniation and compression of nerve endings. Initially, protrusion occurs, in which the nucleus pulposus begins to protrude. The second stage of the disease is a herniated disc. It is usually accompanied by the deposition of salts and the appearance of sclerotic plaques in the vessels. The disease picture is aggravated by these additional factors.
  2. With cervical osteochondrosis, the greatest danger is compression of the paravertebral arteries running along the sides of the spine. They are responsible for regular blood supply not only to the brain, but also to the inner ear and spinal cord (its upper sections). The medulla oblongata, which is responsible for normal blood pressure levels, is also supplied with blood and oxygen through these arteries. The vasomotor center, regulating the heart rhythm, and the respiratory center - all of them will suffer if there is a circulatory disorder associated with compression of the vertebral arteries. The upper part of the spine is responsible for the sensitivity of the upper body: shoulders, neck, arms. Compression of the vessels and nerve endings of the cervical region leads to impaired sensitivity and numbness in the limbs.

Violation of the cervical spine is accompanied by the proliferation of bone tissue. Pressure on the nerve endings leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries, which are responsible for the smooth functioning of the heart. And this is already fraught with a heart attack.

With a lack of blood circulation in the brain, consequences of cervical osteochondrosis such as hypertension or VSD occur. At the same time, patients increasingly lose consciousness and may even develop strokes. A constant lack of oxygen causes memory problems, which can ultimately lead to dementia. Dizziness due to high blood pressure is sometimes mistaken for high intracranial pressure, which is caused by impaired venous outflow. Venous congestion in the head occurs due to many reasons, one of which is cervical osteochondrosis.

“It’s as if I’m not there”: what is depersonalization

Tatyana, 28 years old: “I first encountered a feeling of unreality of what was happening when I was 22 years old. One day I simply stopped feeling any emotions; My family suddenly became strangers, I didn’t want to communicate with anyone, or go out anywhere. I didn’t feel myself - my personality was erased, and I became a different person: a feeling as if there was no more soul, just one shell. This was accompanied by constant anxiety, soul-searching, headaches, and a feeling of hopelessness. This is a terrible state when suicide seems to be the only way to end everything.

I was very scared and urgently called my mother, since I couldn’t even go to the doctor myself. The neurologist at the hospital said that I was depressed and prescribed a cocktail of antidepressants and antipsychotics. Surprisingly, almost from the first days of taking the pills, I returned to life: the symptoms went away, my mood improved, my ability to work increased, I became sociable and open. A month later, I stopped taking these medications and did not go to the doctor again (although I was warned that I should not quit the medications). For four years I forgot about my problems.

The symptoms returned when a relative offered me a new job. There were quite high requirements for employees - a mandatory driver's license, specialized education in the field of maritime transportation and fluent English. I was given six months to prepare. A relative paid for all the courses and the university - and then the stress began. I felt like I was getting sick, so I voluntarily returned to the pills. For a while it became a little easier. I tried with all my might not to lose face, to get this job, not to let down the person who believed in me and also spent money. But I got worse and worse, and I failed the job interview. It was a very difficult period.

After that, I began to sit on forums, Google articles about mental disorders with similar symptoms. There were thoughts that I had schizophrenia and was completely going crazy. I started visiting psychiatrists, but everyone completely refuted my suspicions. They re-diagnosed depression, prescribed antidepressants - the anxiety went away a little, but the emotions and feelings never returned.

One day, on some website, I saw a description of a diagnosis that exactly matched my symptoms. That’s when my acquaintance with depersonalization-derealization disorder began. I went to doctors, but they basically didn’t know what it was and how to treat it. Sometimes they simply didn’t want to listen to me—they immediately prescribed me medication and sent me home. One professor said that I “read a lot on the Internet.” I found my salvation in online consultations with a doctor who dealt with dereal: according to his regimen, I began taking antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs.

The reason for my depersonalization is neurosis, which is accompanied by anxiety: under stress, the body defends itself and the brain seems to switch off, isolating itself from the outside world. This happens to impressionable people who worry about anything and take everything to heart. I'm one of those people.

My experience is 2.5 years. I know it may get worse, but there is a way out. Now I have reached a stage where a new job is a joy, I again feel like myself, mental abilities, emotions and feelings as before the illness. And even though I’m still on the pills, it’s better than suffering again. I hope someday we will be able to cancel them. It sounds strange, but this disease has changed me for the better. Thanks to her, I truly began to appreciate life and loved ones. Became more patient. I am glad that I can live a normal life again, feel, love, enjoy communicating with people and doing my favorite activities.

