The structure of individual human activity. — Answers to the exam in the discipline “General Psychology”

Activity is a form of human activity aimed at changing the world around him. Activities are classified into different categories depending on the approach by which they are defined. Types of activities differ by subjects of activity, by the nature of the activity, by compliance with the norms of society, in relation to progress, the sphere of public life, and by the characteristics of the manifestation of activity.

Classification of activities

According to the participating entities, activities are divided into

  • Individual - the activity of individual individuals. Such activities include self-employment, sole proprietorships and private family businesses.
  • Collective - the activity of groups of individuals. Such activities include limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, concerns and cooperatives.

By the nature of the goals achieved

  • Reproductive - an activity characterized by the acceptance and processing of what is already ready, repeating what has been created at the moment.
  • Productive - creating something new that has never existed before.

According to moral standards

  • Moral - activity that exists as the implementation of moral norms, characterizing the individual as a bearer of moral culture.
  • Immoral - an activity characterized as contrary to moral standards.


  • Legal
  • Illegal is an activity that has no right to exist in general or in a given situation.

By influence on world progress

  • Progressive - promoting social progress.
  • Regressive - going against social progress.

By impact on society

  • Creative - activity, the result of which is culture aimed at good.
  • Destructive - activity that results in the destruction of social structures and values ​​(the result of war, irresponsible farming, etc.)

According to the characteristics of activity manifestations

  • External - activity manifested in the form of movements and actions with real objects.
  • Internal - occurring through mental activity, from the psychological traits of a person.

By area involved

  • Economic activity is activity related to the economy. Includes:


  • Distribution (sharing of economic benefits)
  • Exchange
  • Consumption

Economic activity is carried out by individuals or social groups through factories and firms, exchanges, etc.

  • Social activity is the activity of the state aimed at ensuring social guarantees; activities of individuals and social groups aimed at building relationships between them.

Human social activity is represented by communal, health and social systems and services.

  • Political activity is the activity of the state aimed at changing the lives of citizens, activities related to the establishment of the state system and the system of relations between man and the state.
  • Spiritual activity is activity aimed at creating spiritual values ​​and their dissemination. Characterized by social consciousness.
  • Material activity is activity aimed at changing the surrounding nature or the structure of society.

Spiritual and material activities

Activities are divided into material and spiritual. Material activity is activity aimed at visible and physically felt changes in the surrounding world. Spiritual activity is activity aimed at changing the order in society, the consciousness of the individual and society, the formation of values, etc. This division of activity is conditional, since any activity is characterized as both material and spiritual. This is easy to prove by the fact that any human activity one way or another leads to its external manifestations, and any activity is of an intellectual and spiritual nature - it includes goal setting and analysis.

Spiritual activity

Spiritual activity, in turn, is also divided into several types:

  • Spiritual-practical

    - this is an activity related to the preservation and acceptance of already created spiritual values. To preserve such values, people create various kinds of archives, museums and libraries - in a word, they do everything to disseminate values ​​and instill them in society.

  • Spiritual-theoretical

    is an activity expressed by scientific work and aimed at the creation and formation of spiritual values. Spiritual and theoretical activity is expressed through scientific work, study of nature, etc.

  • Value-oriented

    - activities aimed at feeling and understanding, understanding the world around us, and forming a worldview.

Material activity

Material activities have their own subspecies. It can be productive or socially transformative.

  • Production

    activity is an activity aimed at changing the surrounding nature, living conditions to suit human requirements, and the production of goods.

  • Socially transformative

    - activities aimed at changing the structure of society. Such activities can be called government reforms, revolutions, etc.

Concept of activity

Activity is considered the basis for the development of a person as an individual, the main factor in his existence as a social being.
Mastering an activity, its complication, and improvement is an important condition for the development of the human nervous system. To solve educational problems, it is necessary to be based on psychological patterns and the dynamics of human activities. When carrying out educational actions, it is necessary to take into account the nature of various types of activities, their features, meaning, content and volume. The concept of personality and activity in Russian psychology are considered as interconnected phenomena. When developing the problem of activity and activity of the individual, modern psychology is based on the idea of ​​​​the functional nature of reflection, the origin of consciousness from work activity, and the leading role of work in human behavior and activity. The source of activity is called, first of all, needs. It is needs that push a person to search for means to satisfy it, which entails active activity.

