How to get your beloved man back after a breakup if he is married

People rarely break up by mutual consent. One is sure to remain offended, upset, and heartbroken. And all sorts of thoughts come to mind, despair pushes you to rash actions. The consequence is the complete reluctance of the former partner to make new contacts. Have you ever thought that perhaps this person has not lost all his feelings either? Probably, meetings with a rejected girl not only irritate him, but also throw him off balance. Then there is a chance. Let's see how to get your loved one back from a distance. The method is correct, effective and very feminine. Why? Let's speculate.

How to get your ex's feelings back

You know, you need to penetrate a little into a man’s psychology, then just read conspiracies or take other actions. The fact is that the sons of Adam are different from the beauties of all times and peoples. They are somewhat more primitive, they look at what is happening more simply, they do not try to catch the hidden meaning in words and events. That's why they get caught in women's cunning. If you are thinking about how to get a man back after a breakup, then try to understand his current feelings:

  1. If he is proud, then your attempts to connect again will stroke his ego.
  2. If you are completely absorbed in work (hobbies), they will become annoying.
  3. Courting another girl - they will interfere and cause anger.

This is if you start acting like a tank, straight ahead. But there is nothing feminine, graceful or subtle in such behavior! In general, it is more suitable for daughter Eva to take the initiative in the matter of separation. It is better to kick out a young man if he loses interest in you, and then return him. For this, innate feminine magic and a little secret magic are used. It's easier to buy an amulet.

Regain a man's interest: simple ways

The saying about a broken cup, of course, has a right to exist, but you and I are positive people and believe only in the best, right? In most cases, wise women notice changes at the stage when everything can still be corrected.

In life together or in marriage

If you already live together or, moreover, are in an official marriage, then you should have studied it well. What has changed in him in this case will act as your allies.

For example, you notice that he has stopped consulting with you, being interested in your opinion, and generally sharing. Think: did your advice help him? Pull yourself up in issues that interest him.

He used to always comment on how cool you looked, but now he's stopped? Maybe you forgot about self-care?

Remember what united you before? Maybe it’s still possible to clear the road to this bridge?

Is it possible to achieve something with threats like: “I will leave you”? No, because this is a male line of behavior - “I decided - I did it.” But you can make it clear that you can be taken away - is there a difference? Instead of a complaint like “You haven’t given me flowers for so long,” a message from an innocent lamb that some ram presented a gorgeous bouquet. And if, in addition, you say that not a single luxurious basket can compare with even one rose given by him, the man will remember why you live together and that he has not spoiled you for a long time.

In the initial stages of a relationship

And if at this stage you already have problems, you should be wary: is this man right for you? If you think you have something to fight for, then go ahead!

  • Think about what attracted him when he first saw you? Maybe then you were in a dress and with your hair down, and now you don’t get out of your trousers for a month and tie a bun at the back of your head? If femininity caught his attention in you then, then you will have to constantly adhere to this image.
  • Use the effect of surprise. Perhaps an emotional explosion will help cheer him up? For example, if he is supposed to come over as usual just to spend a couple of hours together, meet him with a formal dinner including his favorite dish or play role-playing games, especially if he does not expect this from you. You can send him notes all day (alternatively, SMS from unfamiliar numbers) with hints, like in a quest, at the end of which you will take your partner to his favorite place, say, to a sports cafe or to ride a horse. Or take a day tour of the city.

Rules for returning a person

Rituals should be taken seriously. Are you interested in their performance?

Stop being the abandoned, heartbroken, self-doubting girl! Become a queen and mistress! In practice, forgive this “donkey” who did not understand what happiness he gave up!

Harmony in the soul is the most important magical generator, worse than a magic wand. The ritual will be more effective if you manage to increase the level of your own energy.

Rules for tuning into witchcraft:

  1. Forgive yourself, the traitor, your rival.
  2. Accept the situation completely. Consider this a lesson for the soul.
  3. Cleanse your aura. Any cleansing from damage and the evil eye will do.
  4. Increase energy potential by: receiving positive emotions from communicating with children, watching your favorite films (exclude horror films), reading books;
  5. refusal of gossip and idle talk, communication with negative people;
  6. fasting (go on a diet for a week);
  7. prayers, meditation.

Happened? Then let's start practicing.

Emotional component

During a breakup, a person can be in one of two emotional states. The first is adequate, the second is inadequate. In an adequate state, a person does not become depressed and looks at the situation soberly. He remains positive and life doesn’t stop there.

