Withdrawal syndrome in drug addiction


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Heroin is highly addictive to the body. Drug withdrawal begins as soon as a person does not receive the next dose of the drug. Every addict is afraid of this serious condition even more than an overdose.

  • Heroin withdrawal syndrome
  • What it is
  • How does heroin withdrawal work?
  • When does it start
  • Symptoms of withdrawal in a drug addict
  • How does a drug addict feel?
  • How do the first signs appear?
  • How long does heroin withdrawal last?
  • Withdrawal from a drug addict - video
  • Coming off heroin
  • How to survive withdrawal from heroin addiction
  • What to do during an acute period
  • Relieving heroin withdrawal
  • How to help at home
  • Relieve the condition with medications
  • Relieve withdrawal from heroin in a hospital

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Heroin withdrawal syndrome

The drug acts on special parts of the brain responsible for the production of so-called “joy hormones”. Because of this, a person feels euphoria, a buzz, he is incredibly sociable and cheerful. As soon as the effect of the substance wears off, the mood is replaced by apathy, depression and indifference.

What it is

Why does withdrawal occur? Any narcotic drug completely restructures the functioning of all internal organs. After the dose is not received, the brain begins to require it to continue the functioning of the systems.

Heroin withdrawal syndrome is one of the most painful and long-lasting. The name “withdrawal” appeared for a reason - a person has the feeling that his body is being passed through a meat grinder.


How does heroin withdrawal work?

Symptoms of heroin withdrawal are:

  • During the day after the last use of the drug, slight nervousness, panic, lack of appetite and sleep are felt. For now it’s possible to endure this.
  • After 2 days, a person feels the same as with a cold - his eyes are watery, his nose is stuffy, and a cough may appear. In this case, there is chills and increased sweating.
  • After 3 days, the drug addict’s condition begins to resemble food poisoning - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hand tremors and headache.
  • 4 days after taking heroin - pain throughout the body, panic attacks, hallucinations, skin turns gray. At this stage, many drug addicts commit suicide.

The withdrawal state also becomes a reason for committing a crime - robbing or killing another person.

When does it start

Withdrawal syndrome begins to appear within 7-15 hours after the last drug intake. It is impossible to indicate an exact period - it all depends on how long and often the addict has been using heroin.

What are the somatic signs?

It is necessary to take into account: the longer a person suffers from drug addiction, the more difficult it will be to bring him out of the withdrawal state. In any case, relieving drug withdrawal is the prerogative of competent narcologists. Assistance with drug withdrawal should be provided only in an inpatient department, where all the equipment and an arsenal of medications to relieve withdrawal are available. It is impossible to relieve drug withdrawal at home.

General principles of drug withdrawal include the following activities:

  • reducing the absorption of the substance consumed by gastric lavage;
  • detoxification of the body to accelerate the elimination of toxic substances by taking diuretics and laxatives, using sorbents;
  • antidote therapy aimed at blocking certain receptors;
  • restoration of electrolyte balance in the body;
  • sedation with the use of antipsychotics to eliminate mental disorders.

Relieving drug withdrawal is the first step towards freedom from addiction. After measures to eliminate withdrawal symptoms, doctors carry out drug treatment to eliminate physical dependence and psychotherapeutic work to eliminate mental craving for the drug.

For complete treatment of drug addiction and recovery from drug addiction, mandatory social rehabilitation is necessary. Thanks to rehabilitation activities, a former drug addict acquires useful skills and habits and becomes ready for full interaction with other members of society.

Pathological changes in the body develop during drug withdrawal. They occur when a person uses drugs for a long period of time. In turn, these substances are integrated into metabolic processes. They affect the functioning of all systems and internal organs of the human body.

What are the causes of withdrawal? The occurrence of this process lies in the above-mentioned actions of the drug. But the main source of the problem is that the drug affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Subsequently, it controls the transmission of brain impulses.

Withdrawal symptoms vary in severity and intensity. Let's look at the main signs of withdrawal in drug addicts, which are identified by experts. These include fever, headaches, nausea and sudden mood changes. The patient also experiences discomfort in the muscles and bones.

