Strength in physical education. What is it, types, absolute, relative, development

In this article we will talk about how to develop inner strength.

It will be said more than once that simply reading articles on this site will clearly not be enough, articles are only a direction for action, the key is action, how to act has been described more than once in other articles. Only practice and nothing but practice will help you.

The topic of our article is about inner strength. In general, people have a very vague idea of ​​everything related to the inner world, simply because they have never looked inside themselves. Very rarely did anyone do this. This is due to the fact that a person does not even know how to do this; besides, people are absorbed in the illusions of their mind and the outside world.

People simply don't have time to listen to themselves. Of course, only people who begin to awaken begin to understand what inner strength or fortitude, inner core, and so on, call it what you want, the essence does not change. In this article we will learn how to develop

inner strength, and of course action is also important, knowledge is clearly not enough here. Lots of action.

Types of strength abilities in physical education

There are 2 types of muscle efforts - absolute and relative. The first group is considered to be able to demonstrate maximum strength characteristics in a relatively short period of time. Absolute muscle tension is expressed in kilograms. Relative strength is taken into account during motor activity associated with body movement.

In physical education it is:

  • run;
  • jumping;
  • riffles;
  • crawling;
  • climbing and other activities.

Determination of relative strength capabilities is used for dosing and distribution of physical activity. The degree of permissible muscle tension is calculated in the ratio of 1 kg of lifting mass per 1 kg of body weight.

Strength in physical education is a concept that is divided into several types of muscle load:

Type of effort Description and examples
IsometricFastening muscle fibers in a fixed position - on the crossbar and other sports equipment.
PowerPull-ups, cycling
DynamicThey are determined by the movement of the limbs - running, jumping, swimming, throwing sports equipment.
OvercomingOvercoming obstacles, exercises with a hoop and others.

The development of each type of physical qualities has its own characteristics and patterns. What unites them is only the involvement of motor function by physiological means of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system.

Strength abilities

A complex of manifestations in various types of physical activity and activities.

Such characteristics are influenced by numerous internal and external factors, with their contribution changing depending on:

  • the current state of the body;
  • exercises performed;
  • operating conditions;
  • age;
  • gender identity;
  • individual anatomical features.

Internal influencing factors of strength capabilities include muscle characteristics, neurological parameters, and psychological criteria. This also includes the biomechanical characteristics of the body. There are specific strength characteristics, which include speed, agility, and endurance. Their relevance depends on the type of physical exercise.

Speed-strength abilities

They are distinguished by moderate muscular tension, far from the limit of the body's capabilities. They are determined by the situationally required effort and can reach maximum values ​​for a short time.

Such characteristics are important during push-off movements in jumping, final acceleration when throwing an athletic projectile, and spurt when running long or short distances.

The less external resistance an athlete overcomes, the more significant the role of the strength component. With relatively insignificant weighting, the value of the speed component increases.

These abilities include explosive and fast power. The latter is not distinguished by the extremes of muscle effort. Explosive tension is used to achieve maximum muscular activation during a certain period of action or exercise.

Fast Power

The ability to achieve the greatest physical tension per unit of time. In relation to sports disciplines, fast force involves imparting maximum acceleration to one’s own body, an athletic equipment or their individual parts.

This physical characteristic can be represented in the form of realized impulse energy, determined by the duration, the interval at which the peak load is reached, and the slope of the force increase graph. The level of rapid force depends on the muscular stretch-shortening cycle. It differs from speed-strength load in the isometric and concentric values ​​of muscle fiber shortening.

Explosive force

A physical characteristic that reflects the ability to achieve maximum neuromuscular tension in the shortest period of time - usually in the first 0.2-0.3 s. after the start of a sports movement.

Explosive force in combination with the technique of performing the exercise determines the speed capabilities of muscular power. Athletic movements using this ability are called plyometric or ballistic movements.

Strength in physical education is a definition that includes a complex of anatomical, physiological and biochemical factors.

This is especially evident when using explosive voltage, which is provided by:

  • impulse frequency in the initial phase of contractile movement of muscle fibers;
  • motor neuron signal synchronization, called neural coordination;
  • indicators of muscular ability to rapidly contract;
  • level of hypertrophy of fast-twitch muscle structures.

The development of explosive strength is necessary in sports disciplines that require sudden movements of increased power. These include shot throwing, sprinting, martial arts, and some team sports.

