Fairytale therapy and other methods of working with the subconscious

Working with the subconscious makes it possible to become faster, stronger, more agile, more resourceful, improve intuition and insight, and therefore change your life for the better. Control of unconscious activity is carried out using the structures of the limbic system, brainstem, and cerebellum, located within the brain. These areas of nervous tissue support biological survival and autonomic functions of the body, such as breathing and cardiac function.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious is one of the areas of human consciousness, deeper than the ordinary, everyday thought process. Once upon a time, its management was not even discussed in scientific circles, but now humanity knows that it is possible.

It is believed that the subconscious accumulates all our experience and also controls most of our usual processes: walking, thinking, speaking, etc. But once upon a time we learned all this and had difficulty mastering it, just remember. The subconscious influences life and every decision made, as if secretly from consciousness. Most often, we do not control it and cannot even imagine what specific memories are stored in it. But managing it can open the path to wealth for us.

Many people find it difficult to understand the difference between the two components of human thinking (conscious and subconscious). The most basic differences:

  • When we act, being aware of what we are doing, then this is the superficial, conscious part of thinking at work - it is called consciousness . We conduct an internal dialogue when making decisions, and we can hear our thoughts: “I need to go wash my hands...”, “I need to go to the store...”, “I’ll answer Svetka’s message like this...”.
  • We come closest to the subconscious during dreams or fantasies. When we imagine certain images, we are not aware of it, but they are all an imprint of experienced events that consciousness has filtered and blocked due to uselessness. The subconscious mind stores literally everything that we have ever seen, heard, or done.

Exercises to develop intuition

You understand, in any business, the best trainer is life itself. So it is with intuition. Life constantly asks us to make choices. Gradually, over time, the so-called experience is formed, which brings some individuals to a very decent level.

But experience is a rather lengthy process, so I would like to somehow optimize and speed up the situation with the development of intuition.

Now a couple of well-known exercises to develop intuition.

  1. We take a deck of cards, shuffle them and, without looking, put them into 2 groups: red, black. Then we gradually complicate the task.
  2. This exercise will be more difficult than the first, but it will also be more effective. Find a field or deserted street. Now just close your eyes and walk straight, and you don’t have to think about how you’re walking, just trust your body to walk on its own, while you can think about something pleasant and abstract. It is important not to open your eyes even if you really want to, first walk for a minute, then 2.

All these exercises are given as an example, you can show your imagination and come up with something of your own, and this something of your own may be better for you

The main goal of all these exercises to develop intuition is to learn to distinguish between signals from the mind and heart. Over time, and with some persistence, you will be able to develop a stable skill and learn to see a clear difference in these signals.

It is also very good to observe how internal fears work. If there is a fear of error, it makes sense to look for ways to neutralize it. It is advisable to honestly answer the question of why these fears appear. And so on.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't rush, don't fuss. Treat this matter as an interesting game. Over time, the result will definitely come and you will be happy to notice the new quality of your intuition.

Video: To develop intuition. Simple exercise

How does the subconscious influence our lives?

In our normal state, we cannot get to the subconscious - it is hidden from us. Where is there to manage it?! However, it, for its part, determines every step for us. It gives us the direction to move through life, implementing the attitudes that are present in it. But where do these attitudes come from?

At an early stage of life, our subconscious mind remembers especially vivid experiences. At that time, we do not yet think about managing it: this is our childhood and earliest youth. Experiences marked by the subconscious can have different colors. These can be ups and downs, joys and sorrows, grievances, pain or satisfaction, harmony, happiness, success. Identical experiences combine with each other into large complexes, and, in addition to emotions as a result, we remember the path to this result. The brighter and more often we experience the same emotion, the more habitual it becomes. And we gravitate towards her as if we were our own.

As a result, a number of experiences become a necessary condition for comfort for a person. Moreover, it often happens that these experiences, all or some, are quite negative. But throughout our lives, we strive to create around ourselves precisely those situations in which we will receive the same guarantees of comfort - familiar experiences. And although many people do not consider themselves happy or satisfied with their lives, their subconscious is comfortable, good and familiar.

