Modern methods on how to stop drinking beer once and for life

04/30/2020 155 Treatment of alcoholism

Author: Evgeniy

Beer alcoholism is an insidious disease that is difficult to diagnose, is not recognized by the patient himself and causes serious disorders in the body. This addiction is recorded as often as any other, but stopping drinking beer is sometimes much more difficult than strong drinks.


  • 2
    Consequences of drinking beer
  • 3
    How to get rid of beer addiction?
      Recognizing the problem
  • 3.2
    Folk recipes for aversion to alcohol
  • 3.3
    Reading books and using auto-trainings
  • 4
    The opinion of narcologists about beer alcoholism
  • 5
    How can a woman stop drinking beer?
  • 6
  • *
    Comments and Reviews
  • Myths and misconceptions about beer alcoholism

    Myths and misconceptions about beer alcoholism are based on society’s loyal attitude towards low-alcohol drinks. This drink is considered safe because it is made from natural products that do not cause addiction.

    However, the main component of beer is ethyl alcohol, which can destroy brain cells and cause irreversible processes in organs and systems.

    Is beer a weak alcohol?

    Since the strength of beer is much lower than vodka, wine or cognac, much more of the intoxicating drink is drunk. For this reason, a person drinks several bottles of beer without thinking about the negative impact it has on the body.

    People see on the label of beer – 5%, and vodka – 40% and forget about the amount they drink. In fact, 1 liter of beer with 5% alcohol content is equivalent to 125 ml of vodka.

    The most popular excuses

    People who have developed a beer addiction come up with all sorts of excuses for this addiction.

    The top excuses and justifications are given in the table:

    Men Women
    “Beer is not vodka” “It’s just beer, I won’t get addicted to it.”
    “I have a difficult life and many problems” “I need to drink beer to relax”
    “I don’t drink every day, but only on Fridays” “I’m stressed after work, I need a drink”
    “I don’t drink more than others” "Beer makes me happier"
    “It’s fun to have company with beer” “I like the taste of a low-alcohol drink”

    If a person is looking forward to the day when he can reward himself with beer, and the week has just begun, this is an alarming sign of an incipient addiction.

    Recognizing the problem

    Believing that a low-alcohol drink cannot be addictive and lead to serious addiction, many take the first step towards chronic beer alcoholism. One or two glasses a couple of times a week gradually turn into one or two or more liters, consumed regularly. And now it’s becoming absolutely normal to drink beer every evening.

    But even in this situation, not everyone is able to admit the existence of a problem. To relieve fatigue after work, to cheer up, to make watching a movie more interesting - people come up with hundreds of excuses, denying the fact that beer addiction has long prevailed and subjugated them. In addition, most beer fans for the time being believe that they can easily stop drinking as soon as they want, not realizing that control over the situation has long been lost.

    Beer addiction

    That is why the first step towards recovery should be the realization that the craving for a drink has become uncontrollable. Having admitted to himself that a problem exists, a person is determined to stop drinking beer every day as soon as possible.

    The first step is to admit that you have a problem. As long as you deny its presence, addiction continues to take over your psyche. It’s rare that someone manages to admit their addiction to themselves honestly, calmly and impartially. If the presence of a problem is recognized, a person often regularly indulges himself, convincing himself that nothing bad will happen to the body.

    Consequences of drinking beer

    The beer habit has many consequences:

    • lack of potassium and calcium;
    • thickening of the heart muscle;
    • enlarged heart;
    • disturbance of thought processes;
    • neuropathy;
    • damage to brain cells;
    • impairment of the visual and auditory nerves;
    • stimulation of estrogen release;
    • disorders in the reproductive system;
    • spinal dysfunction;
    • men produce female hormones;
    • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • hepatitis;
    • gastritis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • lactic acidosis;
    • causeless outbursts of aggression followed by depression;
    • anxiety disorders;
    • obesity;
    • infertility;
    • fetal intoxication (during pregnancy).

