Post-withdrawal syndrome in persons suffering from alcohol dependence

Withdrawal syndrome is a sharp deterioration in well-being that occurs with alcoholism and requires treatment in a clinic or at home. Experts are not against traditional methods, but they warn that they can replace medications with mild withdrawal symptoms. If the alcoholic’s condition is serious, it is necessary to call an ambulance - in the absence of timely medical treatment, there is a high risk of death due to cardiac arrest, hepatic, pancreatic coma.

Alcohol addiction

Why do so many people suffer from alcohol addiction, because they see the dangers of drinking alcohol?

You will be surprised, but many people are still convinced that alcoholics are some special people with flaws in their health and psyche. These same citizens are convinced that such a problem will never affect them personally, because they are normal and healthy, and they drink exclusively “like everyone else.”

This belief is confirmed by society's very tolerant attitude towards alcohol. Alcohol is sold in almost any grocery store, and while cigarettes are hidden in special cabinets, bottles and cans of alcohol are presented in all their glory in the most advantageous places in supermarkets. However, even if the alcohol was in the far corner, buyers would have found it. Every restriction on the sale of alcoholic beverages causes a lot of dissatisfaction among the majority of “healthy” people and is perceived as an encroachment on a sacred place. Strange, isn't it?

Alcoholism is excessive, uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. Addiction subjugates a person’s life and puts alcohol in first place.

Development of psychological dependence

The disease develops unnoticed; often those around them realize that a person has become an alcoholic already when he has turned into a binge drunkard. Alcohol addiction develops rather slowly compared to drug addiction, and slow, minor changes do not attract attention.

There is another reason for the “sudden” transformation of a healthy person into an alcoholic. Generally accepted standards for drinking alcohol are quite capable of causing the development of alcohol dependence. Therefore, an alcoholic, already sick, finds quite decent reasons to drink. And this is quite enough to form a stable psychological and physical attachment to use.

The psyche of a person who is predisposed to the development of chemical, in particular alcohol, dependence easily finds advantages in drinking alcohol. This helps to relieve tension, feel more free in communication, get euphoria, and forget about problems. The consumption of alcoholic beverages becomes constant, and the patient develops withdrawal syndrome. This completes the first stage of the disease, and binge drinking begins.

Physical dependence in alcoholism

The reason for such an unpleasant situation as binge drinking is the occurrence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome occurs because ethyl alcohol has become part of the body's metabolic processes, so the body reacts to its absence with painful symptoms.

This condition occurs in the second stage of alcohol dependence. Even mild withdrawal symptoms are quite capable of making an alcoholic drink again and again. As the disease progresses, the intensity of the manifestation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome increases; each time it becomes more and more difficult for the drunkard to resist the desire to take a new dose. Therefore, binge drinking, if alcoholism is not treated, becomes longer and longer.

What to do if you develop dry drinking syndrome

If symptoms of PAS occur, the following recommendations may help:

  1. Stabilization of the condition by eliminating all possible stress factors.
  2. Connect with people who can provide emotional support.
  3. Temporary refusal to make plans for the future.
  4. Health activities.

It is advisable to consult with specialists in the field of alcohol addiction treatment. Pay special attention to performing the exercises prescribed by the doctor at the drug treatment center.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

It is the totality of physical and psychological manifestations that an alcoholic experiences when reducing the dose or giving up drinking altogether that is called withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism.

Just imagine what happens to a person who, under the influence of withdrawal symptoms, drinks for several weeks in a row and cannot stop. During this period, the patient definitely needs outside help; he is not able to solve the problem himself. It is pointless to wait for the binge to end; it is necessary to call a narcologist and relieve withdrawal symptoms.

Drunken state

The binge drinking state lasts from several days to several weeks. Its development is due to the fact that an alcoholic suffers from withdrawal symptoms, which the sick person relieves by taking the next dose. This method really helps relieve painful symptoms, but not for long; after 5-6 hours, withdrawal symptoms appear again.

The drunken state is critical; during this period the body receives powerful intoxications that last for many days. That is why withdrawal from binge drinking is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a narcologist, with the help of drug treatment. This is not just a matter of eliminating withdrawal symptoms, although this is extremely important; an abruptly interrupted long-term binge can lead to acute conditions and irreversible changes in internal organs. When alcoholics suddenly stop drinking, they experience strokes, heart attacks, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Signs of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism

As we noted above, withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism can be of varying intensity. During withdrawal, headaches, sudden changes in blood pressure, disturbances in the body's thermoregulation, depressive moods and a strong desire to drink are always observed.

