How to attract success and happiness into your life. A simple scientific method that will change your life for the better!

We all know that our world is abundant. Money, useful contacts, and new opportunities are literally lying under our feet! Do you want to know how to EXPAND your Consciousness to such an extent that you can SEE and ATTRACT all this into your life?

Today I will tell you a scientifically proven and elegant in its simplicity method HOW TO ATTRACT SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. And very soon pleasant surprises, gifts, accidents, bonuses, etc. will appear in your life.

And the success story of our cadet will show you with simple and clear examples how you can INFLUENCE YOUR REALITY. I guarantee this story will change your perception of the world forever!

* * *

So imagine:

You come home, and your dog ate your favorite shoes... Or your husband urgently needed a month's salary to solve some urgent problems... Or your mother got sick...

Tragedy, troubles, unnecessary expenses... I want to howl... or kill everyone!

What are we doing? That's right: we howl, or we scold everyone around us...

What happens in our brain? He builds and builds entire metropolises of neural connections about HOW BAD EVERYTHING IS, AND IT WILL NEVER BE BETTER... NEVER!

Our thinking is the work of millions of neural structures of the brain, and they are all alive and are constantly in the “excitation phase” - they interact with each other, constantly generating or suppressing some of our thoughts or decisions.

In the picture you can see the neural connections in the human brain, and how they multiply and thicken, building new patterns of behavior:

Rice. "Diffusion tensor MRI"

And on my page on VKontakte you can watch the video “Detailed image of the brain”

If you create the habit of focusing on the bad with your thoughts, what will be the result?

The neural connections of “your thoughts” become overgrown with myelin and become thicker (and nerve impulses travel through them faster and easier), and the brain gets used to constantly returning to these thoughts. SO you will form certain patterns (models) of behavior.

* * *

So, you think about bad things, you suffer. Sometimes thoughts flash through my head about the futility of existence, sadness, anxiety, and the meaninglessness of existence. Sound familiar?

So YOU ​​YOURSELF, with your thoughts, build your behavior models:

* Why try - if everything is decay? * Why look for something new and better - if there is no point? * Why suffer if nothing works out?

SO YOU CONSCIOUSLY NARROW YOUR PERCEPTION OF REALITY:( You get used to always looking for the bad in everything. By preventing your Consciousness and Subconsciousness from BRINGING you to a new bright level of life.

But in essence, what is happening?


Ways to attract luck and money into your life

Only the deaf have never heard of such ways of attracting luck and financial well-being as visualization of desires, active imagination and affirmations. These psychological techniques help you stay motivated to achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.

Let's figure out what these techniques are based on and how to use them to achieve what you want.

Method 1. Visualization

Description. The essence of the technique is a mental representation of the desired result in the form of a clear picture in your imagination. The more clearly you see what you want, the greater the likelihood of achieving your goal.

How it works? Imagine yourself driving an expensive car (specific model, brand, color), imagine how you drive the vehicle, how you feel. For a few minutes you will feel like the owner of this car, and therefore a successful and rich person.

How to use? Fantasize more often, imagining the desired material goods (specific items that you would buy for yourself if you were a wealthy person).

This develops your imagination, helps you get rid of internal complexes and fears, and creates a positive attitude. This is a great help in achieving wealth.

Method 2. Imagination

Description. Carl Gustav Jung found that active imagination (creating an imaginary picture and focusing on it) creates a series of unconscious images (dreams, visions) that form a plot.

Imagination often became the impetus for the creation of brilliant discoveries and inventions. And the scientist and philosopher Albert Einstein considered it a much more powerful tool in science than knowledge.

How it works? By forming an image in your imagination, you unconsciously form yourself in it. By actively training your imagination, you gradually shift from thoughts about everyday worries to thoughts about a different way of life, a different income, and begin to strive for it.

How to use? If your imagination stubbornly refuses to serve you and it’s difficult to tune in to the desired wavelength, use the “100 wishes” method .

Take a piece of paper and write down 100 wishes from various areas of life. The imagination will have no choice but to get involved in the work. This “slice of desires” will help you plan your tasks, goals, and look for motivation to achieve them.

Method 3. Affirmations

Description. Affirmations are short verbal messages, formulas that, when repeated many times, form attitudes in our minds. With their help, you can change the psycho-emotional background, create the right mood for activity, and achieve your goals.

