Reviews of the book “A Habit in 21 Days. How to change your life" Diana Smoers

Why exactly a habit develop in 21 days and is it correct to call it a habit of happy people? This is from psychology. Good habits are formed in 21 days of daily practice. During these three weeks, you train yourself to do something that is useful for you, but to be lazy. As a rule, in some new useful endeavor, for example, starting a conversation with a person with a smile, or going on a diet and losing weight, or simply doing exercises in the morning - for many of us, the most difficult thing is to force ourselves to start doing this.

From this article you will learn:

  • Get over yourself! In 21 days a habit will be formed
  • Sign a contract with yourself “my new healthy habit in 21 days”
  • 21 days for trial and fitting
  • in 21 days a new habit: planning new useful skills
  • New useful skills and habits
  • Video for a new habit: doing morning exercises

Why does it take 21 days for a habit to form, what happens to the body during this period?

What is a habit?
What are the signs that show that a habit is formed according to the 21-day rule? According to the conclusions of the famous doctor Malts, the client’s adaptation to the new appearance after surgical intervention to correct the nose occurred after 21 days. If the patient's limbs were amputated, pain in the amputated arm or leg was felt for about 21 days. Therefore, it was concluded that a person needs only 21 days to develop a new habit.

The scientist himself wrote that thanks to observations of patients, it became clear that it is necessary for 21 days to pass, after which old mental images dissipate and are replaced by new ones.

In addition, specialists in aeronautics and space exploration in the United States conducted a rather interesting experiment. Twenty people participated in the group. They had glasses that turned images upside down. They didn't take them off for a month.

And after 21 days, their consciousness became accustomed to this vision of light. But not everyone experienced a revolution in brain activity on the 21st day; a small part of the participants did not obey the 21st day rule. And the majority, without miracle glasses, then saw the world upside down. To return reality to people, it took another 21 days to get used to it. Only after this the world again took on ordinary forms.

How long does it take for a habit to form?

That’s why they found that the average person needs at least 21 days to consolidate any habit.

IMPORTANT : There is some inaccuracy in these studies, as experienced experts believe, but to strengthen the habit, sleep time should also be taken into account. And if you take everything into account, then taking into account sleep you should spend more time on instilling habits.

21 day rule - how to develop healthy habits: technique

The main thing to understand is that the 21-day rule is not just the mindless formation of a particular habit. A person will have to spend maximum effort for this. You should understand that you really need this, you will have to develop a whole set of measures. These include:

  1. Setting a goal is an important task, and it will be the starting point for developing a habit. It is this stage that begins with the questions: what would I like, how is it possible to achieve my goal, what habits will I have to develop for this? As a result, you will understand which habits will help you achieve your goals. And at this stage, under no circumstances should you fall into your own traps of useless promises to yourself. Otherwise, all intentions will remain only in words and no actions will be taken.
  2. Force yourself to do it at least once . After making a decision, for example, to go jogging. Go for a run at least once. Start moving.
  3. The next step is to do repetitions for two days in a row . Despite the fact that it is difficult to get up in the morning, and even more so to start moving actively in the fresh air, you should make an effort on yourself and force yourself to do it two more times.
  4. Move on to the next stage - repeat daily to develop a habit for a week . This model of behavior will be difficult for a person. After all, under no circumstances should you have a weekend. On both Saturday and Sunday you will need to get up in the morning and go for a run, for example.
  5. And then comes the habituation stage - repetition for 21 days . This period is simply necessary to consolidate the habit. And if you can pass it, then you can be proud of yourself.
  6. And despite the fact that you have already passed the addiction stage, you cannot give up a healthy habit. Repeat this for another 40 days and don’t let yourself relax for a single day. Everything will be easier for you, because the period of adaptation has passed.

Meditation - a habit in 21 days
Thanks to perseverance and a lot of work, you will still achieve good results. It must be remembered that you should never skip habit training days for 21 days. Otherwise, everything will have to start all over again.

Time to form a habit

The myth about forming a habit in 21 days
was born in the mid-20th century from plastic surgery. When it was shown that on average, when a body part is amputated, it takes about 21 days for a person to rebuild the neural network and realize that he cannot move or feel the missing body part. But in fact, during this period of time the neural network is not completely rebuilt. It has now been proven that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit.

Recently, I studied the work of two psychologists, James Prochaska (professor of psychology, director of the Cancer Prevention Research Center at the University of Rhode Island, lead developer of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change) and Carlo DiClemente (professor and chair of the department of psychology at the University of Maryland).

