Phenomenal memory - what is it? Types, principle of operation, methods of development

Types of memory

What is memory and where is our knowledge stored?
So, the brain uses memory to store accumulated knowledge and provide it to the owner at the right time. It happens that short-term memory works poorly. You may remember the name of your first teacher, but completely forget what you had for breakfast yesterday. Memory happens:

  1. Long-term
  2. Short term
  3. Operational

Long-term memory is responsible for information that we received once, so that it remains relevant throughout our lives: what are the names of our parents, who were our childhood friends - we need this information for life. Short-term memory is important for events that have recently happened or are about to happen. Not missing a dentist appointment or remembering to take a pill in the morning helps with short-term memory. RAM is needed at a certain moment; it serves the actions that a person is performing right now.

All types of memory are interconnected; long-term memory could not exist without short-term memory, and short-term memory could not exist without operational memory. In addition, there is motor, figurative, tactile memory.

We remember that the smell of roses is pleasant, that a song played on a first date with a lover can cause joy and pain, and when we see homemade pies we always remember the warm hands of our beloved grandmother.

How can you keep all the necessary information in your memory if there is so much of it? After all, as knowledge accumulates with age, it becomes more and more difficult!

Methods for developing memory and memorization

In the lessons in this section, you can find useful techniques, rules and techniques aimed at increasing the level of memory development and the ability of targeted memorization (remembering the information you need). The method of teaching memorization methods used on this site is very simple. It consists in the systematic development of memorization skills in four main areas:

Lesson 1

Attention and impression. We remember better what interests us and what we are focused on.

These memorization conditions can be trained and created specifically at the right moment. Read more about this in the first lesson.

Lesson 2. Associations. Associations help create a connection in your head between what you want to remember and what is already firmly established there. The correct use of associations, which is described in the second lesson, will help you remember more information in less time.

Lesson 3. Structuring. Structuring the material is the most important factor in targeted memorization. The ability to correctly divide information and create thematic blocks based on logic and associative thinking will be discussed in the third lesson.

Lesson 4. Repetition. Human memory is a dynamic process; over time, something is forgotten. In the fourth lesson, repetition techniques will be given to help better remember information.

And also to develop the ability to remember information, it is useful to use mnemonics and special techniques and memory training exercises:

Lesson 5. Mnemonics. There are a number of features of remembering certain information. This is due to the fact that sometimes there are convenient associations, the use of which in certain cases gives a strong effect on memorization. Such methods and recommendations are called mnemonics. Read more about this in lesson five.

Lesson 6. Memory training. Despite the fact that understanding the laws of human memory can improve the memorization of necessary information, without special exercises it is difficult to achieve high results. This lesson will tell you how you can effectively train short-term and long-term memory.

As a result of completing the lessons, provided you follow all the recommendations, as well as correctly completing tasks and exercises, you will master the special skill of purposefully memorizing a large amount of any information. And by completing the suggested exercises, you can significantly improve your memory capabilities.

Exercise 3. Memorizing phrases

In this exercise you need to remember ten different phrases. You are given one minute to memorize phrases.

The red cat is sleeping; Sergei came home from work; We'll have dinner together; They flew into space; a bumblebee flies above you; the parcel arrived on time; The guys were tired in training; the ship is heading north; The dog was offended by the neighbor; the horses galloped.

Now close these phrases and write them in the same order and see what you get. You can then calculate your phrase memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of phrases that you remember by 10 (the number of phrases that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result in % (this is your percentage of memorization).

Exercises to develop memory in children

In the period from 3 to 7 years, children experience rapid development of involuntary memory; the brain is in the active phase of “searching for food.” During this period, memory develops rapidly, outstripping other abilities. Thanks to the developed involuntary memory, the child easily “grabs” everything that is bright, attractive, memorable, and unusual, so fairy tales, poems, and rhymes are easily remembered. As soon as the child sets a memorization task for himself, the work begins, and with it the development of voluntary memory. It is necessary to encourage the child’s desire to remember in every possible way, because this will be the key to the successful development of all cognitive abilities. In the future, the child’s memory will be enhanced with the help of special techniques.