Typical symptoms of this type include pain in the joints and muscles. Abstinence is initially preceded by initial somatic symptoms. The drug addict experiences dilated pupils, sneezing and yawning.

Then the previously mentioned symptom joins in. A person experiences unbearable pain when his muscles are cramped with excruciating cramps. Afterwards, the patient’s condition begins to deteriorate sharply and signs such as a sharp increase in blood pressure, vomiting and chills, aches throughout the body, increased sweating and problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear. The latter most often manifests itself in the form of diarrhea.

If during withdrawal the addict takes another dose, this condition will disappear, but not completely. In this case, you must seek help from qualified doctors.

It is impossible to treat withdrawal symptoms at home on your own. It is in a specialized hospital that the effects of abstinence are relieved. Drug addiction absolutely requires treatment. Withdrawal treatment is carried out by narcologists. To do this, they administer special medications. So, to improve heart function, “Caffeine” is prescribed.

The patient is prescribed general strengthening medications, such as Unitol. For certain types of drugs, antidotes are used. If the patient has used methadone and opioids, he undergoes accelerated detoxification under general anesthesia. Unfortunately, this therapy cannot provide treatment for addiction. This remains the main problem today.

Withdrawal or withdrawal syndrome is a condition in which a drug addict experiences a desire to immediately receive another dose of a drug. Caused by drug withdrawal or dosage reduction.

Withdrawal syndrome appears due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Drugs replace neurotransmitters, which are responsible for the timely delivery of nerve impulses. As a result, the body stops their production.

Without neurotransmitters, the connection between the brain and the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and internal organs is lost. Without regular drug use, this relationship breaks down and the human body becomes a collection of cells rather than a complete mechanism. This is what causes drug withdrawal.

Although different drugs have different effects, most symptoms are similar. It all starts with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and continues with problems with internal organs.

Symptoms of drug withdrawal initially manifest themselves as disturbances on the emotional level. The addict feels anxious and afraid. This causes insomnia. From lack of sleep, a person becomes irritated, he is dissatisfied with everything. Bouts of aggression may occur.

Then the drug addict becomes restless. Can't eat or sleep normally. Communication with others is reduced to a minimum or completely stopped. He is unable to concentrate his attention on anything other than the desire to get the dose. The result is poor health, mental disorders and social isolation. Such withdrawal symptoms are also called psychopathological.

According to research by narcologists, withdrawal symptoms initially resemble a common cold. The temperature rises, a runny nose and slight chills appear. The patient's pupils dilate, sneezing and yawning occur. Subsequent withdrawal symptoms:

  • increased sweating,
  • low or excessively high blood pressure,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • labored breathing,
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, etc.

The patient stays in bed for a long time and does not want to do anything. Because of the chills, he is constantly trying to warm up, which only makes it worse. Body temperature changes quickly, and it is difficult for the body to tolerate sudden changes from heat to chills. Some drug addicts constantly want to sleep, others cannot sleep.

Severe problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract begin. The result is manifestations of diarrhea, which further weakens the body. It takes away the ability to resist pain in muscles and joints. The drug addict experiences terrible sensations due to seizures.

Increased salivation may begin. And also the stool is disturbed. Arrhythmia and tachycardia develop. The first signs of mental disorders appear, which can develop into phobias.

The composition of the drugs is different, so the manifestations are different. The symptoms are similar, but upon closer examination it is easy to find the differences.

Signs of drug withdrawal when exposed to various drugs:

  • marijuana – depressive state, perception of the world as something disgusting and terrible, reluctance to do anything,
  • antidepressants – the highest degree of depression, physical torment, indifference to life,
  • cigarettes – irritation, obsessive thoughts about cigarettes, bad mood, etc.

The worst consequences occur when using synthetic drugs. Today there are more than 30 species. They are psychotropic, and therefore cause long-term and severe torment, which is accompanied by clouding of the mind.

This is a condition in which the components of drugs become an integral part of the human body. After taking a dose, the addict experiences euphoria, but this period does not last long. It is replaced by a serious condition. Moreover, addiction in drug addicts is much stronger than in alcoholics. Withdrawal syndrome is popularly called withdrawal symptoms.