They describe six stages that a person needs to go through to form a new habit. I decided to share with you the thoughts of psychologists and supplemented them with my own practical advice. Below I have described 6 stages of forming healthy habits and 18 tips for mastering them effectively.

21 day weaning rule

There is, as a rule, an addiction rule and a withdrawal rule within 21 days. The 21-day rule also applies to breaking any habit. Again, this has been verified experimentally.

This experiment was mentioned above. Scientists found twenty volunteers who wore special glasses. These glasses turned the image upside down. It took about 21 days to get used to such a vision; it is interesting that after that people began to see everything in reality upside down. To break the habit of this habit, I had to wait 21 days again. Therefore, it was concluded that the rule also applies in reverse.

Look to the root

But I think that not everyone will be able to change themselves in eight months. Or a year, or a year and a half. It's probably not even a matter of time. Then what? It seems to me that time is not one of the factors necessary to establish a habit. There is the strength of desire, the degree of thinking and the seriousness of the necessary changes.

When we talk about a habit, we mean something useful that will help us become better than our former selves. Nobody wants to intentionally start bad habits. Bad habits are acquired automatically, and it's not difficult. All you have to do is gape a little, and that’s it!

brenkee/Pixabay/Pixabay License

Useful habits are always an overcoming that requires psychological and physical effort.

21 day rule for weight loss

By summer, girls often try to lose weight. Still, short shorts, skirts, dresses, swimsuits fit well on a slender figure. And losing weight is so difficult. After all, to do this you have to restrain yourself, switch to proper nutrition, and engage in physical activity. Otherwise nothing will work. Interestingly, the 21 day rule applies in this case as well.

Incentive for weight loss

You should start working on yourself with incentives. If losing weight for you does not mean losing 3-4 kilograms in order to feel a little lighter, then you will have to completely rebuild. You would like to look so that all passers-by pay attention to you. We admired your slender figure. Then instill habits guided by incentives and forget that food is needed for pleasure, it should be taken to replenish energy and nothing more.

Find some coat or jeans in your closet that are already too small for you. Place it in the most visible place, remember how slim you were. This will be a good incentive to develop healthy habits to lose weight.

Start developing healthy habits.

An effective method for working on yourself is the 21-day rule. Any useful undertaking should be consolidated day after day, without missing a single day. In 21 days you will be doing all this automatically.

Tips for losing weight:

  1. Drink about 225 ml of water before your morning meal.
  2. Start your morning actively, do exercises.
  3. Walk for at least two hours every day. Then you will have good skin.
  4. It is better to fill your stomach with food before 12 noon, and in the evening, limit your food intake.
  5. After six in the evening, it is enough to eat an apple or drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

IMPORTANT: Basically, nutritionists advise that in order to get rid of fat deposits, you should drink more water. But it is better to be critical of this, because each person has his own needs in the body. Some people need a lot of water, some don't.

According to the 21 day rule, you can get rid of bad habits.

Therefore, in order to become slimmer, you should not only stop overeating, but also strictly adhere to your eating schedule. You will also need to quit smoking and drinking. Despite the fact that there is a belief that smoking can satisfy hunger. It has long been proven that this is not so. Smoking only hinders weight loss. After all, smokers have weaker lungs, so it is difficult for them to run or walk at a fast pace.

Formation of healthy habits
Follow a proper diet. Using the 21-day rule will make it easier for you to develop the habit of eating only the right foods. Avoid fatty, salty, smoked, baked, fried and any fast food. If you can survive without these products for 21 days, then success is guaranteed. This type of eating will become a habit for you.

Not without the fact that occasionally you can allow yourself to eat something “wrong”, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, your curves will become curvy again. You will have to eat right for the rest of your life, only then will you look perfect.

Habit of eating quickly

Expert: Marina Kogay, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at St. Petersburg State University, clinical nutritionist, St. Petersburg

Comes from childhood

The speed of food absorption, like most other habits, is formed in childhood. Often parents rush their children and ask them not to dig into the plate. Then at school it is necessary to finish lunch during a 15-minute break, and in our student years we even grab something on the go.

As a result, the habit of stuffing food into yourself without chewing is formed. And even during the hour-long lunch break at work, we continue to chew at speed. And we no longer notice how we sweep everything off our plate at home, although no one is rushing us.

We stop associating the process of eating with satiety. Usually this feeling comes 20-30 minutes after starting a meal. But when we finished lunch in 10 minutes, it seems that we are still hungry. Therefore, one of the obvious side effects of this habit is overeating and excess weight.

