How to ask Putin a question at the Big Press Conference in 2020?

List of certain questions

Here's our list of the best questions for you to get started:

List of certain questions (Part 1)

  • Truth or Dare?
  • Delivery or catering?
  • Bus or train?
  • Soda or juice?
  • Pepperoni pizza or cheese pizza?
  • Does the toilet paper go over or under?
  • Pancakes or waffles?
  • Baseball or volleyball?
  • TV series or movie?
  • Credit or cash?
  • Tacos or wings?
  • Shopping in store or online?
  • Shower or bath?
  • Football or basketball?
  • Sneakers or boots?
  • Cake or pie?
  • Ice cream in a cone or dish?
  • Call or write?
  • Sausage or bacon?
  • Cats or dogs?
  • Instagram or Facebook?
  • New phone or new laptop?
  • Spend money or save?
  • Work or study?
  • High heels or ballet flats?

Party Trivia


  • Eggs or bagels?
  • Rock or hip-hop?
  • Coffee or tea?
  • Plastic or glass?
  • Tent or camping?
  • Fishing or hunting?
  • Hats or headbands?
  • Blue or green?
  • Pen or pencil?
  • Black or white clothes?
  • Soup or sandwich?
  • Working in a team or alone?
  • Zip-up or pullover hoodie?
  • Jeans or sweatpants?
  • Socks or barefoot?
  • Morning or night?
  • Paperback or eBook?
  • Summer or winter?

List of certain questions (Part 2)

  • Country or city?
  • Broccoli or green beans?
  • Beach or mountains?
  • Board or card games?
  • Video games or books?
  • Car or truck?
  • Sleep in silence or in noise?
  • Spring or autumn?
  • Fake or real tree?
  • Real or fake nails?
  • Snowballs or water balloons?
  • Roses or tulips?
  • Necklace or bracelets?
  • Chicken nuggets or hot dogs?
  • Carpet or hardwood floors?
  • Sofa or armchair?
  • Superheroes or supervillains?
  • Gloves or mittens?
  • Silver or gold?
  • A very scary movie or a funny movie?
  • Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
  • Dark chocolate or white chocolate?
  • Paper or plastic?
  • Sour or sweet?
  • Is your hair straight or curly?
  • Romance or fidelity in a relationship?
  • Lipstick or lip gloss?
  • Bar of soap or shower gel?
  • Beer or wine?

Party Trivia


  • Reading or listening to music?
  • Bake a cake or buy a cake?
  • Muffins or cupcakes?
  • Notepads or lose paper?
  • Pool or lake?
  • Sand or snow?
  • Write a letter or send an email?
  • Roller skating or ice skating?
  • Vacation or stay?
  • Long or short hair?
  • Batting or pitching?
  • Tattoos or piercings?

Next: I Never Questions

List of certain questions (Part 3)

  • Roller coasters or bumper cars?
  • Giving a gift or receiving a gift?
  • Traditional spaghetti or chicken alfredo?
  • Apartment or house?
  • Workout at home or in the gym?
  • Iced tea or hot tea?
  • Smoothies or milkshakes?
  • Do you sleep on the left or right side of the bed?
  • Lotion or perfume?
  • Desktop or laptop?
  • Hot or cold?
  • Radio or television?
  • Newspaper or online news?
  • Gummy worms or gummy bears?
  • Nuts or nut-free?
  • Coffee black or with cream and sugar?
  • Markers or crayons?
  • Batman or Superman?
  • Traveling by plane or boat?
  • Blinds or curtains?
  • White meat or dark meat?
  • Apple or Android?
  • Skates or bicycle?
  • Skiing or snowboarding?
  • Watch or play sports?
  • Swim in the pool or in the sea?
  • Sweet or salty?
  • Cars or trucks?
  • Leather or lace?
  • Steak or chicken?

Party Trivia


  • Alaska or Hawaii?
  • Ice cream or frozen pop?
  • Reading or writing?
  • Mountains or beach?
  • Digital clock or analog?
  • Freedom or hope?
  • Netflix or Amazon Prime?
  • Muffin or cake?

Next: Truth or Dare

List of certain questions (Part 4)

  • Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
  • Blue or green eyes?
  • Witches or wizards?
  • Fire or ice?
  • Straight or curly hair?
  • Fruits or vegetables?
  • Book or movie?
  • Tea or coffee?
  • Love or money?
  • Boat or plane?
  • Painting or drawing?
  • Living room or bedroom?
  • Sandals or sneakers?
  • Brown or black hair?
  • Superman or Wonder Woman?
  • Doctor Who or The Walking Dead?
  • Lions or bears?
  • Milk or juice?
  • Gold or silver?
  • Chocolate or vanilla?
  • Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
  • Rain or snow?
  • Car or motorcycle?
  • Comedy or horror?
  • Paper or plastic?
  • Shower or bath?
  • TV shows or movies?
  • Breakfast or dinner?
  • Bananas or apples?
  • Apples or oranges?
  • Bagels or toast?
  • Theater or cinema?
  • Music from the 50s or 80s?
  • Google or Bing?
  • Cookies or cake?
  • Hamburgers or hot dogs?

