A cure for absent-mindedness and inattention

But that's something else! I had a funnier incident! I went to the supermarket after work. I took chicken, cheese, sweets, and a lot of different things. The entire grid was filled. She paid and... left. Of course, I came back for groceries. Then, when I remembered, I forgot. The store staff greeted me happily. From then on they recognized me by sight. Either they simply smiled, or they twirled a finger at their temple.

And my child, getting ready for school, manages to forget... his briefcase! My son regularly loses his cell phone, spare shoes, and sweatpants. I even lost the keys to the apartment. And whatever we did, whatever measures we took! But still, my son regularly “counts crows.” We've almost come to terms with it. “What do you want, look at his mother!” - our dad is annoyed about this topic.

It is noteworthy that by some miracle I managed to avoid serious oddities. Despite my absent-mindedness, I never forgot my children and never lost sight of them. Where our safety depended on concentration, I always showed enviable vigilance.

When I decided to take my license, I prepared myself for a fierce struggle with my inattention. True, there was no struggle. While driving, I automatically became completely attentive and collected. When my children were in the back seat, I set myself one single task: to deliver them safe and sound from point A to point B. Which, in fact, was what I did. However, if a friend got into the car with me, I could miss important details of what was happening on the road during the conversation. One day, engrossed in conversation, I almost got into an accident.

In some cases, we can easily and naturally remain alert and focused. And sometimes we are absent-minded and can miss a lot, forget, not notice... What's the difference?


The cause of impaired concentration and forgetfulness in children and adults can be either a specific disease or characteristics of a person’s psychotype.

As for pathological processes that can act as etiological factors, these include:

  • oncological processes in the brain;
  • impaired blood supply to the brain, oxygen starvation;
  • vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • severe headaches (most often migraines);
  • arterial hypertension, high blood pressure;
  • lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • autoimmune and systemic diseases that affect the brain and nervous system;
  • anemia;
  • chronic insomnia.

In addition to diseases, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness can also be caused by psychological disorders, namely:

  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder;
  • clinical depression;
  • severe nervous shock, stress.

Also, increased absent-mindedness can be caused by severe fatigue, lack of sleep, and frequent nervous strain.

Causes of absent-mindedness

What is the nature of absent-mindedness and inattention?

Here is the opinion of psychologists (Sidorov P.I., Parnyakov A.V., Introduction to Clinical Psychology): “The first type of inattention is absent-mindedness (“fluttering” attention), determined by slight involuntary switching of poorly concentrated attention. This type of inattention is typical of preschool children and weakened people, asthenized as a result of severe fatigue or illness.

The second type of inattention, on the contrary, is determined by high intensity and concentration of attention with difficulties in switching. This is a type of "inattentive scientist" focused on his thoughts. In patients, this type of inattention is characteristic of persons with overvalued and obsessive thoughts.

The third type of inattention is characterized by a very weak concentration of attention and even weaker ability to switch. This type of inattention is associated with a permanent or temporary decrease in the strength and mobility of neural processes. In healthy people, such inattention is temporary as a result of overwork.”

Let's say we are talking about mentally healthy and rested people.


The following types of absent-mindedness are distinguished:

  • imaginary absent-mindedness - in this case, a violation of the psychological plan is implied, we are not talking about the development of a pathological process. With apparent absent-mindedness, a person concentrates attention on certain events, causing everything else to fade into the background;
  • genuine absent-mindedness - in most cases, the cause of genuine absent-mindedness is the development of a certain pathological process or a severe psychoneurological disorder.

Imaginary absent-mindedness does not require specific treatment, and its signs are only symptomatic. However, if the symptom appears frequently and for quite a long time, you should consult a doctor. Especially when it comes to a child.

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Imaginary and genuine absent-mindedness have completely different symptoms, since in the first case this, in itself, is not a sign of a disease, but in the second it can indicate the development of a serious pathological process.

