“Formally, I’m not related to her”: the grandmother of the “girl from the closet” - about the condition of her granddaughter

Signs of sympathy in boys under 14 years of age

Boys under 14 years of age often lag behind their peers in adulthood. That is why the signals about their love are stranger, harder to understand and notice. Boys at this age are fickle and often have a poor understanding of their own desires. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to enter into a long-term or even somewhat serious relationship with him; for guys under 14, falling in love becomes just a new fun or strange experience. And yet, how do you know if a boy likes you?


  • If a boy experiences feelings for the first time, he may express them strangely. Pushing, pulling her pigtails, throwing snowballs at the girl and other attempts to attract attention are not excluded. There is no point in responding to such feelings;
  • More conscientious boys under 14 try to spend more time with their lady love and joke a lot. Most likely, after every funny phrase they will watch the reaction of their passions;
  • How to understand that a boy loves you? This can be suggested by the placement of notes or strange jokes from the guy’s friends. Most likely, he will not openly declare his feelings: this requires incredible consciousness;
  • The boy may try to help you, for example, let you copy your homework on a difficult subject or carry your briefcase home. Such conscious signs of attention begin at the age of 13, when the personality is almost formed.

Facial expressions and gestures

  • Boys may look away when talking to a girl. This is an objective sign of embarrassment, which is characteristic of both young children and adolescents or adults, regardless of gender;
  • If you are especially attentive, you will notice a slight sparkle in the eyes, wrinkles under the eyes when you smile. It will manifest itself especially clearly if you are in a close friendly relationship with a guy in love;
  • Body language, which consists of copying a girl’s gestures and facial expressions, may indicate a desire to be on the same wavelength with her and understand her feelings;
  • Excitement during a meeting with a girl is demonstrated through the desire to fiddle with the edge of clothes in your hands, attempts to straighten buttons, and put your thumbs in the belt of your trousers.

Child being teased

What parents don't have to listen to! And the first impulse is to protect your baby from other people’s malicious intent, from ridicule and bullying, to sort it out like an adult. But it is very important to teach your children the ability to stand up for themselves as early as possible. This article will help you build a holistic behavior strategy for your child.

What kind of teasing is dangerous?

Teasing among children is a long-standing and quite common phenomenon. Children begin calling names at about the age of 3 , at which time they already know how to self-identify: they study themselves in comparison with other people. Hence the offensive comments about the appearance and behavior of peers. Conscious teasing appears closer to 5-6 years of age with the goal of understanding and testing the boundaries of another child on the playground or in kindergarten.

Sometimes it is a fun and mutual game. Exactly as long as there is no “aggressor” and “victim” .

Absolutely any child can be teased. But those children who are not ready to stand up for themselves , are touchy, not sociable, and lack self-confidence are especially often offended. These are the children who are most likely to become victims, so if you notice such traits in your child, it is important to take special care to protect him.

Why do children do this?

The reasons can be divided into three main categories:

  • Expressing negative feelings

Bad or unpleasant words are used to express anger, despair, and jealousy. Often this is simply an expression of strong feelings: someone took a toy/pushed/got ahead in the game, and you want to take revenge on your opponent, especially when you cannot physically fight back. There is nothing wrong with this, because the child does not fully understand the meaning of these words, he only understands that they have a negative connotation. But if suddenly a child addresses these words to you, even in a fit of anger, it is very important to stop him!

  • For my own pleasure

Yes, very often children tease simply out of a desire to have fun. This can be horrifying for parents: what's fun about name calling? But it is worth remembering that at an early age, children still do not feel enough the pain of others, their moral ideas are in the process of formation, and empathy (the ability to sympathize) is unstable. All these qualities begin to develop in children only closer to adolescence. Therefore, it is so important to prohibit a child from calling names as a rule: “You can’t say that,” and not to expect that the child himself realizes the pain he causes to another with his words.

  • Bad habit

It happens that in a child’s family it is customary to call each other names and no one is offended, since this is considered the norm. Or the child is allowed to call him names and is not stopped if the parents adhere to child-centric upbringing. Unfortunately, many myths are now widespread that “a child should not be prevented from expressing his feelings,” no matter in what form they are expressed.

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How can you tell if a boy over 14 is in love with you?

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Boys aged 15 or more change dramatically: they become more serious, more responsible and are able to take on the social role of adult men. And they themselves begin to feel like adults. Boys' interest in the opposite sex at this age intensifies noticeably. And the signs of attention they show to girls become more obvious. Boys learn to talk openly about their feelings, but if they are shy, pay attention to the following parameters.

  • In adolescence, assessments of his environment play a big role in forming a guy’s opinion. Most likely, he will try to introduce you to his social circle and gradually introduce you to friends;
  • Boys begin to understand that to create a strong connection, they need to find common ground. They begin to become interested in the things that the girl is interested in, and try to start a conversation with her at every opportunity;
  • The opposite behavior is also possible if the guy has still not coped with the crisis of adolescence. Sometimes boys over 14 in love try to abstract themselves and make bad jokes if they hear questions about their behavior;
  • A good sign is a selfless desire to help in everyday life and support a girl in a difficult situation. This signals that the boy has serious intentions towards you.
  • The gestures of a guy over 14 in love change noticeably. He will try to touch you unobtrusively or, on the contrary, will begin to avoid tactile contact. The latter indicates that the teenager has complexes and lack of self-confidence;
  • It is worth paying attention to the posture of a potential suitor. A man at any age will try to keep his back straight if a girl who is important to him is looking at him;
  • Guys over 16 years old will quite consciously demonstrate the advantages of their body and hide their shortcomings. For example, teenagers try to tense their arm muscles or suck in their stomach;
  • While walking somewhere together, a young man may try to touch the palm of his hand or take the girl’s hand. In psychology, this is considered an indirect sign of the desire to patronize. You will find more information in the video.