Our society is very contemptuous of those in need of psychological help. If they find out that a person has been to a psychiatrist, they immediately label him a psycho and shun him. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid to seek qualified help; the main thing in this matter is to find a really good doctor. And there are very few of them.”

Nikolai, 27 years old: “I have been neurotic since childhood: stuttering, obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts syndrome). In August 2014, I went to see a psychiatrist with depression and impaired perception of reality; I was 25 years old at the time. It all started with rare panic attacks, which were followed by attacks of severe derealization. The world was turning upside down, and I had to lie down on the floor and close my eyes, this helped me come to my senses. After another such attack, I developed anxiety.

For exactly 6 months I kicked around looking for and inventing physical ailments to justify my condition. It’s difficult to admit to yourself that you’re a little “peek-a-boo”, and that’s how hypochondria appears. The catalyst for hypochondria is also such an unpleasant reality as unqualified medicine. The inertia coming from the USSR still persists - doctors make a diagnosis of “VSD” (which has not been included in the world classification of diseases for a long time), say that everything is in order, prescribe vitamins and send them home. That’s why I had to do self-diagnosis and be terribly afraid of what was really wrong with me. Unfortunately, I diagnosed myself with “depersonalization disorder” while once again surfing the Internet. Through friends I managed to go to a neuropsychiatric dispensary. There they pumped me with the same Soviet drugs, put on IVs, there was even a massage and a circular shower. Upon discharge, there were no significant results: it became easier to sleep, but the condition remained just as painful.

Finally, I miraculously managed to get to a good psychiatrist. Properly selected medications built a solid foundation for my recovery. Now pharmacology has reached such a level that drugs work reliably with a minimum of side effects and consequences for the body. Of course, they do not eliminate psychological problems, but they provide a runway for rising to a height where these problems could be eliminated. The antidepressant began to have a noticeable effect about 3-4 weeks after starting treatment. My mood improved, I gained strength, and life began to bring pleasure. Then little by little: communication with friends began to be restored, I began to go out into the world, my libido and desire to do something awoke. I recovered at work: when getting to the toilet is a huge ordeal, work becomes something unbearable.

Depersonalization is, in the usual sense, the loss of oneself; when you can't understand what kind of person you are. Recovery after this leads to a rethinking of life attitudes. For example, in the past I limited myself, tried to conform to the ideas dictated by society. I lived according to the principle “as I should”, and not “as I want”. During this period, the understanding of one’s personality is lost: who are you? why are you? who should you be? You become depersonalized. At the turning point of the disorder, you understand that you need to live for yourself, and not for others, you stop constantly looking for flaws and correcting them in order to become someone. I accepted myself."

Anastasia, 20 years old: “At school I was often bullied because I was overweight, at home no one took me seriously, there were constant screams and scandals due to my father’s alcohol addiction. At 15, I decided to try drugs and, not knowing the “right dosage,” took too much at once. After this, my health sharply deteriorated: short-term panic attacks began, my heart rate increased, my gait became unsteady, and I felt dizzy. At first I thought that there was something wrong with my heart or blood vessels; Over time, this developed into a fear of heart attack, stroke, or sudden death. Then there was an examination of the whole body, but nothing concrete was revealed: the doctors either found nothing or diagnosed “vegetative-vascular dystonia”. One doctor advised me to get tested for cancer.

Over time the situation progressed. An eerie feeling appeared inside, like anxiety: I could not sleep normally, it seemed that I was going to die any minute. One day I realized that I couldn’t feel my body. There was a feeling of lightness and weightlessness at the same time, and then I began to catch myself thinking that it was as if I was not there. The sensations in my hands were no longer mine, the reflection in the mirror was not the same. Then I realized that I was not at risk of a heart attack, but of schizophrenia. I completely surrendered to this fear: the physical symptoms disappeared, but there was an indescribable horror that I would now lose touch with reality and control over myself. I began to hide the handle from the balcony so that in a fit of unconsciousness I wouldn’t suddenly throw myself out of the window. The world as I knew it was shattered. Going out into the street, I realized that there was a big barrier between me and reality. The world behind the glass seemed flat, colorless, dead. I couldn’t understand whether it was a dream or reality, or maybe I had died altogether. Time just stopped, it didn’t exist, it didn’t exist for me. And in my soul there is emptiness, silence and no emotions.

I learned that this is not schizophrenia at all on a website about dissociative disorder. Thus began a new stage. On VKontakte I found a group about dereal, where there were hundreds of people like me. I spent about a week in the community, reading information, personal stories and recommendations, until I fully understood that this is what it is - depersonalization-derealization disorder.