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Based on their origin, needs can be divided into natural and cultural, and are characterized by the following indicators:

  • any need has its own object, that is, it is continuously an awareness of the need for something.
  • any need receives a certain content depending on the criteria and methods of its satisfaction.
  • the need has the ability to be reflected.
  • needs are expressed in motives, that is, in some incentives for activity.

Each type of activity has its own special motives.

Main activities in human life

Science identifies four main types of activity: play, study, work, communication and creativity.

A game

A game

- an activity whose goal is the process itself, and not obtaining a specific result. The game is always aimed at relaxation and entertainment, that is, at satisfying spiritual needs.

Role-playing games

- games in which the participant limits his behavior to a specific role chosen by him.

Characteristic features of the game:

  • The game situation is always conditional and can change at any moment
  • Aimed at satisfying the interests of participants
  • Characterized by knowledge of the surrounding objective and social reality
  • Develops personality traits such as morality, intelligence, etc.
  • Simulates real life, but is a more simplified format
  • Is a prerequisite for training
  • Contains elements: role, situation, game actions.

Types of games by number of participants

  • Individual

    - activities related to one individual

  • Group

    - brings together several individuals.

Types of games by purpose

  • Functional

    - a game that involves obtaining new information about the properties of objects and ways of interacting with them.

  • Constructive

    - a game that involves creating something, understanding the functions of objects.


Studying is a type of purposeful activity that involves acquiring improved knowledge, skills and abilities. Can be expressed as self-education.

  • Organized

    - carried out in special institutions, also called training.

  • Unorganized

    - being a side activity parallel to other activities.

  • Self-education

    - independent learning, stimulated only by personal interest and, as a rule, having a specific direction

In the course of educational activities, the following are developed:


Labor is a human activity aimed at obtaining economic benefits and socially useful products, giving a person the opportunity to satisfy his needs.

Labor always requires qualifications, that is, special skills, knowledge and abilities of a person that are necessary to carry out a particular activity.

Labor is characterized by:

  • Having a goal
  • Availability of tasks and expected results
  • Qualification
  • Practical usefulness, production of economic benefits
  • Changes in the material world
  • Development of human abilities and characteristics

Parameters of work activity

  1. Performance

    - the amount of goods produced per unit of time

  2. Efficiency

    - the ratio of the volume of costs and the volume of results

  3. Level of division of labor

    — distribution of functions between participants in the activity

Components of labor

  1. The subject of labor is everything that is transformed as a result of activity (raw materials, products, services)
  2. Means - tools (tools, machines, etc.).
  3. Technologies - ways of carrying out activities, methods.
  4. Organization is the order in which the labor process is carried out.
  5. Feasibility


Communication -

a type of activity in which individuals exchange information, that is, thoughts and feelings.

Communication structure

  • Subject

    - the one with whom communication is carried out: individuals or groups of individuals

  • Target

    - what communication takes place for: transmitting and receiving information

  • Content

    - ideas and feelings conveyed during communication

  • Facilities

    — methods of transmitting information:

    Sense organs

  • Oral speech
  • Written speech
  • Technical means

Communication functions

  • Perceptual

    - affective and communicative. The manifestation of a person’s feelings and emotions towards his communication partner and the world around him.

  • Information and communication. Transfer of information.
  • Interactive

    - regulatory and communicative. Creating a communication strategy and structure.

Types of communication by content

  • Material

    - exchange of material assets

  • Cognitive

    - information exchange

  • Air-conditioned

    - exchange of emotions and feelings

  • Motivational-

    exchange of goals and interests

  • Activity

    - exchange of skills and abilities

Individual style


A person’s success in life as a whole directly depends on his full self-realization in life and the effective use of his advantages, while possibly compensating for his shortcomings. This is achieved through the formation and application of an individual style of activity that is optimal for him. The stability of his professional activity and career are closely related to his full self-realization in his chosen profession. The most important condition for this is the effectiveness of his style of professional activity. The problem of individual style and its effective use is studied in differential psychophysiology. Let's look at this important concept.