In the second case, a person may become depressed, his state will be depressed. At this moment he is experiencing severe stress. In turn, this pushes him to inappropriate behavior. At this moment, a person is overcome by strong negative emotions. In medical terminology, this condition is called a state of affect, when a person is not aware of his actions.

The emotional state is unstable, all processes at this moment are physiological in nature. It has been scientifically proven that at this moment a person more often commits actions that he will later regret.

In other words, the state in which a person tries to bring someone back is inadequate. This must be understood and accepted.

Returning love from a distance

In order for your beloved to receive a magical order, you need an energy transmitter. Since ancient times it has been considered a portrait of a person. The fact is that the image exists not only on paper. A special field structure is formed next to it, associated with the prototype, that is, with a loved one. It is much easier to transmit an impulse or a magical message through it than to push it through a space saturated with other radiations.

The photo must meet strict requirements. Main criteria:

  • made no more than a year ago;
  • the face and chest are clearly visible;
  • eyes open;
  • the subject's mood is calm or upbeat.

In addition to the image, you will need a church candle . It is advisable to purchase it even for those who are not baptized or are adherents of another religion. It is good to concentrate on the candle. It helps get rid of negativity in the aura and space. Consequently, alien energies will not penetrate your magic and will not prevent you from realizing your plans. Believe me, sometimes failure to comply with such little things deprives the ritual of its power and leads to the collapse of hopes.

In the evening, turn off all electrical appliances and communication systems with the outside world. Light a candle (you can have several). Sit comfortably, with a photo in your hands. Immediately imagine that there is a “balloon” hanging in front of your forehead. This is a thought form that you will fill and send to your loved one. You should think about his happiness. Imagine this person joyful, smiling, satisfied. Don't link his satisfaction with life to your relationship.

All images and feelings should be sent to the “ball”. It takes a long time to create a thought form, at least half an hour.

You will feel when it is ready. Either tears will come from the eyes from an excess of emotions, or the heart will begin to tingle. So it's time to stop.

Imagine that a strong channel (cord, hose) is stretched from your forehead (third eye) into it. Use it to send a thought form to your betrothed. Turn off the candle (if it is still burning) and go to bed. To really have an effect, it is recommended to perform the ritual at least seven times, every day without interruption. The result will not be long in coming.

Women's mistakes

The most important rule for girls is the ability to remain silent. During the period when the relationship is improving, the man has the right to say whatever he wants. In order to prevent the conflict from flaring up with renewed vigor, you need to learn to give in and not provoke a quarrel.

If a person harbors a grudge, then he can speak out sharply, and partners do not always like this. Such words should not be taken seriously, because they are spoken in the heat of the moment. Just remember how important a man is to you and how much you want to make peace with him.

Listen to your man and hear him. Don't interrupt, don't speak for him, don't lie to him. Don’t imagine something that doesn’t exist, be positive and try to feel the mood of your chosen one. Respect your husband's interests, support him and take initiative only where it is appropriate.

Slavic way of returning love

Unfortunately, a girl in upset feelings is unlikely to be able to correctly perform the above ritual. And if you can’t isolate yourself from your grief, you constantly think about it, then you shouldn’t try, nothing will happen except additional disappointment. We'll have to turn to the ancient Slavic rite. It is based on a different mechanism. However, it is still recommended to forgive the traitor. Negative feelings towards the object of influence are permissible only when performing black rituals. But this is a different story.

Prepare something that the man used. It would be nice if it were his clothes (unwashed) or a comb with hair. But whatever is left in the house will do. On Friday, on the waxing moon, buy seven thick candles in the temple and collect sacred water. Conduct the ceremony that same evening. Try to be completely alone.

Do not communicate with anyone on this day unless absolutely necessary. To enhance your energy, sit on the water with bread. And it’s good for your figure!

Carrying out the ritual

Place three mirrors on the table, making them into something resembling a dressing table. At an angle to each other. It is advisable to choose mirrors of the same size, rectangular. Place the selected item so that it is reflected on all surfaces. Place candles around. Light them up. Use red chalk to connect the candles to form a closed circle. Stand in front of your dressing table so that you can also be reflected in the mirrors. Place your left palm on the item. Without looking at your reflection, read a powerful spell to renew your love affair seven times:

By the forces of heaven, Lada and Lelem, I conjure, I send a message to my beloved! Just as the good fellow (name) (name the thing) is reflected in the mirror, rests under my left hand, does not intend to go on the road, does not worry about a different fate, so the good fellow (name) will return, will not go astray, will not turn away from fate. As long as the left mirror and the right mirror hold the young man (name)’s soul captive, he has no hope of leaving my love. Amen!