In the 11th grade, everything got to the point where they took me away from the Unified State Exam in an ambulance. When I went to the doctor, he started asking something, and I was silent: I was so tired of this crap that I couldn’t say a word. My parents found out that I had serious mental problems. It seemed to me that my mother did not understand me. They took me to the doctors again, but we were unable to find an intelligent specialist. In Soviet-era hospitals, doctors are not at all familiar with depersonalization: in one of these they prescribed me 12 dubious tablets a day, and also glycine - it is of absolutely no use for my symptoms. There were doctors who were more interested in my views on life than in my health.

As a result, I found my psychiatrist, with whom we still keep in touch now, through my mother’s friend. If we talk about treatment, then you can’t do without antidepressants. They help you return to your previous routine and significantly improve your condition. Now I’m 20, and I’m still on pills: I decided that it’s better to feel good with them than to think about suicide every day.”


One of the dangerous disorders of cerebral circulation is derealization, in which a person may experience a panic attack.

In this case, an anxious feeling suddenly arises, which varies in strength from mild anxiety to a state of panic. This depends on the severity of degenerative disorders in the cervical vertebrae.

Derealization is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. Tingling of the limbs, turning into numbness.
  2. Convulsive seizures.
  3. You may suddenly lose your balance. The gait becomes unstable, the person begins to toss along the road, and motor function is noticeably impaired.
  4. Visual problems arise and the acuity of visual perception decreases.
  5. Often a person begins to have problems with hearing; it seems to him that there is some kind of noise or ringing in his head.

Personality derealization syndrome: what to do, how to cure it with pills

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The condition, which develops as an independent syndrome against the background of acute or prolonged stress, occurs suddenly and plunges a person, at a minimum, into confusion. What to do during derealization? Naturally, we are not talking about a condition that lasted several minutes, but about regular attacks or a persistent disorder, that is, about pathology.

Much depends on the severity of the disorder and mental state. There are cases when the syndrome went away safely on its own, however, you shouldn’t count on this. Nevertheless, there are many recommendations from psychologists and people who have experienced a similar condition on how to get rid of derealization on your own.

If the patient feels strong, you can try to regain contact with reality. There is no point in delaying and thinking about the process for a long time; you need to take up the correction of your lifestyle.

First of all, alcoholic and caffeine-containing drinks - coffee, strong tea, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, energy drinks - are excluded from the diet.

If the onset of derealization symptoms was preceded by a course of therapy with drugs that can cause such a side effect, or you continue to take drugs at the present time, you should consult with your doctor. Perhaps replacing the drug will relieve you of the painful condition.

If you are self-medicating (many drugs that can provoke derealization are sold without a prescription), then it is also worth analyzing the situation and switching to alternative treatment (folk remedies, homeopathy).

You can increase your sleep duration by optimizing your daily routine. However, it is worth considering that oversleeping is just as harmful as not getting enough sleep. Therefore, you need to decide how much time you need to sleep in order to feel good.

In addition, it is recommended not to focus on your feelings, accept them, stop being afraid and inventing non-existent diseases for yourself. You need to develop an attitude towards your condition as a symptom of side effects from medications, overwork, and increased anxiety. It is very important to replace scary negative obsessive thoughts about mental illness with positive ones, to recognize that symptoms exist and you have to live with them. Don’t withdraw into yourself, into your experiences, but try to live life to the fullest, try to revive your feelings, notice colors, sounds, smells, listen to your interlocutor, catch his intonations, fulfill responsibilities towards loved ones. Do what you like more often, don’t put anything off for later, and perhaps you will be able to break out of the vicious circle of avoiding reality.

It is also recommended to communicate with people who are experiencing or have overcome the disorder, for example, on forums, listen to their advice, share your feelings, and simply talk it out.

If you can’t do it yourself, you need to turn to professionals. They will help you with advice and teach you how to combat the disease. Treatment of derealization without pills is carried out using a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques. It is aimed at interrupting the action of stress factors that were either present at the time of the onset of symptoms of the disorder, or that arose earlier (negative childhood experiences) and could become its cause.

Psychotherapy methods are selected individually for different categories of patients.

For example, cognitive behavioral therapy, based on the assertion that an individual’s emotions, feelings and behavior patterns are determined not by current circumstances, but by how he perceives them, makes it possible to block obsessive thoughts about the unreality of what is happening. Techniques are used to help identify and transform unconstructive life strategies with flexible rational thinking, as well as help patients perform tasks that distract them from depersonalization and derealization.

