I can’t get a job: what are the reasons and what to do?

What affects the number of invitations

Your profession is “mobile application developer”, three years of work experience, do you have a portfolio?
The search time will be a negative value - most likely, you have offers from employers before changing jobs. Are you the editor-in-chief of a low-rated publication and don’t understand what your colleagues from successful media are talking about? Six months of searching is your minimum. It is employee hygiene to periodically monitor objective indicators in your industry that may affect your search time. For example, using such data. The duration of the search is directly influenced by the individual characteristics of the candidate: objective (professional level and experience, possession of search and self-presentation skills) and subjective (motivation to search, expectations from future work, ambitions).

It's all about qualifications

Every year, Russian universities graduate thousands of lawyers and economists, who soon join the ranks of the unemployed or are forced to take any job, even outside their specialty.

The inflated demands of employers do not alleviate the problem, says expert in the field of additional education Alexander Alkhov

. In his opinion, many applicants simply do not meet the qualification requirements of employers:

At the moment, there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel on the labor market in Russia. At the same time, there is a high level of unemployment in a number of narrow sectors and regions.

At the same time, if you track the number of jobs and the active population from the position of employment, it becomes clear that the number of economically active population in Russia exceeds the number of vacant positions. That is, there is a fairly high demand for jobs and this demand exceeds supply. The 100,000 difference has existed for many years, and the trend of small increases with the same difference continues.

This is confirmed by data on the number of vacancies on only one of the largest job search portals: their number reaches 700,000, while the number of applicants reaches 800,000.

While employers place fairly high demands on future employees in knowledge-based industries, most applicants are unable to meet these requirements. At the same time, low-intellectual professions offer low wages, which does not attract workers.

In this situation, applicants do not want or cannot obtain full qualifications, and the employer does not consider it necessary to invest in corporate training because he is afraid that the employee will soon leave or ask for an increase.

Alexander Alkhov, founder of the service for choosing additional education courses CourseBurg.

As a result, the expert believes, many are trying to obtain the necessary qualifications through additional education courses. Some people succeed, but others choose dubious programs (often online) that do not justify the money and time spent on them.

The number of vacancies generally has an indirect relation to the real situation on the labor market, says IT specialist Dmitry Susloparov

, this is just the result of the work of recruiters. The problem is more serious, according to him, in Russia 34 million people have fallen into the “qualification hole” - when it is impossible to get a job without having work experience:

The main reason is the notorious “qualification hole”, into which, according to BCG and WorldSkills estimates, 34 million people fell, that is, approximately 40% of our country’s working population. Moreover, this problem exists all over the world, and in developed countries it is even worse. Whatever one may say, staff training is an expensive and thankless task, since there is a high risk of being a source of personnel for someone else. But will an unemployed person be able to study on his own, and where is the guarantee that the knowledge gained will actually be in demand? And what about the line “requires so many years of experience”? As a result, most applicants turn out to be suitable only as couriers or advertisers.

On the other hand, the fact that a vacancy is published does not mean a real desire to expand or replenish the staff. Most likely, someone already works there, but if he complains about the increased workload, he is shown an open application. And it is impossible to convict an HR manager of deliberately refusing applicants in order to save wages.

In other words, the size of the vacancy database is not an indicator of real need, but the result of the recruiter’s work. Of course, if someone can do the job better and cheaper, they will hire him. What if someone young, but with qualifications and experience, appears on the labor market? Is it possible to allow such happiness to go to someone else? The application doesn’t ask to drink or eat, let it hang out for at least a hundred years, fortunately, it can be periodically updated, it will always look like fresh.

It should be noted that “eternal vacancies” is a new trend that provokes an increase in the total number of advertisements. This is mainly due to increased staff turnover in many areas. Instead of honestly indicating in the list of requirements for candidates such items as “readiness for increased workload”, “agreement to constant overtime assignments”, the employer prefers to constantly keep the same vacancy open, updating it periodically.

