Abstract on the discipline “Psychology” on the topic “Motivation. The role of motives in human development"

What is self-motivation and how important is it?

The practice of many years shows that forced or negative types are not the best option for promoting employees or achieving any results by themselves.
In order to get a significant result that one could be proud of, a person must constantly strive for it and try to achieve it. Thus, the path to the result will be interesting, and the person will be pleased to realize that he achieved everything himself without the influence of anyone’s words, actions or advice. It is also worth reminding that you will not always have those people with you who will motivate you without their own personal interests, and there are not many of them. Only parents or best friends may turn out to be like this, but time comes, and there may be fewer and fewer loved ones. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the moment when it is possible to independently push yourself forward without anyone’s help. This approach will help achieve what you want, but here you need to use certain techniques. In fact, there are a huge number of them, it’s difficult to list them all. But it is necessary to consider the most basic ones.

And only 10% will be human labor and effort. Therefore, if you are motivated and want to do something, you need to correctly and clearly calculate each step so that you don’t leave the race on the last lap. What should you do for this?

Find a goal for which you are really willing to work day and night. In addition, you must like her very much and internally you must understand that you are ready to fight for her to the end. You must set the task correctly for yourself. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up exactly where you want to be. You need to clearly know that you want to receive “something”, when and where. You must have a clear idea of ​​what you are going into battle for. An important factor is to constantly read books and watch videos that directly deal with the theme of zeal and a person’s movement forward. They will help recharge your dying batteries and give you a boost of energy, preventing you from giving up at an important moment for you. For many, excitement will also be an excellent option. Such people do not like to give in to others, and the very road along which they move will be like a distance where there is someone else. Thus, you can motivate yourself to increase the quality or speed of work by comparing your results with those of another person. There will be a desire to get ahead, because competition will only fuel the fire in this matter

You will have a desire to prove to yourself and others that you are better than another person, because you were able to do it efficiently and in a shorter time. It is important to remember your previous successes and believe that a great victory is yet to come. It’s great if you are surrounded by people who think the same way and support you in your endeavors.

Staff motivation

Methods of motivating staff include a system of employee incentives, both material and moral. This is the use of comprehensive measures to increase work activity and labor efficiency. Depending on the management system and organizational characteristics, various incentive methods are used.

Incentive methods can be used for personnel, that is, employees are provided with material benefits for high-quality performance of certain work in the shortest possible time. Organizational (administrative) methods may also apply. These methods involve the influence of authority, charter, laws or regulations. The use of psychological influences involves influencing the consciousness of personnel and their social interests.

Practice shows that it is impossible to influence the entire staff using one method, since each person has his own priorities. One employee may be motivated by a bonus, while another employee may need administrative measures such as supervision or direction.

The meaning of the word motivation

For learning a language, the most important are three factors: 1) motivation 2) motivation 3) motivation And only then methods and techniques...:) AlexeyS

At the same time, according to the plan, both books form a single whole, and the book “Motivation and Motives” only examines in detail one of the functions of voluntary control (will). Despite the fact that motivation and will form a single whole - since without motivation there is no will, – the functions of the will are not limited to inducing human activity (self-determination).

I am very glad to see you again after a long break. In order to receive the teaching, try to develop the right motivation. The best motivation is to listen to the teaching in order to tame your mind. If you listen to a teaching just to accumulate information, to become some kind of expert, or to gain happiness in this life, this is the wrong motivation.

In living nature, irritability is added, in animals visual motivation is added, and in humans - the fruit of reason - abstract motivation.

The specific (that is, political) motivation for escape, chosen by her together with her parents - so lovingly, thoughtfully, balancedly and, as it seemed to them all, so far-sighted - this motivation had stopped working by this time.

In other words, depending on how an employee works, what kind of return he gives you, your motivation and the motivation of the nearby “ships” are fueled.

Almost every child requires personal attention and an individual approach. It is much easier to teach an adult who has a formed conceptual apparatus, developed logic and the ability to structure material, who knows how to manage their attention (yes, by the way, small children do not know how to do this either, and their attention has to manage for them), who has the motivation to learn (children rarely have motivation; at best, parents have it.

Correct motivation is only motivation backed by willpower and the desire to achieve your goal in any case.

Before Tolstoy, writers believed that feelings were motivation, but he was the first to realize that this true motivation lies at a deeper, subconscious level of the individual or society and gives rise to the feelings it needs, which we take as the root cause of our actions.

From time to time, psychologists and coaches come up with supposedly new ways for self-motivation, although there are only two of them: either avoidance motivation or aspiration motivation.

Extrinsic motivation

The employees were promised a bonus and they started working faster. They established fines and rules, people began to focus on them, whether they liked it or not. A suddenly appearing thundercloud makes you run home faster. The criminal pointed a gun at you and demanded money - you will immediately give up your wallet.

These are all examples of extrinsic motivation. As already mentioned, it encourages action through prevailing circumstances or incentives. In another way, we can say that these are achievements in the surrounding society. Of course, internal motivation is much more effective. However, this type of influence has a better effect on individuals.

So, what methods are suitable as external motivation? Career growth, big salary, prestigious things (apartment, house, car), status, opportunity to travel, recognition.

Extrinsic motivation can constantly change. Yesterday you had to earn money to feed your family, and tomorrow you will need money for a new apartment, car or children’s education. The most obvious and classic example of such motivation is the fairy tale about the goldfish and the fisherman.

Scope of application of the concept

Motivation is a broad concept, but in general it reflects the reasons for human behavior. In various scientific fields, a person is an object of research in various directions. Therefore, different types of motivation are considered. In psychology, it is a carrier of consciousness; in economics, it is a subject of economic activity with needs; and in management, it is an employee whose activities are subordinated to the company’s goals. Teachers motivate by increasing the activity of cognitive activity in schoolchildren and students. The term is used in marketing when a person with needs, motives and judgments makes a decision to purchase a product.

In psychology

Psychology seeks answers to two questions:

  • How does human behavior differ from that of animals?
  • How can behavior be regulated to solve the problems of training, education, and activity management?

Therefore, in the broad sense of the word, motivation includes:

  • psychological and physiological characteristics of a person;
  • environmental factors influencing behavior.