How it works? Repeating certain phrases, for example, “I can do anything”, “I am grateful”, “I accept”, “I am lucky”, “I am successful”, “I attract prosperity”, “I deserve wealth” creates certain images in our minds, lifts the mood, “fighting spirit”.

How to use? Choose a few of the most “catchy” phrases that are relevant to you and repeat them NOT mechanically , but emotionally, adding meaning, message, accompanying with gestures and facial expressions.

These phrases-messages should be formulated in the present tense, that is, “I am successful (already now)”, “I earn a million (already now)”, so that they are perceived by our consciousness as a fact that has happened or is happening at the moment.

Such phrases can be recorded on a voice recorder and listened to, or pasted on a mirror, laptop monitor, refrigerator, so that they are always in sight and support you at the right moment.

Psychologist's opinion

By themselves (without specific actions to earn money), these techniques will not help you get rich, but they will become a powerful tool in supporting motivation on the path to wealth and success. Use them to overcome stress and negativity that prevents you from attracting luck and money into your world.

The grave sin of despondency

In Orthodoxy, one of the grave sins is despondency.

And the Epistle to the Romans says:

6:14. Sin must not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. 6:15. Will we sin because we are not under the law, but under grace? No way. 6:16. Don’t you know that to whom you give yourselves as slaves to obey, you are slaves to whom you obey...

If you think about bad things, you become a slave to bad things. But if you decide to consciously think about the good, you will come to it.

If something goes wrong, tell yourself a good story, not a bad one:

* Did your dog eat your favorite shoes? Great, that means even better shoes, sandals, and a handbag will appear soon...

* My husband needed a large amount of money - great! This means that soon the money you will spend on your dream will return to you, multiplied by 2 or 10 times!

* Someone is sick! This means there is a good reason to take care of your health and make your life happier and more successful!

My dear, dear girls! IMPORTANT! Monitor the information you send to your brain. Build your own version in your brain from the happy events of the present. And your Consciousness and Subconsciousness will definitely find a way to implement it.

The only question is HOW to do this so that there is a result?

How to attract money - practical steps

Thoughts and attitudes tend to materialize when you begin to take physical actions for this (change jobs, look for profitable cooperation, new ways of investing, master new types of activities).

It is impossible to immediately become a millionaire after saying “I want to get rich.” This requires a number of practical actions, which will be discussed in this section.

Step 1: Change your thinking

Fears, a negative attitude towards the “majors”, a “passion” for judging other people’s successes and savoring failures, close attention to the world of politics and show business stars, aimless “sitting by the seat of your pants” in front of a laptop or TV - this is not a complete list of factors that distance you from success and prosperity.

If you seriously intend to improve your financial situation, become more successful, you need to give up all this. Learn to rejoice in the successes of your friends, acquaintances and strangers and analyze their experiences.

If a friend has established a trade and opened a store, do not be jealous, but ask him to share his experience with you, offer him cooperation, help in exchange for experience that will be useful to you in opening your own business.

Read articles on the topic: “How to become rich and successful” and “What is the psychology of wealth”

Books help you change your thinking and learn how to attract money into your life. World bestsellers such as Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki have inspired thousands of successful businessmen.

Step 2: Set Clear Goals

The phrases “I want to get rich”, “I want to become rich”, “I want a lot of money” are not specific. This is not a goal, but a voiced desire. It will become a goal when you say: “I want to earn 500,000 rubles in a year” or “I want to become a millionaire in a year.”

By setting yourself a certain financial target and limiting its achievement in time, at the same time as setting the task, you begin to think about ways to implement it.

Write down your goal on a piece of paper and sketch out 10-15 ways that come to mind to achieve it. Set yourself achievable goals.

At the beginning of the path to wealth, it is important to make it clear to yourself that it is possible to increase your income by 30-50% per year, even in the financial situation in which you find yourself today.

Raise the set level gradually, and you won’t notice how over time your current earnings will increase not by 30-50%, but by 80-100% per year. This approach will increase your self-esteem, teach you how to set tasks correctly and achieve goals.

Psychologist's advice

Reinforce the effect by keeping a success diary, where you write down every achievement, no matter how small. Wealth and motivation are closely related to your self-esteem. Maintain it at the proper level, and then luck and prosperity will be on your side, and any troubles will be much easier to bear.

Step 3. Connect with successful people

One of my good friends claims that every time he attends seminars and business trainings, being surrounded by successful people, the effectiveness and profitability of his business increases by 2-2.5 times.