The catering industry quickly played a major role in shaping the habit of eating, encouraging people to grab a glass of coffee and a pie and run on with their business. Eating on the go has become so convenient that more and more new options for snacks and quick snacks are appearing to suit our needs, encouraging this unhealthy habit.

In addition, the Russian tradition of feasts and evening family dinners has practically disappeared from our lives. It was replaced by the tradition of eating alone in front of a monitor or TV screen. Being carried away by what is happening on the screen, we sometimes don’t even feel the taste of what we eat.

According to one version, the famous cafe-bistros appeared in France at the end of 1812, when part of the Russian troops entered France. The word comes from the exclamation “Quickly, quickly!” addressed to French waiters. Maybe it was then that the era of quick snacks began?

What's going on in your stomach

Let's start with the fact that quickly eaten food is not only poorly chewed, it is not sufficiently moistened with saliva, which does not contribute to good digestion. There is an increased risk of choking on large pieces of food or scratching the delicate mucous membranes of the throat.

“If a person eats quickly, he is not able to thoroughly grind food with his teeth, which is why it does not have time to mix well with gastric juice,” says nutritionist Marina Kogai. — As a result, enzymes cannot cope with the primary denaturation of the protein, it rots. If we are talking about carbohydrates, then the fermentation process begins. All this can lead to dyspepsia, intestinal dysbiosis, constipation or diarrhea, heaviness or bloating, as well as various allergic diseases.”

Japanese scientists have found that the habit of eating quickly doubles the risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. According to scientists, this is due to a rapid increase in glucose levels. In addition, the habit of eating quickly contributes to the accumulation of excess fat, increased blood pressure and the development of heart disease.

Slowly eating food has always been considered a guarantee of health, and in 2020 this was proven by scientists. They found that those who eat slowly not only feel full faster, but also believe that they ate a larger portion than they actually did. During thorough chewing, a sufficient amount of gastric juice is released for its digestion. In addition, the breakdown of food begins already in the mouth. This helps the stomach cope with its absorption easier.

Changing a habit

According to nutritionist Marina Kogai, the first thing to do when changing any habit is to realize that a problem exists. The second thing is to decide that it’s time to eliminate the habit. Next, you need to outline a plan for how you are going to change it.

— If your meal time usually takes you no more than ten minutes, you should strive to increase this time to 20. Of course, the portion should remain the same, just try to fix the time for yourself.

- You should not allow severe hunger to set in, in this case the rate of food absorption will be much higher.

— You can put your fork down while chewing your food or cut your portion into very small pieces. Use a knife even when eating a sandwich.

— You should absolutely not eat in front of a computer, TV, or with a smartphone in your hands.

- For some, it is more convenient to count the number of chewing movements - 18-24 times per spoon or piece of food.

— It is important to eat in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Eating on the go or at our desk more often forces us to finish our meal quickly.

— Think about the dish, look at it, enjoy the food without haste, feel the taste and aroma of each ingredient, the nuances of its preparation.

- Listening to calm music during a meal also helps slower absorption of food.

- It is useful to eat in the company of other people, communication with whom will also increase the time of lunch or dinner.

Slow Food is an international movement that began in Italy in 1986. He has over a million followers in 160 countries. The movement is designed to prevent the spread of fast food and the disappearance of cultural traditions in cooking. Slow food restaurants can be identified by a special logo on the doors - a red snail.

Published: March 13, 2020

What habits can you develop in 21 days: ideas, list

There are a lot of tips on how to start eating right, what exercises are good for losing weight, how to get rid of various bad addictions, but few people tell you how to develop these healthy habits. But you can vaccinate yourself according to the 21-day rule.

How long does it take to form a reading habit?

The main thing is to choose those that will help you improve yourself, improve not only your body, but also your inner world. It won't be easy at first; these daily repetitions can be very stressful. The classes will be difficult, but then you will achieve success when you work them to perfection.

What good habits will help you improve yourself?

