Consultation “Speech as a means of communication” consultation (preparatory group)

The reasons for using such words may be different.

1) Limited vocabulary

Often, poorly educated people suffer from the presence of weed words. But there are exceptions: for some cultured and very literate people, the predominance of such a number of words becomes an image. However, there is a difference between conscious use and reflexive use.

2) A reflection of human nature.

  • Using some dirty words can reveal something about a person. A person who uses the parasitic word “in short” most likely does not want to communicate, does not want to burden himself with explanations, and is lazy in life.
  • “You understand” is an example of a person making excuses and constantly apologizing to others.
  • “In fact” wants to tell people the truth. A kind of man fighting for the truth.

3) Intentional use of dirty words

For some, this style of communication is part of their image. There are people who deliberately insert filler words into their speech. This can be quite appropriate.

4) Fashion influence

It happens that a word that has become widespread begins to stick to every person. Don’t talk like everyone else - immediately cut off unnecessary words.

Communication means. Speech.

Verbal communication uses human speech as a sign system. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information through speech, the meaning of the message is least lost.

From the point of view of transmitting and perceiving the meaning of a message, the K - S - R (communicator - message - recipient) scheme is asymmetrical.

For the communicator, the meaning of information precedes the encoding process. For the “listener,” the meaning of the received message is revealed simultaneously with decoding. In this case, the significance of the situation of joint activity is especially clearly manifested: its awareness is included in the decoding process itself; revealing the meaning of the message is unthinkable outside of this situation. The accuracy of the listener’s understanding of the meaning of the statement can become obvious to the communicator only when there is a change in “communicative roles” (a conventional term meaning “speaker” and “listener”).

Dialogue, or dialogical speech, as a specific type of “conversation” is a consistent change of communicative roles, during which the meaning of the speech message is revealed, i.e. a phenomenon occurs that has been designated as “enrichment, development of information.”

The degree of known consistency between the actions of the communicator and the recipient depends on their inclusion in the general context of the activity. It is conducted among themselves by individuals who have certain intentions (intentions), i.e. dialogue is “the active, two-way nature of interaction between partners.” This is what determines the need for attention to the interlocutor, consistency, and coordination of speech with him. This means that through speech it is not just “information that moves”, but the participants in communication influence each other in a special way, orient each other, convince each other, i.e. strive to achieve a certain change in behavior.

There may be two different tasks in the orientation of a communication partner: personal-speech orientation (LRO) and social-speech orientation (SRO), which reflects not so much the difference in the recipients of the message, but rather the predominant topic and content of communication. The influence itself can be understood in different ways: it can be in the nature of manipulation of another person, i.e. direct imposition of some position on him, or may contribute to the actualization of the partner, i.e. the discovery of some new possibilities in him and himself.

Conditions and methods for increasing the effect of speech influence. Thus, an expression of resistance to accepting information (and therefore to the influence exerted) can be a disconnection of the listener’s attention, a deliberate reduction in one’s perception of the authority of the communicator, or a “misunderstanding” of the message. Accordingly, every speaker must have the ability to re-engage the listener's attention.

A set of certain measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of speech influence is called “persuasive communication”, on the basis of which the so-called experimental rhetoric is developed - the art of persuasion through speech. According to Lasswell, there are five elements.

1) Who? (transmits message) – Communicator

2) What? (transmitted) - Message (text)

3) How? (transfer in progress) – Channel

4) To whom? (message sent) – Audience

5) With what effect? - Efficiency

Increasing the efficiency of elements.

Communicator: types of his position during the communicative process: open - the communicator openly declares himself a supporter of the stated point of view; detached - the communicator is emphatically neutral; closed - the communicator is silent about his point of view. The content of each of these positions is determined by the goal.

Message text. A content analysis technique is used that establishes certain proportions in the relationship between different parts of the text. Audience studies are of particular importance. It turned out that the interaction of information and audience attitudes turned out to be an important factor.

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