Immerse yourself in an environment of success. Find yourself more often where interesting and successful people are, don’t lose touch with friends, former colleagues, casual acquaintances who have achieved financial well-being. This not only creates the right mood, but also helps maintain high motivation to achieve high incomes.

By communicating with entrepreneurs and businessmen, you expand your circle of acquaintances, which means you increase your chances of finding a higher-paying position, a promising business idea, or a profitable partnership.

Step 4. Move from visualization to reality

Visualization of desires is a technique that not everyone can “catch.” Real “contact” with the desired material values ​​works much more effectively.

Sign up for a test drive of your dream car or simply visit the dealership that sells it. Open the car, sit in it. Try on branded clothes or shoes in an expensive boutique and evaluate your reflection in the mirror. Euphoria, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in your wallet, and motivation to improve it are guaranteed!

Real emotions bring you closer to your goal!

Psychologist's advice

Don’t be afraid that sellers will immediately “see through” you and understand that you are not a buyer, but a “tourist”. They are accustomed to this phenomenon, and they also do not exclude the possibility that your “trying on” today will result in a purchase tomorrow.

If the seller offers you help in choosing, do not refuse, but play along with him, accept the recommendations, ask about the product, because after some time you will return here to buy.

Step 5. Increase your active income

Active income is the total amount of money you earn from your main job, freelancing, part-time work, your business and any other activities that bring you money.

Is it possible to increase your active income by 50% in a year? Yes, it’s possible to do this!

First. Take a piece of paper and write down all your activities that bring you income. On the same sheet of paper, write the title “30 ways to increase my income . The human brain is tuned to solve specific problems. Ask yourself: “How can I increase my active income?” . Thus, the brain will be forced to solve the problem and offer you specific options.

Write down everything that comes to your mind without criticizing it, and put the paper aside for a while. Go back to what you wrote and evaluate the reality of implementing the methods you have come up with.

Second. Change from a pay-for-time job (a fixed rate for a certain amount of time worked) to a pay-for-results job. A librarian, teacher, supermarket cashier, security guard earns much less than a sales manager who receives a percentage of the number of successful transactions.


Increasing your income is directly related to your responsibility . The more effort you put in and take responsibility for the result, the higher your financial reward will be.

DO NOT increase your income by devoting 2 times more time to work. If you work 12 hours a day, you will no longer enjoy life. You need to try to bring more results for the company in the allotted 8 hours of the working day and thereby receive more income.

We come up with a lot of objections to justify our tendency to be reluctant to take action and stay within our comfort zone.

Below I have given the main excuses that I heard from my friends and described ways to solve these problems.

I have a fixed salaryLet's get to work for results
I have reached the salary ceilingChange your specialty or job in your field
Am I too young or oldThere are many examples of successful people who became millionaires both at a young age and in old age.
I already tried and it didn't workJust keep going and you will succeed!
I live in a small town where there are no good jobsFind remote work in large companies

Ideas for increasing your active income without changing your main job:

  1. Understand what you are getting paid for.
  2. Try to measure those factors that affect your organization's bottom line.
  3. Talk to your manager and agree on piecework payment for those actions that will increase the company's income.

If you are not ready today to exchange a low but stable income for higher earnings, in other words, quit your current job and master new types of activities, switch to a “new format” of earnings gradually. The most comfortable option is freelancing. You can devote your free time from your main job to remote work at home.

How to do this and what to do, read the article “Remote work from home.” The publication provides an overview of the most current income-generating Internet professions.

The easiest way to try your hand at running a business is to resell goods from China. Study the market, determine your target audience, choose an interesting product and act. The publication “How to start a business with China” in our magazine is the personal experience of one of our experts and his recommendations. This information will help you avoid mistakes in starting your own business.

Do you often use social networks? This is good! Use your Instagram account to make a profit. How to promote your page and why to do it, read the article “Promotion of Instagram” and “Ways to make money on Instagram”.

Step 6. Learn to spend your money wisely

There is an opinion that saving and attracting income are two contradictory concepts, since we start saving when we lack finances. On the other hand, many people consider wealthy people to be misers and money-grubbers.

In fact, the rich do not save, but spend their money rationally.

Successful and rich people who know the value of their money manage it thoughtfully, avoiding:

  1. Shopping to confirm your financial status.
  2. Impulsive spending and irrational investments.
  3. Pointless "squeezing" of money.