Speak the plot loudly, clearly, from memory. With the last sound, extinguish the candles. Attach the named mirrors (those on the sides) to the thing participating in the ritual. Wrap the structure well with a white scarf. Tie it with a red ribbon and hide it. The remaining mirror should be fixed so that it is directed towards the street, in the direction where the dear one lives. For example, place it close to the window glass. It is not recommended to touch him until he returns. The package should also remain untouched. When your loved one is with you again, you need to bury him deep in the ground.

What psychologists say

If you have not yet made efforts to return your beloved man, then remember your last meetings. What were you talking about? How did you behave? What kind of man remembers you? Is it possible to return a loved one from a distance?

When you analyze everything you and they said, decide what you will apologize for. It is worth starting a conversation in this way in order not to cause aggression in the man you love. If he is in a defensive mood, he will not immediately make contact. He might even block you wherever he can. So break the ice by starting your message with:

- Excuse me, I went too far. I told you a lot out of emotion, in the heat of the moment. To be honest, I don't think so.

Don't write too much at once. Try to compose sentences so that the man has questions, then you will have a dialogue.

When he answers you, ask unobtrusively how he is doing, how his work is. Don't expect detailed answers. Most likely he will simply write back: “fine.”

Try to improve relations with mutual friends and his relatives, let you have allies. And start communicating with your loved one on neutral topics. You can just be friends, right?

When you communicate freely on any topic, remember your good moments. It was great when you took time off from work and went to the zoo. You ate cotton candy, fooled around and laughed. How great it was!

Remember as if by chance when it is appropriate. Watch his reaction and don’t go too far. If he continues to develop the topic, then gently support it. Warm memories will awaken in him the desire to return to you.

Perhaps, instilling in him a desire to see you, to have a heart-to-heart talk when you meet, is the maximum that is possible at a distance. Therefore, try not to put off the meeting for too long so as not to miss the moment.

This is important because over time your relationship may turn into pen pal love. This is convenient: when you are in a bad mood, you don’t answer and there is no scandal. When you write, you choose your words more carefully and follow them on a subconscious level without noticing it. And there are fewer problems with virtual communication, because you won’t constantly ask your man to fix your faucet, but call a plumber. He's far away.

And when you get back together, he will still have the habit of not helping you. And scandals will return to your relationship.

The most powerful way

Finally, we need to return once again to women's magic. Girls are looking for a technique to influence a man so that it will work urgently and forever. But everyone has this method in their soul. In order for a guy to be devoted and faithful, and never dare to think about breaking up, he should not be kept. Men do not like shackles, they are “proud and free eagles”! So, give your loved one exactly what your soul strives for - let it go. But for real, so that your heart stops aching at night.

As soon as he feels it, he will come running.

To be sure, so that it certainly won’t go anywhere, take a new handkerchief, on the full moon, thread it into a silver ring and tie it with a bow, saying a spell. Place this structure so that everyone entering the room can see it, or secure it to the front door. Just don't remove the scarf from the ring. Let this talisman keep your happiness. The words of the conspiracy are:

Not everything is gold that a person strives for. His soul is filled with love and happiness. Lada floats like a white swan. My dear (name) will find and love will return him! I leave a sign in the night, go (name) to him, scream in pain! Amen!

Do you know how many girls and women suffer silently because a dear man left them? Share your secret method for bringing back passionate passion on social networks. Maybe this act will help people unite, restore their former happiness, and you will be counted by the Higher Powers! Good luck!

How to understand that feelings have cooled down - analyze his behavior

If the cooling is felt too strongly, only a frank conversation will help.
Sometimes a crisis in a relationship is mistaken for faded love and a complete break in communication. In order not to confuse and aggravate the situation, you need to take a closer look at the behavior of your loved one and draw objective conclusions.

Signs that a guy has lost his temper:

  • He is indifferent to his girlfriend’s successes; he can only react with a strained smile or silence. If a girl needs support and is sad, the young man will say a few stock phrases and will not offer a way out of the situation.
  • The tender and special treatment adopted in couples has disappeared.
  • Lost sexual interest. A man who began to deny his beloved closeness, hug her less often, most likely began to distance himself from her.
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