And again into battle! How to get ready for work after the holidays


  1. Stop beating yourself up. There is no need to force yourself. This can lead to serious consequences. If you torture yourself, you will develop a dislike for your work.
  2. It is important to calm down and clear your mind. Meditation will help with this. You will be able to get rid of unnecessary emotions and establish harmony with your inner world.
  3. Think about why it’s difficult to go back to work after a vacation. Perhaps you dislike your workplace or team. It is possible that you need to change your job or even your specialty. Or perhaps you are just tired and a short rest did not allow you to fill your body with energy, and you simply don’t have the strength.

How to get ready for work that is very complex and painstaking?

Very often it is very difficult tasks that greatly demotivate us. As soon as we realize how much work needs to be done, we automatically start the process of laziness and procrastination. Our brain is designed in such a way that if it understands that it has a lot of mental activity to do, we immediately become reluctant to work.

What to do in this case? Try to imagine the pride you will feel in yourself when you complete a difficult and painstaking task. What kind of weight can you take off your shoulders and breathe out with relief? Come up with a reward for yourself. It's incredibly motivating.

Then imagine what could happen if you fail to complete the task in a timely manner. You will feel a strong lack of confidence in your abilities, and apathy will begin. Often this is enough to get started.

Concentrate on completing the task. Remove all external irritants, turn off your phone and computer notifications. You can also resort to the famous Pomodoro technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes and during this time work intensively, without distractions. After this, you can rest for 15 minutes.

We really hope you found the tips we shared in this article helpful. We'd love to hear about your own methods and techniques that you use to get yourself in the mood for work. Subscribe to our magazine so as not to miss new articles. Good luck in your fruitful work!

7 Minute Technique

If you don't want to work, try using this method. This technique can be an impetus at the beginning of the working day. The main thing is to find a secluded place, quiet, where no one can distract or disturb you, take a pen, a notepad, a watch (instead of a watch, you can use a stopwatch on your mobile phone).

  1. You will need the first minute to clear your thoughts. At this moment, you should not think about everyday hassles and problems.
  2. Second minute. Concentrate on your breathing, close your eyes, take a deep breath. This will help you concentrate and calm down.
  3. From the third to the sixth minute. Write down the first five thoughts that come to mind in a notebook. This way you can decide what is bothering you today.
  4. Seventh minute. Analyze your records. Think about why you wrote these particular thoughts. Choose the one that is most important to you and concentrate on completing it.

How to get ready for work in the morning?

Our editors have prepared for you some methods that we use ourselves and they bring excellent results. Try and use our tricks, perhaps it will be easier for you to start working productively in the morning:

Plan. In the evening, write a work plan for the next day. Write down in advance the approximate amount of time you need to complete each task. This greatly optimizes time and helps to estimate the amount of work to be done during the working day. With planning, you can complete many more tasks.

Watch the motivational video. For example, you can set aside 20 minutes in the morning to watch a video in English. In this way, you will simultaneously improve your level of English and have a fighting spirit for fruitful work. Save the videos that motivate you the most and watch them every morning.

Make a bet with yourself. For example, you need to write 10 posts per day. Try to do a lot more and write 15. Challenging yourself ignites passion within and is incredibly motivating, creating a sense of competition.

After the weekend

  1. On the first working day after rest, try to get up early. It is extremely difficult for a person to adjust to his usual routine; he wants to soak in bed longer. Therefore, a good rule is to get up earlier and even arrive at your workplace a little earlier than expected. This way you will be able to stay in silence for some time, alone with your thoughts.
  2. Exercise. Physical exercise will stimulate your activity and energize you for work. In addition, you can wash your face with cold water or take a contrast shower, and drink a cup of coffee.
  3. Plan for the day ahead. After a vacation, it is difficult for an individual to adjust to a new regime, so it is better to write everything down point by point. It would be nice to use special reminders.
  4. Get self-motivated. It is important for a person to be able to psychologically adjust himself to the necessity of everyday work. This way you can challenge yourself, for example, set a goal to complete your work plan twice as fast.
  5. Interact with your colleagues. You are not the only one who finds it difficult to adapt to work life again; everyone is faced with the difficulties of such a restructuring. To make it easier to integrate into the work process, discuss the upcoming project and upcoming work plans in advance.