An example of “squeezing”: buying cheap shoes, household appliances, an old car, windows and other low-quality goods in order to save money often results in constant repairs or the purchase of a new product.

If you want luck and money to be on your side, control your expenses using various electronic assistants (for example, CoinKeeper ) or simply keeping financial records in a notepad. Having learned to use small money rationally, you can easily operate with more significant amounts.

After you have recorded your expenses for a month, you need to analyze them: see which ones can be reduced and which ones can be eliminated (bad habits, fast food, unnecessary things). And then for each category of expenses, set limits that you will try not to exceed.

This way you will save up to 20% of your active income every month ! And this is an income equal to one working week.

Once you start tracking your expenses and creating a personal budget, amazing things will begin to happen: you will see that there is money; you can save it and invest it. This way you can very quickly move from the thought form: “There’s not enough money!” to the thought form “There is money!” .

Saving is a fascinating process. You can save in 25 different ways! Don't believe me? Watch the video and see that many of them are very easy to use.

Step 7: Start Investing

You already have some “free” (saved, earned, inherited) amount of money, start investing.

Investments are your passive income, that is, money that you receive in the form of interest, the amount of which depends on the amount you invested and where you invested your finances.

Earning passive income gives you:

  1. Funds for further development (new investment, development of alternative activities, opening your own business).
  2. Free time that you can devote to family, loved ones, travel, hobbies, creativity.
  3. “Financial cushion” in case you lose another source of income.
  4. Self-confidence, a sense of security and well-being.

You need to invest your finances wisely. The training “How to receive a guaranteed income of 25% per annum on investments in the USA and the Russian Federation” from the SPI Center for Modern Financial Education will help you understand the secrets of investing.

The program contains valuable information and effective practical recommendations on how to take the first steps in investing and create your own capital from scratch, as well as where to look for additional sources of income.


Personal qualities will help you attract good luck correctly: skills, inclinations, faith in your own strengths. High self-esteem and self-realization are the secrets for non-superstitious people to forget about failures. Problems concern only those who do not believe in success, who expect difficulties and do not try to prevent them.

You can only find luck in your own thinking, otherwise no success will last long. Successful people think long term. They do not rely on fate if it does not prophesy development and realization.

The thinking of a successful person is based on an objective assessment: he knows what he is capable of and what qualities he needs to develop. Attracting good luck comes from working on yourself, on beliefs that were formed in the past but are getting in the way in the present. There is no special secret to their success; they rely only on their own strengths and exclude the influence of fate or magic. Successful people control what they can change and let go of situations that happen outside of their control.

Change in thinking

Attracting good luck means working on your own thinking. The first thing you need to do is get rid of negativity, fear of poverty, low self-esteem. Old installations should be replaced with new ones gradually, without unnecessary stress.

Attracting good luck through a change of thinking does not exclude other ways of attracting luck into the home. If amulets calm you down and help you get in the right frame of mind, then you can use them at any time. Luck does not happen around the clock and continuously; sometimes problems shape important personality traits.

Prayers for good luck and luck

You can ask God for help and help in several prayers. The most famous and main “Our Father”. You can turn in prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon for blessings in business and good luck.

Prayer for success in business, work:

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

How does luck work?

In 1992, waiter Archie Karas went to Las Vegas. By 1995, he had turned his $50 entertainment savings into $40 million, the longest winning streak in gambling history. Most of us would call this an example of great luck, agreeing with Archie, who said to himself: "God, I'm so lucky!" A rational statistician would laugh at our superstition and then present a series of random coincidences that helped Karas. Over a sufficiently long period of observation, the randomness that reigns in a casino can throw anything out. To call the beneficiaries of chance lucky is simply to label them after the fact, that is, to replace cause with effect.

To understand the nature of luck, you need to answer the main question: how can we explain what happens to us? Are we winners, losers, or somewhere in between in relationships, work, sports, gambling, and life in general? Recent research proves that the concept of luck is not a myth. On the contrary, luck can be “fuelled” by past positive events or failures, a person’s personality traits and his own ideas about luck.

Hot streaks are real, but they are not just a product of blind fate. Our perception of fortune influences our behavior in risky situations.

We really create our own success, although not everyone likes to consider themselves lucky, since “luck” is a sign that reduces the importance of other valuable qualities of an individual (talent and perseverance, for example).