  1. Learn to admit when you are wrong . Many people make mistakes, but try not to admit them. That's why it's impossible to move on. This is especially important when communicating with loved ones. This should take more than one day to learn.
  2. You can't give up . If you are used to quitting everything halfway, you will have to relearn. Keep promises, see everything through to completion. Therefore, no matter what you undertake, always bring everything to the desired effect. This way you will learn to achieve your goals.
  3. You can't live someone else's life . The most difficult thing for a mother is to stop giving instructions to her adult child. Therefore, you should get rid of this habit.
  4. You should learn to relieve stress and control yourself . To do this, create a special procedure that helps you forget about the unpleasant things that happened during the day. Most often, it is better to use sports training for this. After them, it will become much easier to forget about troubles, the quality of sleep and attentiveness will improve.
  5. Develop the habit of sleeping at least 7-9 hours at night . Thanks to this, you will be in a great mood, you will not feel drowsiness, irritability, and your psycho-emotional state will be brightened. It is easier to develop such a habit if you follow a sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. On weekends, you can allow yourself to lie in bed more.
  6. Try to make time for daily meditation . Start attending special classes to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts, so you will begin to breathe deeply, this will make positive changes in your destiny.
  7. Learn to recognize negative thoughts in yourself . And then get rid of them. All negativity pulls any person to the bottom. Learn to identify them and replace them with pleasant moments of life, drive them away.
  8. Force yourself to make your bed immediately after sleep . This habit mobilizes a person to start the day positively. After all, order in the house is an important part of everyday life. If you get used to doing this automatically, then this activity will not stress you out in the future.
  9. Force yourself to wake up at the same time in the morning and start your morning cheerfully.
  10. Try to develop the habit of eating slowly . Chew food thoroughly, do not swallow quickly, and do not eat on the go.
  11. Eat vegetables daily , as often as possible. The benefits of this are great.
  12. Learn to smile at people . If this becomes a habit, you will become happier. Often positive people smile back. Thanks to this, stressful conditions do not arise, and anxiety goes away faster. Other people in return are also ready to develop a trusting relationship with you.
  13. To replenish your vocabulary and develop, start reading just before bed . Choose literature based on your interests. They say that information that comes in before bed can be absorbed by the brain much better than at other times of the day.
  14. Try not to drink a lot of coffee . The drink is invigorating, but if you overdo it, it can harm your health. Therefore, you should wean yourself off the caffeine habit every day. It’s better to work on yourself, start switching to something more useful.
  15. Avoid eating processed foods . This food does not benefit the body. You should eat more vegetables and fruits, so you will feel better.
  16. Develop talents , to do this, determine which sides are stronger in you, start working on yourself. Maybe you have certain skills that can help you find yourself in the future. This is important, especially for young people looking for themselves in life. Because being a jack of all trades is much worse than doing what you love most.
  17. Don't give up communicating with people who need you . Despite the fact that some people make you feel uncomfortable, you should still be more tolerant with society. After all, it does not happen that, for example, only like-minded people work in a team at work.

What habits will make you better?

New habits in 21 days: myths and reality


Is it true that it takes 21 days to form a new habit? Spoiler: no. It is a myth. Do you know where myths come from? Can you guess how much they influence our lives? What decisions do we make based on myths, and who benefits? Marketers actively use myths to promote a product. Few people believe in some myths, while others conquer entire continents and “blow up” social networks. I have a favorite story on this topic...

How the whole world believed that sommeliers cannot distinguish red wine from white

Look how interesting it is! The story begins very prosaically: the owner of the winery, Frederic Brocher, studied how color, including the color of wine, affects the perception of smell. There's no sign of madness, right? But if you google “The Brochet Experiment”, in the search you will come across an article with a loud title: “The Brochet Experiment or a joke on the sommelier” and a hundred of its clones.

Do you know this journalistic technique? In the first paragraphs of the article, the author talks about an incident involving “famous sommeliers from all over America.” These sommeliers have nothing to do with Brochet. But when the words appear a couple of paragraphs below: “Brochet invited 57 experts,” we automatically think what? That these experts are sommeliers, right?

Then something terrible happens! “In front of the experts there were two glasses, with white and red wine. The trick was that there was no red wine, in fact it was the same white wine, tinted with food coloring. But that didn't stop experts from describing "red" wine in the language they usually use to describe red wines. One expert praised its “jamminess,” while another even “felt” the “crushed red fruit.” No one noticed that it was actually white wine!!!

Brochet's second experiment turned out to be even more damning for critics. He took regular Bordeaux and bottled it in two different bottles with different labels. One bottle was grand cru, the other was regular table wine. Even though they actually drank the same wine, the experts rated them differently. The Grand Cru was “pleasant, woody, complex, balanced and enveloping,” and the table was, according to experts, “weak, tasteless, unsaturated, simple.” At the same time, most of them did not even recommend “table” wine for consumption.”

