General characteristics of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Means of nonverbal communication

In the process of communication between individuals, the emotional sphere is affected. Thus, the emotional aspect accompanying speech constitutes nonverbal communication.

Note 1

In fact, the means of this type of communication include: facial expression; tone of voice; gestures, etc.

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We can get acquainted with the means of nonverbal communication in more detail by referring to Figure 1.

Figure 1. Means of nonverbal communication and the genesis of nonverbal acts. Author24 - online exchange of student work

With the help of non-verbal communication, personality development occurs even in infancy. After all, as you know, at this age the leading activity is emotional and personal communication. Growing up, a person also does not stop using nonverbal communication, which even improves a person’s verbal communication skills.


What are verbal means?

The main verbal means is human speech .

It is with the help of it that thoughts and emotions are expressed. A person can say what he thinks and what he wants to share with others.

Speech can be written and oral . When speaking, a person uses the articulatory apparatus, phonetics, and regulates intonation. He speaks using different vocabulary, changing his tone of voice. Written speech is characterized by writing messages, letters, articles.

Indicators of emotionality are punctuation marks . Oral speech is usually unprepared. Lexical and phonetic errors are possible. The written form is thoughtful and contains fewer errors.

Some experts classify reading and listening as verbal means. Without them, written and oral communication would not be possible.

A person reads or listens to a message, text and understands its meaning, expressing his opinion on it in writing or orally.

The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

Human nonverbal communication often occurs unconsciously. The individual’s subconscious is responsible for its appearance. Therefore, most likely, a person will not be able to control his actions (only if he has not been specifically trained to do so). An important feature of nonverbal communication follows from this, which is that a person cannot “fake” certain gestures, and, therefore, with special training, another individual can obtain true information.

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Thus, knowledge of the characteristics of nonverbal speech will help you understand the true essence of a person’s statements, as well as his true reaction to your certain statements. Nonverbal communication allows you to show that you understand the signals sent by others and the responses to them; test one's own assumptions about signals suppressed by others; provide feedback signals.

The main functions of nonverbal communication are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The meaning of nonverbal communication. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Verbal communication and its functional significance

Note 2

Unlike nonverbal communication, verbal communication is a type of establishing communication connections through the use of speech resources.

Verbal communication is carried out through oral and written speech, realized through language.

Language is a tool for implementing communication, consisting of a set of signs and symbols that are combined in various ways to convey information about various objects, objects and phenomena.

The oral form of verbal communication is carried out using:

  • pronunciations i.e. sound transmission of speech containing a message of a certain direction and meaning;
  • listening - the perception of speech and awareness of what is heard, with the help of the auditory organs and mental activity.

The written form of verbal communication is implemented using:

  • letters - representation of signs and symbols of a language on paper, reflecting thoughts and knowledge;
  • reading – perception of language from paper.

Language refers to multifaceted and diverse phenomena. This is its specificity. It can exist in a wide variety of forms of manifestation, is present in a variety of types and species, and is used in various areas of activity and specific life situations.

Psychology classifies verbal communication skills as the most important tools for building a successful communication system, both for the individual and for society as a whole. Having verbal communication skills allows you to find a common language with different personalities, regardless of their specific properties.

Figure 3. Verbal communication. Author24 - online exchange of student work

The functional significance of verbal communication is reduced in psychology to the performance of the following functions by linguistic speech:

  1. Communicative function - shows the relationship of language to the main means of communication.
  2. Cognitive function - reflects the work of consciousness and thought processes that are expressed through language.
  3. Emotional function - helps the individual develop in a mental direction, expressing his feelings and emotions, receiving emotional release with the help of speech.
  4. Ethnic function - classifies people into certain social groups and communities based on nationality and depending on the type of language a person speaks.
  5. Constructive function - reflects the relationship of language to the tools necessary to express thoughts. Through language, thoughts acquire verbal form and implement a verbal form of communication.
  6. The function of establishing contacts - reflects the possibilities of building relationships, searching for new contacts and their subsequent communication, relationships, building a system of contacts for an individual.

In addition, psychology identifies three priority functions of verbal communication:

  1. Expression of will - through communication, a person can express his desires and needs, demonstrate his volitional aspirations.
  2. Expression – verbal communication opens up the possibility of expressing one’s inner world.
  3. Informational – transmitting information in a correctly constructed form, competent presentation.

“Verbal and non-verbal means of communication” article

State budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center

Kindergarten No. 49, Kolpinsky district, St. Petersburg


Topic: “Verbal and non-verbal means of communication”

Compiled by teacher Vasilyeva O.A.

1.Characteristics of verbal communication

Communication and contact with the interlocutor occurs in several dimensions. On the one hand, communication has a verbal, speech level: words, phrases, what the interlocutors want to say to each other (but do not necessarily think so). On the other hand, a person unconsciously reveals through his behavior his true attitude towards the interlocutor, intentions, his mood and emotional state. Knowledge of sign language allows you to accurately read the interlocutor and, on occasion, use non-verbal communication means in order to influence the interlocutor. This is important both when communicating with relatives, friends, sexual partners - and at work, with colleagues, boss or clients. Having learned more about how the interlocutor feels by his gestures, it is important to choose the right strategy of behavior.