List of certain questions (Part 5)

  • Cat or dog?
  • Reading or writing?
  • Weird or crazy?
  • Phone or computer?
  • Facebook or Twitter?
  • What's going on or the line?
  • Burgers or tacos?
  • Roses or daisies?
  • Pandas or whales?
  • McDonald's or Burger King?
  • Books or magazines?
  • Chips and dip or chips and salsa?
  • Hard shell or soft shell taco?
  • Bunny or squirrel?
  • Writing poetry or reading poetry?
  • Wild or domestic animals?
  • Family or friends?
  • Scooby-Doo or Tom and Jerry?
  • Alice in Wonderland or Robinson Crusoe?
  • Snow White or Cinderella?
  • Sitting or standing?
  • Comedy or drama?
  • Too warm or too cold?
  • Pasta or pizza?
  • Shopping online or in person?
  • Circles or squares?
  • Ketchup or mustard?
  • Money or fame?
  • Puzzles or board games?
  • Computer games or video games?
  • Pop music or rock music?
  • Animal or doll things?
  • Pancakes or waffles?
  • Hot chocolate or coffee?
  • In the morning or evening?
  • Day or night?
  • Text message or call?
  • Library or museums?
  • French or Spanish?
  • Summer or winter?
  • Sing or dance?
  • T-shirts or sweaters?
  • Flowers or trees?

Next: Best Party Games

How can Vladimir Putin?

Russians will be able to contact the president using a special application “Moscow - Putin”. It will be possible in text form or record a video. You can also watch the press conference broadcast in the app.

According to Peskov, the application will be available to download from December 6. It will be available on Google Play, App Store and Windows Store.

As the presidential press secretary noted, the 2020 event promises to be long and rich in content. Last year, Vladimir Putin's Big Press Conference lasted more than four hours. The head of state answered more than 70 questions.

In this article from my old archives we will look at the 5 main types of questions . Let's figure out how they differ and how each of the 5 types of questions are used. Let's also talk about what to do if the client avoids answering... In principle, there are many classifications of types of questions, in other notes we will get acquainted with other types of questions, and there will not always be 5 of them. In this classification, the following 5 types of questions: open, closed, rhetorical, turning points, questions to think about.

Personally, this classification does not seem to me the most successful, but you can still take something useful from this article...

So, 5 types of questions.

Open questions are questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no and require some kind of explanation. They usually begin with question words: “what”, “who”, “how”, “how much”, “why”, “what is your opinion”.

With this type of question, you allow your interlocutor to maneuver: he can choose at his own discretion the information he wants to tell you. If you listen to the answer to an open question in the right emotional state and from the right role position, so that the answerer feels comfortable, then the person can get carried away by his own answer and tell you even something he didn’t intend to.

Even if this does not happen, then in any case an open question will move the conversation from monologue to dialogue.

You cannot do without open-ended questions when you need additional information or when you want to find out the real motives and position of the interlocutor.

The danger of open questions is that you can lose control of the conversation and not have time to regain control of the negotiations.

Closed questions are questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” They sharply narrow the “room for maneuver” of your interlocutor.

If you ask closed questions in a row, and even with a certain intonation, then the interlocutor may get the impression that he is being interrogated. This can lead to a tense conversation. Therefore, softness of intonation is important here - one, alternating closed questions with something else - two...

How many closed questions in a row you can ask without the risk of appearing to be “interrogating” is only a matter of your negotiation skills.:) You can do a lot - if they are given in a clear, logical manner and with the correct intonation...

It is clear that closed questions allow you to control the negotiations; the control center of the conversation shifts in your direction, as a result of which the interlocutor is deprived of the opportunity to express his opinion.

It is recommended to ask closed questions not when you need to obtain information, but only in cases where you want to speed up obtaining consent or confirmation of a previously reached agreement. Or you need to “press” some question to the exact wording.

Rhetorical questions serve to delve deeper into issues. These questions are not given direct answers, as their purpose is to raise new questions and point out unresolved problems or to gain support for your position from the participants in the conversation through tacit approval. For example: “Can we consider such actions normal?”, “We do have the same opinion on this issue?”

Breaking points keep the conversation on track or raise new issues. They are asked in cases where you have already received sufficient information on one problem and want to switch to another, or when you have felt the resistance of your interlocutor and are trying to overcome it.

If the interlocutor answers such questions, then the answers usually reveal the vulnerabilities of his position. For example: “Do you think it is necessary...”, “How is it really happening for you...”, “How do you imagine...”

Thinking questions force the other person to reflect, think carefully, and comment on what has been said. He is given the opportunity to amend the stated position. As a result, a favorable atmosphere is created based on a common approach to the problem. Examples of such questions: “Do you think that...?”, “Did I understand your opinion correctly that...?”