    Wedge with wedge - male version

    How can a man stop drinking alcohol if there are only temptations around him: a glass of beer with colleagues after work, a bottle with friends on Fridays, long New Year holidays and visiting guests? Over time, all social activity comes down to the search for the next partner for a drink, and at some point the realization comes that there is no joy in life at all. This is a signal that it’s time to pull yourself together and get back on the right path. Accepting the truth is the first step to changing yourself.

    — If you have a family, discuss this with them, any support and stimulating actions are important. Join a gym instead of sitting at a bar having a drink with an imaginary friend. It's better to lift a barbell than a glass - women will appreciate it.

    - Avoid companies, parties and celebrations in which the main point is drinking alcohol; it is better to lose a couple of acquaintances than your health or family.

    — Jump with a parachute or bungee — feel the taste of life and its fragility. Maybe we should start collecting moments and impressions, rather than kidney stones?

    — Argue with friends (colleagues, relatives) for a long period of complete abstinence from any alcoholic beverages and bet something significant

    — Try to imagine yourself in five to seven years, with continued wild days. Liked? Is this how you want to see yourself: with a flabby face and a beer belly?

    Speaking of beer belly (for extra motivation). The beer formula contains xanthohumols, which actively stimulate the production of female hormones in the male body. Thanks to this, a man’s figure becomes blurred, subcutaneous fat and belly appear, pectoral muscles increase and his voice changes. Libido (sex drive) decreases noticeably, and there is a high probability of becoming impotent.

    How to get rid of beer addiction?

    There are several ways to help you wean yourself from drinking beer. The key to successfully getting rid of beer alcoholism is recognizing the existing problem.

    In the future, a person can:

    • use folk remedies to combat addiction;
    • turn to psychological techniques such as auto-training.

    The author of the video, Vasiliy Boldyrev, will tell you how to stop drinking beer.

    Recognizing the problem

    The longer a person denies the existence of a beer addiction, the more ineffective attempts to quit drinking will be. Admit to yourself that a bad habit controls you - this will be the first step towards cleansing.

    Recognizing the problem of beer alcoholism should entail the following actions:

    • studying the harm of alcohol (and beer in particular) on the body;
    • gradual reduction in the volume of consumption of intoxicating drinks;
    • the emergence of an interesting activity or hobby in life;
    • replacing beer with other drinks that do not contain ethanol;
    • drawing up a plan to get rid of a bad habit;
    • financial incentives to give up beer;
    • the emergence of thoughts about a happy future in which there is no place for beer addiction.

    Studying the harm of alcohol on the body

    After accepting the problem, you need to investigate the addiction on a scientific level.

    To do this you need:

    1. Study the composition of beer in detail. Find out the harm of all components on the body.
    2. Refer to statistics on beer alcoholism.
    3. Find out how destructive this habit is.
    4. View documentary video and photographic materials regarding the effects of alcohol on the body.

    Reducing beer consumption

    You cannot stop the addiction immediately and abruptly; you need to wean yourself off drinking alcohol gradually. Thus, the risk of failure will be minimal, and the result will be stable and long-lasting.

    There are several rules:

    1. Replace a large glass with a smaller glass. When drinking the drink, leave gaps between sips.
    2. Try not to hold a glass of beer or a bottle in your hands.
    3. In a group of people, find out who drinks slowly, and give yourself an instruction to drink slowly.
    4. Record situations when the desire to drink manifests itself brighter and more acutely.
    5. Learn to refuse an offered drink.
    6. Don't drink beer on an empty stomach. Don't try to quench your thirst with beer.

    The emergence of a hobby in life

    To reduce the consumption of intoxicating drinks, you need to fill your free time. It is best to choose an active hobby to maintain health. Instead of settling down on the couch with a bottle of beer in the evening, you can go for a run or a walk.

    Replacing beer with other products

    The habit of drinking beer can be replaced with a similar habit, for example, drinking a mug of green tea with lemon and honey.

    You cannot exchange one alcoholic drink for another. Even if you replace beer with energy drinks, a similar situation will arise: the amount you drink will increase.

    It is not recommended to replace beer with such products as:

    • sandwiches;
    • sweets;
    • seeds;
    • crackers, chips and more.