1.1Varieties of verbal communication

— business conversation is the transfer or exchange of information and opinions on certain issues or problems. Based on the results of business conversations, making decisions and concluding deals is not necessary. A business conversation can precede negotiations or be an element of the negotiation process.

· Business negotiations are the main means of coordinated decision-making in the process of communication between interested parties. Business negotiations always have a specific goal and are aimed at concluding agreements, deals, and contracts.

· A dispute is a clash of opinions, disagreements on any issue, a struggle in which each side masters its own point of view. The dispute is realized in the form of debate, polemics, discussions, etc.

· A business meeting is a way of open collective discussion of the problems of a group of specialists.

· Public speaking – the transfer by one speaker of information at various levels to a wide audience in compliance with the rules and principles of speech and oratory.

· Business correspondence is a generalized name for documents of various contents, distinguished in connection with a special method of transmitting text.

Business communication is correspondence sent on behalf of one organization to another. It can be addressed to a team or to one person acting as a legal entity. Such correspondence includes commercial, diplomatic letters, etc.

· Telephone conversations.

Written speech.

Writing is a human-created auxiliary sign system that is used to record sound language and sound speech. At the same time, writing is an independent communication system, which, while performing the function of recording oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions: written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by a person and expands the scope of human communication. The function that language performs in the process of communication is determined by the type of utterance and the selection of words. Depending on the goals pursued by the participants in communication, the following types of statements are distinguished: message, opinion, judgment, recommendation, advice, critical remark, compliment, proposal, conclusion, summary, question, answer.

Oral (wordless) speech

Oral speech is any spoken language. Historically, the oral form of speech is primary; it arose much earlier than writing. In oral speech, the place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, and the presence or absence of pauses play an important role. Oral speech has such intonation variety of speech that it can convey all the richness of human experiences, moods, etc.

2. Characteristics of nonverbal communication

In non-verbal communication, the means of transmitting information are posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, gaze, territorial location, etc.

Tapping objects or fingers, fidgeting in a chair, swinging a leg, looking at a watch, looking past you. If a person sits on the edge of a chair, his whole body seems to be directed forward, his hands rest on his knees - he is in a hurry, or he is so tired of the conversation that he wants to end it as soon as possible. It is better to prevent such a situation - so do not abuse the attention and patience of your interlocutor. Strictly observe the agreed upon time with your business partner and do not offer your company to people who do not need it at all, so as not to incur aggression or be branded a bore.

Gestures of emotional discomfort: Collecting non-existent lint, shaking off clothes, scratching the neck, taking off and putting on a ring indicate that the partner is experiencing internal tension. He needs support and is completely unprepared to make any decisions. Therefore, when you make a request or offer, either immediately proceed to the business part of the communication, or, ask general questions, maintain the conversation. There is nothing more repulsive in the manner of some people, when the questions on duty have already been asked, and the answers to them are interrupted in half a sentence. Gestures of lies, when a person wants to hide something, he unconsciously touches his face with his hand - as if covering the corner of his mouth with his palm, or rubbing his nose. However, do not confuse this gesture with a gesture of boredom - when a person rests his chin or cheek on his hand or both (palms, or cupped fists).

Nonverbal components of behavior include gestures, postures, facial expressions, smells, intonations and some others that are more difficult to read. Facial expressions are usually easily interpreted intuitively: smiling, frowning - these are facial expressions known to us from childhood. On the other hand, a person quite often subordinates his facial expressions to conscious control: he restrains ridicule, hides fear behind a grimace of superiority. It is useful to know, however, that, for example, looking away to the side means doubt, hesitation, uncertainty - and looking at the ceiling means a memory.

2.1. Types of nonverbal communication

Nonverbal (wordless) communication plays an extremely important role in our lives. According to some data, we receive from 60 to 80% of information from our interlocutor through a non-verbal channel.

1. The basic visual means of communication are studied by kinesics. She considers the reflection of a person’s behavior and intentions in his nonverbal manifestations.

The main visual means of communication include:

- facial expressions;

- gestures;

- body movements, gait features, etc., usually called pantomime;

- spatial and temporal organization of communication (distance to the interlocutor, angle of rotation towards him, personal space, etc.), called proxemics;

- facial expression, eye expression;

- pose, posture, head position;

- direction of gaze, visual contacts;

- skin reactions - redness, pallor, sweating;

- emphasizing or hiding body features (signs of gender, age, race);

- means of transforming the natural physique (clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, glasses, jewelry, tattoos, mustache, beard, etc.)

2. There are two groups of auditory means of communication:

- paralinguistic, characterizing the quality of the voice, its range, tonality (intonation, volume, timbre, rhythm, pitch). Paralinguistic means are also called “vocal facial expressions”;

- extralinguistic (speech pauses, laughter, crying, sighs, coughing, clapping)

3. Tactile means of communication include everything related to the touch of interlocutors (shaking hands, hugs, kisses, pats on the shoulder, etc.)