Strength endurance

The ability to implement relatively high impulse muscle tension for a given period of time during loading movement. Strength endurance is characterized by a non-significant difference between the maximum possible effort and what is actually achieved in a certain time interval.

This is the body's ability to resist fatigue when the body functions at power close to maximum. The duration of endurance is determined in the range of 3-4 minutes. and is realized through anaerobic-glycolytic energy conservation.

Strength endurance is important when working with heavy weights of sports equipment or athletic equipment. It is characterized by minor muscle contractions. If the mass is relatively small, such endurance is called general.


The ability of muscle structures to perform heavy sports work of moderate intensity over a significant time distance. Dynamic endurance is directly related to the strength characteristics of the body.

For its development, weighting agents of 50% of the maximum value for a particular organism are intended. Such exercises are performed at a moderate rhythm. You need to work until you get very tired. Between sets, take even time breaks for recovery.


It is considered typical for sports activities associated with prolonged retention of maximum or moderate muscle tension necessary to maintain a certain body position in space.

Static endurance is developed with the help of isometric exercises, the duration of which is limited by the phase of compensatory fatigue. The loads are 82-86% of the maximum possible.

A variety of techniques allow you to effectively work on any muscle group. The starting position and joint bending angles should be such that the target muscle structures are involved in the work.

Power Agility

Accurate differentiation of muscle tensions of various magnitudes in non-standard situations and combined modes of sports activity. The concept is directly related to the speed of the reaction.

Strength agility is especially evident at the physiological level with a variable rhythm of functioning of different muscle groups. It is in demand in volleyball, football, and hockey.

What is a human superpower?


In simplified form:

A superpower is a certain human energy power and a sphere of knowledge that is capable of influencing the surrounding reality using an unconventional, not officially recognized method.

In our age of sophisticated technologies and outstanding scientific achievements, the attitude towards the inexplicable human abilities of representatives of the mainstream science is unequivocal: they either ignore them or brush them aside, fearing accusations of being carried away by subjects for which the building of modern recognized knowledge does not have a cell prepared.

However, no matter how skeptical they are about levitation, clairvoyance, telekinesis, the phenomena have existed as long as humanity. After all, science is not able to fully understand how our body, especially the brain, works, and human superpowers, according to the teachers of the past, are inherent in everyone, you just need to be able to use them.

What does physical strength depend on?

Muscle power is influenced to varying degrees by a variety of factors.

Among the main ones are:

  • Muscle volume. Muscular hypertrophy of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic tissues. Muscle strength is somewhat correlated with muscle size, but not linearly.
  • Innervation parameters. The more neurons the muscle fibers contain, the better their contractility, which largely determines strength indicators.
  • Thickness and flexibility of tendons. One of the most important factors of physical strength. The indicator of muscle power and endurance rests on the ability of the tendons to withstand a given load.
  • The ratio of fast-twitch muscle fibers to slow-twitch muscle fibers. The former are conventionally called white, the latter – red. Fast-twitch muscles are better suited to explosive and maximal short-term loads. Slow muscles contain more blood vessels and intracellular mitochondria, so they are designed for work that requires endurance.
  • Elasticity of muscle fibers. Muscles work in contraction-extension cycles. The more significant the difference between these phases, the greater the strength the muscle structures are able to develop.
  • Tendon attachment points. Muscles work according to the physical principle of leverage. The closer the tendon attachment point is to the axis of rotation of the articular joint, the greater the force the muscle develops.

The strength characteristics of muscles are influenced by hormonal factors, the number of muscle fibers, and the degree of psycho-emotional arousal. Therefore, they depend on a large number of constant and variable parameters.

Biomechanical factors

Strength in physical education largely depends on the biomechanical properties of skeletal muscles. These are characteristics that come into play under appropriate loads experienced by muscle groups.

These properties include:

  • contractility;
  • fiber stiffness;
  • connective tissue viscosity;
  • strength of muscle structures and tendons;
  • relaxation opportunities.

Muscle contractility is the ability of fibers to decrease in size when innervated. Due to such excitation, traction power arises. During the biomechanical process, the length of the muscle filaments remains unchanged.

The stiffness of muscle fibers is a parameter that reflects their resistance to deformation loads. The resulting tension is disproportionate to the lengthening of the muscle fiber. Another important biomechanical factor in strength characteristics is muscle viscosity.