In the narrow sense of the word, these are psychological changes that shape, direct and support human behavior. These are reasons that explain why a person did what he did in a particular situation. Why? For what purpose? For what?

Psychology of motivation studies three aspects:

  • biological and physiological mechanisms associated with the satisfaction of basic needs;
  • behavioral or non-psychological stimuli from the internal and external environment - conditioned reflexes;
  • psychological – psychological factors are considered (unconscious, internal and external stimuli, social factors, humanistic – human consciousness).

There are various branches of psychology that have studied aspects of behavior.

In management

In management, motivation is the process of stimulating one or more people to activities that are aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise. It's a way to get work done efficiently.

The types of motivation considered in management are based on structuring people's needs. Maslow identified five groups of needs, which differ significantly depending on the level of development of the country, culture, and society. McClelland introduced the following types of needs: power, success and belonging. Herzberg proposed taking into account factors influencing the satisfaction of needs in the process of work. Working conditions, pay, relationships in the team - hygiene factors - are things that can cause dissatisfaction, but their improvement will not lead to satisfaction of needs. Herzberg calls motivating factors a feeling of success in career growth, expanded opportunities, recognition from colleagues and superiors.

According to expectancy theory, motivation arises if a person is confident that his efforts will help him achieve his goal and receive a reward. Equity theory states that a person subjectively compares the size of reward and effort. Drive occurs when work is overvalued and provides an incentive to exert more effort.

In economics

The economic interests of society depend on the financial situation of people and class differences. Each person has everyday interests, which also influence work behavior and attitude towards work.

Interests are reflected in the motives for work. This is a conscious inner urge to work to satisfy needs. Motive predetermines a person’s behavior, choice of activity, building knowledge and skills to achieve goals. Motivation is a set of related motives.

In economics, a motivational core is distinguished: the motives of vocation, security and prestige - self-realization, wealth, social status. The degree of satisfaction of these motives influences how a person evaluates working conditions and forms an attitude towards it.

To strengthen motives, management uses material and non-material incentives - a board of honor, gratitude or cash bonuses. At the intersection of meeting needs, developing motives and incentives, a system of motivation in economic activity is born.

What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are similar concepts, but not identical. Motivation in psychology is interpreted as an integral component of activity. The term is of Latin origin and is translated as something that encourages you to move forward. Thanks to internal motivation, a person has a desire to implement his ideas. Motivational factors help you achieve your goals. Psychology makes it possible to understand the principles of external and internal motivation. These terms can also be found in pedagogy and sociology. Internal motivation should be distinguished from external motivation: it is usually supported by a strong desire to act.

Why do you need motivation?

Motivational factors are human physiology, they control his behavior and are divided into certain types. This physiological trait allows you to implement your plans through certain activities. If a person has clearly defined tasks, it means that he is active and organized. External positive motivation forces a person to work, go towards a goal and at the same time show assertiveness. If we consider external motivation, then it can predetermine a person’s position in society.

If an individual has motives that force him to move forward, it means that he has a desire to change something in life, to achieve a positive result in this or that matter. Motive is the meaning of activity; it is one of the types of personal experiences. These experiences cause different emotions: positive, negative. The first arise when a person achieves his goals, the second - in case of failure. The formation of extrinsic motivation depends on needs and needs. A typical example: if a person is hungry, he has a goal - to buy food.

Learn more about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation

This physiological feature is divided into certain types. Internal motivation can be called key. If it exists, the activity is not associated with any external circumstances. The urge to act arises from one's own thoughts and emotions. Extrinsic motivation occurs when external circumstances push one to action. If a person is not interested in the object of external motivation, he will act without desire (as people say, through I don’t want).

The nature of the internal is the satisfaction of moral needs. If a person has internal motives for action and achieves a certain result, this success is perceived as a reward. The individual concentrates on achieving his goal as quickly as possible; he tries to avoid any mistakes. The tasks are completed efficiently, but the person does not want to overexert himself and go against himself.

To enhance the factors of internal motivation, you need to enjoy progress towards your goal. It is recommended to choose a job you like; work activity should bring moral satisfaction. Internal motives are often driven by emotional states. If nothing disturbs a person in everyday life, he conscientiously carries out his work with ease. The peculiarity of the external motive is that it has the goal of obtaining moral or material reward. External motivation is not as strong as internal motivation.

In this case, the individual has no urge to perform this or that action. If there is no interest, then the quality of the work is reduced. The person may be frequently distracted. It is desirable that the external and internal are in harmony with each other, thus it will be easier to achieve success.

External motivation is changeable; it depends on the conditions in which the individual lives, as well as his life goals. Internal is more dependent on feelings. Thanks to the positive dynamics of thinking, a person quickly finds a way out of a confusing situation.

Types of motivation

  1. There are different types of motivation. Sustainable behavior is supported by strong motives; it often depends on external circumstances. A person is firmly aware of the goal and confidently moves towards it, while he does not see obstacles in his path. An individual may be in a creative state.
  2. Unstable occurs if there are no internal motivations, but external reinforcement constantly appears.
  3. Positive involves the use of stimuli that influence the worldview. For example, a mother promises to buy her child a toy if he behaves well.
  4. Negativity sometimes causes anxiety and panic. It may involve a monetary fine for failure to fulfill certain obligations.

External and internal motivation of staff is necessary for prosperity to reign in the team. The implementation of the system is carried out by specialists with psychological education. To establish a motivation system, you need to know the approach to the employee, it is important to take into account his personal qualities. The set goal should become a motivating force. If an employee has external incentives, he will do quality work. Management needs to gain interest from subordinates.

Incentive in the team

Material motivation is always positive. Employees are rewarded with bonuses if they do their job well. This method gives good results if applied to a specific group of people. A non-material incentive does not imply monetary reward; it can be applied to all employees. Reward systems are always beneficial. If a person knows that he is not wasting his time, then he is already positive. Bonuses and reward systems raise self-esteem and inspire self-confidence. Non-material incentives also include the creation of good working conditions, a loyal attitude from the administration, and work on a flexible schedule.