Sensory techniques, by influencing the human senses (for example, hearing, vision, tactility), help patients restore self-perception and/or perception of the outside world, and feel its reality.

Psychoanalysis (psychodynamic treatment) helps to solve problems associated with the dynamic aspects of the patient’s psyche: motivation, drives that encourage action, as well as resolve internal contradictions and increase the threshold of stress resistance.

Hypnosis sessions and autogenic training are also used. In mild cases of derealization, such treatment is sufficient. Vitamin preparations and mild psychostimulants may be prescribed.

If treatment without the use of drugs is not successful, then drugs of different groups are used. Drug therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, who, if necessary, makes adjustments to the treatment regimen or dosage of the drug.

There is no single medication regimen for treating depersonalization/derealization syndrome. In general, the effectiveness of drug therapy has not been fully proven, but some patients are helped by serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, opioid receptor antagonists, tranquilizers and psychostimulants, and nootropic drugs. The action of these drugs can be effective because they eliminate the symptoms of anxiety, depressive other disorders that provoke the development of derealization symptoms.

The most popular drug prescribed to patients with depersonalization/derealization syndrome is the anticonvulsant Lamictal (with the active ingredient Lamotrigine). This medicine is prescribed to epileptics and people susceptible to seizures of other etiologies, however, when treating this syndrome, it often has a rapid positive effect. Lamictal is believed to have less pronounced negative effects on memory, attention and other cognitive functions than other anticonvulsants. However, like other epilepsy drugs, it blocks the nerve impulses that trigger the release of glutamate, an aliphatic amino acid, an excess of which leads to seizures. The glutamate system plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of not only epilepsy; its influence on the development of schizophrenia and depression, as well as NMDA receptor hypofunction, which is one of the causes of disturbances in dopaminergic transmission, is being studied. This may be why the medicine has worked so well in treating cases of depersonalization and derealization.

Another antiepileptic drug, carbamazepine, is also sometimes used to treat the syndrome. It has a more pronounced anticonvulsant effect, and can also be used for hyperkinesis. Like the previous drug, in addition to relieving seizures, it enhances the effect of antidepressants and stimulates the functions of neurotransmitters responsible for improving mood, liberation and productive activity - dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine.

Usually prescribed in combination with antidepressants from the serotonin reuptake group, which increase its concentration in the synapse. Since serotonin deficiency is suspected in the pathogenesis of derealization, and in the clinical picture there are almost always symptoms of depression.

The drugs are used, as a rule, in low doses; the dosage and dosage regimen for each patient are selected by the doctor.

However, this treatment is not always effective, so other medications are also used.

Eglonil for derealization is prescribed in cases where it is caused by an increased level of anxiety. The active ingredient of this product is sulpiride. It excites dopamine receptors, increases its synthesis and prevents biodegradation. The drug is also prescribed in the minimum effective dose.

The benzodiazepine tranquilizer Phenazepam may be prescribed. Its action also suppresses anxiety, relaxes muscles, which reduces the likelihood of convulsions, and also ensures quick sleep and a good night's rest. It enhances the effect of other sedatives and anticonvulsants, as well as ethyl alcohol. When taking it, you should refrain from work that may pose a danger if you have reduced concentration.

Fluanxol is an antipsychotic whose active ingredient is a thioxanthene derivative (flupenthixol). Reduces anxiety, improves mood, promotes adaptation processes. Like all drugs in this group, it has a long list of contraindications and side effects, however, in some cases, derealization is effective. Not compatible with alcohol, barbiturates, opiates, other antipsychotics and other drugs.

Glycine is the “safest” of all the drugs listed. It is used for various reasons leading to a decrease in brain performance. Various conditions - neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, use of toxic substances (alcohol, drugs), mental pathologies. The simplest aliphatic amino acid, which is glycine, functions in the body as a neurotransmitter that regulates metabolic processes, as well as the activity of glutamate receptors. Relieves nervous tension, improves memory and concentration, improves mood, normalizes the process of falling asleep and quality of sleep

Glycine can be used as a single drug and in complex therapy, enhancing the effects of inhibition of the central system and reducing the toxicity of anticonvulsants, antipsychotics and antidepressants. There are no contraindications to Glycine other than hypersensitivity. Allergic reactions are possible.

Drug therapy must be combined with psychotherapeutic assistance. Adequate therapeutic tactics will help to quickly cope with derealization, the danger of which should not be underestimated.