Pathological changes in the body do not occur immediately. Dependence begins to form three to four weeks after starting drug use. They have a detrimental effect on all internal human organs.

The brain is the first to be affected by the effects of drugs. They cause the same changes as schizophrenia. Nerve cells in the brain begin to die. This leads to a decrease in intellectual abilities.

Not all drugs can cause severe physical dependence. But there are certain symptoms that are characteristic of any type of drug. Often the first symptoms can be confused with the flu. A person appears:

  • general weakness throughout the body;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness.

All signs can be divided into two types: somatovegetative and psychopathological. They are described in more detail below.


Sneezing and dilated pupils are signs of such withdrawal symptoms. And the most characteristic symptoms are pain in the joints and muscles.

A person experiences convulsions, due to which he experiences severe pain throughout the body. To this condition is added:

  1. Increased blood pressure.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Nausea, abdominal pain.
  4. Profuse salivation.

A person's digestion is disrupted. This is accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


The most dangerous symptoms are considered psychopathological. A person begins to be disturbed by a feeling of anxiety, restlessness. He may exhibit unpredictable behavior and show outbursts of rage and anger.

The patient is tormented by hallucinations and terrible dreams. Often aggression towards others is caused by the fact that he sees terrible demons in them. Subconsciously he is trying to escape from them. The danger is that during the withdrawal period a person may completely lose control over his consciousness. Because of this, he is capable of harming his family members, perceiving them as a threat.

The patient experiences ease in feeling his body, but at the same time his coordination of movements is seriously impaired. Therefore, the steps become awkward and angular.

Symptoms of withdrawal in a drug addict

In addition to physiological symptoms, a person may also exhibit psychological ones - lack of sleep, obsessive thoughts about death or surveillance, as well as hysterical behavior. Insomnia can lead to a stroke or heart attack, since the body wears out 2 times faster.

How does a drug addict feel?

Only those who have experienced this state can understand how a drug addict breaks down. Even those who are in remission remember with horror the pain of quitting drugs. Many deaths occur precisely under the influence of withdrawal syndrome, as a result of a malfunction of the heart, kidneys or lungs, or suicide.

How do the first signs appear?

The very first “bells” about approaching withdrawal are nervousness, hysteria, the addict becomes twitchy. The pulse may begin to falter, and periodic spasms may be felt in the muscles. At the same time, the skin itching intensifies, the secretion of sweat with an unpleasant pungent odor increases.

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How do drugs affect the brain?

  • Painful and debilitating symptoms may last for several weeks or, with high doses, for several months.
  • Almost no one has been able to complete methadone withdrawal on their own; medical assistance is required.

First, these drugs interfere with metabolism, and then completely replace neurotransmitters. The latter are responsible for receiving and sending nerve impulses. As a result, the body loses the ability to produce neurotransmitters necessary for life.

In the brain, the drug causes the same changes as in a schizophrenic. That is, someone who is addicted to this drug becomes stupid. This occurs due to the death of nerve cells in the brain, which contributes to a decrease in a person’s intellectual abilities.

As a result, without these chemically bioactive compounds, the musculoskeletal system and the relationship between the cells of the internal organs are disrupted. The patient's body is a chaotic collection of cells and nerve impulses.

Coming off heroin

How can you tell if a person is a heroin addict? A drug addict who has not been using for too long often reveals himself during the period of withdrawal or withdrawal. The following signs should alert you:

  • A sharp change in mood, especially if the person was previously quite calm;
  • glassy gaze, dilated or, conversely, constricted pupils that do not respond to light;
  • as soon as the effect of heroin wears off, appetite may disappear, while thirst increases;
  • a complete change in social circle, family and friends begin to irritate, while the addict cannot control his behavior;
  • lethargy and drowsiness.

Have you noticed these signs in a loved one? We need to watch him more closely. Syringes in bags or trash cans, secret calls, suspicious conditions, missing valuables from the house - if drug use is confirmed, immediate action must be taken.

What types of drugs are there?