If the motivational object is career advancement, a person realizes that his work is not in vain. It has a specific goal that motivates you to work better and achieve greater heights. If a positive stimulus gradually improves well-being, moral satisfaction appears. Motivation also needs to be understood as work-life balance. Some people work hard and have no time for family and friends. If there is a strong desire to communicate, and a busy work schedule does not allow you to go on vacation, a person’s emotional background is disturbed. Depression and despondency affect performance.

You should not work too hard, you need to set aside time for rest. Management must understand that force majeure circumstances may arise in the life of every employee. In order for staff to work well, incentives must be found. You can provide 1 paid day off per month or introduce a system in which a person is sent home after completing a certain plan. For older people, working hours can be shortened.

A good motivation system would be to provide the opportunity to work from home (if the position requires it). Personal growth is one of the best incentives. It is necessary to create conditions that will help employees improve their knowledge and advance their careers.

More about non-financial incentives

Non-financial incentives have many benefits. They motivate the employee to do quality work; these incentives have a positive effect on the overall emotional background. They do not require costs from the employer, which is also a plus. Non-material incentive methods can be intelligently combined, even if there are no material ones.

It is recommended to reward employees for their work, not necessarily with money. The director can present certificates, diplomas, honorary titles, for example, “best employee of the year.” For a certain achievement that supported the image of the organization, it is advisable to present a certificate. You can invite an employee to a seminar, appoint him as a lecturer, or a mentor for a newcomer.

Motivations should not be understood solely as monetary rewards. Intangible factors can be used to encourage any employee: from the chief accountant to the secretary. It is necessary to maintain a favorable psychological climate in the organization, so that there will be no conflicts between employees. Staff must feel confident in the future. Each employee must realize that they are part of a team that works for the benefit of themselves and the organization.

Methods of motivation

The methods of motivation depend on the object of effort. The term motivation is used to force a person to act in a certain way. To be more precise, motivation increases the effectiveness of a person’s activities in any field. Methods of exposure depend on the area of ​​application.

Staff motivation

Personnel motivation refers to measures taken to increase labor efficiency. Depending on the goals and principles of management, the organization uses:

  • financial incentives;
  • organizational and administrative (fines, regulations, coercion, negative incentives);
  • socio-psychological (addressed to internal motivation - involvement in something).

The choice of a motivational method in management depends on the manager’s skill and ability to find an individual approach to subordinates.

Student motivation

Teachers must take into account age-related characteristics of attention, thinking and memory in order to organize the cognitive activity of children of different ages. The most commonly used are classic

  • verbal – a vivid, emotional story;
  • visual and practical aids - cards with tasks, laboratory exercises that open up a desire to experiment in children;
  • reproductive and search - methods of problem situations aimed at developing creative potential;
  • independent work - preparing abstracts from a group or student, conducting observations that connect theory with practice.


Self-motivation is based on external and internal motivation for cognitive activity. A person becomes active only when the direction of activity coincides with the vector of personal development.

The work is not inspiring because it is boring, routine, boring. Work, as an activity, in such cases is not an end in itself. The result is financial incentives.

We need to remember that work provides an opportunity for something more and serves as a financial source. What do you need? Find activities that provide energy for action and routine responsibilities. Use negative motivation, among other things. Look for yourself in other areas where the result of your activity will coincide with your internal motive.


Affirmations are used to overwrite negative attitudes. Instead of “I won’t succeed,” say: “I try new things with ease. I like to try new things."

Instead of “I’m afraid of my boss’s screams,” repeat: “I listen to any criticism calmly. I accept only constructive suggestions."


Self-hypnosis is a method of forced smiling, which triggers chemical reactions in the brain. Of course, after a sleepless night there is no point in saying “I’m full of strength!”, but you just need to get some sleep. Settings must be specific and realistic. Before an important conversation: “I am confident, I am calm.” During a quarrel, “It’s hard to make me angry.” In times of doubt - “I am ready to work and act.”

Biographies of famous personalities

The time for stories has come. Nowadays, everyone can create their own legend with the help of social networks and find fans who will motivate them. F. M. Dostoevsky outlined the story of his own dependence in the novel “The Gambler” and turned collapse into triumph. Turning weaknesses into strengths - finding opportunities - is within the power of everyone. A thorough analysis and study of analogies is needed.


Method of attunement with the goal. This is not a magical device that subdues the twists of fate, but the very oasis that makes you go forward to get drunk. Don’t think that thinking about a chic office will make it one without difficulty. A dream makes the heart beat faster, produces endorphins, and stimulates brain activity.


MOTIVATION, motivation, female. (book).

