Causes, symptoms and treatment of vegetative neurosis

Currently, autonomic neurosis has become almost widespread. This is largely due to the conditions of modern life, due to which people are in constant stress. This condition is known in clinical practice as vegetative-vascular dystonia. As a rule, more than 60% of people with minor manifestations of this disorder do not turn to specialists or were misdiagnosed, since the symptoms present in this case are usually physical in nature.

If a person realizes that his condition is worsening, and the signs of this disorder significantly affect his ability to lead a full life, he often has to consult more than a dozen doctors until possible organic damage and diseases that may have a similar symptoms.

Thus, VSD and autonomic neurosis are the same disorder, although specialists use both terms in their practice. If this disorder develops, it is imperative to undergo comprehensive treatment, since in the future the symptoms may worsen significantly.

The main causes of the development of autonomic neurosis

Currently, almost all factors that can provoke this pathology have been identified. The development of autonomic disorder can be observed against the background of both various psychological and physical disorders. The following reasons for this pathological condition can be identified:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • acute and chronic infections;
  • exhaustion of the body due to a strict diet;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • individual characteristics of the nervous system;
  • grief from the loss of loved ones or relatives;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive physical activity.

In some cases, the appearance of such autonomic disorders of the nervous system has no apparent reason. Autonomic dystonia can manifest itself even in childhood. This is often facilitated by a long-standing internal conflict against the backdrop of an unfavorable emotional climate in the family. Because of this, autonomic neurosis can also develop in an adult. Often this problem is associated with genetic factors. It was noted that vegetative-vascular neurosis develops in approximately 70% of people who have close blood relatives suffering from this pathological condition. A possible reason is inherited mechanisms of regulation of the nervous system.

Other psychoactive drugs for vegetoneurosis

Some neurologists prescribe mild tranquilizers to patients to combat sleep problems. In addition, tranquilizers and mood stabilizers (Atarax, Lamotrigine) make the patient a little apathetic, reduce nervous tension, as a result of which psychosomatic pain can completely disappear.

It should be taken into account that if vegetoneurosis is provoked by a real disorder of cerebral circulation or problems with blood vessels, then taking antidepressants, mood stabilizers or tranquilizers becomes useless. An experienced doctor will always try to identify the exact cause of the pathology and, based on this, draw up a treatment plan for vegetative neurosis.

Symptoms of autonomic neurosis

Normally, the functions of the autonomic system provide innervation to all organs, endocrine and exocrine glands, as well as blood and lymphatic vessels. It is this part of the nervous system that is responsible for accelerating metabolism, increasing the level of tissue excitability, activating the body’s internal forces in times of danger or stress, regulating work during sleep, and restoring energy. The autonomic department has a huge impact on mental and physical activity, behavioral reactions, etc. Regulation centers are located in several parts of the hypothalamus of the brain. Autonomic disorders in neuroses are usually expressed by the following clinical syndromes:

  • vasomotor;
  • skin;
  • trophic;
  • vinceral;
  • allergic.

The set of symptoms present largely depends on the form of the disease. Autonomic neurosis, which occurs with a pronounced vasomotor syndrome, is accompanied by frequent headaches, sudden attacks of dizziness and nausea, discomfort in the muscles and joints, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. Typically, signs of this pathology are observed periodically.

Symptoms of VSD and neurosis of the skin type are not too common. As a rule, people suffering from this form of the disorder note increased sensitivity and excessive dryness of the skin. There may be a change in skin color to marbled or bluish. In the future, itching or even pain usually appears.

With the development of vegetative-vascular neurosis of the visceral type, the main symptoms are a feeling of lack of air, pseudoangina, difficulty swallowing and outflow of bile. Similar disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can cause attacks of bowel and metabolic disorders.

Vegetative states expressed by allergic syndrome are characterized by the manifestation of Quincke's edema, urticaria, food allergies and rhenitis. This type of pathology does not occur very often.

With vegetative neurosis expressed by trophic syndrome, a gradual decrease in muscle trophism is observed. Almost always in this case there is a rapid deterioration in the condition of hair and nails. If the course is unfavorable, extensive trophic ulcers and erosions can form.

Regardless of what symptoms a patient exhibits, doctors often cannot determine for a long time that they are caused by vegetative dystonia and not by existing diseases. Typically, identifying the nature of the problem requires a comprehensive examination.

Is it possible to take painkillers for vegetoneurosis?

Many doctors actively debate whether it is advisable to take painkillers. On the one hand, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of pain - for this it is necessary to establish cerebral circulation, improve the condition of blood vessels, solve the patient’s mental problems and difficulties, and reduce his anxiety.

But if the pain is unbearable (migraine with and without aura or a regular headache), then you still cannot do without taking painkillers. If Citramon or Analgin helps, then you can use these inexpensive products. If taking them does not help get rid of pain, then more powerful painkillers should be considered.