Dmitry Susloparov, IT specialist

It turns out that there is a gap in the labor market

between the qualifications employers require and the abilities applicants possess.

As a result, many applicants register on job search sites, and the employer is still looking for his “ideal employee.”

The discrepancy between the demands of employers and the abilities of workers is becoming increasingly noticeable over time. The labor market can no longer afford “overvalued” specialists, who are now being replaced by “cheaper” ones, says HR Director Inna Gorbushina


According to her, the modern labor market is changing rapidly, and in the current realities it is becoming increasingly difficult to find one’s place:

Automation within companies forces the elimination of positions that accompany core business processes. A striking example of such changes is, for example, the banking sector, where virtual assistants are replacing live tellers.

The demographic hole of the 90s and the entry of the 2000s generation into the market dictates its requirements to the employer. Young candidates boldly make demands on companies and, if the “ideal picture” does not match, they quickly change companies in search of better conditions.

A number of positions with professional competencies in IT, digital marketing, assortment management are in an advantageous position; there are few good specialists, they are “outbid”, they are in demand. Specialists who do not “pump up” their competencies in related projects and areas are becoming less in demand. Increasingly, during entrance interviews at companies, questions are asked about the depth of practical experience and real cases of the candidate.

Experience “over” ten years is becoming less and less relevant. The world is changing rapidly and if you don't speed up the pace, you find yourself left behind.

People often talk about the number of vacancies, forgetting about their quality. You can find a job for a nominal 50,000 rubles in St. Petersburg in a short time, but you can “hunt” for a salary of 100,000 rubles and above for six months or more. Therefore, more and more often candidates are looking for a new job without leaving the previous one.

Inna Gorbushina, HR Director

The country is changing, and with it the labor market: if recently your English language proficiency was at level B1

made the candidate in demand, now this is a standard addition to other competencies (and if they are not there, the candidate becomes less in demand), says Gorbushina.

It is worth noting that the concept of lifelong learning has long been established in Western practice, but in Russian realities, advanced training until recently remained nothing more than a formality.

Now the authorities also understand the importance of training in modern competencies - for example, since the beginning of 2020, special programs for professional retraining of people of pre-retirement age


What slows down the search:

You are applying for a high position and salary. Top managers are unhappy people. Once they fall out of a certain circle of connections, the search for a job that meets their needs and expectations turns into painful work.

You are old and have low qualifications. An excellent doctor, an excellent engineer, an experienced builder will find work at any age. A resume for the position of a junior copywriter indicating the experience of “courier”, “loader”, “cashier” in combination with an age of 45+ can be compared to a search handbrake.

Personal passivity (you don’t send responses, don’t update your resume, don’t use personal connections).

What is mania-depression, only the other way around?

People with MDP regularly experience episodes
of alternating periods of mania and depression.

If everything about depression is clear: it is a depressed state in which cognitive abilities also suffer (how much depends on the depth of depression - in my case there were various special effects, from hearing loss and the inability to read to moments when food ceases to be digested and there is no strength to get up from beds), then mania is an absolutely amazing thing.

In short, mania is depression in reverse. At the beginning, it feels like an incredible emotional upsurge: a maximum resourceful state, you can work without a break for several days in a row, get enough sleep in 3-4 hours. Vision becomes clearer, colors are more saturated, as if someone turned the contrast to maximum; the hearing picks up more, the brain works at breakneck speed. Music, painting, cinema - everything leaves a lasting impression and pleasure.

They say that people on certain drugs experience a very similar effect - I don't know, I've never tried it.

Mania in the initial stages is very productive. You can come up with complex schemes, non-standard solutions, quickly implement them and show excellent results.

But gradually the mania unwinds and turns the person into a madman: sleep time is shortened, speech speeds up so that it is impossible to understand, a slightly higher voice turns into a frank shout (“DO THE TASK ALREADY!!!!”). At the peak of episodes, psychosis occurs - the classic harbinger of madness. Little green men run into the meeting room during a meeting. Obsessive delusional ideas are born that cannot be ignored.