Luck can be seen as a cultural feature: when an ordinary American clerk at the World Trade Center survives because he made an appointment outside the office on the morning of September 11, 2001, he decides that a coincidence of circumstances worked in his favor. Hindus would consider him to have good karma. Christians would say that God saved him for the higher mission of serving Him. The mystic would insist that the guy was born under a lucky star, and the ability to escape from troubles was given to him, just as some are given red hair or gray eyes.

The Chinese view luck as a permanent trait of a person's character, along with intelligence and a cheerful disposition.

Maya Yang, a professor of management at the University of California, recalls: “My mother always told me, ‘You have a lucky nose,’ because the shape of it was believed to bring good luck in Chinese folklore.” Yang grew up in a Chinese family in the Midwest, which gave her the opportunity to compare the cultural understandings of the two nations. The professor came to the conclusion that the fleeting luck that Americans often talk about is the kind that visits a person today (“I only knew one ticket for the final exam and pulled it”), and turns away tomorrow (“I got caught in a traffic jam before an interview and lost a chance to land an internship at Google" is not the same thing as the unchanging, constant luck that her mother saw in the shape of a nose. For the Chinese, luck and hard work can go hand in hand in explaining a person's success, and the attribute of luck is taken for granted as something that a person may have earned through their past life behavior.

Westerners, on the contrary, consider hard work and luck to be completely incompatible concepts. They may sincerely wish their loved ones good luck, but most of them do not want to believe that they are lucky. They want to earn something. When a friend gets into a prestigious law or medical school, the American will say: “Congratulations! You worked hard for this. It's your merit". If a friend is not accepted, he hears: “Don’t be upset, you’re just unlucky.”

Scientists often study luck using examples from sports, where chance plays a significant role even in those types of competitions in which the ability of a particular athlete is decisive.

One of the most studied phenomena is the hot streak, a phenomenon called “hot hands”, meaning there is a high probability of performing better than usual several times in a row.

A famous paper by Stanford psychologists Thomas Gilovich, Robert Wallone and Amos Tversky, published in 1985, stated that “hot hands” do not exist - it is an illusion that stems from the human nature of looking for signs in the world around us. However, last year, three Harvard students created a big problem for those who don't believe in "hot hands."

Andrew Boskocki, John Ezikowitz, and Caroline Stein found that once a player gets into a rush, he feels empowered to make a riskier attempt, such as a tricky feint or a shot from an unfavorable position. Thus, one victory inspires additional actions that lead to the next (in the 1985 experiment, the number of attempts of players was considered the same for the “after victory” and “after failure” cases).

The students analyzed video footage of a total of 83,000 shots taken by National Basketball Association players during the 2012-2013 season, giving them enough information to estimate the difficulty of the shots. After assessing the difficulty of each individual throw, they detected a small but significant "hot hand" effect among those who started well and continued on a hot streak.

Around the same time, Jeffrey Zwiebel of Stanford and Bret Greene of the University of California, Berkeley, in a similar study, found that opponents increase their defenses against "hot" players to counteract the "hot hand" effect. In order to neutralize the effect of this circumstance on “pure luck,” Zwiebel and Green decided to observe baseball, where the opposing team does not distract the pitcher so much. After analyzing data from the last 12 years of Major League Baseball, they discovered a pattern in a player's last 25 pitches: Those pitches predicted what the next pitch would turn out to be.

A "hot" player has a 30% higher chance of winning than average. So lucky streaks exist.

But what gives rise to these stripes? To take another example, Juming Xu and Nigel Harvey of the University of London analyzed nearly half a million online bets on football matches. According to their results, the average Briton who wins 3 times in a row (let's call him James) has a 67% chance of getting the fourth bet right. If James wins for the fourth time, his chances of winning a fifth increase to 72%. James's friend Steve, who went broke on the first bet, has a chance of getting his money back on the second, but this chance is only 47%. If he still loses the money he borrowed from James, his luck will drop to 45% by the third time.

So the law is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? But why? Harvey and Xu dug deeper to find out why these stripes exist in the first place. The key to luck turns out to be the personal will of the one who makes the bet. Once James saw that he had won, he began to place more cautious bets, believing that he would not always be lucky. In other words, James and others like him do not believe in themselves and that the “hot hands” will remain so. A completely different impulse drives the losers. Confident that since Lady Luck has turned her back on them now, she will certainly smile next time, Steve and his ilk fall into the usual delusion of gamblers and make risky bets. As a result, winners keep winning (even if the winnings are small) and losers keep losing. As in baseball, repeated luck here depends on the behavior of the individual himself.