Help your child not just memorize the material, but remember it correctly: this way you will help him adapt to the constant mental stress that is inevitable at school.

We bring to your attention several exercises for memory development in children, recommended for this important age:

1. We play with words.

Exercise 1.

- Now I will tell you different words, and you try to remember them. Let's start!

Dog, table, rooster, turtle, stool, cat, chair, bed, fox, wolf.

- Please repeat!

Task 2.

- What do you think, can these words be grouped somehow? How would you do this? (If your child has different options, that’s great, but try to get him to the idea of ​​creating two groups of words: furniture and animals). You can simply ask: try to name all the animals first, and then the pieces of furniture.

Task 3.

- Please list all these words for me again.

Based on your achievements, you can analyze the results of the game. Memorizing 6-7 words without dividing into groups means that your child has a good immediate memory. If a child quickly groups words and as a result remembers more of them than at the beginning, it means that he has developed indirect memory.

2. Developing tactile memory.

Cut out geometric shapes from cardboard: rectangle, square, triangle, circle.

Exercise 1.

First, discuss the names of the figures with your child. Don't force him to learn new names, it's better to come up with them together. Based on what the figurine looks like: for example, one is like a closet, another is like a window, the third is like a house or tent, the fourth is like the sun. In the end, you should settle on the option that the child himself chooses.

Task 2.

Let the child close his eyes, feel the figures in a certain order and remember them. But you yourself will immediately determine and remember this order.

Task 3.

- Tell me, but only in order, which figure was first, which was second, etc.

Task 4.

After the child remembers the sequence, you can teach him the correct names. Try to name and discuss such features as the presence of angles, their number, the same or different lengths of the sides.

You can develop tactile memory at any convenient time; you don’t need any special preparation for this. Let the child close his eyes, then give him some object and ask him to touch it, feel it, listen to his feelings, and remember them. After this, let the child answer the question of what it could be. Give each other items and take turns guessing, turn it into a fun game.

Such games develop both tactile and emotional memory.

Exercise 1. Memorizing words

In this exercise, twenty different words are given, look carefully and remember them. Forty seconds are given to memorize:

Magpie, sky, African, sea, step, cookie, creator, verb, spacesuit, shock, silhouette, horizon, furniture, engraving, sand, horizon, proton, second, potato, zinc.

Now close these words and write them in the same order and see what you get. You can then calculate your word memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of words that you remember by 20 (the number of words that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result as a percentage (this is your percentage of memorization). For example, you memorized 10 words.

Now remember these same words in reverse order, we will put a number for each word, remember it along with the number.

1. Zinc 2. Potato 3. Second 4. Proton 5. Sky 6. Sand 7. Engraving 8. Furniture 9. Horizon 10. Sky 11. Shock 12. Spacesuit 13. Verb 14. Creator 15. Cookie 16. Stage 17. Sea 18. African 19. Sky 20. Magpie.

Now cover the words and write them in the same order along with the numbers and see what you get. You can then calculate your word memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of words that you remember by 20 (the number of words that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result in % (this is your percentage of memorization).

Brain exercises for older people

Brain exercises for older people are quite simple. Read fairy tales and retell them to your beloved grandchildren, memorize with them children's funny poems about “The Absent-Minded One from Basseynaya Street.” It's fun and enjoyable, and it also preserves your personality.

Intelligence training prevents a person from losing his skills and knowledge. It's not just our muscles that need warming up. Neurons restore their connections and do not die if the brain is loaded with feasible work.

You shouldn’t get too tired, but collecting pictures from puzzles, learning foreign words, walking in the park along an unfamiliar alley, remembering a new route, is necessary for good attention. Doctors recommend brushing your teeth and combing your hair either with your left hand or with your right. Simple experiments, but effective.

Good nutrition and fresh air will be the best helpers for you and your mind. Individuals who lead an active lifestyle do not suffer from senile dementia.

Simple tasks

The mechanisms of memory are still being studied by neuroscientists. Experts have proven that several areas of the brain are responsible for remembering and reproducing information, which need to be regularly trained. Even ancient Greek thinkers did this. They came up with various exercises to develop memory. Many of them are used by modern people, but there are also activities that have appeared recently.

