Autotraining: concept, application possibilities, forms and methods

What is auto-training?

People have long realized the effect that thoughts have on the physical body. This relationship is obvious when there is a reluctance to do something or, conversely, when striving for a goal. The face may turn red from shameful thoughts or turn pale from fear. People are ready to overcome enormous difficulties while doing what they love and cannot lift their heads from the pillow when they have to go to work they hate. If a person is interested in something, then the subconscious gives a command to the body to activate reserves, and if on the contrary, the body becomes heavier and becomes inert.

Since time immemorial, this property has been used for religious purposes and to manipulate mass consciousness. This was especially evident in Eastern culture. Priests of various sects used hypnosis, suggestion and other methods of influencing the subconscious to achieve their goals. Sometimes it was for good (healing, ending hostility), but more often it was for evil to please those in power.

In Kievan Rus they healed with prayers and herbal potions. Subsequently, suggestion began to be used in scientific medicine. Autotraining differs from hypnotic influence in that suggestion occurs not from the outside, but from the inside. This method was first used by a German doctor named Schultz, who was in the service of Hitler. All his experiments were classified and became public only after the war.

Schultz Johann Heinrich (German psychiatrist)

The autogenic training method was first used by the military, in great secrecy, but for some reason it became known to the civilian population and became popular throughout the world. In Russia, such training began to be used after 1950 of the 20th century. It was then that our citizen scientists began to understand the question of what auto-training is and why they are needed.

In psychology, auto-training is a set of techniques for self-regulation and self-development. It was originally used as a way to create a superman, but over time it took on a broader meaning. Now this word refers to any exercises for physical and spiritual development that a person does on his own. Unlike hypnosis, the entire process is under personal control, and the person is not subject to outside influence.

Autogenic training is a set of different self-hypnosis and physical exercise techniques:

▪️Relaxation. In other words, relaxation while awake, a decrease in any physical and mental activity. Reminiscent of a nap, but while maintaining clarity of mind and vigor of the body. During exercise, you need to alternately relax and tense different groups of muscle fibers in the body.

▪️Contemplation. In essence, it is relaxed concentration on something. Most often this is nature (water, trees). However, any static piece of furniture is suitable for training. You need to look at the object for several minutes, and then mentally remove it from memory and return the visual image again.

▪️Autosuggestion. Watching, listening and repeating any motivational phrases.

▪️Visualization. Creating the desired image. It can be first hand-made (a collage of drawings, photographs), and then mental, or immediately immaterial, mental.

▪️Ideomotor autotraining. This method is often used as a recommendation for psychological recovery after accidents or injuries in relation to pilots, drivers, and athletes. This is a figurative “playing out” of one’s actions.

▪️Self-conviction. An analogue of autosuggestion, but instead of fixed motivational phrases (affirmations), a free form of presentation is used. In other words, this is a tuning conversation with yourself. The example of self-persuasion is often used in feature films, especially about athletes.

▪️Technical means. This type of auto-training involves the use of audio, video recordings, computer programs and other auxiliary technical means.

The one who invented auto-training probably could not have imagined that his secret experiments with the human psyche would become so popular and become common practice for many people. Every second person on the planet has at least once used the method of self-hypnosis or any of the ones mentioned above to achieve the desired mood and personal motivation.

Auto-training according to Schultz is a psychotherapeutic method of restoring strength. Autogenic training is aimed at relaxation (relaxation) and consists of a number of special exercises. Johann Schultz conducted experiments on people, putting them into a trance. I used the observations obtained to create my own method.

The German psychiatrist conducted research in the field of yogic practices and applied the theories of Coue, Jacobson, and Vogt. He argued that restoration of mental and physical health is possible only with the help of muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis, imagination, a meditative state and mental peace.

Followers of Schultz claim that training according to his method is aimed at controlling the heartbeat and breathing, allows you to get rid of muscle hypertonicity, relieves headaches and problems with sleep. They are also convinced that blood flow to the brain and limbs increases and the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases. This technique is recommended for people suffering from asthmatic bronchitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, poor digestion and diabetes.

Among the psychological effects, followers note a decrease in anxiety and depression, and a decrease in fatigue. Athletes who use this technique achieve better results, and pregnant women improve their physical and moral condition. An important point: for training to be effective, motivation, rationalism and self-control are necessary. You will have to do certain types of exercises.

The entire set of exercises and their detailed description will take up a separate article, but my task is different, I only want to introduce readers to all kinds of information on this issue. Therefore, now there is no point in giving a complete and detailed description of all the exercises, but they can be easily found in the public domain.

Basic components of auto-training for weight loss

Before any undertaking, you need to clearly and clearly imagine the goal to which you will go. For example, “I want to lose weight” is your desire, but not your goal. In order for this desire to come true in the future, take a notebook and pen and describe your goal. For example, depict in your imagination the beautiful and slender body that you would like to have, write down the ideal weight that you strive for, and the volumes (waist, hips, chest) that you would like to achieve.

But remember, you can only lose 40 kilograms or more in one week with the help of goldfish or liposuction. In addition, active weight loss is not always safe for your own health.

Next, plan how you will go towards your goal. For example, if it is a diet, then specify which one; if it is physical exercise, then what kind, for example, jogging in place, aerobics or kinesis.

