How to marry a man to yourself - a guide to a happy marriage

If he's divorced

In a situation where a man has already had the experience of a serious relationship, and a rather unsuccessful one, it will be very difficult to force him to marry a second time.

  1. You have to accept that he has a right to personal space. Do not control his steps, do not be jealous, suspecting him of treason. Do not demand increased attention to your person. Such actions on your part will only cause the man’s anger and irritation.
  2. It is unacceptable to show your jealous feelings towards his ex-wife and children. If you nag him for spending a lot of time on his kids or spending too much money on them, you will quickly fall in his eyes and be left alone. It’s better to show your good side, go for a walk with them, try to make friends with his children. A woman who is able to connect a man's past and present will definitely create in him the need to never part with her.
  3. Try to always be there to support him in difficult times. Eliminate scandals and hysterics. Your task is to prove that you are different, that marriage with you will be completely different. A man can be happy.

"Pros and cons"

So, you were “lucky” to create a relationship with a married man, and now all your thoughts are focused on transferring your status from “mistress” to life partner.
However, on the path to family happiness there is an obstacle in the form of a legal spouse and a stamp in the passport. Is it possible to destroy someone else's marriage? Women in love confidently answer: “Yes.”

However, first, firmly decide whether you should do this at all. If you are still not sure, but are inclined to take someone else’s boyfriend away from the family, try to think about the following nuances:

  1. Mutuality of desire. Are you the only one trying to beat your lover back, or does he himself want to end that relationship and start a new one? Does the man really want to leave the family or is he simply deceiving you, saying that everything is terrible there? It’s no secret that many “married men” are happy with a situation where their usual wife is waiting at home, and a hot mistress is waiting in another apartment.
  2. Moral aspect. When the question concerns personal happiness, many women have no time for sentimentality and moralization. Mistresses are ready to fight for a man almost with their fists. And yet, before you take away a married man, try to think at least a little about his child. First of all, he will be the main victim of the collapsed family. Can you bear such a burden? In addition, what if the legal wife suddenly starts drinking after a divorce (there have been cases), and the man will be forced to take the children in with him. Do you agree with this development of the situation?
  3. Seriousness of intentions. Be honest with yourself and decide whether you really love your lover or do you simply want to take revenge on your wife and prove to everyone that you are better? Lack of seriousness in intentions may come back to haunt you with the fact that the new relationship will not satisfy you. After all, having got a man, you may get bored and go in search of a new “victim”.
  4. Confidence in your lover. You can beat a guy off, but how can you gain confidence that, having betrayed one woman, he won’t leave you? Did he tell you when he first met that he was married, or was the beginning of the relationship already overshadowed by deception? What if in the future he meets a younger and prettier girl who also decides to find her family happiness on the ruins of another marriage? In general, it is important to be confident in the feelings of your lover.
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