However, at different stages of alcohol dependence or during periods of binges of varying duration, withdrawal symptoms may have different intensities:

  • Uncomplicated alcohol withdrawal. There is a trembling of the tongue and an eye tic. The pulse quickens, attacks of vomiting occur.
  • The convulsive state of alcohol withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by convulsions in the form of seizures. Sometimes they acquire an epileptic character, and this can also occur in those people who do not suffer from epilepsy.
  • Withdrawal syndrome with disturbances of consciousness includes all the previous symptoms, but the patient also experiences mental abnormalities: confusion, hallucinations, delusions.

Traditional (home) methods for treating alcohol withdrawal

If a person is not a binge alcoholic, but at the same time understands that he wants to cope with the craving for alcohol, then you can try to save the situation with herbs

If a person is not a binge alcoholic, but at the same time understands that he wants to cope with the craving for alcohol, then you can try to save the situation with herbs. There are the following recipes to combat hangovers and alcohol cravings:

  • St. John's wort infusion. To do this, pour two tablespoons of the herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave until it cools completely. The infusion is taken in the morning and before bedtime, 50 ml until the condition completely improves.
  • Infusion of hop cones. Here you also need to pour a glass of boiling water over a dessert spoon of pine cones and let it sit for an hour. Drink 50 grams of infusion. before bedtime until symptoms of hangover and cravings for alcohol are relieved.
  • Anise seed infusion. Here the seeds (1 teaspoon) are poured with boiling water and left to cool. Drink in the same way as the previous infusions, 50 grams each. before bedtime.

Important: in complex cases of advanced alcoholism, herbs will not help cope with withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal from binge drinking

Detoxification actually consists of several processes:

  • Relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
  • Relief of withdrawal symptoms, relief of pain and various dysfunctions of the body.
  • Detoxification.
  • General strengthening therapy.
  • Restoring the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems of the body.
  • Treatment of exacerbations of concomitant diseases.

Treatment of binge drinking for alcohol dependence is carried out using classical infusion therapy, that is, droppers for binge drinking. And also, if necessary, hardware methods of detoxification and therapy are used.


Withdrawal syndrome occurs due to a sudden cessation of the entry of a psychoactive substance into the body. There is a direct dependence of the occurrence of the disorder on the time of use, gender and age group of the person. Thus, in adolescents it develops on average two years after the first use of alcohol. In females, this disorder occurs after three years of regular use.

The main reason for the expression of the disease is the restructuring of all organs and tissues under prolonged exposure to a particular substance. They get used to functioning with the constant presence in the blood of a large amount of breakdown products of alcohol, drugs or smoking.

For the same reason, this syndrome is observed in newborn babies or breastfed children. This is due to the fact that the woman consumed alcohol, nicotine and drugs during the period of bearing a child or breastfeeding, even if this happened in small quantities.

How to relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome?

The basic composition of saline solution-based droppers includes glucose, vitamin complexes, sedatives, and anticonvulsants. The narcologist normalizes the patient’s vital signs, relieves painful manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, and carries out medicinal cleansing of the body.

Detoxification is the main component of treatment for withdrawal symptoms. After all, it is the toxins of ethyl alcohol that produce a negative effect on the human condition and lead to withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism.

When is it necessary to contact a narcologist?

If you can try to relieve uncomplicated withdrawal syndrome yourself at home, then with seizures, and even more so with mental disorders, the help of a narcologist is necessary.

However, the help of a doctor will never hurt, because a lay person is not always able to objectively assess the danger of the patient’s condition. In this case, it is better to play it safe, and if a binge has begun, then immediately call a narcologist at home and relieve withdrawal symptoms. This way you will avoid long-term binge drinking and senseless burning of the body’s resources.

Treating withdrawal symptoms at home

If the patient’s condition is not acute, then a narcologist can relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome at home.

Now almost all specialized clinics and centers offer at-home detoxification services, as well as emergency sobering up, withdrawal syndrome relief services and subsequent coding.

If you go to a reliable drug treatment clinic at home, today you can get good quality treatment for drunkenness. The narcologist brings with him all the necessary equipment and medications. Usually, after the procedure, the doctor leaves the pills for a few more days.

Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the clinic

Treatment of binge drinking and withdrawal syndrome in a hospital hospital provides more opportunities for detoxification and therapy, because here the narcologist has access to hardware.