If the secret of luck is behavior, then do people who consider themselves lucky behave in a special way? In 2009, Maya Young set out to find out whether her students believed in luck as a characteristic of their personality. After a series of experiments, she discovered a relationship between the belief in one's own luck and the magnitude of a student's achievements, as well as his level of motivation. The self-proclaimed lucky ones were more likely to persist in challenging tasks and start with the most difficult ones, while others were more likely to give up.

Those who believe in their luck will win more often due to their high motivation and perseverance in solving difficult problems. To them, tasks will seem less difficult than to self-proclaimed losers.

Young's research echoes the work of Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire and author of The Luck Factor (2003). The best way to attract luck, he argues, is to see it as a normal human trait—not one you're born with, but one you can develop. Wiseman looked for people who considered themselves very lucky and those who believed they were unlucky until he recruited 400 participants for behavioral experiments. He found that “lucky” people are more observant and more likely to notice opportunities, they listen to intuition, have a positive attitude that creates good feelings, have a cheerful disposition and calmly accept challenges. “Unlucky” people, on the contrary, are tense, restless and pessimistic even about the most neutral reasons.

The more you think about the reasons for your successes and failures, the less random the nature of luck will seem.

Positive thinking is one of the key characteristics that distinguishes successful people according to Wiseman. But in the London betting experiment, players on a winning streak continued to win thanks to pessimism. They did not take risks where the result did not depend on their efforts. Wiseman's happy people may win in life, but careless optimism can let them down in Vegas.

This is exactly what happened to Archie Karas. Just three weeks after his huge win, he lost all 40 million. His hot streak ended with a net loss of $50. In 2013, the newspapers remembered Karas again - the former hero of all gambling addicts was imprisoned for robbery and attempted fraud while playing twenty-one. But a year later, fortune smiled slightly on him: the ex-waiter was placed on parole, and if he continued to behave well, he would avoid a three-year prison sentence. Conclusions? If you blindly rely on chance, he will play you just as blindly.

This article was first published in Metropol magazine on August 10, 2020

How to attract luck and money - folk signs and talismans

It is believed that in addition to psychological methods, economic planning and reading prayers, talismans and folk signs help to attract money and good luck into the house. We will now figure out how to use these means of attracting wealth and luck.

To home and family

Well-being in the home is one of the components of peace and harmony in family relationships. Every family strives for prosperity and improvement of its financial situation, so in any home you can find a variety of talismans for good luck and money.

The most famous talismans for good luck and money: god Hotei, money frog, money tree, coins with a red thread, money bowl, talismans in the form of a coin, raking spoon, money runic amulets, money catcher.

In addition to talismans, folk signs are used to attract wealth.

Here are a few of the most famous:

  1. If you show the growing moon (during the new moon) the money in your wallet, rub it and spit on it, then over the course of the month their amount will increase along with the moon.
  2. Put change in a piggy bank, do not allow coins and change to be lying around the house.
  3. Keep your money in a beautiful wallet.
  4. Do not count money at night, do not give anything away from home after sunset.

It is not enough to simply buy something that promises prosperity. You need to believe in its power and interact with it. If you choose a talisman piggy bank, regularly put small change in it so that it does not stand idle. If your choice fell on Hotei or a toad, treat them not just as interior decoration, but as a reminder of what you did today for your prosperity.

Aromatic treatments promise good luck and wealth. Use pine, cedar, orchid, patchouli, cinnamon, verbena, ginger, clove and mint oils for your home aroma lamp.

Another way to attract wealth into your home is color therapy.

The influence of flowers on the human psyche has long been proven by scientists. Some colors stimulate our energy, inspire, others calm, and others completely suppress. Money colors are considered to be blue, which stimulates our activity, yellow, which is responsible for curiosity, intelligence, resourcefulness, and blue, which restores strength and self-confidence. Use them in home interior design.

On the exam

Even if you have studied the subject thoroughly, you will not refuse luck and fortune. I was helped by good preparation (usually I started preparing 2-3 days in advance) and notes, a book or answers to tickets left under the pillow the night before the exam. In the morning I woke up confident, knowledgeable and always passed everything with 5s and 4s.