1. A system of arguments, arguments in favor of something, motivation.

2. A set of motives that determine a particular action (psych.).

Source: Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov on Gufo.me

Meanings in other dictionaries

  1. MOTIVATION - MOTIVATION is an internal urge to action, which determines the subjective and personal interest of the individual in its accomplishment. Motivation of behavior is closely related to such characteristics of the ideal side of action as intention, goal, aspiration... New Philosophical Encyclopedia
  2. motivation - MOTIVATION -i; and. 1. = Motivation. M. someone's actions, deeds. Unconvincing m. 2. Biol. A psychophysiological signal that causes excitation of parts of the brain and encourages animals and humans to satisfy their needs. 3. Linguistic Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  3. motivation - Motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation, motivation Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  4. motivation - orf. motivation, and Lopatin's Spelling Dictionary
  5. MOTIVATION - (from the Greek motif, from the Latin moveo - I move) external or internal motivation of an economic entity to activity in order to achieve any goals, the presence of interest in such activity and methods of initiating and motivating it. Economic dictionary of terms
  6. motivation - Motive/atsi/ya [y/a]. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  7. Motivation - (from the Latin movere - to set in motion, to push) the entire set of persistent motives, motivations that determine the content, direction and nature of a person’s activity and behavior. (Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogical Dictionary. - M., 2005. P. 88) See also Motives Pedagogical Terminological Dictionary
  8. motivation - MOTIVATION A set of motives that determine the activity and focus of an athlete’s training and competitive activities. (Terminology of sports. Explanatory dictionary of sports terms, 2001) Dictionary of sports terms
  9. motivation - MOTIVATION and, g. motivation f., German Motivation. A set of arguments, motives in favor of something; motivation. BAS-1. People learned to overcome the burden of labor long ago, but the motivation for this overcoming does not always satisfy us now.. Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language
  10. motivation - 1. The need for this or that action, for this or that activity. 2. A system of incentives for human behavior, a source of activity that organizes and directs human activity. Explanatory translation dictionary / L.L. Nelyubin. — 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003 Explanatory translation dictionary
  11. MOTIVATION - MOTIVATION - English. motivation; German Motivation. 1. An individual’s understanding of the situation, selection and assessment of various models of behavior, their expected results and the formation of motives on this basis. 2. A relatively stable system of motives that determines the behavior of a given subject. Sociological Dictionary
  12. Motivation - (English motive - reason, motive, motivation). Motives that encourage activity, cause the activity of the body, and determine its direction. According to psychological criteria, 3 classes of motivating factors are distinguished:... Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms
  13. Motivation is a subjectively colored state that arises on the basis of activation of brain structures, encouraging higher animals and humans to take actions aimed at satisfying their needs. Medical encyclopedia
  14. motivation - motivation I f. A set of persistent motives, motive I 1., determined by the character of the individual, his value orientation and his guiding activity; motivation. II… Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary
  15. MOTIVATION - MOTIVATION - active mental states that encourage a person to perform certain types of actions. Within the boundaries of the activity approach paradigm (A.N. Newest philosophical dictionary
  16. motivation - noun, number of synonyms: 7 excitement 20 affiliation 7 motivation 5 motivation 6 motivation to action 2 self-motivation 1 supermotivation 1 Russian synonym dictionary
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Self-motivation is the engine of progress

For meaningful movement, it is important to know where to come from and where to go, as well as to have a great desire. That is, self-motivation is necessary

How to achieve it? Follow the techniques and rules listed below:

  • Set yourself only achievable goals. Only then will there be a desire to achieve them.
  • Break big goals into small tasks.
  • Keep a diary of achievements.
  • Constantly reward yourself with rewards for completed tasks.
  • Try to use as little criticism as possible.
  • Look for like-minded people in your business.
  • Try to compete with others and become the best.
  • Surround yourself only with positive and goal-oriented people.
  • Read books and watch movies that motivate you.

Try to implement, if not all, then at least a few points, and you will definitely have a desire to get down to business! Remember that it is important to use positive and negative factors, internal and external motivation in balance in order to achieve a good result

Positive motivation

Positive motivation is the motivation caused by the awareness of one’s benefit when completing tasks on time and with the required quality. Anticipating such benefits and striving for them is one of the most important stimulants of employee work activity. You should always remember that the absence of negative motivation is not a reason to cancel positive motivation. Incentives should also be given for intermediate achievements, because great successes are often elusive and rare.

It is highly advisable to periodically reinforce positive motivation. Unexpected and unpredictable incentives motivate much better than predicted ones, because the latter practically become part of the salary. Immediate positive reinforcement is more productive than negative reinforcement.

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Functions of motive


causes and conditions human activity, behavior and activities.


.choice and implementation of a certain line of behavior.


Determines the nature of behavior and activity.

Types of motives.

According to the content of needs.


- these are the drives and desires of a person, usually reflecting his biological needs.


- these are the interests, ideals, beliefs of an individual that play a significant role in a person’s life.


manifests itself as a sustainable desire of the individual to achieve the highest possible result in his activity.


are expressed in the individual’s desire to choose either easy goals that guarantee success, or very difficult ones.


(desire to communicate)

6. Rejections

- fear of being unaccepted, rejected by people significant to the individual.


- The basis is the need to feel strong and to demonstrate your power in action.

By subject content.

Subject motives

are stable for the individual and manifest themselves in various situations and activities.

Functional motives

are associated with specific types of human activity, for example, educational, professional, socio-political, etc.

Motives may be more or less conscious

(beliefs, ideals, interests) or
unconscious (
a person is not aware of what motivates him to act, what is the content of his need: attitude, drive).


- an instinctive desire that prompts an individual to act in the direction of satisfying this desire.


– readiness, predisposition of the subject to perceive future events and act in a certain direction.


- these are experiences reflecting a need that have turned into an effective thought about the possibility of possessing something or accomplishing something.


: conscious (knows what motivates: hunger) and unconscious (passion, attitude, attraction)

6. The concept of activity. Activity structure. Skills and abilities as structural elements of activity. Types of human activity, their classification


Activity is a process of a person’s active relationship to reality, during which the subject achieves previously set goals, meets various needs and masters social experience. The distinctive features of human activity are its social nature, purposefulness, planning, and systematicity.

Activity has its own structure: motives, methods and techniques, purpose and result


- these are those internal goals that are related to the needs of the individual and encourage him to perform certain activities.


– the most significant objects, phenomena, tasks and objects for a person, the achievement and possession of which constitute the essence of his activity.

Methods and techniques

(actions) – relatively complete elements of activity aimed at achieving intermediate goals, subordinated to a common motive.

Each operation in the structure of action is determined by the conditions of the changing situation, as well as the skills of the subject of the activity.


-automated action, brought to a high degree of perfection: simple (simple techniques and actions performed automatically, without sufficient concentration) and complex skills (learned automated motor, perceptual and intellectual complex actions, performed accurately, easily and quickly with little effort of consciousness and ensuring the efficiency of human activity).

Skill – mastery of ways to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

Skills are based on active intellectual activity and necessarily include thinking processes. Conscious intellectual control is the main thing that distinguishes skills from skills.

Exercises are of great importance in the formation of all types of skills. Thanks to exercises, skills are automated, skills are improved, and activities in general are improved. Without constant, systematic exercise, skills and abilities are usually lost and lose their qualities.

"Motivation: the role of motives in human development."

LLC "Infourok."

Abstract on the discipline:


On this topic:

«Motivation: the role of motives in human development.»


Shichkina Maria Mikhailovna






Motivational sphere of personality…………………………………………….8




The need to find the most effective ways of psychological support for motivation of educational activity is due to the current state of the educational system of our country. Researchers and practitioners are unanimous in the opinion that the motivational component of educational activity at any educational level is far from its optimal state. There is no single system that would maintain student motivation at the proper level and at the same time comply with generally accepted paradigms of educational activity, including the requirements of the concept of lifelong education.