Be prepared for the first day to be difficult, no matter how much you prepare for it. This is fine. Don't overreact if something doesn't work out. Very little time will pass and you will be able to fit into your usual routine again.

Time for yourself

Here’s another tip on how to get in the mood for work and a good day right in the morning - spend a little time on your personal affairs or entertainment. Set an alarm for the morning, taking into account that you can spend about twenty minutes watching a TV series, listening to music, drawing, or just contemplating nature from the window with a cup of green tea - the main thing is to do what you like, that brings joy, pleasure and peace, and inspires you to new achievements. You will see for yourself how much more pleasant it will be to leave the house after this.


After vacation

  1. First, try to understand what is happening. While you were away, certain events could occur in the company. They can be of a labor, social or psychological nature. Remember that you need to stand firmly on your feet; for this you need to keep up with the latest news, prepare for possible difficulties that may be provoked by the events that have occurred.
  2. Have a discussion about upcoming tasks. Discuss upcoming tasks with your manager, or if you are a manager, then with your subordinates. It is important to decide where to move next. Most likely, you have already outlined a certain plan, and now you need a detailed discussion that will allow you to choose the right course. It is also important to determine the share of your responsibility in them.
  3. Slow down your pace. There is no need to rush to quickly get ahead, show off to your superiors, or point out your professionalism. After a vacation, especially a long one, in particular maternity leave, the work process must be started gradually. Otherwise, you may make many mistakes and will be in a state of extreme stress. No one expects crazy results from you in the very first days; it is better to spend this time adapting to the work, and only then return to your usual pace.

Where does stress come from?

Most of us derive pleasure not from the process, but from the result of our activities. Therefore, before the holidays, many show miracles of productivity - the holidays act as a kind of reward for the work done: you need to work hard, and then a well-deserved rest will come. Moreover, for some of us, preparation for the holidays begins almost six months in advance - we make plans, buy gifts, figure out what kind of entertainment will fill our days. All this prevents you from being lazy and falling into apathy - when such a delicious carrot is in front of your nose, even the most stubborn donkey will jump in the right direction.

But then the holidays ended and the carrot disappeared, and with it the desire to run somewhere. That’s why I don’t want to go to work at all, because now I’ll have to work just like that, without any reward.

There is only one way to avoid post-holiday depression - learn to enjoy the process of work itself. It is no coincidence that people who like what they do have time to really miss their home office during the holidays.

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  1. Healthy sleep is very important. A person must replenish wasted energy and be able to rest normally.
  2. Proper nutrition is of great importance. It is important to monitor your diet and exclude harmful foods.
  3. When you go to work, first of all, start putting things in order in the workplace. This will also help calm the thoughts in your head.
  4. Start the work process gradually. Take on simple tasks first, then move on to more complex ones. This will make the process of getting involved in work easier.
  5. On your first working day, give yourself small breaks - respites. They will improve the overall tone of the body.
  6. The working day must end at the appointed time; you should not start the working week with overtime.

Now you know how to set yourself up for work after a short or long break. You need to be able to properly motivate yourself in order to achieve good results and easily integrate into the work process. Remember that you cannot immediately throw yourself into work, as you risk quickly wasting your strength. This process must be gradual.

Look for the positive

Unfortunately, not everyone is one of the lucky ones who loves their job. If you are not one of them, you will have to spend some time thinking to understand what pleasures and bonuses you still get from your work. For some, this is an opportunity to communicate with colleagues, for others, they like to flirt with attractive co-workers, for some, the main plus is a good salary, and for others, they simply enjoy doing their part of the job with an A plus.

This is exactly the principle that small children live by. Even if the baby is naughty and doesn’t want to go to kindergarten, as soon as the mother draws his attention to the fact that in the kindergarten he will be able to demonstrate a new scooter or play with his best friend, then the kindergarten ceases to be a terrible place where they put him to bed and give him milk and foam. .

Teach your children to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, and not think about what annoys you.

Priceless last day. How to return to normal life after the weekend Read more

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