No matter how hard you try to change your life, gain confidence and wealth, nothing will work out until you change your scripts and attitudes - until you start working with your subconscious.

Definition in psychology

The subconscious is a more complex level of the psyche in comparison with consciousness, which regulates mental processes that occur without the participation or with minimal participation of consciousness. For example, with the participation of the subconscious, patterns are formed - a fleeting, not yet formed thought, image, intuitive feeling of danger, inexplicable, unconscious refusal of a potentially risky adventure, control of body movements in extreme situations.

Thanks to the work of the subconscious, a person demonstrates supernatural abilities - super-speed manipulation, super strength, super dexterity. Some blind people, thanks to their developed subconscious, are able to determine the position of objects in space. The subconscious controls the process of breathing and heartbeat - a person does not think about taking a breath or starting the heart mechanism.

The functions of the subconscious include control over the processes of blood circulation and digestion. Examples of the work of the subconscious are sports achievements and meditative practices. A meditating person concentrates his thoughts, experiences emotions and feelings, which accelerate, take on a physical form, a material equivalent.

Researchers believe that an individual is capable of creating and regulating the surrounding reality through mental activity. Another example from the world of sports. A baseball flies at a speed of about 160 km/h. It takes a split second for the ball to reach the batter. During this time, the player’s consciousness is not able to evaluate the flight trajectory and predict the moment of optimal approach when it is necessary to hit the ball.

The process of hitting an approaching target is controlled by the subconscious and only after the action is completed does the player comprehend the situation - assess the accuracy and strength of his strike. The essence of training in many sports is honing a certain action to the point of automatism, when it is subsequently performed on a subconscious level without conscious comprehension and planning.

The subconscious includes genetic experience, which has been accumulated by humanity over the centuries, is constantly supplemented and passed on to representatives of subsequent generations. To develop abilities in any area, you need to rely more on unconscious mental processes such as intuition and reflexive reactions.

How to control the subconscious?

The very first thing to understand in order to influence the subconscious is that it, too, is a part of us, a part of our personality. The subconscious is not alien or hostile to us. Moreover, all the results that we now receive due to the influence of the unconscious, we ourselves once introduced into our subconscious. Yes, we were not aware of this. Most of everything that is there was created not even by us, but by our parents and environment. The subconscious mind accepts almost everything, and what it does not accept, it will accept over time.

In principle, there are two ways to control the subconscious area. The first option: for creation, and the second: to cleanse the subconscious itself, which releases a significant amount of energy and thereby increases the power of thought. In the first case, we use techniques - affirmations, visualization and self-hypnosis. Such techniques are much more effective when there are no conflicting factors in the subconscious. Just another option is aimed at eliminating such factors.

The second option - Turbo-Gopher - involves getting rid of everything old, disturbing, and contradictory. A unique system that allows you to clear the subconscious using its own resources! To use this system, you only need to be able to read and write. What does cleansing the subconscious do? Oh, these are truly existential results. Liberation from the constraining effect of fears, from irritability, jealousy, complexes, addictions, emotional traumas and other piles of mental trash makes life easier and happier. In principle, this is what any normal person strives for.

Let's first get acquainted with the most popular and effective practices for controlling the subconscious, and leave the most interesting for last. So:


This is a short, precise phrase that contains your desire. It should be built in the present tense, for example:

  • I want to live in abundance - wrongly;
  • I will live in abundance - wrong;
  • I live in abundance - true.

Before you come up with your own affirmation, you need to understand your desires (the desire map helps well with this). Find the deepest ones of all, perhaps those that you don’t really want to admit even to yourself. For example, improve relationships with your mother or father or become significant in your own family.

This should not be a too abstract concept, for example: “I am happy” or “I am popular” - these are too vague options. And “I got the position of general director,” these are more workable options.