We draw your attention to the fact that the motivation for educational activities is multifaceted and its characteristics depend on many factors, primarily on the qualities of the subject of educational activities (personal and socio-psychological), on the type of educational organization, on the conditions in which educational activities are carried out.


Let's look at what motim is. Motive (Latin movere - set in motion, push) is a generalization of material objects that are valuable to a person and determine the vector of his activity. The subject perceives the motive as specific emotions, which can be positive when the person is in a pleasant state of expectation, or negative if the person is dissatisfied that the real state of affairs does not meet his expectations.

The term “motive” is often used as a synonym for purpose and need, but this synonymization is incorrect. A need is a person’s desire to eliminate any discomfort, while a goal is the process of choosing the very object that can satisfy the requirements dictated by the motive. For example, hunger is a need, the desire to satisfy it is a goal, and a plate of food to which the subject is drawn is a motive


Motive is one of the main terms in psychology: in particular, Soviet psychologists A.N. Leontyev and S.L. Rubinstein used this concept when developing a psychological theory of activity. According to this concept, motive is understood as an objectified need.


develops when the range of activities expands, which contributes to a change in objective reality. Thus, the development of objective values ​​and ideals in a society contributes to the transformation of the motives of individual representatives of this society. In animals, on the contrary, the range of motives is given by nature and is limited by the properties inherent in a particular biological species.

Components such as communication, play, learning and work are responsible for the formation of a person’s personality. It can be argued that the learning process equally includes all these types of activities, governed by the motives and needs of students. For effective educational activities, it is necessary to have a conscious goal of the student, which arises on the basis of motives and needs. This goal is to master knowledge, skills, as well as forms of behavior and activity. A person can become a full-fledged subject of educational activity only at a certain stage of development, when he meets the requirements for cognitive processes (perception, attention, thinking, memory, speech, imagination, etc.), as well as for the emotional and volitional spheres. Teaching is a gnostic activity. Gnostic activity is an activity to understand the surrounding world, which is represented by practical (internal and external), perceptual and symbolic.


Despite the fact that the study of motivation is one of the pressing research issues of psychologists, sociologists, and teachers, to date no single definition of this phenomenon has been established. There are many rather contradictory hypotheses trying to scientifically explain the phenomenon of motivation.


- a system of incentives that encourages a person to perform actions. It is a dynamic process of physiological nature, controlled by the psyche of the individual and manifested at the emotional and behavioral levels. The concept of “motivation” was first used in the work of A. Schopenhauer.

The motivation of educational activity is multifaceted, and its characteristics depend on many factors, primarily on the qualities of the subject of educational activity (personal and socio-psychological), on the type of educational organization, on the conditions in which educational activity is carried out. The theoretical foundations of organizing psychological support for the motivation of educational activities are also important - understanding the essence of motivation, ideas about the main characteristics of the motivational-need sphere at different age stages. It is also necessary to be aware of the social nature of any educational activity, its historical and cultural prerequisites. It is on the basis of theoretical and methodological knowledge that the opportunity arises for developing and improving practice-oriented forms of work of a psychologist with the motivational sphere of students.

To understand the motivation of educational activities, it is necessary to consider the motives of students at each educational level and those needs that became the incentives that determined the emergence of these motives.

The actualization of any need encourages the body to act in the direction of achieving, mastering an object that can satisfy this need.

A need is the direction of a person’s activity, a mental state that creates a prerequisite for activity. However, the need itself does not determine the nature of the activity. Needs are the “trigger mechanism” of activity, but before the subject implements them in specific activity, it is necessary for the process of transforming needs into motives for activity to occur. Human needs underlie motives and are manifested in them.

Motivational sphere of personality

What is the motivational sphere of personality? Every living being has its own specific needs, which stimulate one or another behavior aimed at satisfying its needs. The number and level of needs for each person is different, which is due to different lifestyles, living conditions, level of organization and place in society. However, need is a separate concept, and satisfying needs is impossible without managing one’s behavior and actions. Thus, needs cause motivation, which, in turn, shapes this or that behavior to satisfy needs. For example, a person went to the store - this is behavior, motivation - in order to buy groceries, and groceries are needed in order to satisfy the human need for food. That is, motivation is a system of reasons that explain people’s behavior. And, as we understand, if everyone has needs (even the most primitive ones), then everyone necessarily has motives for their actions.

The structure of the motivational sphere of personality

This structure is characterized by a change in prevailing motives due to changes in age, position in society, education, material well-being, level of upbringing and even place of residence. Motivations arise in a person almost from birth and evolve along with the person. And a certain hierarchy depends on the presence of certain moral and material values ​​in a person, each of which prevails over the others. However, specific motives can arise situationally in a person - as certain needs arise. And, undoubtedly, the dominance of certain motives directly depends on the orientation of a particular individual.

The main components of this sphere of personality are both need, attraction, and certain interests, intention, ideal, socio-psychological norms, stereotypes, etc.

All people have their own hierarchical structure of the motivational sphere of the individual, but, as a rule, the base of the pyramid of motives is the same for everyone. The approximate diagram is:

  • organic (need for food, drink, sexual needs);
  • material (need for money, property);
  • social (the need for respect, authority, a place in the sun, self-esteem, sense of justice);
  • spiritual (the need is in society, self-education, increasing the spiritual level, faith).

Characteristics of the motivational sphere of personality

The motivational sphere of personality is one of the most significant sections of psychology, since motivation determines a person’s specific behavior, his behavioral activity aimed at achieving goals that are related to the satisfaction of human needs.

The main characteristics of the motivational sphere of the individual are:

  • variety of motives;
  • multiple character;
  • flexible nature;
  • the existence of a certain hierarchy;
  • presence of structure;
  • stable nature of motives;
  • dynamic motives;
  • motivational force

The variety of motives refers to the large number of existing motivations for action.

Plurality is associated with an increase in the needs themselves, ways and means to satisfy such needs.