It is difficult to name the best exercises for memory development. Different types of training can influence mental processes and increase the speed and quality of memorizing the necessary information. Simple exercises are suitable for both children and adults:

  1. Puzzles with differences. Pictures that depict almost identical drawings, but with some differences, help develop memory and attentiveness. This game seems like a child's game, but for adults they make illustrations with many details. For children, simpler images are selected.
  2. Poems and songs. From childhood, children are taught to memorize rhyming lines. If you memorize rhymes or songs often, your memory will improve over time. Of course, it is easier to work with materials that you love, but students should choose information that is relevant to their lessons.
  3. Writing words. This method helps train linear memory. Write down 10-15 words on a sheet of paper, which are re-read to yourself or out loud several times. Then you need to turn the paper over and write everything you remember. You should also try to write them down in order. Or you can create a table of several rows and columns and then transfer it to a new sheet from memory. Over time, the list of words increases.
  4. "Backwards". An effective technique can improve short-term memory. A person memorizes three simple words in a row and then reads them backwards. Having mastered the task, you can move on to phrases and sentences.
  5. Retelling. This method helps train memory and reading. A child or teenager first needs to read short texts or paragraphs and then retell them. Then you should move on to whole pages. Retelling books helps not only to train memorization, but also provides an opportunity to learn about something new or reflect on some things.

Brain training | Memory training exercises

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What is memory and how does it work

Memory allows us to relive the past

Memory is the ability of the nervous system to store and transmit information received by a person every second.

Neurophysiologists, psychologists and other scientists study how human memory works.

Thanks to memory, events and images of the past appear in detail before our consciousness.

The brain also remembers how we reacted to these events and allows us to subsequently reproduce this reaction better and more accurately if necessary. These properties of memory underlie learning.

The nervous system processes signals received by the senses and also works with thoughts and imaginary pictures. They are first imprinted and then stored at the level of reflexes and connections between neurons in the brain.

The memory mechanism is associated not only with remembering, recognizing and reproducing fragments of experience, but also with forgetting unnecessary or unimportant information and repressing traumatic experiences.

However, scientists believe that absolutely all information received during life is stored in the head, even if the consciousness is unable to remember it.

Memory works most effectively in the first 5 years, when the child learns to speak and experiences the world for the first time. Subsequently, there is a gradual deterioration of memory, and in old age this can cause incapacity.

Memory, with which we interact with our own life experiences, underlies all cognitive functions, such as thinking and speech.

Brain structures responsible for memory

Memory functioning is affected by certain areas of the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum, and the limbic system. But the main influence on this work is exerted by areas located in the temporal region of the left and right hemispheres. Another important brain structure that influences the memory process is the hippocampus. If the temporal region is damaged on one side, memory function deteriorates, and if it is damaged on both sides, it stops completely.

Memory functions thanks to the work of nerve cells - neurons. Neurotransmitters are substances that ensure the transmission of signals from neuron to neuron. They are contained in the hippocampus. Neurotransmitters include, for example, acetylcholine. With a deficiency of neurotransmitters, the memory process is significantly impaired.

The content of acetylcholine is influenced by the amount of energy due to which it appears. This energy is obtained through the oxidation of fats and glucose. A lack of neurotransmitters can be the result of, for example, stress or depression.

Other interesting tasks

Teaching children new words will be easier with visual games. Often similar methods are used to study foreign languages. Words unfamiliar to the baby are written on small pieces of paper and posted around the house on appropriate things. This way the child will remember the names of objects and learn to recognize them in the future.

There is another effective way that helps you quickly learn foreign words. They should be written down several times on a piece of paper. Every day you need to learn new words, increasing their number. This training will help students of different school grades learn a foreign language.

