How to get rid of dependence on a person: advice from a psychologist

How often do you take medications without a doctor's prescription? Do you remember to read the instructions? Have you ever had a desire to increase the dosage of the drug in order to quickly cope with the ailment? If you recognize yourself in any of the questions, then you should think about whether the decision to take the medicine is really justified and whether you are causing harm to yourself. Typically, any drug is prescribed by a doctor and taken strictly under his supervision. But from time to time there is a desire to drink, at first glance, a completely harmless medicine. Such a solution can help to quickly cope with the problem, but sometimes the situation gets out of control and the person, without noticing it, begins to abuse medications. Against this background, drug dependence develops - a state of constant need to take any medicinal substance, which, when withdrawn or reduced in dosage, worsens the emotional and physical state.

Take any medication with the utmost seriousness.

Main types of chemical dependency

There are many mind-altering substances. Each of them can become addictive. As a matter of fact, such substances include those that many use daily or very often: coffee, alcohol, tranquilizers. Most people control their use, and some become severely addicted. Psychoactive substances are divided into legal (medicines, tobacco, alcohol) and illegal (drugs). The main types of chemical dependency can be listed:

  • alcoholism;
  • opium addiction;
  • hashish addiction;
  • substance abuse;
  • stimulant addiction;
  • hallucinogen drug addiction.

Chemical dependence is most dangerous for young people. Their body is especially susceptible to damage to all organs and systems. At a young age, a single dose of a psychoactive substance is enough for addiction to set in, leading to the most severe consequences. After all, the psyche of young people, which is not yet sufficiently strong, changes very quickly under the influence of chemicals. Not only physical and chemical changes occur in the body, but also a complex of socio-psychological problems arises. The following symptoms appear:

  • the desire to use chemicals becomes irresistible;
  • the addict can no longer control their dosage;
  • withdrawal syndrome occurs;
  • the need for increasingly higher doses of the drug develops;
  • the addict is ready to take the drug in any circumstances;
  • the addict ceases to be interested in other pleasures;
  • mental disorders and social problems arise.

Social problems are expressed in the fact that the addict quits school or work, comes into conflict with others and the law, and loses family and friends. Communication is maintained only with those who are dependent on him. It becomes very difficult for former friends and acquaintances to communicate with an addict: his character changes radically, he loses all his former interests. In the future, he will face complete isolation.

Types of dependencies

Dependencies are divided into two large groups. These are chemical and non-chemical dependencies.

Chemical dependencies

The group of chemical addictions includes addictions to psychoactive substances, that is, substances that affect the activity of the central nervous system. A single use of such substances leads to a change in a person’s emotional and physical state, and repeated use causes the formation of mental and physical dependence.

Chemical addictions include alcohol, nicotine (tobacco) and drug addictions.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction

(alcoholism) is a disease that manifests itself as an addiction to alcohol with mental and physical dependence on it.

First, mental dependence develops. A person begins to resort to alcohol as the only means to relieve stress, cheer up, relax, get rid of fatigue after a hard day, and facilitate communication with others. People often see nothing wrong with the fact that alcohol becomes a means of first aid in various life circumstances. Up to a certain point, addiction to alcohol does not affect your health, work, or relationships with loved ones. Such a person is strikingly different from the “classic” image of an alcoholic - a subject with a blue nose, shaking hands, who has lost his job and prefers drinking, albeit with random drinking companions, to everything else. And on this basis, a person already addicted to drinking does not consider that there is any cause for concern.

Meanwhile, a restructuring of the human personality is gradually taking place. Priorities change. A person begins to look for a reason to drink, to strive for a place where this desire can be realized. The impending drink causes euphoria, and if the event fails, the mood drops to the point of depression. More and more money is being spent on alcohol.

Sensitivity to alcohol also changes. To achieve a drunken state now requires 2-3 times more alcohol. To achieve the desired state, a person changes drinks - he starts drinking stronger ones, often cheaper and of lower quality, because the taste component no longer matters.

The next stage is characterized by an irresistible desire to drink. The need for alcohol is already stronger than the need for food. Personality degradation continues. Without drinking, a person becomes aggressive and irritable. The euphoria achieved with alcohol quickly passes, and the dose required to get drunk increases even more. Headaches, heart problems and other disorders appear.

Further progression of alcoholism will lead to binge drinking and even greater personality destruction. Physical health problems will also increase.

Alcoholism is destructive to a family. It is estimated that one patient affected by alcoholism has a profound impact on the lives of at least four people. The reaction of family members to the behavior of a person with alcohol addiction is, as a rule, typical, and it can take its own pathological forms. As a result, the situation in the family worsens even more. The solution is to see a doctor (psychotherapist or narcologist).

In such situations, professional help is necessary for all family members. To treat alcohol addiction in modern medicine, various methods are used: drug therapy, a combination of drug and psychotherapeutic assistance, prohibitive techniques. It is also necessary to consult the patient's relatives - without this, it is extremely difficult to achieve long-term remissions and normalization of family relationships.

Drug addiction

Drug addiction

(drug addiction) is a chronic progressive disease associated with the use of narcotic substances.
The list of narcotic drugs is determined by law. If there is a dependence on a substance that is not included in the list of narcotic drugs, we talk about substance abuse
. The progression of drug addiction means that the disease is continuously developing: if the drug addict is left to his own devices, it will definitely get worse. Drug addiction treatment should not be delayed under any circumstances.

Drug addiction treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a psychiatrist-narcologist. Treatment should include mandatory further rehabilitation (restoration of lost functions).