Flexibility of motivation is due to the fact that each person can satisfy similar human needs in different ways and means.

The hierarchy of motives is inevitable, since each motivational structure has its own dominant ones, and there are those that play a secondary role, and their satisfaction is not prioritized by a person at the psychological level. Each of the needs is satisfied sequentially, starting with the most basic - physiological.

The presence of a motivation structure is inevitable, because several needs can be combined into one motivation. For example, organic needs (this is a motive) combines several needs - food, water, etc.

Sustainable character implies the long-term preservation of motives that do not disappear after satisfying certain needs. Motives can only undergo slight changes and require more advanced ways of satisfying them. For example, material motives can be satisfied over time with more and more money and material goods.

And dynamism is determined by a change in the strength and priority of motives, because depending on various factors, a person’s internal attitude towards his needs changes - some motives begin to dominate, others fade into the background.

However, it should be understood that the characteristics of the motivational sphere of an individual also include the definition of types of motivations:

  • situational motivations that include factors. Encouraging an individual to take action depending on a certain situation. Such situations can arise suddenly, depending on the actions and actions of other people (colleagues, subordinates, relatives, enemies), on the social status and even on the mood of a particular person;
  • dispositional motivations are internal motivations of the individual, which are formed depending on a person’s work activity, his material, spiritual and physiological needs.

But, regardless of the type of motivation, the goal is, again, to satisfy needs.

However, the motivational sphere of personality characterizes the individual on only one side. In addition to this sphere, there are also emotional, volitional and intellectual aspects that are interconnected and cannot exist separately.


The problem of motivation is especially difficult to study due to its multifaceted nature and the lack of a single point of view on the sources and nature and essence of motivation. There is still no consensus on methods for studying motivation. Various scientific schools and areas of psychological science have developed their own approaches to the study of this problem. After repeated attempts to build a general theory of motivation, scientists moved on to a more detailed study of individual types of motivation and even individual types of motives. In particular, research has been conducted on motives and motivations for affiliation, power, prosocial behavior, causal attribution, and motivation for helpless behavior. Any person throughout his life is exposed to influence from other people and specialized social institutions. This influence determines the formation of the value-motivational sphere of each subject, which is revealed in values, norms, and ideals. Starting from a very early age, influences come from the immediate environment, from parents, teachers of preschool educational institutions, and other adults. The child takes the first steps towards developing motivation for educational activities in preschool childhood. The formation of cognitive motivation begins with two forms of activity coming from outside: stimulating and formative. Adults strive to arouse the child’s cognitive interest in the process of becoming familiar with the world around them and form the forms in which this interest is manifested.


  1. Motivation for educational activities: textbook / O. A. Shlyapnikova; Yarosl. state University named after P. G. Demidova. – Yaroslavl: YarSU, 2014. – 124 p.
  2. Leontyev A.N. Needs, motives, emotions. M., 1971
  3. Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives - St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Peter”, 2000.

Types of motivation

Motivation is a concept that is considered in many aspects, therefore it is divided into the following types:

  1. Extrinsic motivation is determined by human activity, depending on circumstances. Such as, for example, the need to participate in competitions to receive promotions or awards. Employers successfully use methods of external motivation;
  2. Internal motivation implies a person’s desire to act on a result, regardless of the circumstances. That is, a person, thanks to his inner potential, follows the goal. An example of intrinsic motivation could be a person’s desire to improve their standard of living by moving up the career ladder;
  3. Positive motivation is when a person acts to satisfy his own or someone else's desires;
  4. Negative motivation includes actions to avoid troubles, regardless of the desire to carry them out. For example, to avoid a quarrel with your parents, you need to clean the house;
  5. Sustainable motivation is based on human needs such as hunger, thirst or the desire to rest;
  6. Unsustainable motivation must be fueled by constant external support. An example is the desire to lose weight or quit smoking.

The last two types of motivation are divided into subtypes: for something (the desire to do something for the future) or from something (to avoid difficulties). Let's look at examples:

the head of the enterprise requires excellent knowledge and fluency in a foreign language in order to obtain a highly paid position in the future

This is an activity for the future; Compliance with the rules, utmost attention and respect for other road users will help avoid tragedies on the roads. These are actions to avoid trouble.

Minor species

In addition to the main types of motivation, there are also additional types:

  1. Individual motivation acts in favor of self-regulation (quenching hunger or thirst, avoiding hypothermia, etc.);
  2. Group motivation includes concern for procreation, determining one’s place in society;
  3. To cognitive motivation - actions leading to learning something new;
  4. Self-affirmation - actions to gain status in society or the respect of others for oneself;
  5. Identification is the desire to be like someone who is considered the ideal for a person;
  6. The thirst for power is a person’s actions in relation to others, the desire to direct their activities;
  7. Self-development – ​​actions that ensure personal growth, followed by the realization of one’s capabilities;
  8. Social motives – duties and responsibilities to society;
  9. The motive for joining is the desire to establish contact with others for further communication.

In the study of a science such as psychology, motivation plays an important role. But what factors can influence an individual’s motivation? This question has been studied and is still being studied by many scientists. To gain more information about what motivation is, theories are applied.

A common misconception about motivation

One of the most surprising properties of motivation is that it often occurs after taking new actions, rather than preceding them.

People have a common misconception that motivation comes from passively watching a motivational video or reading an inspiring book. However, active inspiration is a much stronger motivator.

Most often, motivation becomes the result of an action, not its cause. The first step in a new business is a form of active inspiration that gives impetus to further action.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Objects at rest tend to remain at rest. Newton's first law

This way, once you have pushed yourself away from the state of inaction, it is much easier for you to continue moving forward.

Almost all the difficulties in solving any problem are found at the very beginning. But once you've started, progress comes more naturally.

In other words, it is often easier to complete a task than to start it. Therefore, one of the keys to motivation is to simplify the initial stage.

There is no beginning and no end. Only action. Quote from the film “Peaceful Warrior”, 2006

Motivation of man and personality.

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that motivate a person to act in a specific, goal-directed manner; the process of motivating oneself and others to act to achieve organizational or personal goals.