By influencing the mind, a person can easily improve his body, so correctly formulated phrases will help you not only reach yourself, but also cause a response in the subconscious, forcing thoughts to work in the right direction.

But the very meaning of the phrases is a purely individual matter, so everyone will have to compose them independently, based on several basic points, these are:

  • What you say should be truly desired by you, and not by your loved ones.
  • Words should come from the heart itself, then it will be easier for you to pronounce them, and your body will not resist everything that happens.
  • Words should be kind and positive, because bad thoughts will hinder the weight loss process.

Example: I am starting to lose weight, I am already losing weight, I am becoming slim, my waist is becoming slimmer, I am confident, I am beautiful, I have great willpower, I have a strong character, I don’t eat a lot of food, I eat in small portions, I am improving my figure every day, excess weight is leaving my body, I admire myself and my body, my loved ones love me, I can do anything, I will overcome everything, I will achieve what I want and change myself for the better, I will live a long time , I will be happy, I love life, I love the sun, I love my loved ones, etc.

In what cases can autogenic training be used?

A logical question is: what is autogenic training used for? This technique has many applications:

✔️ For medical purposes. Used to treat insomnia, hypertension, various types of addictions, and some chronic diseases. Including auto-training for weight loss, auto-training for VSD, auto-training for calming the nervous system, as already mentioned, auto-training for insomnia.

✔️ To improve the psychological state in everyday life and in case of mental problems. In this case, auto-training is used to increase self-esteem, auto-training for anxiety and depression, auto-training for panic attacks, auto-training for stress. There is a special set of exercises, auto-training for pregnant women, thanks to which expectant mothers significantly improve their physical condition and reduce natural anxiety.

How does auto-training affect the human body?

The most mysterious and “magical” moment is how auto-training affects the subconscious. To work effectively, you need not just repeating memorized phrases, but choosing your own wording. Some experts in the field of AT advise writing down your desires, formulating them personally for yourself. Not just the phrase “I want to be healthy, I’m healthy and getting better,” but a more detailed sentence.

For one it is easy breathing, for another a fresh head, for a third it is relaxed muscles that have been in good shape for many years. There are many such moments. You need to return to your formulations, think about them, picture your new state in your imagination. Gradually, the subconscious is included in the process and then AT moves to a new level, but outwardly this happens completely unnoticed by the person. He just suddenly discovers that he begins to feel better, migraines bother him less often, and asthma attacks begin to pass less badly.

Autotraining promotes communication with your own subconscious. All psychologists and psychotherapists achieve this goal. They strive to teach a person to establish a dialogue with himself and pull hidden problems out of the subconscious. Autotraining is intended for the same thing, but with its help it is less painful, although it takes more time.

Even the name “Autogenic training” implies regular, methodical activity. It is no coincidence that this method was discovered by a German doctor. This nation, as is known, is distinguished by punctuality and strict execution of assigned tasks. If you want to achieve results, then you need to take exactly this approach and become a little “German” in this matter, like Schultz himself. Repeating rituals and developing familiar skills helps achieve results.

Audio training

I, Andrey Eroshkin, will conduct mega interesting webinars for you, sign up and watch! Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
  • How to stop visiting gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?

An alternative option can be found on the Internet. You can download any professional recording online for free. This eliminates the need to come up with words yourself. You can find everything freely available via torrent. For the session, you put on headphones, lie down more comfortably and listen to the recording. You will gradually plunge into a slight trance and begin to perceive information on a completely different level.

You should be careful, because the text must be expertly selected. Research shows that when used incorrectly, most people experience deterioration in self-esteem and mood.

How to learn auto-training?

If you are interested in this method and are impatiently rushing to find out how to learn auto-training on yourself at home, then follow a few simple tips. The main thing you need to do is tune in to the right wave. Prepare to work on yourself for a long time, be patient and understand that you won’t be able to achieve significant results in two or three workouts. This requires much more time. As you know, a habit is formed in 30-40 days and this is the minimum period for AT.

There are different methods of auto-training and you can choose the one that is right for you. For some, it is convenient to relax in public transport on the way to work, listening to affirmations in headphones; for others, visualizing their goal in the form of a collage and subsequent mental reproduction is more suitable. Try several different types of exposure and choose your method.

An important question: how to learn autogenic training? Contact those who have developed their own methodology and teach classes. To begin with, it is better to use a leader, at least in an online format. This is especially true now, when many of us are at home most of the time, within four walls. Forced inaction depresses and causes anxiety attacks. AT will help cope with this tension.

How many standard exercises autogenic training includes depends on the specific technique. For some people, one single phrase is enough, while for others, a whole set of exercises aimed at different types of activities will be required. What is important here is not the amount of exercise, but the ability to communicate with your own subconscious. A standard training set consists of 5-6 exercises aimed at breathing, relaxation, clearing thoughts, working with the subconscious using code phrases, and aligning the heart rate.

Examples of auto-training

A variety of psychological auto-trainings, classical and modern techniques, have one goal, relaxation and improvement. As an example, we can give the following set of formulations:

1 part. “I’m relaxed, calm. I feel freedom and lightness. I am calm (3-4 times). It’s easy for me (3-4 times) and pleasant. I can rest"

Part 2. “I rested (rested). I feel fresh and light. I feel cheerfulness and strength throughout my body. I'm ready to get up and get to work. I open my eyes and get up!”

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