Development of the brain hemispheres: brain exercises

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There are several more original exercises for memory development:

  1. Couples. Games that involve searching for identical illustrations will help increase concentration and improve the process of memorizing and retaining information. 16-20 cards are laid out on the table. They are turned over one by one and memorized in order to find identical pairs and put them aside. Such simulators can be found on the Internet online or downloaded to your computer for daily training.
  2. Pictograms. Such icons are found everywhere in our lives: in phones, books, brand logos. Pictograms serve as an excellent tool for memorizing information data and strengthening memory. You should choose a sentence and draw an icon for each word. For example, the verb “to see” can be depicted as an eye, and “to inhale” as a nose and a stream of steam. This game is suitable for both the development of a child and an adult.
  3. Mind maps. This technique is also called “mental maps” or “flash cards”. The task is reminiscent of pictograms, since they also need to be drawn. However, it is more effective and helps you memorize even entire books. A task or problem is depicted in the center of a sheet of paper. The main sections with numbering are set aside in the form of thick branches. Reveal details of tasks on thin branches using icons, keywords and color marks.

Auditory Memory Training

Despite the fact that the famous Russian proverb states that “it is better to see once than to hear 100 times,” auditory memory can sometimes be no less useful. Thus, without auditory memory it is difficult for musicians, actors, politicians and even intelligence officers to achieve success. To understand how important auditory memory is, remember that listening to a lecture is remembered better than just reading a textbook or viewing slides.

The peculiarity of auditory memory is that, unlike visual impressions, which are perceived more quickly, memory often retains well-remembered auditory impressions better. Below are some techniques and methods that will help you learn how to effectively remember auditory information.

Exercise 1: Reading aloud

Reading aloud is undoubtedly one of the most effective exercises for developing auditory memory. It is reading aloud that helps to increase working vocabulary, improve diction, intonation, emotional coloring and brightness of speech. Reading aloud helps us better remember the auditory components of the material we read.

You need to read aloud slowly, at an optimal conversational pace, observing some technical nuances:

  • pronounce words clearly, expressively and with placement;
  • pronounce the text not monotonously, but as if you were expressing your own thoughts (telling).

If you read aloud for at least 10-15 minutes every day, then within a month you will notice obvious results in both your speaking abilities and your auditory memory.

Exercise 2. Poems

Memory training does not have to be limited to any specific exercises. Make it a habit to memorize a short poem every day, or at least every week. Try to delve deeply into its meaning, think about the techniques that the poet used.

When learning a poem, you will repeat it either out loud or silently, using your articulation apparatus. The more repetitions you do, the better your memory will remember the poem. Over time, you will train your memory and begin to memorize verses as a result of much less repetition.

In addition, the poems themselves are often used for long-term memorization of any abstract information. You can see the applied use of the method in some materials on our website, which describe the principles of memorizing information such as:

  • Numbers after the decimal point in Pi;
  • Multiplication table.

Exercise 3. Eavesdropping

When walking down the street or while on public transport, try to hear and retain in your memory a fragment of a conversation between strangers. Then try to reproduce to yourself what you heard with the right intonation, and also mentally imagine the faces of the people who said it. This exercise allows you to learn to comprehend text fluently by ear, and will also allow you to be more attentive and sensitive to the tone of speech.

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Development of memory and attention

Concentrate on one thing. If you are listening to a lecture or sitting at a meeting, do not correspond with someone on the phone, listen carefully to the person speaking in front of you. You need to listen to him as carefully as possible and not be distracted by trifles.

In the evening, be sure to remember today’s lecture and try to recall it in memory down to the smallest detail. Proper nutrition for the brain is very important. Don’t eat fast food or snacks on the run; it’s harmful to both your brain and your body.

A proper diet should include the following foods: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, dairy products, cereals and herbs. Don't overload your brain. If you feel tired, give your body a rest, a tired brain does not perceive new information well. Never overload your brain with unnecessary, unnecessary information. Load it only with useful and truly important information. Be sure to take walks in the fresh air; this is also very important for the proper functioning of your brain. The brain must receive oxygen. It's good if your walks in the fresh air are active. You can engage in different sports or simply relax actively.