Nicotine addiction

Nicotine addiction

(smoking) is a serious problem. Nicotine has a destructive effect on the human body. Quitting smoking can help a person maintain and improve their health, but quitting smoking is not so easy. It is known that for only 15% of smokers smoking can be considered only a habit; for 85% of smokers it is a nicotine addiction.

If a person decides to quit smoking, he can choose the most suitable method for combating nicotine addiction. Some people are able to give up cigarettes on their own, while others need to undergo treatment using one or another technique. This is all purely individual. The main thing is not the method, the main thing is the result: recovery from nicotine addiction. If you cannot cope with addiction on your own, you need to seek help from specialists (psychotherapist or narcologist).

The cause of the disease is treated, and it is different for everyone. Therefore, proper treatment of nicotine addiction requires an individual approach. The course of treatment, as a rule, includes a set of measures at both biological and psychological levels.

Non-chemical addictions

Recently, non-chemical addictions have become increasingly widespread: addiction to gambling or computer games, addiction to shopping, addiction to food.

Gaming addiction

Gambling addiction

(card addiction, etc.),
computer games
(gambling addiction) manifests itself in the form of a constant desire to participate in the game. More and more time is devoted to the game - to the detriment of work and ordinary communication. Even outside the gaming situation, a person suffering from gambling addiction constantly thinks about the game and plans game combinations. When playing for money, such a person is not able to stop even after a big win; It’s also difficult for him to stop after a series of big losses.

Gambling addiction goes through several stages: the winning stage, when a person is motivated to gamble by the desire to win; the stage of loss, when the main thing is the desire to win back; the stage of disappointment in which a person becomes depressed and completely falls out of normal life. The earlier treatment is started, the easier it will be to cope with addiction. It is extremely difficult to cope with gambling addiction on your own; To get rid of gambling addiction, you need to seek help from a specialist (psychotherapist or psychiatrist-narcologist).

Shopping addiction

Shopping addiction

– this is an uncontrollable desire to make more and more new purchases. In principle, any successful purchase brings pleasure. Quite often there are advertisements calling for pleasure by buying a new thing. As a result, a behavioral stereotype arises: if you want to improve your mood, buy something. Such behavior becomes pathological when the act of buying itself turns out to be more important than the thing being purchased. The number of unnecessary purchases is growing; An increasing share of the personal or family budget is spent on shopping, so much so that it begins to affect other aspects of life.

In order to overcome addiction, you need the help of a specialist. A psychotherapist must find out the real reasons that force a person to seek solace in shopping. As a rule, these are serious intra-family or personal problems.

Food addiction

Food addiction

(food addiction) manifests itself in eating food regardless of the feeling of hunger. That is, a person eats when he is full. The motivation for eating is the desire to enjoy (cheer up). This is how, for example, a reaction to stress can be expressed: a person tries to “seize” bad emotions.

Indeed, food can bring pleasure. However, if a person tries to pamper himself with abundant and tasty food all the time, addiction develops: the person eats more and more, but receives less pleasure. Food addiction leads to obesity. Excess weight reduces a person’s self-esteem; these are again bad emotions that a person fights in the usual way, that is, with food.

It is almost impossible to get out of this vicious circle on your own. The task of overcoming food addiction must be solved comprehensively, for which both medication and psychotherapeutic techniques are used. Treatment is carried out by a psychotherapist or narcologist with the participation of an endocrinologist. A competent approach involves not only treating the consequences of overeating, but also eliminating the causes of obesity.

Emotional addiction

Emotional addiction

is an obsessive need for another person. A dependent person perceives the value of his relationship with another as critical; it seems to him that his whole life consists of these relationships. When stressed or anxious, such a person feels the need for contact with a loved one, and if this is impossible, his emotional state worsens. Emotional dependence destroys both the personality of the one who suffers from it and the relationship itself, since they often become burdensome to the object of his love.

The causes are elusive - the consequences are disastrous

In most cases, it is difficult to see the obvious causes of drug addiction. Most often, the first use of a drug is a matter of chance and curiosity. They offered to try it - I couldn’t refuse. This may remain a random episode, or it may lead to tragedy. Everything will depend on what soil the “grain” falls on. If a young man from a dysfunctional family finds himself in such a situation, if he has had injuries (both physical and psychological), etc., the danger of developing addiction is great. Genetic predisposition also plays a significant role.

A drug addict, both in the initial stage and in the future, lives in illusions. He continues to believe that he is in complete control of his desires, that he can do without the drug - if only he wants to. Due to disturbances in thought processes and memory, he is at the mercy of these myths. He does not want to admit the obvious facts: the presence of addiction and the need for treatment. Relatives and friends who try to talk to an addict about this are met with aggressive rebuff. Increasing difficulties in relationships with loved ones make the illness of one person an illness for the whole family.

Symptoms of addiction

Each type of addiction has its own specific manifestations, but there are also general diagnostic indicators that a person is dependent.

First of all, the behavior becomes compulsive, that is, certain behavioral acts are systematically repeated. If a person is deprived of the opportunity for such activities, he will develop an obsessive syndrome - withdrawal (for drug addicts - physical, for gambling addicts - psychological). A person makes systematic attempts to get rid of addiction on his own, but again falls into it. Returning to the subject of addiction after a break is euphoric in nature, the person loses orientation in time.

Defensive reactions to criticism from others are activated, the individual becomes aggressive when they try to limit his hobby. He himself often denies addiction, proving to others that he can stop when he wants to.

The following happens to the relatives of a drug addict:

  • in an effort to save a loved one, they lose themselves;
  • their emotional state depends on the behavior of the drug addict;
  • they experience increasing guilt and despair;
  • self-esteem decreases sharply;
  • they enter the role of victim or rescuer;
  • a growing state of apathy leads to isolation;
  • under stress, chronic diseases worsen and new ailments develop.