“Formally, I’m not related to her”: the grandmother of the “girl from the closet” - about the condition of her granddaughter

The girl has a personal nurse. Photo: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region

Two months have passed since the day when an emaciated girl was found in the house of Yulia Zykova, a mother of many children from Karpinsk. The baby was kept in a closet for five months; only the careless mother and her 13-year-old son knew about the girl’s existence.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the articles “Torture” and “Failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor.” Yulia was sent to a neuropsychiatric hospital to find out whether she was sane or not. The alleged father of the girl and the other children left the family, but used to constantly beat his wife. However, after “fame” throughout the country, he quickly renounced his two daughters and son and wrote his consent for them to be raised by Yulia’s parents.

Yulia Zykova’s friends found the girl in this condition. Photo: KP readers

The true condition of the woman is still unknown. As for Polina, the girl is gaining weight every day and looks much better than when her own mother was “caring for” her. For now, the child is in Regional Hospital No. 1 in Yekaterinburg. But by the end of the year she may be transferred to an orphanage.

The fact is that her guardian is still listed as the Ministry of Social Policy. And the birth certificate does not indicate the names of the parents. For this, DNA samples were taken from Yulia and her ex-husband Andrei. If the relationship is established, then the grandmother will probably be able to obtain custody of the baby.

“From a formal point of view, we are not yet relatives, and I am not her grandmother,” says Natalya Dmitrievna, Yulia Zykova’s mother. – My grandson studies at school remotely, and my eldest granddaughter goes to kindergarten. We live on my grandfather’s and my pension; in addition, he works. Modest, but enough for life. I find out about Polinochka’s condition from the press, they don’t tell me anything. I haven’t seen Andrey for a long time; before, he would show up at least sometimes.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Yulia Zykova’s son was bullied by high school students. But the boy's grandmother denied this.

— There was no negativity. Even the children treated our situation with understanding, the teachers and the director also supported us in difficult times,” added Natalya Dmitrievna.

Let us remind you that the head of RMK, Igor Altushkin, paid for a personal nurse for Polina, who monitors the baby in the ward. The girl's health is not in danger; she has already begun to show interest in rattles.

Ten questions about sympathy

This test is quite simple in its structure, but it allows you to understand for sure how the boy feels about you. If you were able to answer yes to seven or eight of the above questions, the guy is probably in love. You can check the objectivity of the result with the help of a close friend, who also has the opportunity to analyze the guy’s behavior. Ask her to answer these questions and compare your conclusions about the young man’s feelings.

  • Does the boy often smile when he makes eye contact with you?
  • Do you notice imitation of your actions and gestures when communicating with you?
  • Does your teenager try to casually touch you?
  • Does he start a conversation on topics that interest you both?
  • Does a guy get annoyed if he notices you around boys? Is he trying to shift attention to himself?
  • Does the guy try to cheer you up if you're not in a good mood?
  • Has his style and appearance changed since you began to suspect he was in love?
  • Does he show concern? For example, does he treat you to sweets or inquire about your health and progress?
  • Do you hear sudden compliments from a boy?
  • The behavior pattern of a boy in love is influenced by his biological age and consciousness;
  • Gallantry awakens in guys from the age of 12-15, before that they can simply try to attract attention to themselves;
  • Boys like girls, regardless of the latter’s age, but not all of them can talk about it correctly;
  • Relationships under the age of 14 are a simple game for boys; the older they are, the more serious they are.

How to understand that a boy you know likes you

Men and women are very different from each other. This applies not only to anatomy, but also to psychology. That is why very often, when a guy shows signs of attention to a girl, she may simply not understand it, while he believes that he is making everything obvious.


You need to ask him for help. If a young man happily begins to help you, and also looks intently into your eyes, then you can give yourself a big plus, because he is delighted to be in your company.


As a “test,” you can also use a banal handshake, which in many cases is a kind of lie detector. If it turns out to be strong, and even with the use of both hands, then we can say with absolute certainty that the person treats you very favorably.


To understand that a boy likes you, try asking him to dance. If he likes you, he will never refuse you and will probably try to talk to you during the dance. This is the very signal from his side that makes it clear that you are attractive to a guy.


Another way to check is to invite a guy to a movie premiere. It is best to make your choice on any comedy in order to get maximum positive emotions, and all this, in turn, will facilitate communication with the young man.


There is one more, but rather risky way to understand that a boy likes you. You can try to make him feel jealous towards you. Undoubtedly, this technique is the most effective, however, the main thing here is not to overact, since a young man may mistake your game for real feelings, and in this case you risk losing the object of your adoration forever. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions and constantly monitor your actions.


And also, if you see that a guy is doing everything just to talk to you, if he gives you souvenirs and gifts, if he hesitantly begs you to dictate the treasured numbers of your mobile phone, if he dedicates poetry of his own composition to you, if he writes on your name on the asphalt, if he invites you to start dating, if he suddenly starts dressing very stylishly and wearing perfume, then, undoubtedly, you are the object of his adoration and you no longer need any checks.

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