Thus, absent-mindedness can be characterized by the following clinical signs:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • deterioration of memory and cognitive abilities;
  • deterioration in performance, loss of professional skills;
  • irritability, sudden mood swings;
  • traits may appear in a person’s behavior that were not previously characteristic of him;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • sleep cycle disturbance – drowsiness during the day, inability to sleep at night;
  • feeling tired even after a long rest;
  • decreased activity, including sexual activity;
  • inability to concentrate on small details;
  • a person may begin to lose personal belongings and forget to perform usual operations.

In children, absent-mindedness can manifest itself as follows:

  • the child refuses to perform those operations that require increased attention and perseverance;
  • school failure;
  • slowness;
  • can switch to another task without completing the previous one;
  • sudden mood swings - activity and a cheerful mood can be replaced by attacks of hysteria for no apparent reason;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • bad memory.

Manifestations of absent-mindedness

It should also be understood that the presence of such signs in a child does not always indicate the presence of any disturbances in the functioning of the body; it is quite possible that these are simply features of psychological development. However, consultation with a doctor is required.

What pills to take to improve memory and concentration?

Absent-mindedness leads to a number of negative consequences: low efficiency, forgetfulness, irritability. As a consequence, deterioration of relationships in the family and at work, problems with studies.

Fortunately, modern medicine offers many options for concentration pills that will help restore brain function and strengthen memory.

Each age has its own causes of disorders, and accordingly, medications must be selected individually.

For adults

Most people over 18 are exposed to a large amount of information every day that requires active brain function. Not everyone manages to properly distribute their time and energy to always be in good mental shape.

For cases where fatigue, overwork and other factors have negatively affected brain function, there are pills that can restore it.

Glycine is one of the most effective and affordable means for improving brain activity. The substance glycine itself is an amino acid and is produced independently in the body. However, with frequent exposure to stress, the amount of glycine decreases and the person feels a decrease in performance. Taking glycine in tablets restores the activity of brain cells, improves memory, and promotes healthy sleep.

In addition, the drug improves mood, reduces aggressiveness and eliminates emotional stress. Glycine can be taken by both adults and children, because this substance is a natural component of the central nervous system.

Nootropil. It is a representative of nootropics, that is, drugs that stimulate brain function. The tablets increase sensitivity to new information, improve memory and resistance to external stimuli. The main active ingredient of Nootropil is piracetam. It affects brain cells, strengthens them and increases activity, thereby increasing attention and awareness.

It is worth noting that this drug does not have a similar sedative effect, that is, drowsiness.

Tanakan is a herbal preparation that improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. The main active ingredient is ginkgo biloba extract. It has a wide range of actions, therefore it is prescribed for many diseases.

Tanakan is prescribed for use in cases where the patient complains of decreased intellectual abilities and memory problems.

The course of taking the drug is quite long, and it has an extensive list of side effects. Tanakan should be taken in cases where impaired concentration is accompanied by problems of the nervous and vascular systems.

Children, teenagers and students

Brain performance is especially important at a young age, because the preschool and school periods are accompanied by a huge amount of incoming information. The child must not only delve into the material, but also remember it and learn to use it in the future.


Only a doctor can tell you what to do and how to cope with absent-mindedness in a given case, after examination and clarification of the etiological factor and the full clinical picture. In this case, you may need to consult clinicians with the following specialization:

  • neurologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • child psychologist;
  • neurosurgeon.

The diagnostic program includes the following activities:

  • physical examination;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • blood sampling for biochemical analysis;
  • CT, MRI of the brain;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Doppler examination of the vessels of the head;
  • genetic research.

Based on the results of the study, the attending physician will be able to determine how to deal with absent-mindedness and prescribe effective treatment.

Home Remedies to Improve Brain Function

Regular brain exercises will help strengthen your memory at home. With an integrated approach to attention training, you can do without medications.

One of the easiest ways to improve your memory is a memory game. It is perfect for children and adults.

