How to attract a man into your life using practical psychology

This question has become a burning issue for many women and girls who want to start either a family or simply a strong partnership with a young man. And even despite the fact that modern representatives of the fair sex have become self-sufficient, they are still far from being Amazons. Still, many girls want them to have a complete, harmonious family, because if you think about it, future children will need a caring father, head of the family, breadwinner, protector, and for boys, an excellent role model.

That's why you need to definitely attract a man into your life. And not the first one you come across, but the most worthy, the most beloved - the one you can rely on in difficult times. And not just to get to know each other in order to get them into bed and get momentary pleasure, and then – as it turns out. No, you need not only to attract him so that he pursues you, but also to arrange all this in such a way that the man thinks that he himself made his choice when he paid attention to you. And making you run after him is a losing option in advance. It’s not even clear which of you doesn’t have pride: you, because you run after him, or him, because he decided to give in to your onslaught, although he didn’t have time to truly love. Make yourself comfortable, get ready for a long virtual conversation, because today we will tell you what to do.

Ways to attract a decent man into your life

There are several options for how to catch a man’s attention, and this largely depends on his character and temperament. Some people like relaxed young ladies with whom they can have a good laugh together. Others for some reason prefer modest women: it is quite possible that the secrecy of a woman seems mysterious to such a romantic. Some guys are attracted to girls who you can easily approach on the street and strike up a conversation. Give others not a woman, but a flint, so that they have to conquer her like an impregnable rock. Otherwise, it’s not interesting.

It’s enough to watch a person, and it will immediately become clear what he needs: an irresistible “Rubicon” or an accommodating girlfriend. You can listen to the opinions of other people on this matter, but you should not show that the man in question is deeply attractive to you. After all, there are also envious women who will specifically say the opposite so that things don’t work out with your guy. And it may not even be a matter of jealousy, but simply banal envy of what you are given to love, but they are not. That is why in such a matter as winning a partner, you need to rely primarily on yourself.

You can behave like this with a sociable guy: start flirting, have a nice conversation, and then let everything take its course, periodically adjusting your line of behavior. And everything can work out.


Flirt with him! Remember that if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed is going to the mountain. Show him that you are also playful and fun, and he is in your pocket. But just don’t go overboard and hang yourself around his neck. This may be misinterpreted: “if you can do it so quickly and easily with this particular person, it means you are equally available to other men.”

Be interesting

Show that you can carry on a conversation. Even if you know nothing about what the conversation is currently going on. Even if you are not interested in her, it is better to always try to show keen attention, even though it will be feigned, rather than answer questions in monosyllables, nod your head absentmindedly and look indifferent. After all, this will give rise to indifference towards yourself.

Don't make it your goal to win

Especially - every time, at every meeting. It is no coincidence that building relationships is compared to conquest. There can be both “attacks” and “retreats,” and one must understand that one unsuccessful maneuver may be followed by a successful one. If it is not possible to maintain the same tactics, then it can and should be changed. And then, if there had not been these ups and downs, then there would not have been such an acute feeling of happiness at the next victory. Enjoy the process of communicating with the opposite sex. Live, breathe deeply, fly with full sails or temporarily hide, but remember: the main thing is not victory, but participation. In the end, you will win.

If a guy pays attention to you, don’t try to immediately record your victory and quickly drag him to the registry office. Hastily concluded marriages have never brought anyone any good. As the popular saying goes, you still need to eat a pound of salt together to get to know each other well. After all, family is not only romantic walks, but also the highest responsibility to each other, and then to children.

How to attract a man's love with the help of your self-love

I want to tell you about my story, I read several topics on the forum and my story is similar to some, but there is a difference in what the outcome was in my case.

Maybe, after reading this, someone will do exactly what I did, and this could dramatically change their life, but, of course, I am not imposing my approach.

On the subject: How to attract relationships: looking at a real example

I also had a situation where I wanted to howl, several years of meetings.