Therefore, in such families it is impossible to treat only one person’s chemical dependence. The whole family needs treatment. Relatives of a drug addict either destroy themselves, taking on all the blame for what happened to their loved one, or unconsciously try to save themselves by turning a blind eye to the problem. Not wanting to see the scale of the disaster, they come up with explanations: there is no illness, the person is just very tired or going through a difficult time, he needs to relax, and then it will pass... In fact, only one thing is needed: serious treatment. This is necessary both for the addict himself and for his loved ones. After all, they suffer from codependency no less than the chemically dependent person himself.

The Caspian Center is a rehabilitation center in which a powerful treatment base has been created, extensive experience has been gained, where specialists will help to get out of a situation that seems to be a dead end.

Recognizing addiction to alcohol and/or drugs means defeating it!!!

Among the types of addiction, chemical dependence on alcohol is the most studied, but no less dangerous. Doctors have long and comprehensively studied the nuances of the occurrence of this disease and the prerequisites for its development. It is quite obvious that the prerequisites may be the presence of complexes, low or excessively high self-esteem, and instability to stress. Many alcoholics grew up in dysfunctional families or families where it was not customary to express their emotions and experiences out loud. In search of a remedy that would help them cope with suppressed feelings, these people turned to alcohol. He gave them short-term relief of tension, liberation from oppressive heaviness. But time passed - and the “cure” for mental pain was needed again, in larger quantities... The reasons lie not only in the social sphere, but also in genetics and other areas. Alcoholism can be contributed to by a depressive personality, dissatisfaction with oneself, and many other factors. That is why many doctors tend to consider alcoholism a biopsycho-socio-spiritual disease. Or another definition: a primary chronic disease, the development and manifestations of which are influenced by genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. What does “primary” mean in this case? The fact that chemical dependence on alcohol is not a consequence or complication of a pre-existing disease.

Break free from dangerous illusions

Treatment of alcoholism, like treatment of drug addiction, begins with awareness of the fact of addiction. As long as a person lives with the illusion “I drink (shoot up, swallow pills, etc.) as long as I like it,” as long as he is sure that he will free himself at any moment, there is practically no hope for recovery. When is chemical dependency diagnosed? When it becomes clear that a person physically cannot stand without another dose of alcohol, drug or other psychoactive substance. For a drug addict, a sign of chemical dependence is painful sensations in the body, for alcoholics it is a severe hangover. What else should alert you, frighten you, prompt you to immediately take certain measures?

These are the following signs:

  • constant obsessive desire to drink;
  • alcohol is required increasingly stronger and in larger quantities;
  • during a feast it is impossible to limit yourself to a few glasses;
  • got into the habit of drinking in the morning and alone;
  • the appearance of memory loss after drinking;
  • aggressive behavior with loss of self-control;
  • inadequate perception of reality;
  • lack of gag reflex as a result of intoxication;
  • tendency to binge drinking for several days.

Six tips from a psychologist on how to avoid a nervous breakdown during self-isolation

Of all the described disorders, depression is the most dangerous in terms of aggression.

Photo: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, this is not the first time humanity has encountered a pandemic. But this is the first time we have encountered global panic caused by the pandemic, the global economic crisis, and the rapid transition of the entire planet into virtual reality. Some sectors of the economy, such as the tourism business, the hotel industry, the entertainment industry, passenger air transportation, and the catering industry are in a comatose state. The vast majority of organizations have transferred employees to remote work. The usual rhythm of life is disrupted. Jobs are being lost. Exchange rates are jumping. There is a disconnect between people. The ground of stability has been knocked out from under people's feet. The people of many countries are observing the powerlessness of the authorities in the face of the new coronavirus infection. The only place for communication, study, work, and relaxation has become the Internet. A colossal load is placed on the thin threads of the World Wide Web, and we can only hope that these threads will cope and withstand.

Sports matches have been cancelled. The World Figure Skating Championships have been cancelled. Eurovision cancelled. Performances and concerts, film screenings and fashion weeks, festivals and competitions have been cancelled. All over the world. Almost everything that united us, that gave us bright emotions and joyful experiences, has been cancelled. What we have been waiting for for a long time, what we have been preparing for with impatience.

Since this happened for the first time in history, it is difficult to predict what awaits us next with a high degree of probability. One can only imagine what might greet us as we emerge from the pandemic. We are likely to see an increase in mental health disorders such as:

1. Hypochondria. A lot of people worry about their health and the health of their loved ones. And at the moment this is not unreasonable. But the longer the pandemic rages, the deeper these experiences will be and the wider the circle of people suffering from hypochondriacal disorder. The pandemic will end someday, and painful worries about the danger of getting sick will accompany the inhabitants of our planet for some time.

2. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) . A person involuntarily has an obsessive, frightening thought (obsession). For example: “There are only viruses and bacteria around. They are everywhere." And in order to get rid of these thoughts, people commit some obsessive actions (compulsions). For fear of infection, people wash their hands hundreds of times a day and endlessly sanitize all surfaces. If the epidemic is over, but the thoughts have not gone away and the actions continue, then you need to seek help from a psychotherapist.

3. Anxiety-phobic disorders. The level of anxiety (fear of something uncertain) and fear (fear of something specific) increase so much that they cause a deterioration in general well-being and unpleasant sensations in the body.

4. Depressive disorders. Staying in isolation can cause people to feel melancholy, low mood, depression, and feelings of loneliness and uselessness. In this regard, you should be especially concerned about the elderly, since pensioners living alone are already susceptible to such thoughts. It is for people suffering from depression that thoughts of voluntary death are most common, as a possible way out of what they consider a hopeless situation. It is important to know that all situations have a way out (most often even several), except for one: when a person has already left this world.