Drugs are usually classified according to their primary effect.

There are different types of drugs:

  • The first group of drugs are drugs that, in addition to euphoria, cause a sedative (calming) effect. These are drugs of the opiate group (raw opium, often referred to in the jargon of drug addicts as “blackie”), medical narcotic analgesics - morphine, omnopon, promedol; heroin (in the jargon of drug addicts - “white”, “Ger”, “Gerych”, “slow”), methadone.
  • The second group of drugs consists of psychostimulants - cocaine (“coke”, “fast”), crack, amphetamines, incl. pervitin (“screw”), ecstasy, methamphetamines.
  • The third group of drugs are drugs that cause psychosis with impaired consciousness and abundant hallucinations. They are called hallucinogens, or psychedelics. This group includes cannabis (hashish, marijuana - “weed”), LSD, “wee-wee” (PCP). The last two drugs can cause a state in which a person does not control his actions, does not understand where he is and who surrounds him, and experiences frightening visions.

Where is the line between a person who “just” uses drugs and a drug addict?

There is no such boundary. There are people who tried some drugs and did not become drug addicts. If a person had only a one-time use of a drug, which did not lead to the development of addiction, and in subsequent life the drug was no longer taken, then we can talk about the absence of drug addiction. Unfortunately, in our time, especially among the urban population, drugs are very common among teenagers and there are more and more people who have tried drugs every year.

A drug addict is a person who has used a drug and has developed a drug addiction.

How to survive withdrawal from heroin addiction

What helps with withdrawal symptoms? Heroin is one of the hardest drugs, and withdrawal symptoms during its withdrawal are a terrible combination of physical pain and mental disorders. Today, narcologists offer a number of procedures that will help overcome withdrawal symptoms.


One of them is UROD (ultra-rapid opioid detoxification). This is the cleansing of special receptors in the brain from drug residues and its breakdown products. It is performed under general anesthesia. UBOL does not replace detoxification of the body.

What to do during an acute period

The acute phase of withdrawal occurs approximately 3-4 days after the last dose of heroin. In some cases, a person loses consciousness and breathing becomes difficult. The only correct decision at this moment is to call an ambulance and turn the drug addict on his side until the brigade arrives. This must be done so that he does not choke on vomit.

It is unacceptable to use sedatives, give teas or herbal decoctions. The effect of traditional medicine in such a situation is unpredictable. You can’t leave a person alone - he can attempt suicide at any moment.

What is drug withdrawal?

Another name for withdrawal syndrome is characteristic of any chemical dependence, including alcohol. This is a complex of symptoms - somatic, psychological, physiological - that accompanies drug withdrawal or a sharp decrease in its amount. Occurs in drug addicts who have moved to stage III (physical dependence).

The duration of drug withdrawal syndrome depends on the drug taken and the duration of “sitting” on it. The most severe and prolonged withdrawal syndrome is observed with the use of heavy psychoactive substances - heroin, crack, methadone, methamphetamine, cocaine, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, gamma-hydroxybutyrate. On the habituation scale (0-3) these indicators are 2.89; 2.82; 2.68; 2.24; 2.13; 1.95; 1.89; 1.71 respectively. The group of hard drugs also includes smoking mixtures sold under the name “spice” and “salts”.

Relieving heroin withdrawal

The physiological mechanism of heroin withdrawal is such that it is not enough to relieve withdrawal symptoms alone. It is important to help the brain receptors get rid of drug residues and its breakdown products. Therefore, in difficult cases, UBOD is carried out, and only after that - droppers. They cleanse the body, and the doctor may also prescribe a sedative to normalize sleep and the mental state of the drug addict. The infusion solution and the number of procedures are prescribed strictly individually, depending on the severity of the patient.

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How to help at home

Theoretically, if a person has been using heroin for less than two months, it is possible to go through withdrawal on their own, while at home. In reality, there are practically no such cases - already at the second stage of withdrawal syndrome, the addict cannot withstand this state and administers a new dose. Another option is that the relatives themselves, unable to watch their loved one suffer, give him the drug.