    Useful "substitutes":

    • dried fruits;
    • citruses;
    • apples.

    Making a plan to break a bad habit

    In order for a person to stop drinking, it is recommended to first draw up a plan and in it mark the specific beginning of the fight against addiction. You need to set a specific, not vague goal: for example, quit drinking in 2-3 months.


    1. First stage. You can drink no more than four times a week.
    2. Second phase. Reduce drinking to 2 times a week.
    3. Third stage. Drink 2 times a week, then 1 time a week.
    4. Fourth stage. Drink once a week.

    For a set period of time, you need to keep a diary in which:

    • record acute attacks of desire to drink;
    • record achievements in the fight against addiction.

    At first, it will be very difficult to wean yourself off the foamy drink. You need to constantly be on alert, avoid noisy companies where there will be drinks. At home, ask your family to limit their alcohol consumption. A person who is determined to quit drinking needs comprehensive help and support.

    Introducing personal financial rewards for not drinking daily

    In addition to keeping a diary in which achievements are recorded, the patient can start a piggy bank to materially reward his successes. Every day, instead of buying another bottle of beer, you need to put the required amount into a piggy bank.

    After the desired goal is achieved, the amount in the piggy bank will be impressive. This will be a pleasant reward for your efforts and an excellent incentive to a sober life.

    Thoughts about a happy future

    Thinking about the future will help you give up alcohol and suppress your addiction.

    Opportunities that open up once you break your beer habit:

    • cost reduction;
    • happy marriage;
    • healthy children;
    • good health and longevity;
    • successful work;
    • a high self-evaluation;
    • more free time to spend time with family and loved ones.

    Folk recipes for aversion to alcohol

    In the fight against beer addiction, you can use traditional methods. The most effective are considered to be decoctions that provoke in the patient an aversion to the foamy drink, causing nausea and vomiting. This way, you can easily wean your husband or boyfriend from quitting a bad habit.

    Medicinal herbs used for preparation:

    • Bay leaf;
    • club moss;
    • hoof;
    • dung beetle mushroom;
    • bearberry;
    • sweetheart.

    There is a strict rule: you cannot increase the dose of components, otherwise serious health problems will arise.


    Mushroom Dung



    Bay leaf


    Bay leaf decoction

    A decoction prepared from bay leaves causes a strong aversion to hops and the urge to vomit. For two days the patient will show signs of intestinal poisoning.

    Method of preparing the decoction:

    1. Add 8 bay leaves to 1 liter of drink.
    2. Leave the tincture in a dark place for 10 days.
    3. Filter and give to an alcohol addict.

    Herbal mixture of club moss and hoofed grass

    Moss moss and European coffinweed are poisonous plants. Treatment is carried out a few days after alcohol is removed from the patient’s blood.

    Method of preparing moss:

    1. Pour 500 ml of water into a metal bowl.
    2. Add club moss.
    3. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
    4. Cool slightly and give to the patient.

    Drinking the decoction will cause severe stomach discomfort, vomiting and stool.

    Method of preparing hoofed meat:

    1. Brew 6 tablespoons in 200 ml of water.
    2. Leave for two days in a dark and dry place.
    3. In the morning, drink 100 ml of decoction, and then 100 ml of alcohol.
    4. Repeat the procedure at lunchtime.
    5. In the evening, drink only 100 ml of alcohol.

    Product based on dung beetle mushroom

    A decoction based on the Dung mushroom is a good way to give up beer addiction forever. In order to get results, you need to prepare the mushroom in any available way and give it to the patient.

    The mushrooms themselves have a pleasant taste and smell, but when combined with alcohol they provoke severe poisoning.

    Decoction based on bearberry

    A decoction of bearberry leaves is one of the most effective. Bearberry leaves (2 tablespoons) should be poured with a glass of filtered water and cooked for a quarter of an hour. The patient should be given, cooled, 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day for 2 months.

    Lastovena root powder

    Leaf powder is used in its original form, 0.5 g for five days. This gentle method allows you to cleanse the patient’s body of toxins.

    Reading books and using auto-trainings

    In the fight against alcohol addiction, you need to take literature seriously.