Definition of the concept

Style is an individual’s preferred manner and form of expressing himself. © Sazonov V.F., 2014. ©, 2014.

An individual's style is manifested in his way of life and activity, in the organization of his environment, in communication, in emotional response, in self-presentation and self-realization, as well as in self-regulation.

Style is a universal characteristic of a person’s way of life, connecting the biological, psychological and social aspects of his existence into a single whole.

A person’s style is manifested in everything - from the individual’s processing of information to reactions to crisis situations, from the manner of communication and methods of achieving goals to the specifics of an entire era.

Individual style of activity (IAS) is a holistic system of psychological means of best balancing one’s individuality with the conditions and requirements of activity in terms of productivity of activity and convenience, comfort of its process for the subject (Tolochek V.A.).

This system includes not only the most characteristic, used actions and techniques, but also those rejected (as inconvenient, uncomfortable for the individual). For example, in the study of wrestling styles, he singled out the power attacking style. Its adherents prefer to fight a defensive, slow-moving enemy, use attacking tactics, fighting at close range, and reject counterattacking tactics aimed at an attacking, highly mobile enemy fighting at a long distance. With relative constancy of the content of work, conditions and means of its implementation, a subject of labor striving to achieve high results can spontaneously form his own effective ISD.

V.A. Tolochek emphasizes that the formation of ISD is based on both conscious and unconscious mechanisms of passive and active adaptation of a person to the environment and to activity. He refers to the conscious mechanisms of the formation and implementation of ISD as manifestations of reflection and self-reflection, self-regulation of one’s activity, and the choice of methods of activity. The unconscious mechanisms of ISD include the formation of skills and the emotional experience of convenience, preference, ease or, on the contrary, difficulty, discomfort accompanying the process of activity.

Individual Activity Styles (IAS)

The ISD phenomenon reflects a holistic syndrome of “balancing” the individual characteristics of the subject with the given working conditions. In later studies (Vyatkin B.A., Dorfman L.Ya., Ilyin E.P., Merlin V.S., Morosanova V.I., Tolochek V.A., Shchukin M.R., etc.) it was shown that ISD perform a range of different functions - harmonization in combinations of individual qualities, ensuring the formation of an “integral individuality” of an employee, etc. The essence of this adaptation syndrome lies precisely in “balancing” (Klimov E.A.) and it is aimed precisely at stabilizing the system “subject – external conditions of activity (workplace)” according to the mechanism of homeostasis. The style is formed taking into account the optimal functioning of the psychophysiological characteristics of the subject. The style is focused on maintaining emotional comfort (Ilyin E.P., V.S. Merlin). Style compensates for poorly developed abilities, but does not contribute to their development (Ilyin E.P.). It is noteworthy that a style can be both effective and ineffective (Ilyin E.P., Tolochek V.A., Shchukin M.R.), in other words, a style may not provide its direct functions.

It is also noteworthy that ISD as “stable systems of psychological means” and as “sustainable systems of techniques and methods of activity” (Klimov E.A. et al.) can reveal amazing plasticity and adaptability when the subject reflects cardinal changes in the conditions of activity, as well as in conditions of directed style formation (see works under the direction of V.S. Merlin, B.A. Vyatkin, etc.). In other words, a “stable psychological system” shows amazing flexibility and reactivity when external influence is directed specifically at the system itself, but is often characterized by inertia and even ineffectiveness when it acts as a means of “balancing the individuality of the subject and object.” Style as a system manifests itself with opposite properties - inertia within the “subject-object (workplace)” system and plasticity if the boundaries are expanded and a third component is introduced into such a system.