4. Olfactory means of communication include:

- pleasant and unpleasant odors of the environment;

- natural and artificial human odor.

Nonverbal means of communication are strongly influenced by each specific culture, so there are no general norms for all of humanity. Along with international nonverbal manifestations of attitude towards another person (for example, a smile, a handshake, etc.), there are also purely national and regional ones. In addition, the frequency of nonverbal manifestations is also not the same among different peoples.

For example, during an hour of communication, a Finn makes on average two gestures, a Frenchman - eighty, an Italian - one hundred and ten, a Mexican - more than one hundred and sixty. That is why the non-verbal language of another country has to be learned in the same way as the verbal one.

Based on the nature of the communication, the communicating people are distinguished:

- direct communication, like face-to-face contact;

- indirect, as incomplete psychological contact using written or technical means that delay in time or distance the receipt of feedback between participants.

Based on the number of people participating in communication, they are distinguished:

— interpersonal communication, i.e. direct contacts of people in groups or pairs with constant composition of participants;

— mass communication, i.e. many direct contacts of strangers, as well as communications mediated by various types of media.

Based on the involvement of social components in the communication process, they are distinguished:

- interpersonal communication (communication between specific individuals who have unique individual qualities that are revealed to another in the course of communication and the organization of joint actions; the social roles of those communicating play an auxiliary role in such communication);

- role communication (communication between carriers of certain social roles). In this communication, a person is deprived of a certain spontaneity of his behavior, since certain steps and actions are dictated by the role he performs. In the process of such communication, a person is reflected not so much as an individual, but as a kind of social unit that performs certain functions.

However, the social role itself does not determine the entire course of communication to the smallest detail. It prescribes how to communicate in the main, basic way, thereby leaving a certain “range of possibilities” for one’s performance of a specific social role.

In other words, role communication not only does not deny, but also involves the introduction of personal aspects into this communication. True, they introduce a subordinate character in relation to the social role.

Business communication can be carried out in various styles.

There are three main styles:

1) ritual style, according to which the main task of the partners is to maintain connections with society, to reinforce the idea of ​​themselves as a member of society. In ritual communication, a partner is only a necessary attribute, his individual characteristics are unimportant, in contrast to following a role - social, professional, personal;

2) manipulative style, in which the partner is treated as a means of achieving goals external to him. A huge number of professional tasks involve manipulative communication. In fact, any training, persuasion, management always includes manipulative communication;

3) the humanistic style, which is aimed at jointly changing the ideas of both partners, involves satisfying such human needs as the need for understanding, sympathy, and empathy.

Humanistic communication is determined not so much from the outside (goal, conditions, situation, stereotypes) as from the inside (individuality, mood, attitude towards a partner). In this communication, more than in other types, there is a dependence on individuality.

Each person has his own individual style, or model of behavior and communication, which leaves a characteristic imprint on his actions in any situation. Individual style depends on individual characteristics and personality traits, life experience, attitude towards people, as well as on the type of communication characteristic of a given society.


By examining the tasks of business communication, we can draw the following conclusion that communication in the form of verbal communication, which in turn plays a very broad role, is conveyed to the listener more significantly than non-verbal communication. Thus, in the process of communication, a more or less stable system of goals is formed. By forming a professional portrait of fitness, communication forms and develops interpersonal relationships, organizes activities, and simply brings a person closer to a person.

Carrying out non-verbal communication, which acts as one of the means by which a person represents his “I”, interpersonal influence and regulation of relationships, creates the image of a communication partner, acts as a clarification, ahead of the verbal message. It is characterized by the absence of articulate audible speech - this is the main thing that is emphasized in most studies on the problem of this communication. In many scientific works, there is some confusion in the concepts of “nonverbal communication”, “nonverbal communication”, “nonverbal behavior”, which are most often used as synonyms. It seems to us important to differentiate these concepts and clarify the context in which their further use is expected.

Thus, the significance of communication, even without words, is understood equally due to age, social, psychological and other aspects of human cognition.


1. Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships: Textbook, Ilyin E.P. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. – 576s

2. Psychology of communication: Textbook, Bodashev A.A. - M.: Voronezh publishing house "MODEK", 2005 - 326 pp.

3. Dictionary

4. Glossary of terms

Conditions for effective organization of verbal communication

Since verbal communication depends on various forms of speech, in order for such communication to have a positive effect, a rule is required to organize this speech, avoiding mistakes and constructing correct speech structures.

So, verbal communication will have an effect if the speech is:

  1. Competent - correctly constructed;
  2. Laconic – a small volume should contain maximum information;
  3. Logical - must have a connection. Thoughts must be presented step by step, coherently, and the content of the speech must be reasoned;
  4. Accurate - reflect the reality of an object or phenomenon that makes up the content of speech. Speech should consist of real terminology and reflect real concepts.

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