5. Substance abuse (PSA) , which includes narcotic drugs, alcohol, tobacco, medications (antidepressants, anti-anxiety and other psychotropic drugs). Some come to use to reduce anxiety, and others because they don’t know what to do with themselves, since they have more free time. It is worth remembering that after some time the situation will change, and it will be impossible to return health damaged by surfactants. As for medications, perhaps some people need them. But only a doctor can choose an effective drug taking into account the patient’s health condition. Don't be afraid to ask for help!

6. “Polar disease” , also known as “cabin fever” or “expedition rabies”, was first described by the outstanding Austrian zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz in his book “Aggression (the so-called “evil”).” Lorenz writes: “The so-called “polar disease”, otherwise “expedition rabies”, affects mainly small groups of people when, due to circumstances determined by the name itself, they are doomed to communicate only with each other and are thereby deprived of the opportunity to quarrel with someone outside. , not included in their partnership." People who have been isolated for a long time are ready to fight with each other over the most insignificant reason. It is interesting that the “polar disease” was put forward by some researchers as one of the versions of the death of the Dyatlov group.

Staying in isolation can cause people to feel melancholy, low mood, depression, feelings of loneliness and uselessness

Photo: Shutterstock

Of all the disorders described above, in terms of aggression, depression is the most dangerous (aggression directed at oneself is still aggression, therefore, it can be redirected to others: aggression is already in the structure of the disorder, and no one can predict what direction it will take) ; abuse of psychoactive substances (due to decreased control over one’s actions); well, and, of course, “polar disease” (due to the circumstances already described).

In addition, due to restrictive measures, the whole world is rapidly immersing itself in virtual reality: remote work, distance learning, virtual visits to museums and parks, all of this can have a negative impact on mental health. Being in virtual reality, a person experiences the illusion of anonymity, and this can “blur” the attitudes and prohibitions that apply in real life. And this “blurring” can lead to a feeling of permissiveness and impunity, which in turn will increase aggressive manifestations.

And the economic situation is fueling social tension, which, of course, does not contribute to stabilizing the emotional background and improving the mental health of citizens.

Based on the totality of the above data, we can conclude that a surge in aggressive manifestations is likely and possible. What to do?

Firstly, if you are concerned about the psychological state of you or your loved ones, please seek help from specialists. You can consult a psychologist remotely. The sooner you do this, the less likely it is that you will have to see a psychiatrist and take medications. Most of the disorders described in this article can be corrected using non-drug methods. A psychologist will teach you breathing, body and other practices that will help you and your family maintain peace of mind and calm. By devoting just 10 to 20 minutes a day to special exercises, you will stabilize your psyche and get rid of stagnant stress. The specialist will also explain to you how to experience negative emotions. It is to live constructively, and not to suppress them. After all, they are given to us by nature: anger, sadness, and fear. Experienced emotions do not cause harm, but suppressed ones choose target organs in the body and bring down all their unburned potential on them. If you have to seek help from a psychiatrist, there is nothing to worry about; modern drugs help quickly and do not have many side effects. The desire to seek help is a normal reaction to a not entirely normal situation!

Secondly, make a list of what will be pleasant for you even in such cramped circumstances. Believe me, there will be many such cases. You can learn a foreign language using video lessons; when the quarantine is lifted and you go on vacation, this will be very useful to you. For the same reason, you can do fitness remotely; many fitness centers offer such classes. Yes, many things can give you pleasure: lie on the couch with a real paper book, lie down with a mask on your face, make a homemade cake, learn new skills (what if you like making face creams or embroidering pictures). Sports and cooking, taking care of your own body and self-development are great helpers in difficult situations. Physical activity will enable muscles to utilize stress hormones without harm to health. Washing and ironing, washing dishes and cleaning are also suitable for utilizing adrenaline.

Thirdly, we continue to communicate, albeit virtually for now. We call friends and family by phone, use video calls, and text. Let us say our firm “no!” to disunity! With those who live in the same apartment with you, we start conversations and games, look at old photographs, remember pleasant moments and funny situations. Joint activities bring us together and provide an opportunity to discover something new in each other. It may suddenly turn out that dad is a great reader of poetry, and grandma plays the guitar masterfully. But it is important not to forget that everyone has the right to personal time and space; if someone said that they want to be alone a little, their desire must be respected.

Fourth, it’s finally time to sort out the folder with documents, clean out the mail, and check the expiration dates of the food in the refrigerator. You can sort through books so that after the quarantine is lifted, you can take the ones you don’t need to the library. It would also be good to review clothes and shoes, selecting what is no longer pleasing, has gone out of fashion, is outdated, has become small or large. Throw away what is old, torn, faded, and leave what is suitable for wearing, so that later it can be given to those in need. Decluttering your closets and hard drive helps greatly in decluttering your thoughts.

Fifthly, we create new rituals and remember the old ones. Let us immediately note that in our case the ritual is not dancing with a tambourine around the fire, but simple daily, repeating actions. For example, if you got ready for work every morning listening to relaxing music, what’s stopping you from now having breakfast and making your bed while listening to the same music? If you have always made your bed, then continue to do so. This is the ritual, this is the “anchor”, the “bridge” that connects our life “before” with the life that will be “after”. Remember what “anchor” rituals you have, take them into the present. Come up with new ones, for example, learn a new poem every day after breakfast. Such rituals give a feeling of orderliness in life, its strength and stability. Rituals are very important for those who are quarantined or treated in medical institutions. Every time you brush your teeth or comb your hair, remember how you did it at home. This is what connects you to home, family. Tell yourself: “I used to brush my teeth at home, now I remember brushing my teeth at home, soon I will brush my teeth at home again!” This simple technique saved people’s lives even in the unbearable, inhumane conditions of fascist concentration camps.