    There are several useful books that describe addiction and productive techniques for dealing with it:

    1. The Easy Way to Quit Drinking by Allen Carr. The book is useful for people who are afraid of harsh ways to combat an addiction.
    2. “How not to drink” by Oleg Stetsenko. The book discusses tips, rules and principles of working with yourself. It also helps relatives who want to help the patient get rid of an unhealthy habit.

    In addition to reading books, you can resort to auto-training. Its essence is to record your own voice with text on a voice recorder and listen to it regularly throughout the day.

    The text should include:

    • positive phrases - life without beer is wonderful, full of possibilities;
    • thoughts about health – the body is filled with energy, the functioning of the brain and the whole body is improved;
    • self-suggestion that beer tastes disgusting and its smell causes nausea.

    Practical recommendations

    1. First you need to love yourself. As practice shows, you cannot stop drinking beer on the orders of your wife or friends. It is important to do this for your own good.
    2. Start playing sports. Active physical activity eliminates the desire to smoke or drink. Ultimately, you will feel empowered and proud of your own achievements.
    3. To strengthen your fighting spirit, praise yourself even for small victories. Make it a habit to dine at your favorite restaurant after 5-7 days of abstaining from beer.
    4. Enlist the support of your loved ones. Ask them not to drink beer in your presence, and attend entertainment events together. Distract yourself from the obsessive thought of drinking by any convenient means.
    5. Find a group of like-minded people who are also trying to quit drinking. Support each other, spend your evenings with tea and cake, not a bottle of beer.

    It's easy to quit drinking beer if you stick to a certain sequence. In order not to ruin your life and put your financial situation in order, you need to develop a plan and take a different look at familiar things. Love yourself, enlist the support of your family, find a hobby.

    Relatives are the first to notice the warning signs of female beer alcoholism, and begin to sound the alarm and try to cure the addiction. But the desire of the patient herself to get rid of the problem and receive treatment should be decisive. Success is ensured only if the decision is made by a dependent woman out of her own conviction, and not just because of recommendations from friends, persuasion and threats from relatives.

    If a woman does not see anything negative in her condition, providing help is not possible. In such a situation, she can completely agree with relatives and doctors in words, pretend that she supports and approves their point of view, and imitate the process of treating beer alcoholism.

    In this state of affairs, the alcoholic will, in fact, “go underground”: he will try to conceal his use, begin to hide, and get-togethers with a glass will go to a cafe or with friends.

    1. Don’t put pressure on a woman who drinks; try to make compelling arguments in favor of a sober lifestyle.
    2. Don't nag, don't lecture. Boring conversations and beliefs are not perceived by the human subconscious, becoming simply information noise.
    3. Engage a woman with beer alcoholism in useful activities, because... she will experience a state of emptiness and internal discomfort (withdrawal syndrome).
    4. Help determine the goal - for what, for what and with what she is fighting. Help the task of getting rid of bad tendencies make sense. Find together what makes it worth living soberly; it could be work, family, having and raising children, or helping parents. And then the signs of beer alcoholism in a woman will begin to gradually decrease.
    5. During this difficult period, support is needed and appreciated, perhaps even more than ever. Encourage, support, notice the patient’s efforts and successes.
    6. Try to get more information about the symptoms and treatment of beer alcoholism in women so that you can provide the required assistance in a timely manner.

    To quit drinking beer and get rid of this addiction forever, you need two main components of success: time and desire. The path to recovery is fraught with breakdowns and relapses.

    However, if there is a desire of the woman herself, supported by loved ones and relatives, success will definitely come and the unhealthy craving for beer will be overcome forever.

    The opinion of narcologists about beer alcoholism

    If it is problematic to get rid of addiction on your own, the patient should contact a narcologist. After this, the person will be prescribed inpatient or outpatient treatment. Experts say that beer alcoholism is just as dangerous to health as any other.