In the clinic there is less risk that the patient will be able to obtain alcoholic beverages, which is not excluded at home. As well as round-the-clock supervision by doctors, it is possible to provide urgent assistance to the patient if the need arises. In addition, the hospital has intensive care and resuscitation facilities, which is critically important in cases of complicated alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Stages and symptoms

The syndrome is characterized by a complex of manifestations that have different variations and severity, but the following options are distinguished:

  1. Vegeto-asthenic disorder occurs in beginning alcoholics. It is expressed in weakness, decreased emotional mood, sweating, dry mouth and increased pulse. Ethanol taken completely blocks unpleasant symptoms.
  2. The neurological stage with somatic disorders manifests itself in vomiting and nausea, hand trembling. Feeling slightly better after a dose of alcohol. Occurs as a result of long-term heavy drinking.
  3. Mental disorder is expressed in mood instability, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, nightmares and sleep disturbances. There is a persistent thirst for alcohol. Occurs when drinking daily for a month or more. After receiving ethanol, the patient feels better, but it is inadequate.

Any of the following symptoms may also be present:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Pain in the neck and head;
  • General malaise;
  • Excited nervous system, unstable emotional state;
  • Eyelid twitching, tongue tremor;
  • Aggression, anger;
  • Epilepsy seizures;
  • Delirium tremens or delirium tremens scientifically;
  • Depression of respiratory function;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Panic attack, fear;
  • Guilt.

Attention! What symptoms the patient experiences, the combination and severity will help the doctor determine the stage of alcoholism in order to correctly prescribe treatment.

Stages of development of alcohol dependence

Like any drug addiction, alcohol addiction goes through several stages of disease development. Naturally, the sooner you turn to specialists, the less lengthy and expensive treatment an alcohol addict needs.

Classic description of the stages of alcoholism

  1. At the first stage, psychological dependence on alcohol is formed. Alcohol is consumed more and more often, gradually becoming the center of life and the main topic of communication. During this period, there are no drinking bouts yet, and the patient usually maintains his social status, but gradually the social circle is replaced by the same drinkers.
  2. Binge drinking stage. The patient has a fully formed physical dependence, so even after a small dose of alcohol, drinking develops into binge drinking. Usually at this stage the alcoholic loses his job and becomes antisocial. The circle of friends narrows to the same sick people, and the only purpose in life becomes drinking. Chronic concomitant diseases appear. Binges gradually become more intense and longer.
  3. The stage of complete personality degradation. Drinking becomes continuous, stopping only if there is nothing to drink, or the condition is so severe that the patient cannot do it. If an alcoholic does not die from acute alcohol poisoning, an accident or complications from withdrawal syndrome, then he dies from the fact that all his internal organs gradually fail, completely destroyed by the poisons of alcohol.

Bechtel classification

In addition to the classical classification of the stages of alcoholism in Russia, another one was compiled. Its author is psychiatrist Eduard Evgenievich Bechtel. It characterizes the types of patients:

  • People who drink 2-3 times a year no more than 200 ml at a time.
  • People who drink casually several times a month, no more than 200 ml at a time.
  • Drink in moderation. They usually drink it every week on weekends, and the amount they drink reaches 400 ml at a time. These people already have a psychological craving for alcohol.
  • People who drink regularly. They find a reason 4 times a week and drink up to 300 ml each time.
  • People who drink habitually. They can drink even less often than regular drunks, up to 2 times a week, but they already drink up to 600 ml at a time.

Psychological craving for alcohol

The development of the disease alcoholism begins with the formation of a psychological craving for alcohol. At first, a person begins to drink alcohol every now and then, simply drinking “like everyone else.” But for some reason, very soon he begins to drink much more than the people around him. Why is this happening?

The fact is that many people have an internal psychological predisposition to developing addiction. These people have certain characteristics: complexes, fears, unproductive attitudes, and so on. As a result of these mental traits, a person cannot act successfully or build harmonious relationships with others. This upsets the person; he seeks consolation or a solution to his problems by drinking alcohol. His psyche is comfortable in this state, it gets used to it. This is how psychological dependence on alcohol is born.

Relief of withdrawal syndrome in

No matter what stage the disease is at, alcoholism always requires serious comprehensive treatment. Only this approach can guarantee recovery from addiction and stable remission.

You can contact us at any stage of the disease. Our specialists will conduct high-quality diagnostics and prescribe the necessary and effective treatment appropriate to your medical history. From us you can order a motivation service, it’s called intervention, as well as choose a complete program for getting rid of alcohol addiction. It will include detoxification, rehabilitation and socialization. In addition to alcohol addicts, we provide help and support to family members of the patient.

You can get emergency drug treatment services: withdrawal from binge drinking, relief of abstinence, rapid sobering up. Our specialists provide them at home and in the hospital at a high level.

We sincerely recommend that you seek help in treating alcoholism today, because while you hesitate, the disease progresses, and the patient risks his health and life.

You can call our hotline number 24 hours a day, the call is free even from a mobile phone. In addition, you can order a call from our consultant: fill out any feedback form on the website page, and we will call you back.

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