Please do not change your routine suddenly. If you always woke up at 7.00, and now you start sleeping until 11.00, then you are throwing off your body’s circadian rhythm, your biological clock. The body cannot understand what to do and spends resources on switching. When we can return to normal life, you will have to subject your body to a big shock again.

Sixth, you can approach your stay in quarantine consciously, understanding that by observing restrictive measures we are saving lives: our own, the lives of friends, relatives, neighbors, and work colleagues. This is our mission, this is our job - to save the world. What this world will be like after the end of the pandemic, quarantine and crisis depends not only on the authorities, oil prices, exchange rates and other things, but also on you and me. If we follow very simple rules, the new world will not resemble a scene from a disaster movie. If we remain human, we will cope and we will celebrate next spring in parks and stadiums, in theaters and at exhibitions, enjoying the sun and freedom.

The first stage is mental dependence.

His sign is a constant search for a reason to drink. At this time, all interests that previously occupied an important place begin to fade into the background. The addict stops caring about his social status. Work and family lose importance, the circle of close acquaintances changes, and there are more of the same dependent people in it. Life goals are forgotten, values ​​are replaced. Character changes are noticeable: irritability, deceit, lack of shame for one’s behavior.

But this is still a stage at which others are only guessing about the disease. When the stage of physical-chemical dependence begins, its manifestations are obvious. A state of depression and anxiety, trembling hands, weakness, fever, a sharp decrease in appetite, constant thirst - and all this is accompanied by an increase in cravings for alcohol. The need for a hangover is formed, and binge drinking becomes more frequent. But even in the intervals between them, the condition is quite serious, weakness and depression appear. The next stage is alcohol degradation associated with changes in brain tissue.

Its signs:

  • transformation of personality traits;
  • partial retrograde amnesia;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • development of alcoholic psychoses;
  • convulsive seizures.

Diagnosis – family of alcoholic

The matter is complicated by the fact that not only the addict suffers from the disease, but also his loved ones. Together with him they experience emotional discord, tension, stress. The family finds itself in a difficult situation, caught between two impossibilities. After all, it is equally impossible to leave a loved one in a difficult situation and help him, since he himself does not want this. As a result, parents, wives, and children of alcoholics experience serious mental destruction. Many difficulties are created - from complexes (after all, being the child or wife of an alcoholic is shameful) to diseases that arise due to stress. Cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and even cancer diseases become an expensive price to pay for the chemical dependence on alcohol of one of the family members.

Of course, treatment for alcohol addiction should begin long before this stage occurs. Today it is very effective. A significant role in it is played by working with the hidden capabilities of the individual, aimed at understanding the advantages of life without chemical dependence. We believe that changing a patient’s attitude towards alcoholism means helping him heal. Who is affected by chemical dependency diseases?

The unconditional scourge of our time is the disease of chemical dependence, the most common of which are alcoholism and drug addiction. It's a kind of Russian roulette. This comparison may sound a little strange, but it is quite appropriate. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world who drink moderately or not too moderately. However, not all of them will become alcoholics. Most will enjoy good liquor. For some, this will result in a serious illness. Very, very many young people cannot resist the temptation to smoke weed or try something heavier - just for once, for the sake of curiosity and thrill. Most, having satisfied their curiosity, will stop there. And for some, this will be the first step along the road leading to nowhere. A step towards self-loss, destruction, painful illness, premature death... And who can guess for which of the two frivolous students the “joint” during recess will become just a funny memory, and who after that will face a long and difficult recovery from drug addiction?

Stages of development of psychological dependence

Initially, the user does not have an addiction; it develops gradually.

  • The first stage is always psychological dependence. A person understands the difference between taking a substance or a certain action and the desired change in mental state. For example, smoking can be occasional, during times of stress or socially. Only an experienced psychologist can discern addiction at this stage.
  • At the second stage, use becomes regular and becomes a habit. The pace is increasing, and you have to resort to your favorite remedy more and more often. A person cannot live even a few hours without the Internet on a smartphone. With alcoholism, a person begins to drink not only on Fridays, but also, for example, on Wednesdays or after a hard day at work.
  • At the third stage, the use of funds becomes normal. A person stops accepting criticism, and interpersonal relationships are sacrificed to addictions. At this stage, it is especially important to recognize the problem and begin addiction treatment while it is still possible.
  • At the fourth stage , there is a complete immersion in dependence, a rejection of social connections. Not only the human psyche is destroyed, but also his body.
  • The fifth stage involves the complete destruction of personality. A person is no longer aware of himself separately from his habit. The most severe conditions are associated with drug addiction and alcoholism. The substances do not bring the desired relief, but without them they often cannot even get out of bed. Health is almost completely destroyed, it is already extremely difficult to return a person to normal life.

Addiction is easier to prevent

Today no one will argue with the fact that addiction – alcohol, drugs and any other – is a disease. And like any disease, it is much easier to prevent than to treat. Of course, the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction must be carried out globally - at the level of each state and the whole world. But the main role still belongs to the family. And this is fair, because the family suffers the most if a loved one becomes a victim of chemical addiction.

A family is a kind of system. And, like any system, it fails if one of its components breaks. Just as in a mechanism, the malfunction of one of the parts leads to rapid wear of the rest, so in a family, the misfortune of one person becomes the misfortune of everyone. This is what the term “codependency” means.