It characterizes the ability of muscle structures to resist non-inertial movements of one section of the fiber relative to another. Muscular strength is the amount of tensile force at which it breaks.

For myofibrils, the maximum is determined at the level of 16-25 KPa, for fascia - 14 KPa. The relaxation property of muscles, related to the biomechanical factors of strength, is a decrease in traction over time while the length of the fibers remains unchanged.

Factors related to the central nervous system

The main one is the innervation of muscle structures. In a person with weak physical development, up to 50% of the muscles are involved in this process, and in a trained person, the figure can increase to 90%. The central nervous system regulates reflex activity, contractile function and many others. Muscle development and strength characteristics largely depend on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Muscular factors

This includes the proportion between fast and slow fibers. This anatomical factor is assigned to the body from birth and cannot be changed. Both types of muscles can be strengthened, developed and trained.

The next most important muscle factor is the number of fibers. Increasing the amount of muscle tissue without the use of advances in sports pharmacology is not possible. On its own, the body hyperplasias no more than 3-5% of the muscles.

Strength in physical education is a concept that is influenced by the elasticity of muscle fibers. As the amplitude of muscle contractions increases, the power value increases. Muscular elasticity is developed with special exercises.

Psychological factors

They are directly related to hormonal secretion. The ability to release large volumes of norepinephrine into the blood, which increases physical performance and endurance, depends on the psychological state.

Mysterious phenomena of siddhi

Important! Siddhi is something extraordinary from the point of view of the average person. These are mystical acts that are regarded as miracles and cannot be repeated.

One of the most ancient teachings about increasing human capabilities is yoga. Today, yoga clubs are popular and are opening in every city, but the number of people with outstanding abilities is not getting higher. The main reason is that to achieve results, you need to go through 8 stages of yoga, five of which involve the development of the body: proper breathing, the ability to concentrate, learning to perceive an object and become one with it (be it a chair, a stone or an animal), and three stages - education of the soul. It is the last stages that awaken giftedness.

But even after going through the basic stages of yoga, not every yogi discovers his talents, because this is a gift from the Forces of the Subtle World. A person who has siddhi will not boast about it at every corner. Gifts are received by people who have an extraordinary energetic nature and a pure soul. Superpowers are not inherited (although it happens that children have them), it is connected only with the work of the soul, with the accumulation of knowledge, with the transition to a qualitatively different level of life.

Methods for developing strength abilities in physical education

The training process is accompanied by regulatory and structural changes in the body and metabolic transformations. The degree of severity of adaptation perturbations is determined by the techniques used, the frequency of training and the sports program.

Strength abilities are actively developed with maximum muscle tension. Methodically, the loads are increased in various ways depending on the individual characteristics of the athlete’s body and the anatomical structure of the target muscles.

Maximum Effort Method

It is based on the inclusion in the training program of exercises with different weights of weighting devices. Perform a precisely calculated number of sets of repetition cycles.

They are determined individually based on the maximum resistance of muscle fibers. When the weight of the weights reaches 100% of the body’s capabilities, do 1-2, maximum 3 approaches. The intervals between them are no more than 4 minutes. At near-maximum loads, when the weight of sports loads reaches 90-95% of the maximum, the number of cycles should be 5-6, and approaches - 2-5. Rest periods can be increased to 6 minutes.

The pace of work is chosen arbitrarily, and the speed of training movements varies from slow to intense. When training athletes, various versions of the maximum effort method are used. They are aimed at developing extreme dynamic strength characteristics without noticeably increasing muscle volume and improving the ability to concentrate on hard sports work.

The power indicators of muscle fibers increase due to the improvement of internal and intermuscular coordination. During such training, the mechanism of ATP synthesis, an enzyme that plays a leading role in protein metabolism, is activated. This leads to increased muscle strength.

Disadvantages of the ultimate effort method:

  • difficulty in self-control of exercise technique;
  • increased risk of injury;
  • possibility of muscle strain;
  • problematic use for children and novice athletes.

It is recommended to use strength training with maximum loads no more than 3 times a week.

Repeated Effort Method

Based on repeated overcoming of unlimited external resistance. Approaches are performed without breaks. Each one does 15-20 cycles. Perform 2-6 series in one workout.

Each set contains 2-4 approaches. The rest pause between series should not exceed 5 minutes. The indicator of external resistance of sports equipment or equipment is fixed at the level of 40-80% of the maximum physical capabilities of the body.