The concept of “motivation” is broader than the concept of “motive”. Motive, in contrast to motivation, is something that belongs to the subject of behavior, is his stable personal property, which internally encourages him to perform certain actions. The concept of “motivation” has a double meaning: firstly, it is a system of factors influencing human behavior (needs, motives, goals, intentions, etc.), secondly, it is a characteristic of the process that stimulates and maintains behavioral activity at a certain level.

In the motivational sphere, the following are distinguished:

  • motivational system of a person is a general (holistic) organization of all the motivating forces of activity underlying human behavior, which includes such components as needs, actual motives, interests, drives, beliefs, goals, attitudes, stereotypes, norms, values, etc. .;
  • achievement motivation - the need to achieve high behavioral results and satisfy all other needs;
  • self-actualization motivation is the highest level in the hierarchy of personal motives, consisting of the individual’s need for the fullest realization of his potential, the need for self-realization.

Worthy goals, long-term plans, good organization will be ineffective if the interest of performers in their implementation is not ensured, i.e. motivation. Motivation can compensate for many shortcomings of other functions, for example, shortcomings in planning, but weak motivation is almost impossible to compensate for with anything.

4 pp., 1739 words

Motivation of human activity 2

... human needs and motivation for his activities; Consider the types of motivational states. motivation activity communication Chapter 1. Human needs The source of human activity and the prerequisite for his behavior is need. It is the needs that underlie human motivation: since a person ... is a set of certain stable motives that guide human activity. Notice, that …

Success in any activity depends not only on abilities and knowledge, but also on motivation (the desire to work and achieve high results).

The higher the level of motivation and activity, the more factors (i.e. motives) prompt a person to activity, the more effort he is inclined to put in.

Highly motivated individuals work harder and tend to achieve better results in their activities. Motivation is one of the most important factors (along with abilities, knowledge, skills) that ensures success in activity.

The concept of motivation in psychology

There are two functionally interrelated sides to human behavior; incentive and regulatory [3].

Motivation determines the activation and direction of behavior. and regulation is responsible for how it develops from beginning to end in a specific situation. Mental processes, phenomena and states: sensations, memory, imagination, perception, thinking, attention, abilities, emotions, temperament, character - all of the above mainly provides regulation of behavior. But stimulation (or motivation) is associated with the concepts of motive and motivation. These concepts include the idea of ​​a person’s interests, needs, goals, aspirations, intentions, motivations, external factors that force him to behave in a certain way, the management of activities in the process of its implementation, etc. Among the concepts used in psychology to describe and explanations of the driving factors in human behavior, the most basic are the concepts of motive and motivation.

The term “motivation” defines a broader concept than the term “motive”. In modern psychology, the concept of “motivation” is used in a dual sense:

  • designation of a system of factors that determine behavior (this includes, in particular, goals, motives, needs, intentions, aspirations, etc.),
  • characteristic of a process that stimulates and maintains behavioral activity at a certain level.

Motivation, therefore, can be defined as a set of reasons of a psychological nature that explain human behavior, its beginning, direction and activity.

The following aspects of behavior require a motivational explanation:

  • its occurrence, duration and stability, direction and termination after achieving the goal,
  • pre-setting for future events,
  • increasing efficiency,
  • reasonableness or semantic integrity of a single behavioral act.

In addition, at the level of cognitive processes, their selectivity and emotionally specific coloring are subject to motivational explanation.

The concept of motivation arises when attempting to explain rather than describe behavior. This is a search for answers to questions like “why?”, “why?”, “for what purpose?”, “for what?”, “what is the point...?”. Discovering and describing the causes of sustainable changes in behavior is the answer to the question of the motivation of actions containing it.

Any form of behavior can be explained by both internal and external reasons. In the first case, the starting and final points of explanation are the psychological properties of the subject of behavior, and in the second - the external conditions and circumstances of his activity. In the first case, they talk about motives, needs, goals, intentions, desires, interests, etc., and in the second, about incentives emanating from the current situation. Sometimes all the psychological factors that, as it were, from within a person determine his behavior, are called personal dispositions. Then, accordingly, we talk about dispositional and situational motivations as analogues of internal and external determination of behavior.

Dispositional and situational motivations are not independent. Dispositions can be actualized by the influence of a certain situation, etc. on the contrary, the activation of certain dispositions (motives, needs) leads to a change in the situation. More precisely, its perception by the subject. In this case, his attention becomes selective, and the subject himself biasedly perceives and evaluates the situation based on current interests and needs. Almost any human action should therefore be considered as doubly defined: dispositionally and situationally.

The behavior of an individual in situations that seem to be the same appears to be quite diverse, and this diversity is difficult to explain by appealing only to the situation. It has been established, for example, that even to the same questions a person answers differently depending on where and how these questions are asked to him. In this regard, it makes sense to define the situation not physically, but psychologically, the way it appears to the subject in his perception and experiences, that is, the way a person understands and evaluates it.

The famous German psychologist K. Lewin [3] showed that each person perceives and evaluates the same situation in a characteristic way, and these assessments do not coincide among different people. Moreover, the same person, depending on his state, can perceive the same situation differently. This is especially typical for intellectually developed people who have extensive life experience and can see any situation from different sides and act in it using different methods.

The current, actual behavior of a person must be considered not as a reaction to certain internal or external stimuli, but as a result of the continuous interaction of his dispositions with the situation. This involves viewing motivation as a cyclical process of continuous mutual influence and transformation, in which the subject of action and the situation mutually influence each other, and the result of this is actually observable behavior. Motivation in this case is thought of as a process of continuous choice and decision-making based on weighing behavioral alternatives.

Motivation explains the purposefulness of action, organization and sustainability of holistic activities aimed at achieving a specific goal.

In contrast to motivation, motive is understood as something that belongs to the subject of behavior himself, is his stable personal property, which prompts him from the inside to perform certain actions. A motive can also be defined as a concept that, in a generalized form, represents a set of dispositions.

Of all possible dispositions, the most important is the concept of need [1]. It is called the state of need of a person or animal in certain conditions, which they lack for normal existence and development. A need is always associated with a person’s feeling of dissatisfaction associated with the lack of what is required (hence the name “need”) by the body or personality.