Methods for diagnosing autonomic neurosis

This pathological condition is extremely difficult to confirm. Usually, if a patient is very concerned about problems with the skin, he turns to a dermatologist. In cases of heart pain and signs of angina pectoris, the patient goes to a cardiologist. Thus, a person can go to highly specialized specialists for a long time, without even suspecting that it is autonomic neurosis that leads to the appearance of existing symptoms. Often, only after the absence of organic damage is detected, a specialist may suspect that the problem lies precisely in a disruption of the nervous system.

Not all patients with such disorders know which doctor treats VSD and neurosis. In case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, a consultation with a neurologist is first required. It is necessary to treat this pathological condition with medication under the supervision of this doctor. At the same time, chemicals do not eliminate this problem completely, so it will constantly return. If the cause lies in psychological trauma, the necessary measure is therapy under the supervision of psychiatrists and psychologists.

Taking venotonics and means to improve the condition of blood vessels

The most popular venotonics today:

  • "Venarus".
  • "Phlebodia".
  • "Troxevasin" in capsule form.
  • These drugs, when taken regularly orally, improve the condition of veins and blood vessels, effectively strengthening their walls. As a result, the severity of pain in the heart area decreases, and the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes decreases.

    Treatment of autonomic neurosis

    Elimination of existing symptoms is a priority, so drugs to relieve them are selected first. Taking any medication when VSD or neurosis has been diagnosed must strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician. Usually, sleep-improving drugs are first selected, for example Noxiron or Phenobarbital. You will need means to normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Typically, the attending physician selects drugs belonging to the following groups:

    • anticholinergics;
    • cholinomimetics;
    • ganglion blockers;
    • adrenomimetics.

    When neurasthenia is present, symptoms and treatment are usually interrelated. Your doctor may prescribe sedatives and painkillers. In some cases, vegetative neurosis requires the use of antispasmodics and vitamin therapy. Herbal remedies will bring some benefit, but the doctor must decide which one to give preference. To stop the manifestations characteristic of neuroses, treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

    The doctor needs to explain to the patient in as much detail as possible what aspects of life should be reviewed in order to improve this condition and get rid of vegetative neurosis. It is imperative to increase the duration of sleep to 9-10 hours a day. You should go to bed at the same time every day. People suffering from vegetative-vascular neurosis need to avoid physical and emotional overload. This pathological condition is also treated with aromatherapy.

    Another important step towards recovery is psychotherapy. It allows you to eliminate existing internal conflicts, which will reduce the risk of relapse in the future.

    To treat this type of neurosis, patients are usually trained in various relaxation techniques and auto-training. As a person gets rid of psychological problems, physical symptoms also disappear. Drug treatment alone usually fails to achieve a significant effect. Complex therapy allows you to achieve the desired result.

    Taking antidepressants for vegetative neurosis

    There is still debate in the medical world about how to cure vegetative neurosis with the help of psychotropic drugs and whether such therapy is advisable at all. However, the fact remains that regular use of modern antidepressants makes the life of a person with autonomic neurosis better, and in some cases it is possible to achieve stable remission.

    The problem is that finding the right antidepressant can take many years. Almost all drugs of this pharmacological class help only with long-term use - sometimes treatment must be continuous for a year. In the first weeks of taking antidepressants, the patient experiences many side effects - drowsiness, irritation, tearfulness, lack of libido. However, as a result, this torment is justified: if the antidepressant suits the patient, then all symptoms will subside. A person can live fully, enjoy every day and forget about the symptoms of vegetative neurosis as a bad dream.

    The most popular antidepressants today:

  • "Rexetine", "Paxil" (the main active ingredient is paroxetine).
  • Prozac (the main active ingredient is fluoxetine).
  • Zoloft (the main active ingredient is sertraline).
  • Any of these drugs cannot be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor, certified by two seals. Self-administration is impossible, since an experienced doctor must monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe medications to correct side effects.

    Features of treatment of the condition in young children and adolescents

    Vegetoneurosis in children - what is it? Since the condition of the blood vessels in children and even teenagers is still normal, symptoms of vegetative neurosis appear as a result of the following events:

  • head injury;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • presence of brain cysts;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • experienced severe stress, anxiety states that provoke the development of pain of a psychosomatic nature.
  • The child should be treated under the guidance of an experienced specialist. You cannot turn to “grandmothers” or try to treat your child with folk remedies yourself. Treatment of symptoms of vegetative neurosis in children can be lengthy, but most parents still manage to help their child achieve long-term remission.

    In children and adolescents, vegetative neurosis can be complicated by problems with the speech apparatus. Children may become silent, not make contact, and may develop stuttering.

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