Once, in a mania, I looked in the mirror and noticed that the reflection did not repeat my movements, but moved at will, and after a couple of minutes it began to try to break the mirror in order to come out and kill me.

Mania is amazing until it gets going. And she always accelerates. And after it, an exhausted state sets in and the descent begins, straight into depression and fatigue.

It’s especially hard when the episodes go one after another without breaks - there’s simply no time to breathe out. The endless change of intense sensations is tiring, when acute pain is replaced by acute pleasure and pain again. While you are chained to the seat of a fucking roller coaster, the ordinary life of an adult is going on with his responsibilities: earning money, building a career, relationships, raising a child, being able to help his parents and himself. It is difficult to do all this consistently normally while you are being carried at a speed of 200 km/h.

Well, the most important thing is that if you want to create something truly wonderful, it requires not short bursts of activity, but regular work. Attention to detail. Performance. Ability to follow through.

Everything that I am actively doing now cannot be done normally in a rush, but I want to do it successfully.

How to solve a problem

If work is needed yesterday, then it’s too late to do prevention. Personal activity is the most basic tool. Online, these are responses to vacancies and the correct settings for a resume. The main goal that an online resource can solve is to receive an invitation to an interview. Every point on your online resume influences an employer's decision to hire you. Every missed or poorly completed section is a lost opportunity. From the experience of searching on Superjob, for example, we see that if a person writes “not ready” in the “business trip” column, then the number of invitations he will have is 1–2% less.

Again, online is a powerful tool, but it’s not the only one. If you are looking for a job, then expand your circle of contacts: former colleagues, friends, family, project partners, institute friends, members of professional groups on social networks. According to Superjob.ru, 85% of personal recommendations lead to successful employment.

Advice from psychologists

What to do if you can’t get a job anywhere? First, you should carefully study and understand the reasons why this happens.

Don't be afraid to realistically evaluate yourself and your strengths. Adequate self-esteem is the first step to success.

If you can’t decide on your choice of specialty, go to a psychologist working in the field of career guidance and take special tests to identify your abilities .

What to do:

  1. Don't panic , try not to get depressed. Potential employers read your mood and insecurities. If you already come to an interview with doubts, then the employer begins to doubt whether he needs you.
  2. If possible, get additional training , attend trainings and courses. Employment centers in large cities offer various retraining programs.
  3. Expand your business connections and contacts . Constantly meet new people - it is likely that you can find a job through them.
  4. Don't complain about your plight and failures - this is how you push people away from you. Try to be positive, but also be realistic about your situation.
  5. Change your way of thinking.
    If you are set up for failure, it will always be there for you. People who believe in success get what they want much faster. Pay attention to what mood prevails in you, what words of emotional connotation are most often found in your speech, what thoughts are more numerous - negative or positive.
  6. If you have no experience, try first with simple positions . You can get a job as a courier in a large company, and then climb higher up the career ladder.
  7. Soberly assess your capabilities . If you don’t have an economic education, you won’t be accepted into the bank.
  8. When you come to an interview, exude self-confidence, but it should not turn into overconfidence .
  9. Develop charisma in yourself, work on your personality , behavior, and leadership qualities.
  10. Get rid of fears - they prevent you from moving forward . The winner is the one who knows how to take risks, while skillfully assessing all the chances of success.
  11. Write your resume wisely. If you don't know how to do this correctly, contact a professional recruiter.
    The resume should not be too long or vague. Among the data presented, a potential employer should see exactly what he needs for a specific position. It should be understandable and not contain anything superfluous. Create several resume options depending on the company and position you are applying for.
  12. If you are rejected for one position, ask if there are others at that company. Sometimes you have to be persistent . Ask to leave your phone number so they can call you back if a suitable option becomes available.

How to find a job with poor health?