And the author draws conclusions: wine experts are worthless! Their taste is no different from the taste of an ordinary person.

Now let's see what actually happened in the experiment.

A little truth for a change

You remember that Brochet studied the influence of color on the perception of smell. He organized a tasting, which was attended by 54 second-year students. (A student, not an expert! Students were the most accessible audience in his environment). Brochet asked them to describe the sensations of two samples of wine, red and white. In fact, for the experiment, Brochet took white wine both times, in one case tinting it with food coloring. Almost all students described the colored wine as red.

In the scientific work “The Color of Odors,” Frederic Brochet writes: “In everyday life and in certain types of professional activities, people use the ability to identify odors. They draw conclusions and make decisions based on the information they receive from their olfactory receptors. The results of research in the field of sensory analysis show that human olfactory receptors are not a very reliable and difficult to use source of information, which is also confirmed by physiological indicators.”

And then a myth was born: they say, Brochet invited not students to the tasting, but eminent sommeliers who were deceived by the color. The public cried out, “Who are the judges?”, or rather, what kind of experts are they if they don’t distinguish white wine from red? This myth turned out to be harmless, well, except that it upset professional sommeliers. But there are other myths - those that directly affect each of us.

Implement the non-implementable

Remember when they used to put out posters with the slogan “Introduce a Habit in 21 Days”? A convenient path to a new life without extra pounds, smoking or laziness. The myth gained popularity in 1960 after the publication of the book “Psychocybernetics” by plastic surgeon Maxwell Moltz.

As a result of observations of his patients, Moltz came to the conclusion that a person gets used to a new appearance three weeks after plastic surgery. This means, Moltz generalized, in 21 days you can get used to anything.

Here is what Moltz wrote: “It usually takes at least twenty-one days to notice any noticeable change in the mental image. After plastic surgery, the average patient needs about twenty-one days to get used to his new face. When an arm or leg is amputated, the “phantom limb” also persists for an average of 21 days. People must live in a new home for about three weeks before it begins to feel like home. These and many other phenomena show that it takes at least 21 days for a new mental image to displace the old one.”

Marketers replaced the vague “no less” (in the original “minimum of about”) with the categorical “twenty-one days”, and the myth was stolen into slogans. As a result, the idea of ​​changing life “according to Moltz” is incredibly popular even today, but is based on speculation without evidence.

Myths are harmful

I think you have more than once read recommendations with the conventional title “Magic morning”, started getting up at dawn and expected that in three weeks you would learn to enjoy it. But instead of admiring the sunrises and feeling a surge of energy, they were more tired than before, had less time to do and accumulated irritation.

Or maybe you forced yourself to run for 21 days? Have you tried not eating sugar for three weeks or doing exercises on an alarm clock? Even cats have benefited from the generosity of marketers - they should grow new hair in 21 days (check it out for yourself: dry food from Purina One).

Each new failure takes away strength and self-confidence. It begins to seem to you that everything is pointless, you lack willpower, and in general it’s better to do it tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow.

And yet we have power over our habits! It’s just that the story about 21 days has nothing to do with their implementation. Our brain does not see the point in the habits that we are trying to develop after reading an article in a glossy magazine.

Scheme for introducing any habit

Scientists discovered a scheme for introducing any habit in the early nineties of the last century. It consists of four elements:

  1. A signal, or trigger, is an event that causes a person to react to it in a certain way.
  2. There is a desire to receive a Reward that you have already received in a similar situation.
  3. To receive a Reward, you perform an Action.
  4. And this Action, of course, ends with a predictable result.

Only when all the elements are present and in their place does the habit become established.

Here's how it works in everyday life.

  • Signal, or trigger: you have finished brushing your teeth and put the brush in the glass.
  • Desire: to kiss and not worry about bad breath.
  • Action: you take the dental floss standing next to the glass and tear off a piece, then brush your teeth with floss.
  • Result: used floss in the bin, teeth perfectly clean, you haven't left the slightest chance for bad breath to appear.

In order for flossing to become your habit, it is important that, on the one hand, the motivation is maintained during its implementation, and on the other hand, the trigger (signal) does not change. So the two actions “put down the toothbrush” and “take the dental floss” in your daily ritual “stick together”, and gradually you stop thinking about it. Just one day you will finally run out of spools of dental floss.

So how long does this take?

Let's trust not marketers, but scientists. In 2002, a group of researchers conducted an experiment and found that it took between 18 and 254 days to establish a habit. The article is in English for those who want to read the original. That is, a habit can take root in 21 days. But it can be exactly the same for 19 and 78. It depends on the habit itself and the context.