Simple exercises to develop memory and attention

  1. Let's start with the simplest thing - you need to go to the grocery store. Don’t take a cheat sheet with you on which the list of goods is written, write it down and try to remember what you wrote, then go to the store. If the situation is completely hopeless, then take your grocery list with you, but try not to take it out of your bag. Buy as a souvenir, and at the very end, take it out and check whether you bought everything or not.
  2. Train yourself to read, this can be any time during your lunch break or before bed. You can read one to five pages at first, and gradually try to reach at least ten or twenty pages. Read carefully. After you read, try to retell it in as much detail as possible. If you don’t have time to retell what you read, then you can do it while you’re eating home or going to the store.
  3. On your way to work or to the store, you can remember the numbers of houses or license plates of cars that pass by. It trains your memory well.
  4. Try to remember the price tags in the store for the goods you buy. Once you remember the prices, you can compare them with the prices of another store.
  5. If you are preparing a new dish, using a new recipe, try to remember it. You can try to write it down from memory, on paper, and then check it with the original recipe.
  6. Learn the poem by heart and please your loved one with it. Learn the words to a new song. On your way to work or to the store, you can hum a new song to yourself.
  7. If you are walking, try changing your route and taking a different road. Look carefully at what new and interesting things you saw while you were walking, perhaps beautiful houses and unusual signs on stores, maybe beautiful flowers or fluffy blue Christmas trees. When you get home, remember your new route and replay it in your head. What do you remember about him? What are your impressions of this route? What new did you see?
  8. When you talk with employees, with a neighbor on the landing, with a girlfriend or friend, try to remember as much as possible: eye color, clothing, some small things done on clothing or on a person. Listen carefully to what they tell you, delve into every detail. After the conversation, try to remember everything down to the smallest detail and scroll through it again in your head.
  9. To develop super memory in 30 days, sign up for our course:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better. After completing the course, the child will be able to:

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

Memory training exercises

The following exercises for developing the memory of older preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults, and the elderly can be done at any time. With their help, both children and teenagers can develop memory, because... they are interesting and exciting.

Long words

The first exercise to strengthen short-term memory is the long word technique. Choose a long word. For training adults, it can be imagined in the mind; for children, it can be written on paper. Try to form other words from the letters of this word.

For example, the word “homeless”:

  • house;
  • without;
  • goiter;
  • smoke.

This didactic method trains short-term memory, expanding its abilities. Do the exercise at any time. It's much more complicated than it seems. When you do it, your brain will really “sweat.”

Multiplication and counting in your head

The next task for developing short-term memory is multiplication. Pick a number and multiply it. 2 * 2 = 4 * 2 = 8 * 2 = 16 * 2... Multiply until it becomes difficult for you to calculate the result. The exercise is suitable for adults; defectologists also recommend it for children of middle and high school age.

This is a workout that can be done at any time of the day. For example, while traveling by bus or subway.

Recovering Memories

One of the best methods for developing memory is retrieving memories. The brain has no problems with memorization; it stores all the information it encounters. The problem arises when information should be “brought to the surface” - it simply sinks into the depths of the brain.

When receiving information only passively, memory gradually weakens. So retrieve your memories often. A great way is to remember the past day. When you go to bed, recall the whole day in reverse order. What did you do in the evening? What happened before? Make your way to breakfast, try to remember the smallest details. It will be difficult at first. But gradually the recovery of memories will improve. You will stretch the muscles of your brain and strengthen it.

Do you have free time that you have nothing to occupy? Ask yourself questions aimed at developing memory.

  • What did I have for lunch a week ago?
  • What did I do 2 weeks ago?
  • What did we study at school last Monday?
  • How did I dress for the last party?
  • What socks did I wear 3 days ago?


Retrieval of memories is a good memory development exercise for preschoolers and primary school children. In this case, it is better to use reading. Read a page of a book or part of an article to your child (the adult reads it himself). Answer the questions: what is written there? What is the important idea? Try to describe the content as clearly as possible.

Such memory exercises can be done every evening when reading articles, books, especially those whose contents you want to remember well. When information is restored, it is remembered better, because the brain creates stronger neural connections.

Counting letters

The method is suitable for developing short-term memory. Choose any letter. Count how many there are on the page. You need to focus both on reading and understanding the text, and on counting letters. This method is the oldest and most effective.


Since we live in the 21st century, it is worth mentioning memory development apps. This is the most convenient way. You are busy with your mobile phone, but don't feel guilty about wasting your time. You are training your brain.

  • Lumocity. This application will help develop not only memory, but also other brain functions: concentration, multitasking, counting, etc. The basic version is free.
  • Dual N-back. This is a more complex application. It's not easy to get good at at first, but it really gets your brain going at full speed. The player must focus on the on-screen cues and listen to the letters spoken by the robot. Depending on the level, you should recognize where the signal is coming from.