Exercises are performed at a low pace. Depending on the number of series, number of cycles and approaches, endurance develops or muscle mass increases and strength characteristics increase.

Significant volumes of muscular work with an unlimited weight of weights enhance metabolic-trophic reactions in muscle fibers and functional systems, which causes hypertrophy of muscle fibers and stimulates the development of strength characteristics.

Impact method

Used to increase shock-absorbing properties and explosive strength of various muscle groups. To work the muscles of the lower extremities, push-off exercises, high jumps and long jumps are used.

It is recommended to perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions each. Rest pauses between series are no more than 5 minutes. The impact method is used to strengthen and develop any muscle groups. Use your own weight or weights.

Methods for developing explosive strength and muscle reactivity

The techniques involve the use of weights, jumping exercises, and shock mode of muscle work. Explosive strength and reactive abilities of the neuromuscular mechanism are developed using the repeated effort method or plyometric method.

Maximum load techniques are suitable for professional athletes. Explosive strength of muscle fibers is necessary for the development of jumping ability in track and field athletes. It is developed through repeated repulsions.

They use comprehensive training programs that include a wide range of means and techniques for improving explosive strength characteristics, increasing the elasticity and firmness of muscle fibers.

Method for developing dynamic (speed) strength

Necessary for fast movements under conditions of low external resistance. Speed ​​characteristics are improved with the help of jumping exercises with weights. Weights are used in different weights and options depending on the goal. The maximum permissible weight of sports cargo is 70% of the maximum physical capabilities.

Strength in physical education is a definition that involves the use of different techniques for developing the same muscle group. The best results in increasing speed characteristics are achieved by isokinetic exercises.

Methods for developing strength endurance

Training the ability to demonstrate maximum performance of muscle fibers over a long period of time is of great importance in the preparation of professional athletes.

The development of strength endurance, also aimed at improving motor qualities, requires an integrated approach. During such training, the autonomic functions of the nervous system are activated. The main technique for developing strength endurance is the method of repeated loads. Complexes of exercises are used that have a selective effect on various factors of strength characteristics.

Isometric method

It is based on short-term maximum tension of muscle structures without changing the length of the tissue. The exercises performed serve as an additional means of developing strength capabilities. Muscle tension is increased to the maximum value smoothly and maintained for several seconds. The isometric method involves positions that allow maximum tension of the target muscle group.

This is courage.


a personality quality expressed in the ability to act decisively and expediently in dangerous, risky situations, while overcoming fear, struggle of motives, self-doubt, and indecision.


previously meant “that which is characteristic of a man”) - courage, presence of mind in danger, perseverance in trouble, spiritual strength, courage in battle. A typical reaction is admiration and respect. Can be combined with calmness, restraint, anger, hatred, willpower, high morale; may be a consequence of love, altruism, indignation, pride, induction, infatuation, fear of shame.

I will never forget the surge of courage I felt then. The original instincts spoke within me, and I felt like a man, a protector of the weak, a fighting male. But most precious of all was the knowledge that I was protecting my beloved creature (J. London, The Sea Wolf).

Maud was timid and afraid, but she had courage. Flesh and torment were her lot, like any woman, but her spirit was higher than the flesh and only her flesh suffered (ibid.).

A person often lives with himself and then he needs courage; he lives with others, and then he needs honor (S. Chamfort).

The Duke of Orleans had everything an honest man needs, with the exception of courage (Notes of Cardinal de Retz).

Wed. music of the excerpt “Ride of the Valkyries” from R. Wagner’s opera “Die Walküre”.


a personal quality expressed in the ability to act decisively and expediently in a difficult or dangerous situation, control impulsive impulses, overcome possible feelings of fear and uncertainty, and the ability to mobilize all forces to achieve a goal. Its highest manifestation is heroism.

Limiting loads to develop strength and maximum strength endurance

The dosage of muscle tension depends on the tasks and the desired result. Exercises with external resistance less than 50% of the body's maximum capacity have virtually no effect on muscle hypertrophy.

They allow you to develop strength endurance at high intensity performance. This characteristic is specific for different values ​​of external resistance and is calculated individually. Progress in strength capabilities starts from 75-80% with a gradual increase in loads.

This is patience.

It should not be confused with tolerance - behavior towards others.

Patience is a virtue, calmly enduring pain, misfortune, sorrow, and misfortune in one’s own life. In Western Christianity it is one of the "Seven Virtues".