You need to repeat the affirmation several times a day, but it is best to write it in a visible place. Design your phrase as a poster and hang it on the wall instead of a painting. Whenever it comes to your attention, repeat it out loud in a positive manner.


This is creating in your head an image of the reality you strive for.

Visualizing your desires is not at all difficult, you just need to understand what exactly you want and mentally imagine that the desire has already been fulfilled. Imagine being told about a promotion, signing a successful contract, or being the boss at work.

It is worth remembering that once you imagine what you want, you will not get it in five minutes. This is the work of the conscious and subconscious, you need to focus well on your desires and do fantasy sessions several times a day.

A good tool for this practice is real objects. Buy yourself a fancy writing pen and associate it with your desire to sign a contract. Imagine how you would do this with a specific pen. If you have other desires, use other items. Don't turn this item into a museum piece, use it every day - let it make you imagine your success more often.

Also, one of the most important factors in visualization is the maximum rejection of negative thoughts and imagining an unfavorable outcome of your desires.

One way or another, whether we like it or not, we fantasize every day. Some images are constantly replaced by others in our heads. So why not fill your imagination with the reality you desire?


Almost the same as affirmation, only with this technique you do not need to record the desire on paper. Self-hypnosis also works in the subconscious and with its help you can not only set yourself up to receive global positive results, but also use it as a tool for solving everyday problems.

To inspire yourself with a thought, it is enough to convincingly repeat it several times and do this at every opportunity.

The distinctive feature of self-hypnosis is its selfhood. That is, we use it very often without realizing it. If during the cold season we worry every now and then that we might get sick, then this will probably happen. Therefore, you need to make sure that no unfounded negative attitudes arise in your head.

Turbo-Gopher or electric broom for the subconscious

As has long been known, we use, God willing, 5% of all brain capabilities, and the remaining 95% is managed by the subconscious. The essence of Turbo-Gopher is to use an idle resource by loading specially designed instructions into the subconscious. Those. we just read the instructions and go about our business, and the subconscious does all the main work.

The goal of the Turbo-Suslik system is to get rid of mental trash. Once again, what is mental trash? These are: fears, complexes, addictions, emotional traumas of childhood, negative thinking and other “chocolate”, which every representative of society has in abundance. By the way, cleansing the subconscious frees up such a volume of energy that it can strengthen any of the above-described methods of controlling the subconscious significantly. Although the state that you get when you free yourself from mental trash is valuable in itself as such. All that is required from you is the desire for change.

Popular books on subconscious control

These are the simplest practices used, however, there are many books that tell in detail what needs to be done to control the subconscious. Here are the most popular books on this topic:

  1. "Intellect management using the Silva method." The manual contains practical techniques and techniques that allow you to learn how to manage your inner world: emotional state, images, recognize your bodily blocks; and also allows you to set and adjust goals. The author's method is based on achieving a certain state of consciousness, without the use of auxiliary means, such as deep sleep or hypnosis. Jose Silva claims that every person can discover within themselves enormous resources for leading a successful life. The book is available for free download, so everyone can read it. It does not eliminate internal problems, but with proper training it allows you to better manage your mind and achieve optimal states for productive work.
  2. "Think and get rich". This book provides insight into the way of living and thinking to achieve success in various aspects of life. In the USA, the book was reprinted 42 times and for many has become a real guide to success. It, like the previous one, is easy to find on the Internet.
  3. “Piano on the Shore” The book is based on global visualization and contains the principles that led the author to leadership and success, he wants to share them with everyone. Perhaps this method will be right for you.
  4. “Soar with the Eagles” The book was written for those who want to change their life and bring every area of ​​it into proper shape. It will help in achieving wealth and in building a strong family. Based on associative thinking, citing the example of the lives of such powerful birds as eagles, the author leads the reader to a completely new view of the world and of oneself.

There are many tools for influencing your own subconscious. You can manage it yourself and rely on the experience of those who have already achieved success in life. The most important thing is not to forget about the global goal of all these actions, and it consists of self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Say “goodbye” to yesterday’s self, and discover a new, happy you!

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