Panic attacks

Osteochondrosis of the neck leads to periodic panic attacks, the duration of which ranges from 2-3 minutes to several hours. Attacks can occur up to several times a day or be limited to a couple or three problems per month. On average, an attack lasts about half an hour, while the patients themselves cannot name the reason that led to such problems. With a deeper analysis of the situation, the apparent spontaneity can be dispelled and the cause of the attack can be identified.

The most common causes of panic attacks with cervical osteochondrosis can be:

  • physical exercise;
  • mental stress;
  • pressure on the cervical spine;
  • staying in one uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • sharp fluctuations in weather conditions.

A person who has experienced a panic attack begins to experience fear. He is afraid of a second attack, which leads to further deterioration of the condition.

If a person suffers from constant headaches, this symptom cannot be ignored. You should contact the clinic for testing. Most often, pain is caused by pinched nerve endings in the cervical spine. If we neglect these manifestations, then the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will become quite lengthy and not effective in all cases. Therefore, you should contact specialists as soon as possible.

Source of the article:

How to treat derealization at home?

Considering that the appearance of the phenomenon of derealization is preceded by severe or chronic stress, an increased level of anxiety, and its companions are a depressed state and depression, folk remedies can be used. There are many plants that have the properties of calming the nervous system, stimulating metabolic processes in the brain, and activating cognitive functions. They may well constitute a worthy alternative to pharmacological drugs, however, it is worth noting that the use of traditional treatment is not always combined with medication, so it is recommended to first consult with your doctor. It is also a good idea to consult a professional herbalist.

Pillows with aromatic dry herbs - flowers and leaves of the myrtle tree, juniper, lemon balm, lavender can help speed up the process of falling asleep and improve the quality of sleep.

Warm baths with pine decoction, infusion of poplar leaves, a few spoons of honey, and essential oils have a relaxing and mild sedative effect. The latter add ten drops each. Lavender, lemon balm, sage, lemon and juniper oils are suitable for such baths. The duration of the treatment is a quarter of an hour, the temperature of the water in the bath is 37-38℃.

These same essential oils can be sprayed indoors; their aroma normalizes the nervous system.

Traditional treatment of neurosis-like disorders is carried out depending on which processes predominate in the clinical picture.

For irritable and easily excitable patients, decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants are prepared with a predominantly calming and mild hypnotic effect. These are valerian, motherwort, fireweed, oregano, peony, linden, lemon balm, passionflower.

Additionally, natural vitamin complexes are recommended, which are sprouted grains of wheat, oats, barley, sea buckthorn, rowan, rosehip, and serviceberry fruits.

In all cases, it is good to drink a course of decoctions of herbs that have a general strengthening effect - plantain, nettle, dandelion, birch buds, sage.

The following will help strengthen the autonomic nervous system: hawthorn, chamomile, tricolor violet.

Herbal medicines based on eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Chinese lemongrass, rosemary, and honey can have a tonic effect on depressed, lethargic patients. These plants help overcome loss of strength and restore the body's energy balance. However, if the patient suffers from insomnia, high blood pressure, or serious cardiovascular pathologies, it is not advisable to use these herbs.

Herbal treatment does not take much time. For example, in the morning, instead of tea, you can prepare the following drink, which will invigorate and add strength and energy. In the evening, pour one teaspoon of dry fine-grained herbs into a liter thermos: yarrow, catnip, thyme, St. John's wort. Add the same amount of Chinese lemongrass berries to the herbal mixture. Pour boiling water overnight. In the morning, strain and drink half a glass warm twice - when you wake up and at lunchtime. It is better not to drink an invigorating drink at night.

In the evening, it’s good to brew Ivan tea (fireweed). It has sedative properties, relieves nervous tension, headaches and extinguishes excitement. This herb is also a natural nootropic and has anticonvulsant and antitumor effects.

You can brew herbal mixtures that have not only a sedative, but also a general strengthening effect. For example, add a pinch of dried fireweed tea, blueberry leaves, currants, strawberries, raspberries and lingonberries, mint and tricolor violets into a teapot, pour boiling water over it, leave for 45 minutes.

Or: three pinches of fireweed, two each of chamomile and meadowsweet flowers, hop cones, oregano, nettle, mint, calamus root powder, one each of dill and cyanosis seeds. Brew in the same way as in the previous recipe.

You can drink a glass three times a day: in the morning and afternoon - an hour before meals, in the evening - an hour before bedtime, the following infusion from the herbal mixture: take 10 g of chamomile and calendula, 30 g of juniper fruit, 25 g of valerian root, mix. One tablespoon of plant material is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, left for two hours and strained.