    If the body requires a constant dose of beer, narcologists recommend avoiding all points where the drink is sold. It is best to replace it with healthy foods and drinks and gradually cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

    Weekends with alcohol: illness or just a joke

    Alcoholism is a disease that manifests itself: physical, psychological, chemical dependence

    Alcoholism is a disease in which physical, psychological, and chemical dependence are manifested. WHO defines several stages of the disease, ascending:

    1. Drink alcohol on holidays at least once a month;
    2. Drink alcohol 3-4 times a month;
    3. Drinking on weekends;
    4. Daily alcohol consumption.

    The third stage of the disease is considered the most common, since the fourth leads to a complete loss of control and requires the most stringent treatment measures. Drinking alcoholic beverages on weekends is a problem that the patient himself can easily cope with if he realizes the harmfulness of the habit.

    How can a woman stop drinking beer?

    The female psyche is weaker than the male, as a result of which addiction to hops occurs faster, so women often need the help of a consulting psychologist.

    Reasons why a woman may quit drinking on her own:

    • the appearance of a lover;
    • deterioration of relationships with husband and children due to alcohol abuse;
    • the need to give birth to a healthy child;
    • the desire to become more attractive and maintain health;
    • getting rid of sallow complexion;
    • solving problems with the excretory and other systems of the body;
    • the appearance of shortness of breath, swelling and cellulite.

    In addition, a woman should pay attention to folk recipes that will help induce an aversion to alcohol.


    Wondering how to stop drinking beer on your own , many, under the influence of advertising, go to the pharmacy to buy AlcoBarrier. The drug can be used at any stage. It has no aroma or taste, so it is often added discreetly to foods or drinks. It starts to work quickly. A person feels indifference to alcohol. His feelings of anxiety and stress disappear. Contains:

    1. Succinic acid. Regulates the nervous system, reduces the toxic effects of ethanol.
    2. Pyridoxine. Helps produce the “happiness hormone” and reduces spasms.
    3. Motherwort. Has a sedative effect.
    4. Artichoke. Restores proper liver function.
    5. Fibregam. A prebiotic that has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.


    To treat addiction, you can use either one of the proposed methods or all methods at once. It all depends on the specific case. The main thing is not to rush to go to the clinic, where coding is most often recommended to get rid of drunkenness. This procedure does not always help and has a negative impact on health, so it is better to resort to it only in extreme cases.

    Anyone can overcome alcoholism at home on their own. Of course, this is a difficult test, and you will have to work hard to overcome the craving for alcohol. However, willpower and the support of loved ones will help in this difficult situation.

    What do psychologists advise?

    If a person decides to get rid of alcohol addiction on his own, he will benefit from a psychological technique called “Look into the future.” Beer lovers should know that people with alcohol addiction rarely die in old age. A considerable number of alcoholics die as a result of suicide, AIDS, road accidents, and fights.

    Death occurs as a result of cirrhosis of the liver, pathologies of the pancreas, heart attack, stroke and other diseases. Alcoholics' families almost always fall apart, career growth approaches zero, and friends are lost. A person who has entered into a struggle with alcohol must daily scroll through pictures of two options for the remaining period of life.


    A woman who drinks is distinguished by her behavior: she is tearful, moody, and often becomes depressed. The worst thing is that a drinking woman of childbearing age lays a predisposition to alcohol addiction in her future children. Drinking beer during pregnancy leads to the birth of a baby with abnormal appearance. If parents drank, children are born with an enlarged skull and disproportionate limbs.

    At school, they noticeably lag behind their peers in mental development and are characterized by increased aggressiveness and other mental disorders. A woman, if such a disaster happens, should mentally picture herself with a beer belly, an aged, reddish face and unhappy children looking reproachfully at their mother.

    Useful video: complete cure

    In the video below, a person who has been drinking alcohol since the age of 14 and was able to quit drinking forever on his own shares his experience of fighting a bad habit. The man thanks his friends. It is not surprising, because without the support of loved ones it is very difficult to achieve your goal. The former alcoholic shares with the audience his main secret: the impetus for the decision to get rid of alcoholism was Vladimir Dovgan’s book “The Path of the Winner.” The man read it 5 years ago and since then began his journey against addiction. He is confident that he will raise his children correctly and there will no longer be alcoholics in his family.

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