Exercise 2. Memorizing numbers

In this exercise, different twenty numbers are given, look carefully and remember them. Forty seconds are given to memorize.

2,5 5,75 6,55 9,65 4,21 6,32 8,45 8,2 9,6 7,4 9,4 5,87 4,37 6,4 8,2 9,45 3,65 4,3 2,4 1,76

Now close these numbers and write them in the same order and see what you get. You can then calculate your number memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of numbers that you remember by 20 (the number of numbers that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result in % (this is your percentage of memorization).

How to train long-term memory

To train long-term memory, similar exercises are used, aimed at storing data for a longer time. An effective method is constant repetition of information. Learn poems or special materials for work and study by heart

It doesn’t matter what, the main thing is the process of concentrating on what you are learning. For better assimilation, speak the information out loud and in your head.

Here are some exercises that will help you develop your long-term memory:

  • Make a wish for an object that you see several times a day and try to visualize it - remember its quality properties, appearance. Make the description as accurate as possible.
  • Make a list of things to do for the day on paper in random order. Remember it, and during the day, without resorting to writing, organize these tasks in a sequence that is productive for you.
  • Choose the picture that you like best. Describe what you see on it. The next day, in addition to remembering the previous description, you must supplement it with new characteristics. Do the same the next day. When you realize that you have run out of ideas for describing the painting, move on to a new one.

Exercises for intelligence

The question of how to develop memory and thinking in adults is more acute, since professional activity and responsibility leave their mark on the way of life. With age, life becomes more monotonous tasks and routine activities, which has a negative impact on the state of intellectual abilities. Psychologists are working on the question: how to develop memory in an adult. Exercises, special tables, applications and games are created specifically to improve a person’s mnemonic abilities.

Visual memory training using the Aivazovsky method

The method is named after the famous artist because the sea waves he depicts are realistic. The water, which is in constant agitation, cannot be forced to pose, so the name of the marine painter serves as a symbol of excellent visual memory.


  1. You need to carefully examine the image, part of the landscape or setting.
  2. Close eyes.
  3. Try to mentally reproduce the image in all details.

Exercise with matches

The method is similar to the previous one, but ordinary matches are used as the material. You need to throw five pieces on the table and try to remember their location within 15 seconds. Turning away, you should place the other five matches in exact accordance with those that were thrown. If the task is completed without difficulty, the number of items increases. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, you can slightly increase the time for memorization.

Schulte tables

Schulte tables are numbers arranged in a chaotic order . The exercise requires you to find everything in arithmetic sequence. This promotes the development of attention and observation, which has a positive effect on memory capabilities. The method is useful to use to increase reading speed.

While searching for the required number, the mind fixes an area of ​​several cells. Therefore, finding the next ones becomes easier, and the memory load improves mnemonic skills. You can print the tables or use special online exercises.

Causes of poor memory

As people age, their ability to remember deteriorates and they become distracted. A person needs to keep too much information in his head, which is why he sometimes forgets the most obvious facts.

But it's not only that. The older a person gets, the worse his ability to reason sensibly becomes. The causes of poor memory in adults are hidden both in age-related changes and in poor lifestyle, stress, poor sleep and much more. There are fewer nerve cells, and at the same time it is increasingly difficult for a person to delve into something new.

Poor memory in an adult can be a consequence of certain diseases. It is noted that the ability to memorize, as well as thinking, is adversely affected by:

  • high pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • completeness.

Sometimes memory impairment can be a consequence of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Exercise 4. Name the word

In this exercise, you need to name a word and find three definitions for this word, or do the opposite - say any three definitions and choose a word for it.

For example: Cat - soft, fluffy, gray Dog - ? Rocket - ? Museum - ? Cinema hall - ? Black, edible, soft - bread Green, prickly, beautiful - ? Blue, affectionate, warm - ?

Using these definitions, name all the animals in order.

Try to come up with ten words and ten definitions yourself.

Exercises for memory development

We bring to your attention games aimed at developing types of memory according to the classification of P.P. Blonsky.