When treating with herbs, it should be taken into account that chicory root, hawthorn and passionflower fruits, in addition to the calming effect, have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels and have a mild hypotensive effect. Juniper and wormwood not only soothe, but also restore elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and activate blood flow in the cerebral and peripheral arteries. Chamomile and cudweed relieve symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Herbal treatment can be perfectly combined with various psychotherapeutic practices and auto-training, designed to distract the patient from subjective sensations and focus his attention on more productive actions.

How to get rid of derealization syndrome with osteochondrosis?

Derealization is a neurotic condition in which the patient sees the world around him in a distorted format.

Some diseases and pathological conditions of the body can affect a person in unexpected ways.

Diseases in advanced stages affect not only the organ system that is sick, but also the accompanying organs of the body. Thus, in some diseases the brain is seriously affected.

The brain is the center of the whole organism. The work of every cell, organ, interaction and perception of the surrounding reality - all this occurs thanks to the subtle and precise work of the brain.

Mental health and well-being do not always depend on the presence of a psychiatric illness or previous emotional distress. Sometimes the brain signals in this way that a disease is present. Often such signals are neuroses and neurotic states.

What is derealization?

Derealization is a neurotic disease in which a person sees or hears the world differently from what it is.

This pathology in the functioning of the brain is quite common; psychologists and psychiatrists often see patients with this disease.

A person is haunted by periodic visual or sound distortions, and the general reality of what is happening ceases to be felt. In severe forms of the disease, it is difficult for the patient to adequately assess what is happening; he begins to get confused where the real world is and where its distorted version is.

Difference between derealization and other mental illnesses

Psychiatry and psychology are complex sciences. The range of diseases, conditions and pathologies is extremely large.

Derealization is not a terrible diagnosis that can put an end to a person’s life and social activity, but it can significantly complicate the patient’s life.

There are two most radical differences between derealization and other mental illnesses::

  1. The patient is aware of the problem. Sometimes the brain's perceptions of the real world and the distorted surrounding world are confused, but a person does not cease to feel that something is wrong with him.
  2. The patient is not immersed in a fictional world, but remains in the real world, which has simply changed its outlines. It is extremely rare to experience hallucinations during derealization. This distinguishes derealization from within the very mechanism of the disease - the brain does not invent - it perceives reality differently.

Reasons for derealization

The causes of the disease can be depression, stress, severe intoxication, trauma, hormonal imbalances and even cervical osteochondrosis

Derealization can have two impetus for development: the activation by the brain of a mechanism protective from the environment or a vascular factor of the disease (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

In the first case, derealization occurs against the background of depressive states, when, in order to maintain health, the brain sends an order to alienate from reality.

The development of such a state is preceded by prolonged emotional fatigue, stress, a long, intense rhythm of life, and prolonged suppression of one’s own “I”.

With this variant of the development of the disease, other mental conditions are often present, and the brain is protected “comprehensively.”

The main reasons include:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - a violation of brain nutrition due to circulatory failure;
  • intoxication - caused by serious illness or improper use of chemicals, drugs - poisoning of the brain occurs, which leads to disruptions in its functioning;
  • head injuries - traumatic brain injuries mechanically disrupt the structure of the brain, damage can be reversible and minor, but temporary manifestations of symptoms are possible;
  • hormonal disorders - some hormones (for example, the pituitary gland) affect the functional state of the brain. With their deficiency or excess, failures occur.

Derealization in osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common disease, but not many people are aware of the risks associated with it and not all patients agree to complex treatment, which will take a lot of time.

Osteochondrosis affects the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. The most dangerous is cervical osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by degradation of the spinal structures - intervertebral discs lose their flexibility, vertebral joints become less mobile, and salts are deposited on the vertebral bodies affected by osteochondrosis, which form outgrowths - osteophytes.

The physiological changes that have occurred in the cervical spine during osteochondrosis affect the blood vessels passing nearby - the arteries and veins that supply the brain.

Because of this, a lot of problems arise: sudden changes in pressure, fraught with stroke, headaches, visual impairment and other diseases that arise due to starvation of the brain.

One of the manifestations of advanced stages of cervical osteochondrosis is derealization. With prolonged disruption of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain due to osteochondrosis, pathological changes begin in brain cells, the speed of nerve impulses changes, and this mental disorder occurs.

Video on the topic:

Derealization with cervical osteochondrosis can be accompanied by panic attacks, diplopia, and coordination problems.

Derealization caused by osteochondrosis is completely curable if the underlying disease is treated.