All living beings have needs, and this is how living nature differs from inanimate nature. Another difference, also related to needs, is the selectivity of the living person’s response to precisely what the object of need provides, i.e., to that. what the body lacks at the moment. Need activates the body, stimulates its behavior aimed at finding what is required. It seems to lead the body, brings individual mental processes and organs into a state of increased excitability, and maintains the activity of the body until the corresponding state of need is completely satisfied.

The quantity and quality of needs that living beings have depends on the level of their organization, on the way and conditions of life, on the place occupied by the corresponding organism on the evolutionary ladder. The plants that have the least needs are those that mainly need only certain biochemical and physical conditions of existence. A person has the most varied needs. of which, in addition to physical and organic needs, there are also material, spiritual, social (the latter are specific needs associated with communication and interaction of people with each other). As individuals, people differ from each other in the variety of needs they have and the particular combination of these needs. The main characteristics of human needs are strength, frequency of occurrence and method of satisfaction. An additional, but very significant characteristic, especially when it comes to the individual, is the substantive content of the need, that is, the totality of those objects of material and spiritual culture with the help of which a given need can be satisfied.

Types of motivation and their features

Human motivation can be divided into positive and negative, stable and unstable. There are also external and internal motivation, which have their own characteristics. Positive motivation for any person should be supported by pleasant emotions, while negative motivation is aimed at avoiding negative experiences. Sustainable motivation extends to the basic physiological needs of a person and is constant, while unstable motivation depends on the needs of a particular person (for example, fighting bad habits).

Additionally, individual, group and cognitive motivation are distinguished. The individual type of motivation for each person is to maintain the physiological state of the body, and group motivation is directly related to the building of social connections. Cognitive motivation is aimed at learning new things and manifests itself in the form of games and research activities.

Of all the things that prompted a person to act, the most common motives were also selected. Most often, in their actions, people are guided by motives of power, self-affirmation, identification, affiliation, self-development, as well as external and socially significant motives. Other motives can also be components of the main motivation for a person. You can be motivated by a wide variety of things and processes, it depends on your character, lifestyle and professional environment. The significance of each type of motivation is depicted in detail in theories of motivation developed by leading experts in the field of psychology.

Student motivation

Unfortunately, manifestations of independent motivation for learning among schoolchildren and students are rare. Therefore, it is necessary to help students form it in such a way as to ensure and support productive learning activities for the entire period of study. There are a sufficient number of effective methods today. Let's look at some of them.

  • an entertaining situation implies the introduction into the learning process of interesting examples or experiences, unusual facts, paradoxical analogies to revive the attention of students;
  • cognitive debate is based on involving students in a discussion, which arouses their interest and helps increase their level of attention;
  • the use of emotional experiences in the learning process. Presentation of material with facts of a large-scale nature;
  • the process of comparing science and life situations involves giving examples of the influence of scientific facts on the way of life of mankind;
  • creating successful situations can be used for students with learning difficulties. Learning difficulties are more easily accepted with joyful experiences.

The following types of motivation are distinguished:

  1. External motivation - this motivation can be provoked by any external circumstances. For example, this could be repeating affirmations, the process of visualization, reading other people's stories about achieving success in life, etc. In a word, everything that we saw or heard, and the desire for improvement arose in us.
  2. Intrinsic motivation – This motivation begins with an internal drive to achieve a goal. That is, if you want something yourself, you have an inner desire and optimism that warms your soul from the inside, then this can safely be called internal motivation.
  3. Positive motivation – this motivation carries a charge of cheerfulness and positivity. In another way, positive motivation can be called motivation to achieve success. It pushes us to be active and take action in favor of success.
  4. Negative motivation is the exact opposite of positive motivation. In this case, the basis of achievement is pessimism. It carries a negative charge. In another way, negative motivation is called motivation to avoid failure.
  5. Sustainable motivation – this motivation is based on the basic needs and wants of a person. These include physiological, cognitive, aesthetic, needs for self-actualization, respect and love.
  6. Unsustainable motivation is that motivation that requires constant external reinforcement.
  7. Material motivation is stimulating oneself with money.
  8. Non-material motivation – this can include the need for belonging, communication, respect, development, self-actualization.

Well, now let's look at examples of motivation.

How to motivate yourself correctly?

Basic techniques that will help you properly motivate yourself. To ensure unwavering motivation, you should adhere to three points:

  1. Setting a goal. As practice shows, not everyone knows how to set the right goal. It is correct only if it is understandable, attractive and attractive to you.
  2. Rationale. I just want one, it’s not enough. You should think about why you are setting a goal, what its implementation will give you, why this particular goal, etc.
  3. Bottom line. You need to clearly understand what awaits you if you fail to achieve your goal, and what you may lose.

It’s easier to motivate yourself when you have an algorithm at hand.

Types of motivation

A person in himself is a very interesting subject, so the places where his motivation originates can be completely different, regardless of his activity. It is necessary to consider the main types in order to understand what motivations exist and how they appear.

External. It is determined by the circumstances that occur around a person. For example, your colleague is purchasing real estate, and you have a certain desire to get the required amount to buy your home. Internal. It has no connection with external circumstances or influences; everything happens inside a person. For example, you wanted to buy a car. Therefore, you begin to purposefully move towards getting what you want. Your internal motivation can become the object of external motivation for some person. Sustainable. It will be maximally supported by some external influence or a person’s need for something.

Usually there is no need for additional “magic kicks” in order for a person to understand the importance of achieving a goal. Unstable. In this case, it is necessary to constantly push a person’s activities and feed his emotions in order for him to move towards his goal

Most often, unstable motivation occurs in work situations when a person is offered a “carrot”, but he understands that the game is not worth the candle. In this case, management simply needs to show that employees are working, so attempts at constant motivation begin. Positive. It will be entirely based on some positive incentive. An example would be receiving the same bicycle for finishing a quarter well, or a promotion at work if you complete absolutely all assigned tasks well. Negative. It will be based on the opposite. What should you do today to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation? An option may be for the student to attend a lecture in order not to be expelled. Or a person’s work in a certain place so that he is not kicked out or fined.

There are also secondary types of motivation, which include material, status, labor, forced or normative.

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