My second secret is passing the exam in the top five. I was afraid that I would start to get nervous, lose my passion and fail. Many teachers “award” a point for courage to the first passers, plus at the beginning of the exam, sometimes some organizational issues “settle”; the teacher may leave or someone will come to him, which makes it possible to cheat.

It is believed that the following methods help to attract good luck in the exam:

  1. Wearing the same clothes the night before and during the exam. They don’t go to the exam with new clothes.
  2. A five-ruble coin under the heel of a shoe promises good luck and stimulates points on the foot that are responsible for brain activity.
  3. Curses from relatives and friends addressed to the dealer. The more you are scolded, the higher the grade you will receive.

In trade

To attract good luck in trading, sellers use various signs and talismans. Hotei, a money toad, and coins with a red thread act as talismans.

Surely you have seen a seller waving a banknote in front of the product. This is the most important sign, which is used even by traders who are far from superstitions.

The following signs and actions are also used to attract good luck and brisk trade:

  1. Bargaining with the first buyer. It is believed that by giving a little to the first buyer, you will attract good luck.
  2. Receiving a large bill from the first buyer promises good sales throughout the day.
  3. Calculate revenue and profit in the morning, before the store opens. Counting money in the evening means losses and unplanned expenses.
  4. When you meet a beggar or someone asking for alms, be sure to give it to him, saying, “Let the hand of the giver not fail.”

At work

Good luck at work is the key to well-being, career growth, and increased income, so many in their workplace use talismans to attract it. Money trees, frogs, coins, talismans in the form of a pyramid with coins are found in every office.

Signs for success at work:

  1. If there is a spider living near your workplace (on the ceiling, under the table), do not drive it away, it attracts good luck and income.
  2. If you work in a separate office, keep the door closed so as not to let out your luck and become a victim of envious people.
  3. If a bird knocks on your office window, this promises good news, profit, and career growth.

In the lottery

Lottery games have become a kind of cult for many people. To attract good luck, they use prayers, omens, talismans and even spells. Talismans for winning the lottery are usually coins on strings, money boats, and good luck magnets.

Signs for winning the lottery:

  1. Money leads to money, and winnings lead to wealth. Don't buy a lottery ticket with the last money in your wallet. Buy it when you have received earnings and made a profitable deal, that is, “on a happy wave.”
  2. Do not lend to anyone before purchasing a lottery ticket.
  3. After winning a sum of money, be sure to set aside one bill to attract good luck. Carry it in your wallet, but don't spend it or show it to anyone.

Read about the secrets of winning the lotto in our articles “How to win the lottery” and “How to play Russian lotto”. It has been noticed that most often luck smiles on positive people, optimists, and those who believe in their luck.

HOW TO EXPAND your Consciousness in order to see and attract successful life circumstances?

First, you need to understand the PRINCIPLE of how our Thinking works.

How does it work? Unfortunately, it's chaotic. The brain takes information from the outside world and compares it with data previously recorded in the cerebral cortex. If the information suits him, he processes it and makes a decision on HOW to think or act:

“I’ll do this and I’ll get that!” – I will study to understand how to do this and get it! – I will look for solutions to problems in order to do this and get that!

If the information is not suitable (he is skeptical about it), the brain makes the following decisions:

– I won’t do anything, because there is no point. – I will not look for solutions, since everything is decay and nothing will come of it. - This is impossible, because this never happens!

Here I showed you two types of thinking: “Lucky” and “Loser”.

The magic of numbers or what numerologists advise

Money is closely connected with the world of numbers and counting, so they often resort to the magic of numbers to attract luck.

So numerologists consider bills with 1 and 2 unlucky for attracting money. One in the minds of numerologists is almost 0 or almost nothing, and two is the first digit suitable for division. Try to operate less (borrow, set payment for services, etc.) with amounts of 100, 200, 1000 and 2000 rubles.

An amount with a three at the beginning of 300 or 3000, 30,000 rubles and then symbolize additional earnings, income generation, but it is undesirable to keep them in your pocket for a long time. Amounts with 4 in (400 or 4,000, 40,000 rubles) are good to save and put aside. Numerologists do not recommend borrowing or giving amounts above 4.

Amounts of 5 and 6 symbolize spending, routine, saving, restriction. Money in amounts starting with 7 is dangerous due to impulsive spending and unjustified risks.

Amounts of 8 are the happiest, eight symbolizes stability, “financial infinity.” 9 is a neutral number. With it, the balance in your wallet will not change either up or down.

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