You can replace psychotropic pharmacological drugs with homeopathic ones, which do not have so many impressive side effects. Allergic reactions are unlikely, but not excluded. Naturally, for successful treatment you need to see a professional. Derealization is treated with very different drugs, which the doctor will select based on the causes of this disorder, the patient’s current feelings, his preferences, constitution and character traits.

In homeopathy, Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is used for symptoms such as confusion of thoughts, consciousness, fears, illusions, and disturbances of perception. It is prescribed for epileptics, for anxiety disorders, neurasthenia and increased excitability, if the patient feels as if in a dream, seems like a different person, for those prone to panic attacks, headaches, and nervous tics. This is the main remedy used to treat depersonalization/derealization syndrome.

Silver nitrate (Argentum nitricum), American hellebore (Sabadilla) is used to treat patients with somatopsychic depersonalization. It is prescribed to people who feel that parts of their body are deformed or missing or have shrunk. With refusal to eat, melancholy, melancholy, depression.

Hellebore (Veratrum album) is a constitutional remedy for perfectionists, Black Crow (Cimicifuga) is prescribed to patients who are afraid that madness will set in, with suicidal tendencies, other remedies may be prescribed.

Among complex homeopathic medicines, Valerian-heel, Engistol, Nervo-heel, Cerebrum compositum can be prescribed.

Valerian-heel drops that relieve anxiety, calm, and make it easier to fall asleep contain eight components, including:

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) – used for anxiety disorders, neurasthenia and increased excitability, if the patient feels as if in a dream, seems like a different person, for panic attacks, headaches, nervous tics;

Picric acid (Acidum picrinicum) – relieves the effects of mental and nervous fatigue;

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is the main homeopathic antidepressant;

Common hops (Humulus lupulus) – used for clouded consciousness with preserved mental functions;

Hawthorn (Crataegus) – improves blood circulation in cerebral vessels, soothes;

Melissa officinalis – neuroses and neurasthenia, as an immunostimulant;

Oats (Avena sativa) – nootropic effect;

Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) – sedative effect;

Ammonium bromide (Ammonium bromatum) – a remedy for meticulous, pedantic, idealistic neurasthenics, an antidepressant;

Potassium bromide (Kalium bromatum) – fear of mental disorder, paresthesia, anxiety, overexcitation, convulsions;

Sodium bromide (Natrium bromatum) – loss of strength.

It is prescribed to children from the age of two, five drops diluted in 100 ml of water, upon reaching the age of six ten drops are dripped into water per dose, from the age of twelve - an adult dose of 15 drops, at night it can be increased to 20 drops. The frequency of administration is three times a day, half an hour after it you can eat. If desired, you can take the required dose 60 minutes after eating.

The medicine Engistol, available in tablets and ampoules, is better known as a remedy for the treatment of viral infections, can also be used in cases of disturbances in behavioral function and perception. It contains two ingredients: Lastoven medicinal in three homeopathic dilutions (Vincetoxicum hirundinaria), used to treat cardiac pathologies and stimulate the immune system, and two dilutions of Sulfur (Sulfur), used for psychoneurological disorders and depression, loss of strength.

The tablet form is used sublingually. A single dose for patients over twelve years of age is a whole tablet.

For younger children, prepare a solution from one well-ground tablet in four tablespoons of water.

For the reception, infants are given one teaspoon of solution, 1-5 years old - two, 6-11 years old - three.

The scheme for relieving acute conditions is as follows: taking a single dose with a fifteen-minute break, but no more than eight times in a row, then every eight hours half an hour before a meal or an hour after it.

There is also an injection form of the drug. In acute conditions, injections are given daily (no more than five times), then switch to a regimen of once every two or three days to once a week.

Nervo-heel tablets can help a patient with depersonalization/derealization syndrome. The complex includes:

Scabies nosode (Psorinum-Nosode), St. Ignatius beans (Ignatia), substance from the ink sac of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) - homeopathic antidepressants, also used in the treatment of schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental pathologies;

Phosphoric acid (Acidum phosphoricum) – used for symptoms of mental exhaustion, emotional turmoil, memory loss, suicide attempts;

Potassium bromide (Kalium bromatum) – fear of mental disorder, paresthesia, anxiety, overexcitation, convulsions;

Valerian-zinc salt (Zincum isovalerianicum) – insomnia, convulsions, and other manifestations of nervous system dysfunction.

From the age of three, a whole tablet is used sublingually, the scheme for the relief of acute conditions: taking a single dose at fifteen-minute intervals, but no more than eight times in a row, then every eight hours half an hour before meals or an hour after it.

For children under three years of age, the tablet is divided in half at a time.