Source : Tolochek V.A. Adaptation of the subject to the social environment: paradoxes, paradigms, psychological mechanisms // PASS MirPs 082006 zh. World of Psychology, 2006, No. 3, p. 127 – 142. [website]

Hierarchy of styles

1. Lifestyle

Lifestyle manifests itself as a set of moments of socialization, full self-realization in various spheres of life (entry and dissolution of marriage, birth of children, etc.). This adaptation mechanism is formed according to the type of “large systems” (Prigozhin I., Kurdyumov S.P., Malinetsky G.G., Haken G., Fayerbaum M.) and has an indirect and diffuse impact on a person’s professional success [16]. Source: [website]

2. Behavior style. 3. Activity style.

4. Professional style

Professional activity styles (PAS) as a phenomenon of coordination in the subject’s style of the features of the styles and individuality of the co-subjects interacting with him [13]. The fourth adaptation syndrome is fundamentally different from the previously identified ISD. SPD is a joint activity syndrome. These are stable combinations of techniques and methods of individual activity - styles in which, however, the connections of its components with the individual psychological characteristics of the subject are sharply weakened, and the connections between the components of activity are modified and preserved. Such an adaptation system covers and integrates a group of directly interacting partners of joint activities (for example, chain-dyads “superior manager - manager”, “athlete - coach”, “athlete - athlete”). Acting as stable systems of psychological means and stable systems of techniques and methods of activity, in their essential manifestation the styles of subjects are radically restructured - to the point of denying their “starting features” (connections of components of activity and individual psychological characteristics of the subject), when the subject is organically included in professional interactions with other people, when it is appropriate to integrate their personalities, styles, and management resources within the framework of the organization’s corporate culture. In other words, the impact of new external conditions, active in nature (and, above all, the behavior and activities of other people) on the style of the subject leads to the loss of the original key, essential properties of the individual style (i.e., the closed psychological system “subject - object” ), which, as a stable system, is transformed and preserved on the scale of data from the socio-psychological interactions of partners. Source: [website]

5. Communication style.

6. Self-regulation style

Self-regulation style. Self-regulation of voluntary activity is understood as a systemically organized mental process of initiation, construction, maintenance and management of all types and forms of external and internal activity aimed at achieving the goals accepted by the subject (Konopkin O.A. 1980, Morasanova V.I. 1998, Speransky V. I., 1991). Stylistic or individual-typical features of self-regulation include: 1) individual features of the main regulatory processes (planning - setting goals, modeling conditions, programming actions, evaluating and correcting results; 2) stylistic features of an integral system of self-regulation, acting as personal properties (for example, independence, reliability, flexibility) (Morasanova V.I., 1998). Source: [website]

7. Style of self-presentation (self-expression). 8. Self-actualization style. 9. Environment transformation style.

The psychophysiological basis of an individual style is a unique individual combination of a set of properties of the nervous system and personality traits, which allows one to achieve success and effectiveness in life and activity in one’s own specific characteristic way.

The choice of a certain way to achieve success and efficiency depends on the inclinations, qualities, inclinations, abilities and talents of the individual, as well as on the influence of the environment on him.

An adequate adaptive style allows you to most effectively adapt to specific living and activity conditions.

Adequacy is realized in three directions: 1. In relation to one’s own set of abilities. 2. In relation to the social environment. 3. In relation to the activity, its goals, objectives and methods of achievement.

Ways to achieve the same goal can be different, so completely different styles can lead to exactly the same results.

The formation of style is based on a system of internal values, abilities and resources.

As a person uses a certain style, a person adapts to the style itself, the corresponding skills and habits are formed, and this style becomes even more preferable for him.

Grouping people by style

1. Preparatory style The greatest attention is paid to preparatory actions. In people with this style, drive reflexes predominate. The most important thing for them is to be at the right time in the right place in the right condition and with the right means. Accordingly, their actions are aimed at proactively ensuring all this. The preparatory style corresponds to a weak type of nervous system.

2. Performing style Preference is given to performing activities in a specific situation. Adaptation occurs within the framework of this situation itself and when it is repeated. The performing style corresponds to a strong type of nervous system.

Neither style has any clear advantages over the other. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Additional materials

Man's style. Psychological analysis / Edited by A. V. Libin. - M.: Smysl, 1998. 310 p. []

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