What do family members experience when their usual, well-established life for years has suddenly changed? Stress, even if it's a positive change. After all, you also need to get used to the “new good”, adapt, and learn to live with it. And the “new bad” changes the very rules of family life, making them harsh and inhumane. In a sick family, all previously assigned roles are reviewed. It is especially difficult for children. They are forced to be torn between the desire to help a healthy parent, to support him fairly - and pity for the dependent parent, the desire to protect him, save him. Children are trying to resist addiction. And when this fails, they blame themselves - and it is difficult to say how far they can go in this self-destructive blame.

Therefore, in order to avoid possible dramas, the prevention of chemical dependence should be the task of every family. How to achieve this? Paradoxically, with the help of the same codependency - if we understand it as love and participation. They are the ones who will suggest the right words to use to explain to a child from a very early age about the dangers of bad habits. The principle “it’s too early for him to know about it” is inappropriate in this case. Trust in your relationship with your child, the inviolability of parental authority, and the warmth of family ties will help you implement what is officially called “primary prevention of drug addiction.”

Secondary prevention of alcohol and drug addiction occurs when the first alarm bells have already rung. Your child has already grown up, and you are alarmed to notice frightening tendencies in him. Try to use all the ways to form a negative attitude towards drugs and alcohol. Practice a lifestyle in your family that is incompatible with the development of chemical dependency. Be able to convince all members of your family that life is wonderful and interesting without stimulants.

If prevention is too late

If it is obvious that prevention is too late, immediate measures should be taken to cure chemical dependence. Explanatory conversations are pointless while the addict is experiencing physical suffering, so the first thing you need to do is alleviate it. This is what doctors think, first of all relieving the patient’s withdrawal symptoms. And only after this does psychological rehabilitation begin, consisting of several stages.

The dependent must:

  • accept the fact of illness, realizing that you have no control over your actions;
  • realize that he needs to change;
  • determine the direction of change with the help of specialists;
  • start implementing these changes.

Psychological rehabilitation takes a lot of time - depending on how far the disease has gone, and on the desire and readiness of the patient to go through this path, his determination not to return to the vicious circle. The next stage of rehabilitation is social, when a person has to revive broken relationships in the family: adapt to the demands of loved ones, first return partnerships, and then the previous trusting relationships. It will not begin until the patient gains confidence that he will no longer make his relatives suffer by experiencing family addiction.

Next is the spiritual stage of rehabilitation. By and large, it can last a lifetime.

Of course, this is a difficult path that an addict cannot do on his own or even with the help of his family. Our specialists, using an integrated approach, will help you free yourself from all types of chemical dependency.

Treatment of addictions with a psychotherapist

All types of addictions are united by a single property: those with addictions are not able to control their actions related to one or another process, be it the process of using mentally active substances or the process of gaming or love relationships. Moreover, each addiction has its own specifics, and each addict has his own motives for maintaining addictive behavior. It is with motives that the process of analysis and getting rid of a bad habit usually begins. When, during a psychotherapy session, the patient at a rational level comes to the definition of a motivating automatic thought, work begins in line with cognitive psychotherapy, then the personal aspects that led to the emergence of addictive behavior are worked out - and the Golden Key is ours? No. Then, according to scientists, a breakdown occurs, because it is impossible to work through everything in one psychotherapeutic course. Moreover, if the course was carried out successfully, then the breakdown does not develop into a relapse, but is quickly stopped with the help of a psychotherapist, after which there is a possibility of a complete recovery. That is why getting rid of addiction is a responsible and difficult task, which should only be done by professionals. Relatives and friends of an addict need to remember that it is difficult for such a person to cope with the disease. Codependent relatives also need the help of a specialist who gives recommendations on how to behave correctly with a suffering individual in order to avoid tension in the relationship. Experienced specialists provide qualified assistance to both dependent patients and their codependent relatives. Phone number for registration. We wish you and your loved ones health! The only acceptable passion is for a happy life!

Why is rehabilitation needed?

Rehabilitation – return to life, to people, to oneself

Absolutely all relatives of chemically dependent people are painfully familiar with this plot: experiencing unbearable physical torment, the patient agrees to go to the hospital. Having completed a detoxification course that relieves withdrawal symptoms, he categorically refuses further treatment. The addict is not deceiving anyone: he sincerely believes that he is healthy and will never return to drug addiction or alcoholism. However, some time passes and everything starts all over again. Therefore, the most important stage of treatment is addiction rehabilitation.

After all, chemical dependence, which has been formed over the years, subjugates all human organs and systems, including the brain. The addict is accustomed to the fact that alcohol or drugs:

  • give lightness and euphoria that you want to experience again and again;
  • allow you to forget about problems;
  • help you come to terms with your own shortcomings;
  • allow you to come to terms with all life’s failures.

This creates the illusion of liberation from problems on the physical, psychological, social and spiritual levels. Bringing an addict out of withdrawal symptoms only solves physical problems. The addict no longer experiences pain and discomfort, but internal emptiness remains with him. Spiritual, social and psychological problems remain, forcing us to return to the proven method not to solve them, but to forget about them - alcohol or drugs. Therefore, getting rid of alcohol or drug addiction is impossible without a long course of rehabilitation.

Modern doctors use different rehabilitation programs. But they all include three main stages. The first is detoxification, when accumulated toxins are removed from the body. The patient takes medication for alcohol addiction, which brings physical relief. Next comes inpatient rehabilitation, which forms and strengthens the motivation to give up alcohol or drugs on a psychological level. And then - supportive rehabilitation, which helps you return to the real world. Such rehabilitation will complete social adaptation.

The essence of psychological dependence

The reasons for addiction can be different. Every person has habits, harmful or useful. This mechanism is designed to make our lives easier. Many actions become rituals when repeated frequently and do not require mental or psychological stress. For example, the habit of washing your face and brushing your teeth, removing makeup, and doing morning exercises. If bad habits become uncontrollable, they lead to addictions.