Homeopathic composition of 26 components - Cerebrum compositum has a regulatory effect on metabolic processes occurring in the central nervous system, is prescribed for exhaustion of the nervous system, depression, vegetative-vascular and neurocirculatory dystonia, and various neurotic conditions. Injections are prescribed at a frequency of one to three ampoules per week, and can be used as a drinking solution. For this purpose, one ampoule is dissolved in ¼ glass of water and drunk in equal parts at regular intervals throughout the day.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of derealization in osteochondrosis can occur in one or several directions of perception:

  1. Distortion of vision (the contours of objects change, lateral vision is greatly deteriorated, the image ripples, a change in color perception is possible);
  2. Distortion of hearing (complaints of noise/hum/ringing in the ears, the voices of familiar people are difficult to recognize, individual rhythmic sounds stand out very loudly - for example, your own steps);
  3. Time distortion (the patient notes a feeling of time slowing down or a déjà vu effect, short-term memory loss is possible);
  4. Distortion of space assessment (it is difficult for the patient to estimate the distance to a particular object, the height of steps, his own height);
  5. Distortion of sensations (complaints of tingling in the limbs, goosebumps, itching).

Treatment of derealization in osteochondrosis

Treatment of the disease involves restoring emotional balance; sometimes it is necessary to use antidepressants or tranquilizers

Treatment of mild derealization is possible at home and does not involve taking pharmaceutical drugs.

A patient with osteochondrosis is advised to take a few days off, take long walks in the fresh air, and listen to calm music. Long sleep is important.

A contrast shower, massage, and aromatherapy have a beneficial effect on the condition of a patient with derealization.

It is necessary to exclude stressful and irritating factors, relax, read, communicate with people.

In more severe conditions, derealization is treated on an outpatient or inpatient basis, but with the use of medications.

If the cause of derealization is cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment for the original disease. When nutrition and oxygen supply to the brain is restored, derealization will disappear.

For these purposes, anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, tablets, and compresses are used. Diuretics are sometimes prescribed to restore blood pressure in the brain. The doctor prescribes vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and chondroprotectors.

Useful video:

Massage, physiotherapy, physical therapy help to quickly stop an attack of osteochondrosis and prevent the development of the disease. A balanced diet maintains the health of the body, helping to fight osteochondrosis.

Treatment of depersonalization and derealization

First, we need readers to understand how dangerous the conditions we describe are. These are truly human-threatening phenomena that cannot be left to chance. But how to get rid of them? First of all, at the time of an attack, do the following:

  1. Pull yourself together immediately and do not panic.
  2. Do not deny your condition and accept it, otherwise you will cause a chain reaction and fall into a stupor.
  3. Consult a qualified professional for assistance.

The doctor determines the degree of your disorder using a special technique from psychiatrist Nuller. He fully studies the symptoms and identifies the causes of the phenomenon.

Derealization and depersonalization are perfectly treatable, but the main thing is to contact them in time. It is used as a medicinal, but also a psychotherapeutic effect on a person’s condition and his symptoms.

  1. The list of medications includes: sedatives, antidepressants, and maybe sleeping pills. But it all depends on what caused the disruption of psychosensory perception of the surrounding world.
  2. In case of alcoholism, drug addiction, or drug abuse, it is necessary to remove a person from a state of binge drinking, detoxify the body, and restore the functions of internal organs and systems.
  3. In addition to psychotropic drugs, doctors can prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes. Since the conditions we study can often be caused by a deficiency of a number of useful substances.

    In case of schizophrenia, during the acute phase of derealization and depersonalization, the patient must be placed in a specialized institution. If he is always in an acute condition, then, unfortunately, he cannot be in society, he is socially dangerous. As for other people, if the symptoms worsen, their severity, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers, inpatient treatment until the symptoms are alleviated.

  4. Psychotherapeutic treatment provides a standard set of effects on the human psyche: cognitive resonance therapy, hypnosis and psychoanalysis. In each case, the doctor “gets to the bottom” of the truth, the nature of the disease. Perhaps, under the influence of hypnosis, during a frank conversation, the patient will talk about his childhood traumas, the powerful stresses that he experienced. So, having reached the essence, the doctor, as it were, “returns” the disease back. Hypnotic sessions are intended to correct distorted perceptions of the surrounding world and oneself. Also during psychoanalysis, the state association method is used.

With cognitive resonance therapy, the patient's emotional and behavioral cognitive state is restored. The doctor is working on the rehabilitation of his mental abilities and thinking. For this purpose, muscle relaxation is used very effectively, which subsequently allows a person to independently stop attacks of derealization and depersonalization.

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