These are the 5 types of questions in this classification... Now let's talk about their use in more detail. Perhaps this is a slightly simplified approach, and I am not ready to unequivocally agree with all points - but still...

Before asking questions to those present, you need to put yourself in their place and think about what might interest them, what they would agree with and what they would not.

At the beginning of the conversation, take the lead and try to create a positive atmosphere by asking closed questions. In this case, you should only ask questions to which you are sure to receive positive answers. This will make it easier for you to get consent and gain the trust of your interlocutor.

At the next stage, when the boundaries of the areas of information transfer are expanded and opinions are exchanged, mostly open-ended questions should be asked.

After this comes the stage of verifying the information received. Rhetorical and thought-provoking questions predominate here.

At the end of the conversation, when planning a new direction for information, use turning points.

What do you achieve by asking these 5 types of questions?

You avoid or significantly reduce the likelihood of a “conversation-quarrel.” After all, any statement (especially one not supported by facts) evokes in the interlocutor a spirit of contradiction and counterarguments in a closed or open form. If you give your statements the form of a question, you will thereby soften or neutralize the desire of your interlocutor to contradict you.

If the client delays answering, you can, depending on the circumstances, use two tactical moves.

1. Be silent until you receive an answer or until the client says that he does not want to answer this question. In this case, silence turns out to be golden, since when everyone is silent, a person is forced to either answer a question that is difficult for him, or outright refuse to answer.

2. Ask your question again, waiting for an opportune moment. If the question is worth asking, it can be repeated.

If the negotiations are moving at a fast pace and the information you are asking about is critical to the decision, use the first technique. If you do not need information right away, use the second method - repeat your question at the first opportunity. The second method involves greater flexibility and reduces the possibility of confrontation. However, if you simply need to know some information, don’t be afraid to insist: “Wait, I still need to know...”

When a client persists and does not want to answer a question, it is sometimes appropriate to defuse the situation with a light joke. You can say with a smile: “You are a tough nut to crack!” Or: “Eh, I would like your caution, I would be Rockefeller.” No matter how serious the topic of discussion, a little humor never hurts. Especially if you are not afraid to make fun of yourself.

If your client responds with a joke but still doesn't answer, you need to return to a serious tone and continue to press your point, and eventually you will either get an answer or find out that there is no chance for you. A negative result is also a result, from which it follows that you need to look for other sources of information.

If a person promises to return to you later to discuss an issue that interests you, in most cases you have no choice but to wait (without clearly showing your doubts about his integrity). The issue may be of equal importance to both parties. But if one party is interested in not giving any information, then the other (in this case you) may be no less interested in receiving an answer. You must directly ask the question: “When can I expect an answer from you?” And be sure to write down the promised date and the exact words of this person.

What other options could you add to this list of 5 types of questions?

What do you do if the interlocutor does not answer your questions?

What is friendship?

Regardless of status, age, interests, lifestyle, a person has always felt the need for a true friend who will respect, appreciate, and understand. We are looking for a person whom we would like to approach and simply ask about our mood, events in life, and who would be happy to share this. And for him, in turn, it would be of great importance how to answer the question: “How are you, my friend?”

Friendships begin with special sympathy and deep affection, which are reinforced by years spent together. Friendship inherently includes love in its broadest sense, that is, complete acceptance and desire for the good of another person. Pythagoras spoke about universal unity and believed that it was possible through friendship: “Friendship is equality.”

Creativity in answering questions

Sometimes standard questions about the life or affairs of another person are asked not for the purpose of clarifying some events or his attitude towards them, but simply to start a conversation or out of politeness, to demonstrate tact when communicating. Therefore, in order to diversify everyday life, especially when meeting with good friends, you can come up with something yourself or use certain literature, perhaps ask knowledgeable people for advice on how to conduct such conversations with a twist.

For example:

- Hello. How are you

- No way, there’s nothing to do at all - I’m not a business person!


- How are you? How are you?

- Everything is fine. And what has happened to me lately! Yes, nothing happened...

A more interesting and effective option:

- Firework. How are you?

- Oh, recently the truth was revealed to me, and I received great insight. I have given up judgmental thinking and am now as calm as a lotus flower at the foot of the temple of truth. That's why I'm not doing well.

Gender relations

The friendship between a man and a woman is more complex, since it involves not only friendly feelings. If we think abstractly, it has a place to be, because for friendship there is no discrimination on any basis. It is generally accepted that one in this union will always dream of closer communication. One is in love, the other is not, therefore, if there is still a desire to maintain communication, someone makes concessions, suppressing the fervor of emotions. But not all stereotypes need to be followed; sometimes they are too limited. It would be advisable to have your own opinion in this case regarding friendship between the sexes.

Here you can also return to how to answer the question about relationships in an original way. In order to delicately get out of a situation when someone obsessively wants to ask about friendship with a young man, a girl may well ironically comment on it in this way: it is believed that female friendship is not strong, it essentially does not exist, a woman and a man cannot be friends either, then Tell me, who should a woman be friends with?

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