For example, the habit of “drinking a glass of water” can be implemented in two weeks, while more “challenging” habits (usually sports or performing tasks that require a lot of concentration at the beginning of the workday) can take up to six months.

The average time to implement a habit is two months. The amount of time spent depends on the “complexity” of the new habit and the “rootedness” of the old one. For example, if you want to drink green tea instead of coffee and a scone, how long you've been drinking coffee and a scone will influence how quickly you adopt the habit.

From theory to action!

Fuck the fake promises of marketers! We have created an Implementation Habit for you, completely based on scientific facts. How will this step-by-step instruction be useful to you? First, let's determine which habit to focus on: you don't need all the habits in the world, but only those that lead you to your goal. And then we’ll tell you how to implement the desired habit and not be disappointed in willpower. Change for the better with pleasure!

Does the 21 day rule work: reviews

21 day rule

acts not only on the formation of a habit, but also on its abandonment. This was also established experimentally. Those who tried this technique felt different feelings, then read detailed reviews of those who tried the technique.

Svetlana, 45 years old:

I tried to instill the habit of eating fruits daily and stop eating sweets. It was difficult to get used to doing this every day, especially giving up cakes. Maximum automaticity came after 29 days; 21 days was not enough for me to form such a habit.

Elena, 39 years old:

I have long heard about the twenty-one day rule. But I put everything off until later to try to instill the habit of drinking water before breakfast. And also do squats in the morning to maintain good physical shape. I learned the first one within 20 days, but the second habit – squats – took a long time. 32 days have already passed and it still hasn’t become a habit. Although I do squats much easier than in the first days. At first I had to force myself, but now it’s easier.

Evgeniy 41 years old:

I tried to master the habit of running in the morning in 21 days. I ran all 21 days without missing a beat. But it was not possible to develop this habit within this time frame. It took almost 50 days. Only after that I began to automatically get ready for a run in the morning. Before this, I had to make every effort to force myself to run.

You can also


The essence of this rule is quite simple: it takes, on average, 21 days to develop any habit. That is, if you perform this or that action every day for 3 weeks, you will consolidate it as a new habit. Conversely, if you avoid a habit for 21 days, you will probably break it.

Skeptical people may object: to stubbornly repeat the same thing for 3 whole weeks requires remarkable willpower. But willpower is also developed by habit. that is, you can develop it, guided by the same 21-day rule.

For example, you may think of a habit that you would really like to acquire, but you never brought the intention to actual action. Set a goal for yourself: to master this habit in 21 days. Take the unattainable height. Conquer Everest.

Next, write down your goal for yourself on a piece of paper and keep it in a visible place - for example, near a computer monitor or on the refrigerator, so that your gaze falls on what you wrote every day and, preferably, not just once, but regularly. By following your intention and the 21 day rule, you will be surprised by the results and celebrate your first victory. And let this activity seem difficult and unpromising to you at first. The more complicated the better! Such challenges to yourself greatly strengthen willpower and instill confidence in other endeavors.

A simple example. Let's say you just can't get used to morning exercises. Post a reminder of this so that you can definitely see it in the morning, as early as possible. For example, stick a bright sticker on the bathroom mirror. Take an extra 15 minutes to establish a good habit, set your alarm clock, and follow the experiment every morning for 21 days. But don’t skip days hoping you’ll catch up later. The point of the method is not in shock forcing, but in regular repetition without breaks. If it turns out that you missed a day, it’s better to honestly start over. But when you endure 3 weeks of this regime, the habit itself will pull you to action, without reminders, obeying internal self-discipline.

Avoid the pitfalls of this method. If today you decide to learn a foreign language, quit smoking, and read educational books, you will simply be torn between all these aspirations and quickly lose motivation and strength. Pick one. You can develop another habit when the 3 weeks allotted for the first “quest” have passed.

This method is very good not only in terms of working on yourself, but also when it comes to constantly postponed projects or the “tail” of studying. By doing a little and regularly, you split up the task and at the same time get into work mode. When 3 weeks have passed, it will be easier for you to keep yourself in good shape, and you are unlikely to decide to sacrifice a sense of your own success for the sake of fear of starting or bad habits left in the past.

Remember that we often form our own character. Like habits that we can control if we want to. In order not to put things off until later, you can use another rule - the 20-minute rule. We wish you good luck,

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08.02.2017 00:39

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