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I often get severe ear infections. I can’t sit in air conditioning, in drafts or in damp rooms. An accountant by training, but no experience. The work is very necessary. What vacancies should I look for?
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watch the work remotely or as an auditor (if knowledge allows). We have one girl who works like this - she works for us all the time, and once a quarter she submits reports to another organization (where she is formalized under a contract).
, yes, yes...freelancing rules)
knowledge does not allow you to independently conduct an audit. What kind of freelancing? I think maybe I should take a look at the secretary’s job, as there might be a separate office somewhere.
: knowledge does not allow you to independently conduct an audit.
What kind of freelancing? I think there might be a job... I’ll also look into a secretary, maybe there’s a separate office somewhere. The secretary has a separate office... This is the first time I've heard this.
: knowledge does not allow you to independently conduct an audit.
What kind of freelancing? I think there might be a job... I’ll also look into a secretary, maybe there’s a separate office somewhere. It is precisely the secretary who, as a rule, sits in drafts
On a budget, for example, we haven’t even heard of condominiums. But seriously, many small organizations save money and do not buy air conditioners. So just don't look for a big company
: The secretary has a separate office... This is the first time I've heard this.
I had... really like a dressing room.....
: I often get severe ear infections.
I can’t sit with air conditioning, in drafts and damp rooms…. An accountant by training, but no experience. The work is very necessary. What vacancies should I look for? Or maybe you should take care of your health first; it’s not a fact that frequent exacerbations of otitis media are not a healed process.
thanks for the advice. There were also thoughts about the budgetary sector.
: Or maybe you should take care of your health first, it’s not a fact that frequent exacerbations of otitis media are not a healed process.
This is most likely an old disease that has become chronic
: I had it... really like a dressing room.....
probably better open space than a dressing room?
Difficult. Because there are rarely private offices, and in the summer, even if there is no air conditioning, they open the vents and windows
: probably better open space than a waiting room?
for whom as…..I love it the old fashioned way
: knowledge does not allow you to independently conduct an audit.
What kind of freelancing? I think there might be a job... I’ll also look into a secretary, maybe there’s a separate office somewhere. only the bosses have a separate one, while mere mortals sit together in a common fund. and secretaries usually have the most drafts
So maybe we need to be cured... haven’t thought about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: this is most likely an old disease that has become chronic.
Why should chronicity not be treated? Moreover, this chronic condition is curable.
yeah, you also need to strengthen your immune system) it helps against all colds) staying at home definitely won’t improve your health
Work remotely, that is, outside the office.
The question is serious. I’m also looking for a job and, due to my poor health (immunity – colds) and pancreatitis, I don’t know where to get a job. There is no one to work remotely, because... There is no specific knowledge. You need a warm office and no constant direct interaction with clients. Or something homemade, but what?..
It depends on what you understand by the absence of direct impact......as an option, I can advise production...it is now stable and there are many professions, they will train in any case. The social package is all decent, payment of sick leave compensation is all normal.
: Work remotely, that is, outside the office.
In order to work remotely, you need to be able to at least do something!!! and the person has no experience at all...
Sniler, thank you. By the absence of constant direct interaction, I mean that I am not a salesperson, not a secretary, not a courier... I am considering a job like an order picker. But, I’m afraid, few people need an employee who can double over in the middle of the day and crawl home.(
We need different employees, but the main condition. THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is the absence of bad habits, some companies encourage their employees, everything depends on you......Try yourself.
, Why don’t you take care of yourself? You need to get treatment. With successful treatment, you can work quite normally even with more serious diseases. In our country, people with diabetes are being treated and working. Quite successfully. And if you “dig” everyone, then you will definitely “dig up” something from the sores. Let's all start working from home now. Maybe somewhere as a castellan in a medical facility? Yes, the salary is small. But then, as an employee, you will consult with your own doctors and get treatment.
: I often get severe ear infections.
I can’t sit with air conditioning, in drafts and damp rooms…. An accountant by training, but no experience. The work is very necessary. What vacancies should I look for? Do not worry. Now there are more and more vacancies for people who are ready to work from home. I think in a short period of time there will be even more of them and there will be plenty to choose from; in normal countries, the same designers and programmers rarely appear in offices.
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