Psychological dependence is a strong attraction to something that suppresses a person’s other interests. A person sacrifices his health, relationships with loved ones, work and career to his addiction. A person’s personality narrows down to one interest, and all other areas of life become unimportant.

Dependencies can be divided into two groups.

1. Physical dependence develops in people who have been taking psychoactive substances for a long time (drugs, some strong medications, alcohol). First, the body “gets used” to the substance; to achieve an effect, an increase in dose is required. When withdrawing, severe conditions and withdrawal syndrome occur.

2 . Mental dependence is an addiction to emotional states associated with taking substances or any type of activity. In this case, the person is not dependent on, for example, alcohol on a physical level, but likes to experience a state of lightness, fun or relaxation after drinking. Without alcohol, he becomes withdrawn, less sociable, self-esteem drops, and anxiety develops. Some people are addicted to food, sex, computer games or gambling. Overcoming psychological addiction is often more difficult than physiological addiction.

Symptoms of the disease:

The first signs of addiction are an alarm

Even the most attentive parents may not immediately notice signs of drug addiction in their child. At the stage that narcologists define as drug abuse, they are not yet so obvious. This is the period when a psychoactive substance is taken to achieve euphoria, but the use has not yet become systematic. How long this stage will last depends on many factors, including the drug’s drug-induced potential and the individual characteristics of the body. But sooner or later, physical, psychological dependence, or both at the same time, is formed, characterized by constant or periodic persistent searches for the drug.

Don't be afraid to be overly vigilant

Methods to combat addiction

A psychologist or psychiatrist can help you overcome addiction. There are effective methods for getting rid of addictions, but they only help if you have a firm decision to overcome bad habits. Methods such as psychotherapy, hypnosis, and self-hypnosis are used.

Is self-hypnosis effective?

Self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis work if you are able to control your own emotions and have realized the importance of giving up a bad habit. You need to concentrate on your feelings, relax, and try to enter a trance state. It is easier for an unprepared person to seek help from a specialist - a psychologist or psychiatrist - to determine the causes of addiction. Sessions must be carried out regularly, following all stages.

Elements of self-hypnosis can be used in everyday life. Repeat to yourself as often as possible that you don’t want to smoke or eat fast food, it’s a bad habit. It’s not you who is reaching for a cigarette, but someone else sitting inside. Deny him his usual diet and he will go away forever.


Effective work with a psychologist . It is difficult for a person suffering from addiction to cope with the problem alone and needs support. Often, to get rid of a bad habit, you have to completely change your social circle and find new guidelines. Hence the popularity of group therapy, various Alcoholics Anonymous groups, etc.

Cognitive, behavioral, and relaxation therapy help in the fight against addiction. Talk to your psychologist and he will select the necessary types of therapy and teach you the correct self-help techniques.

Psychotherapy does not last forever; sooner or later a person will be left alone with his choice.

Be sure to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the pupils, regardless of lighting, are too narrow or wide;
  • slow, awkward movements, but no smell of alcohol;
  • harshness and rudeness in conversation;
  • detached look;
  • hair becomes dry;
  • swelling of the hands appeared;
  • changes in speech (the appearance of slurring).

If a teenager begins to constantly wear clothes with long sleeves, you need to look for traces of injections on the body, including in the most unexpected places (on the legs, armpit, groin area, etc.).

Parents should be wary of emerging secrecy, sudden, causeless mood swings, loss of interest in studies and previously favorite activities, disruption of sleep patterns, and the appearance of new acquaintances that arouse suspicion. Well, if things and money started disappearing from the house, it means the situation has become critical. We need urgent help from narcologists. Yes, many parents of teenagers will say that all this may just be signs of adolescence. But it is better to be overly vigilant than to allow a tragedy to occur.

Signs of psychological dependence

It is not always the case that a person realizes that he has become addicted. We often think that we can quit smoking, drinking or playing computer games at any time. But for some reason this moment does not come.

Be wary if you have any of these signs:

  • You do something without your desire. There is no choice, control over the situation is lost. So you weren't planning on drinking tonight, but you come home and find yourself with a glass in your hand. Or during an important meeting you can’t help but look at your phone screen.
  • You consider your habit an important part of your life. An evening online game turns out to be more important than a meeting with friends or a timely report.
  • You experience a feeling of discomfort and even fear when you cannot resort to a bad habit. For example, it is difficult for an addicted person to survive a long flight without cigarettes.
  • You justify to yourself that the habit helps relieve stress, and find a reason to indulge in it again.
  • The next morning you feel guilty about drinking last night. A shopaholic may feel guilty about spending money after compulsive shopping, and so on.
  • You hide or downplay the habit from friends and acquaintances. Subconsciously, you understand that your behavior is not supported by society.
  • You refuse to admit guilt in what happened. There are excuses like: “I didn’t want to, but I had to,” “circumstances forced me,” “everyone did it, so did I,” “I couldn’t resist,” etc.

Don't miss the pre-alcoholic phase

The symptoms of alcohol dependence are more obvious and unambiguous. You will probably notice the following changes happening to your loved one:

  • during any feast he needs more and more alcohol;
  • the addict is looking for more and more reasons to drink;
  • any drinking becomes uncontrollable;
  • blackouts appear after drinking;
  • drinking is accompanied by uncontrolled aggression;
  • the gag reflex is lost as the body’s defense against intoxication;
  • Binges arise, the way out of which becomes increasingly difficult.