At the beginning of the relationship, I also admitted to him that I loved him, hasty steps, to which he did not react adequately, he immediately wanted to break up, said that we were not made for each other and that he needed to find a woman he would love. A common reaction of a frightened man. But I talked to him and even cried for him to come back.

Great sympathy for me did its job and we continued our relationship.

But I began to behave differently, just like some women, my self-esteem fell, even though we started dating further, I became nervous, I suffered that he would leave me. Again, at the opportunity, I ate myself every day, in the end everything was reflected on my face, and he saw it all... And that, even if he wanted to build something serious with me and settle on me, I didn’t give him the opportunity. She pushed him away with her behavior. She didn’t give me the opportunity to fall in love with me... yes, yes it is... he did everything he could for his part, he wanted to see the one he met at the very beginning, with whom he wanted to date, to whom he was strongly drawn.

But I acted like I was insecure, always at a loss when meeting, instead of being cheerful and confident.

And it turned out that he left me, he restored the relationship with his ex-woman, with whom he has a son, and told me about it honestly, that he couldn’t build a serious relationship with me, that he tried, but it wasn’t happening nothing (actually I know he tried). Gone.

And all because I behaved like a fool, procrastinated on everything, all these depressions, quarrels, my persistent requests. As I remember, I was constantly holding him, crying, throwing hysterics, always twitching.

On the subject: How to win back a guy or girl with the power of thought - 6 steps

After our last conversation, I changed dramatically. He then told me that he was leaving for her, that it was impossible with me, that he didn’t love me (yes, they told me that too), and he would be glad if I found someone who would love me.

I started crying again and gave him back, and you know what he did, he just hung up (for the first time).

I realized that it was my own fault, that the person was already tired of me THIS way, he was TIRED of my excessive concern, he did not want to see my INITIATIVE. He wanted to do it himself, but I didn’t even give him the opportunity.

I remembered what I was like before, why don’t I behave like this, I know myself well.

And I have changed. I found a lesson, started teaching belly dancing, many women come to me. I get compliments every day that I dance well, because this is mine, this is what I forgot and abandoned, drowning in my man.

I began to laugh more when he called, I didn’t always pick up the phone or ask him to call back, sometimes I just said that I was busy, but all this was done with a smile.

I began to walk more confidently, changed my wardrobe, and naturally men’s gazes and compliments began to flow. And so every day, i.e. I was transformed, it became easier for me to live, breathe, and I realized this is WHAT you really are.

On topic: How to find your soul mate?

And he saw it. You can't imagine what happened then!!!!!! The man who left me for another, who let me hang up, who told me that he didn’t love me, but loved another woman, the man who ignored me and ran away from me became different, his relationship with me changed.

He started calling me, he wanted to see me after a long separation (after all, as a woman he was very interested in me, always, and he has feelings, of course, for me), but I didn’t give it to him, I thought nothing to myself, pause, pause, learn to pause.

I sometimes met with him, sometimes I didn’t, because I was busy, I wouldn’t have thought about it before, but precisely because I was BUSY. The result is this: he came back to me, we are together, and this is my merit!

And I advise women who find themselves in a situation like me, change, change everything that is bad, work on it, of course you don’t need to change everything yourself, but having changed, you will understand that the world has also changed around you. With your bad behavior and obsessiveness, on the contrary, you will get nowhere; on the contrary, you will push everyone away.

Believe me, no one likes to communicate with a bundle of nerves and a “prankster”. Be a lady, a woman with a capital W, love yourself, and you will see what will happen. Everything worked out for me as soon as I became different. I got back everything I lost.

Now I want to draw a conclusion from this story. In the first part of this relationship, the girl clearly lacked self-love. And let’s not fuss and be shy; many of us don’t have enough love for ourselves. Surely every second of us, at least once, has experienced a situation in our lives when the desired man turned away and stopped loving you. Well okay, we've all been there

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