In Christianity, “God is a God of patience and comfort” (Rom.), and Jesus Christ is considered a model of patience for all believers (Isa.). In the words of the Apostle Paul: “Let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” he says, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Think about him who endured such reproach against himself from sinners, so that you do not grow weary and weakened in your souls” (Heb.).

In the Old Testament, Job serves as an exemplary example of patience. The Apostle James says: “You have heard about the patience of Job, and you have seen the end of it from the Lord” (James).

Tertullian considered God to be a model of patience, and Cyprian argued that the patience of Christians is common with God, and called for imitation of God.

Main article: Sabr

The Islamic term sabr (Arabic صبر - patience, endurance) is used to denote patience in the performance of religious duties, abstinence from the forbidden, perseverance in the "Holy War", gratitude, etc. The Koran instructs Muslims to be patient and persevere through all hardships life. Only those who are patient can achieve success in both worlds and earn the mercy of Allah. Patience is inherent only to man. Prophet Muhammad called sabr half of religion. Patience must be shown even when it is difficult for a person to endure the hardships of life. A Muslim should not complain about misfortunes and not lament (sabr al-jamil).

The term "patience" gave its name to the asteroid (451) Patientia, discovered in 1899.

Development of strength abilities

Special sets of exercises and techniques have been developed for children and adults, men and women, beginner athletes and professional athletes. The use of a specific method of physical development depends on the target muscle group.

Exercises with the weight of external objects

Strength in physical education is a concept that implies the possibility of working out muscle fibers using sports equipment or the weight of one’s own body. The first option provides a precisely specified voltage by varying the mass of weighting materials. In this capacity, they use a barbell, weights, dumbbells, and other equipment.

According to the degree of selectivity of impact on muscle structures, exercises with external resistance of weights are divided into:

  • local;
  • regional;
  • total.

There are many techniques for doing them.

Bodyweight exercises

Such workouts are functional and universal. They allow you to maintain good physical shape without access to exercise equipment and are suitable for beginner athletes. Any muscle group can be worked out efficiently without sports equipment.

Bodyweight exercises include push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. The load can be changed in intensity, strength and vector. This is ensured by different types of hand placement, range of movements, number of cycles and approaches.

Exercises using training devices

Such techniques can be basic or isolated.

There are a huge number of exercises on simulators for:

  • development of strength endurance;
  • building muscle volume;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscle fibers.

Deadlifts, bent-over barbell presses, and many others are popular. A variety of weights allows you to vary the external resistance. You can do push-ups on the machines, which strengthen and develop your pectoral muscles.

Jerk-braking exercises

Similar training complexes can be performed with weights or your own weight. Exercises of the jerk-braking type represent a continuous change of fast movements with the contraction of some muscle groups and the lengthening of others, acting as their antagonists.

These include shuttle running over short distances, in zigzags, at an angle, rapid jerks with acceleration, and others. These are specialized training sets that increase the elasticity and firmness of muscle fibers.


  • sharp turns;
  • Bends with a barbell;
  • moving weights.

Isometric exercises

When performing such techniques, the muscle structures do not contract, but only tense. There is no movement. Muscle groups are exposed to maximum short-term loads.

Such exercises develop strength and endurance. In physical education, static techniques are used for the arms, legs, and abdominal muscles. With the help of such complexes, the latissimus dorsi and pectoral muscles are developed. Isometric exercises are techniques that allow you to improve your physical fitness without equipment.

Avoiding “energy vampires”

It is not known for sure whether “eaters” of human energy exist. But one thing is clear - a certain individual after contact with different people has conflicting feelings.

For example: after chatting with a saleswoman in a store, the mood improved, but after exchanging a few words with the conductor on the bus, the positive mood disappeared. The best option: meet more with the first type of people, and limit communication with the second.

Second wind - have you heard of this?

Let's give an example that is familiar to everyone - an athlete is approaching the finish line and it would seem that he no longer has any strength to run, but then suddenly he seems to get a “second wind” and now he is already at the goal. The funny thing is that this practice works exactly the same in everyday life. If you develop perseverance and perseverance, no matter what you don’t give up (in solving problems, achieving success, in love, in your career, etc.), a source of inner strength will open to you. You will be surprised to see what you are capable of. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths. Every person is capable of this. By your intention you will open backup sources. But once you decide to give up, then so be it. Everyone receives according to their faith.

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