Actually, after this, a phase begins, which doctors call acute, or critical. It leads to lifestyle changes, isolation and a focus on alcohol. It is followed by a chronic phase with asocialization, violations of morality and thinking. The addict continues to drink, which can lead to madness or death. Therefore, loved ones are obliged to pay attention to the problem even in the pre-alcohol phase. It is characterized by enormous emotional satisfaction from alcohol and an increase in tolerance (tolerance) to it.

The sooner the addict’s family detects symptoms of drug addiction or alcoholism, the higher the chances of recovery. However, you should not hope that a loved one will be able to free themselves from addiction under the influence of just enlightening conversations from relatives. Yes, such cases are known, but they are rather the exception. It is important to realize that any chemical dependence is a serious progressive disease, very dangerous, disrupting brain processes. But that's not all. Another aspect of the problem is family illness. Not in the sense that all the addict’s relatives will certainly also become drunk or addicted to needles. The way of life and thinking, the health and morality of the entire family will certainly change under the influence of the chemical dependence of one of its members. His relatives will fully understand what codependency means. An alcoholic or drug addict is completely dependent on his destructive addiction, and relatives depend on the alcoholic or drug addict. Scientists characterize codependency as a specific condition that is characterized by intense preoccupation and preoccupation, as well as extreme dependence (social, emotional, and sometimes physical) on a person or thing.

In order to avoid tragic developments, relatives must realize that their loved one actually has drug addiction or alcoholism, the symptoms and signs of which are obvious. With awareness, the path in the right direction begins - the path to healing the addict and freeing oneself from codependency. The in-depth comprehensive approach to healing chemically dependent people, practiced by us, will help you come to terms with reality and return to a normal, fulfilling life. Long-term rehabilitation will prevent breakdowns, return lost values ​​and help restore former trusting relationships in the family.

Family as a system

Chemical dependency is a family disease

What can you imagine when you hear the phrase “family with alcohol addiction”? A depressing picture: a family where everyone, young and old, became victims of drunkenness. Terrible, isn't it? However, this picture has nothing in common with reality. We are not talking about widespread drunkenness, but about the inevitable codependency that all loved ones of a person susceptible to alcoholism, drug addiction or other chemical dependency suffer.

The fact is that any family is a system that can be compared to a trouble-free mechanism - as long as all its parts are in order. But as soon as one single spare part fails, the operation of the entire system will inevitably be disrupted. As a result, all parts will quickly wear out and break if the one that was damaged first is not put in order. Perhaps such a comparison may seem too mundane to some, however, it very accurately illustrates what happens in the family of an alcoholic or drug addict.

From love to illness - one step

At first glance, it may seem that codependency is not a disease, but a movement caused by love, nobility and selflessness. After all, there is nothing more natural than the desire to subordinate your life to the idea of ​​healing a loved one.

Yes, initially codependency looks like a defense of one’s own psyche and a sick relative, as a reaction to the suffering of a loved one, as an attempt to survive with a new problem that has appeared in the family. But imperceptibly and quickly enough, addiction in the family becomes a way of life. A kind of vicious circle is formed: the relatives of the addict allowed him to influence them, their state of mind, way of life, health, behavior - and now they themselves are constantly trying to influence him. A codependent family is characterized by pressure, constant control, complete focus on a chemically dependent relative, and complete abandonment of one’s own life. Relatives experience complex feelings: guilt and pent-up anger, attacks of aggression, self-loathing, attempts to deny the existing problem. In a word, all this is very similar to what a chemically dependent person himself experiences. And the consequences are the same: low self-esteem, isolation, communication problems, depressive behavior. Just as the life of a chemically dependent person is fixated on his addiction, so the life of his loved ones is built exclusively around his sick relative.

Members of a codependent family sacrificially give up their own needs in order to save a loved one. In fact, in order to constantly monitor and manage his behavior. They have no worries of their own. They are completely absorbed in the sins of their husband, father or child. Wives and mothers are especially susceptible to this. It would seem that what’s wrong with such zeal and self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one? Only that it is a disease.

Types of drug addiction

The basis for the formation of any addiction is addiction - a decrease in sensitivity to the drug. In other words, to get the initial effect of taking the medicine, you need to constantly increase the dosage. Experts distinguish between two main types of addiction: mental and physical. With mental dependence, in the process of taking a medicinal substance, a feeling of satisfaction arises, however, after withdrawal, the person will experience severe emotional discomfort, flowing into an obsessive desire to resume taking this particular substance. In turn, physical dependence can otherwise be associated with an adaptive state. Based on this, upon withdrawal, in addition to obsessive cravings, physical, in particular neurological, disorders develop, accompanied by serious health problems.

When illness becomes life

Modern doctors are increasingly coming to the conclusion that codependency can lead to the development of psychosomatic illness due to prolonged neglect of one’s own needs. Complete inattention to one's own health can even lead to death. Upon careful assessment of the situation, it becomes clear that the members of such a family suffer from the same disorders as the addict himself. They experience diseases of the cardiovascular system, frequent headaches, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and depression. And even if the addict stops drinking or taking drugs, his family still feels depressed, suffers from headaches, and feels pain in the heart area. This means that they are experiencing withdrawal syndrome - a kind of withdrawal due to the sudden stop of worries. Paradoxically, chemical dependence in adolescents or adult family members becomes necessary for them.

It is noteworthy that, even having decided to divorce her husband - an alcoholic or drug addict, a codependent wife finds herself in the grip of withdrawal symptoms. As a result, she either returns to her husband or starts a new relationship, exactly the same as the previous one. There is no doubt that the next husband will also be chemically dependent. And the woman, not without bitter satisfaction, will shoulder the familiar cross. Otherwise, she will suffer from the fact that there is nowhere to direct her energy, no one to surround her with tireless care, because she can no longer live by her own interests.

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