Motor memory

Repeat the movement.

Invite your child to play a game. You show a movement (or sequence of movements) - the child needs to reproduce it. As you master it, complicate the movements, add new ones, and you can learn the dance.

Draw and remember.

Prepare a piece of paper, a simple pencil and a set of ten simple words familiar to the child. For example: house, picture, dog, holiday, walk, lunch, glasses, friendship, playground, joy. Instructions: “Now I will tell you words, and you quickly sketch them on a piece of paper so that you can remember them later. Your drawing should help you in the end. You will look at him and you will be able to name all the words that I say. Try to work quickly, do not spend a lot of time on the quality of the drawing. The main thing is that it should help you remember. Are you ready? Begin". Pronounce the words clearly and loudly so that the child can hear. Give time to make a small drawing and move on to the next word.

The younger the child, the fewer words should be used. Try to start with a number of words equal to the child's age. If the child copes with it easily, feel free to add more words.

Emotional memory

Thanks to positive emotions, the ability to remember information improves

Therefore, it is very important when communicating with a child: to encourage, share these emotions with him, live through the situation, be there and be ready to accept that the child also experiences emotions

To develop emotional memory, excellent exercise options would be:

  • Playing scenes using a glove theater
  • Learning songs with dramatization
  • Reading and Memorizing Poems
  • Psycho-gymnastics
  • Mimic gymnastics and pantomime

How to remember quickly and easily

In order for the assimilation of information to occur faster and be delayed for a long time, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of perception to the maximum. Visual images, speaking and practical exercises that are directly related to the material being studied help to engage long-term memory and firmly memorize the necessary data. An integrated approach ensures the coordinated work of several mental mechanisms, which facilitates understanding and memorization.

Quick memorization methods:

  1. Rhyming and playing music. Information is remembered more easily if it is supported by a motive or consonance.
  2. Emotional anchor. To use this technique, you need to come up with a funny scene or phrase related to the data. What makes you smile is better remembered.
  3. Associative series. A complex formula can be represented in the form of an object that resembles the outline of letters; for numbers, parallels can be drawn with similar things.
  4. Logical bindings. This method appeals to facts already known to the individual and requires finding the relationship of new information with existing information.
  5. Embodiment. The necessary information can be sketched, depicted schematically, or an installation can be made from available items.
  6. Cicero's method. This method suggests presenting data in a familiar environment, for example, in your own room. Attachment to a familiar arrangement of things creates powerful associative connections.
  7. Education. Using notes or textbooks, you should try to explain the material to someone you know. The process reinforces a deep understanding of the subject and forms new logical connections in the mind.

The use of mnemonic techniques affects not only the results for current tasks. Such activities are also good exercises for adults' memory and attention.

Memory processes

Memory in psychology is a form of mental reflection that involves remembering, preserving and reproducing acquired experience in the future. It is one of the features of the human psyche, a feature of his individuality, because everyone’s memories are unique. Loss of memory (amnesia) means loss of one's own self.

Today, there are various ways to develop memory, but the effectiveness of the methods depends on the availability of basic knowledge about the types and patterns of its basic processes.

There are four main processes:

Memorization is the basis of memory. In moments of high emotional stress, a state of imprinting—instant memorization—occurs. For example, a person remembers how, as a child, forty years ago, on New Year’s Day, he found a toy under the tree that he really dreamed about. A surge of positive emotions made it possible to capture a picture from the past with photographic accuracy for life.

Memorization can be involuntary and voluntary (occurs with the intention of retaining information).

Preservation, from a psychological point of view, is described not only by the amount of forgotten/saved material. There is a proven relationship between the preservation and installation of personality (learn for the exam), the conditions of memorization, and the nature of subsequent information.

  • Forgetting is manifested by individual errors in recall and a complete inability to recognize what was perceived in the past.
  • Reproduction is the process of retrieving previously stored information from memory. It can be involuntary, when an image appears without a person’s desire. Recognition is voluntary reproduction, which is based on establishing similarities between the perceived image and the one stored in memory. Recall is the next stage of reproduction, requiring some effort from the individual to recreate the necessary information.

Relying on similar ideas and images is the best aid to recall.

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