You need to lay out several items on the table - a teaspoon, a playing card, a comb, and the like. Special game cards are suitable for children. There can be from 5 to 20 items depending on the desired complexity.

The trainee looks at objects for a minute, then closes his eyes. One item is removed from the table. Having opened his eyes, the person must answer as quickly as possible what is missing on the table. Such a simple game trains memory, promotes the development of abstract thinking and brain activity.

For adults, there are a number of general recommendations for strengthening memory:

  • avoid bad habits: smoking and alcohol destroy brain cells
  • eat healthy fruits and berries
  • exercise - it improves blood circulation
  • maintain a sleep schedule
  • avoid overwork

The human brain works throughout life, even during sleep. That is why it is important to maintain the activity and performance of this organ at any age. Simple tips will help train your memory and increase your attention level. If problems still cannot be avoided, available medications will restore mental alertness and the ability to concentrate.

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Tips: how to get rid of inattention

To minimize missed business meetings and broken promises, you will have to become more organized. The fight against absent-mindedness involves following some rules:

  1. Forgetfulness is a result of lack of concentration, so it is important to focus on a specific task without being distracted by others at the same time.

  2. During the work process, it is necessary to take breaks, which will allow you to understand how much has been done and how much remains to be done. To avoid mistakes, before starting work, you can make an oral or written plan and try to stick to it.
  3. A great way to not forget something important is to use visual reminders.
  4. Quite often, people put off small things until later. The fact that we delay the decision of any matter increases inattention. Make it a rule: if something does not require lengthy preparation, it is better to do it immediately. Otherwise, you will end up accumulating a lot of small tasks, among which you will definitely forget something.

  5. An artificially created condition for distraction is a cluttered desktop with a heap of unnecessary papers, stationery, photographs and outdated labels. To prevent all this from distracting you from your work, put things in order and arrange items on the table in such a way that it is convenient for you to work and it does not distract your attention.
  6. Put things in their places: this will not only eliminate inattention, but also add order.

  7. Write down important tasks in a notebook and cross off completed ones.
  8. Turn off your phone, TV and radio while working, and close the window.
  9. If possible, sit in a comfortable chair.
  10. Motivate and reward yourself for the work you do.

Understand: automatism is a consequence of constant moral overload and overwork. Let your brain rest: go out for a breath of fresh air, just drink a cup of tea away from work or the monitor. If you work at home, take a break from household chores and just paint your nails (you can find out how to do it correctly here).

The use of meditation techniques and special memory training also helps to get rid of scattered attention. Regular examination of the well-known “Find 10 differences” puzzles will teach you to concentrate on the little things.

If this does not help, you may have to visit a doctor, because forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are considered frequent symptoms of certain diseases of the central nervous system or blood vessels. Experienced doctors will help you get rid of multiple sclerosis, which is manifested by problems with coordination of movement, decreased muscle strength and joint sensitivity, as well as deterioration of vision and intellectual abilities (including attention, memory loss). However, this is a very serious and, fortunately, quite rare diagnosis.

Possible reasons

Anxious thoughts and constant worries can lead to absent-mindedness.
Let's look at what factors can cause a person to become absent-minded:

  • the presence of monotonous, monotonous work;
  • severe fatigue;
  • prolonged headaches;
  • the result of simultaneous execution of several tasks;
  • the presence of mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia;
  • anxiety disorder, depression;
  • organic brain damage;
  • consequences of insomnia, chronic lack of sleep;
  • the result of mental or physical fatigue;
  • changes with age - in people over 70 years of age, the ability to concentrate their attention significantly decreases, which leads to absent-mindedness;
  • the presence of extreme anxiety can also lead to inattention;
  • the presence of pathology in the body, namely: atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteochondrosis, hydrocephalus, vascular dementia, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, iron deficiency anemia;
  • a sudden distraction while performing an automatic action can also lead to absent-mindedness. For example, in a situation when a woman is peeling potatoes, she is distracted by a phone call, and she automatically throws the peeled tuber into the trash can and the skin into the pan.

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