Searching the Internet for recipes to overcome withdrawal symptoms is not only useless, but also harmful. For example, herbal infusions can cause bleeding or an allergic reaction, since the body is already weakened by taking the drug. Many people confuse heroin withdrawal with a hangover - in the first case, the condition cannot be alleviated with chicken broth or orange juice. All drug addicts describe withdrawal with one succinct word - “hell.”

Therefore, the best help is to call a narcologist or place the person in a clinic. It is worth noting right away that it is preferable to treat drug addiction in a hospital. It will be easier for the doctor to monitor the patient’s condition and prevent a sad outcome. An addicted person, even after withdrawal symptoms have been relieved, may behave inappropriately.


Relieve the condition with medications

You should not give medication to a drug addict yourself. There is a misconception that withdrawal symptoms can be relieved with strong sedatives or sleeping pills. All that such pills can do in this situation is to help a person get hooked on them instead of heroin.

After completing the detoxification course, the doctor will select medications to normalize the psyche and sleep. Drugs that restore the liver may also be needed. The program for relieving withdrawal symptoms and further treatment is always individual.


How does drug addiction develop?

A single use of the drug does not cause addiction.
Dependence appears after 3-5 injections or intranasal use of heroin, 10-15 injections of morphine, 30 doses of codeine. On average, the episodic drug administration stage lasts 2-3 months. If drug use becomes regular from the very beginning, then the period of drug addiction is reduced to 1-2 weeks. Drug addiction also has its stages.

  • First stage. The regularity of anesthesia is the beginning of the first stage of the disease. Superficial sleep, suppressed appetite, decreased amount of urine, constipation. Doses are gradually increasing. The absence of the drug manifests itself after 1-2 days, mainly in the form of mental disorders. The duration of the first stage when taken by injection is from 2 to 4 months, when taking codeine - up to six months, when ingesting poppy straw - up to several years.
  • Second stage. Tolerance increased sharply (100-300 times). The physiological effect of the drug changes - constipation disappears, a cough appears during colds, sleep is restored, and pupil constriction persists. Behavior becomes lethargic and passive. Signs of physical dependence appear.
  • Third stage. Most drug addicts do not survive to this stage. In the third stage, not only the major drug addiction syndrome is expressed, but also the consequences of chronic intoxication. In the foreground is physical dependence. Tolerance drops to 1/3 of the previous dose. The effect of the drug is exclusively stimulating, there is practically no euphoria. A dose of 1/8 to 1/10 of a constant dose is required to achieve physical comfort. Outside of intoxication, there may be no ability to move. Withdrawal syndrome is less pronounced, but occurs sooner, and its duration reaches 5-6 weeks.

Patients of the third stage seek medical help because they cannot get the required amount of the drug and suffer from prolonged manifestations of withdrawal syndrome. Sometimes they try to give up the drug on their own, trying to replace it with alcohol, tranquilizers, barbiturates, but this, as a rule, does not lead to success. Sometimes there is a transformation of one drug addiction into another or the formation of polydrug addiction.

Treatment prices:

ServicePrice, rub)
Types of therapies
Standard detoxification therapy3 500 ₽
Double Detox Therapy6 000 ₽
Enhanced Detoxification Therapy7 500 ₽
Maximum detoxification therapy9 500 ₽
Quick sobering up at home7 500 ₽
Hospital at home 1 day22 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
Treatment in hospital
Economy chamber (6 beds)2 000 ₽
Standard room (4 beds)3 000 ₽
Increased comfort (2 seater)5 500 ₽
VIP chamber (1 person)12 500 ₽
Individual post 24/75 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation 21 days140 000 ₽
ServicePrice, rub)
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Coding at home Torpedo7 500 ₽
Express output and encoding (doublet)13 500 ₽
Coding using the Dovzhenko method12 000 ₽
Hypnosis classic session13 000 ₽
Ericksonian hypnosis session (NLP)8 000 ₽
Coding method Torpedo5 500 ₽
Double block8 000 ₽
Esperal injection for 1 year9 900 ₽
Tetlong for 3 months10 500 ₽
Esperal gel for 1 year15 000 ₽
Selincro course of therapy12 500 ₽
Implantation of Disulfiram for 1 year18 000 ₽
Vivitrol injection for 1 month26 000 ₽
Naltrexone stitching for 3 months35 000 ₽
Neuroimplantation Prodetoxon for 6 months47 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy session50 000 ₽
Neutralization of encodingspecify
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Psychotherapy session5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽


The danger of another breakdown remains for life. Therefore, it is important to constantly work with a psychologist. A specialist will help identify internal problems that often lead to drug addiction. In addition, it is necessary to work with the patient’s family - almost 80 percent of drug addicts’ loved ones behave completely incorrectly, aggravating the situation.

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The advantage of treatment in the clinic is that each patient has the opportunity to be accompanied by a doctor after completing the course. This means that a person can call the doctor at any time and find out how to overcome insomnia, drug cravings, nervousness, fear, etc. Family support and a good specialist make up 50 percent of the success of treatment. The remaining 50 is the desire of the addict himself to get rid of the addiction.

Article prepared by an expert

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

psychologist-consultant on socio-psychological work with addicted clients and their families. More than 9 years of experience.

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One comment on “Heroin Withdrawal”

  1. Vania:

    December 9, 2020 at 14:41

    Withdrawal from heroin begins on the third day after the last dose. The condition can last from 5 to 15 days, but it all depends on individual indicators. For some drug addicts, the symptoms subside on the 5th day, and by the eighth day they feel completely healthy. It is necessary to understand how it works and what exactly changes in the body. This drug is based on an opiate, or more precisely, opium alkaloids. The drug belongs to this group


First withdrawal symptoms

At first, withdrawal symptoms are very similar to the state of a person with a cold. Also, the drug addict does not want to communicate with anyone and becomes withdrawn. This condition is accompanied by symptoms such as runny nose and cramps, lethargy, fever and confusion, irritability and excruciating discomfort in the body.

After some time, vomiting is added to them. Then diarrhea begins. This in turn leads to dehydration. The patient notes terrible joint and muscle pain.

As a rule, in this state, patients begin to roll on the floor and hit objects. At this moment they do not experience any pain. Such human behavior can lead to injury. Also added to this is sleep disturbance. He becomes superficial and anxious.

Withdrawal occurs when the addict is deeply depressed. The person stops communicating with family and friends, he is not interested in anything. The nightmares that he dreams continue in real life in the form of hallucinations.

The drug addict mistakes those around him for terrible creatures who bring him this very suffering. At this moment he may commit a crime. The main psychopathic symptoms include hallucinations and increased levels of anxiety, outbursts of rage and aggression that the addict does not control.

As noted above, the patient goes through withdrawal when he is depressed. Thoughts of suicide enter his head. At this time, there is no control over emotions from the brain. In order to escape from this painful state, a drug addict may commit suicide. Also at this time, the patient loses his basic instincts.

Severe complications are also observed in brain activity. A person may develop psychosis, major depression, epilepsy and progressive dementia. This occurs as a result of the destruction of individual parts of the brain. In this case, competent assistance from a specialist is required. Otherwise, the personality will degrade and the aging process will accelerate.

Is it possible to relieve withdrawal symptoms at home?

It is impossible to get rid of severe withdrawal symptoms at home. You can only partially relieve physical and psychological torment if you follow our recommendations:

  1. Create a comfortable environment in your apartment. Maintain an optimal air temperature so that a person does not catch a cold. During withdrawal, he will sweat and his body temperature will increase. Change bedding regularly and give the person fresh clothes.
  2. Do not let the person watch depressing or shocking programs on TV. It's better to watch positive comedies and TV shows to avoid worsening your depression.
  3. Clothing should be loose and comfortable so that it does not restrict movement. It is advisable to prefer clothes made from natural materials.
  4. A balanced diet is required, at least 3-4 times a day in small portions. Preference should be given to light foods with a minimum content of animal fats. It is important to follow a diet so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. The volume of liquid you drink needs to be increased. It is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of clean water per day.

After consulting a doctor, you can use tranquilizers, antidepressants, nootropics. They will help improve brain performance and alleviate suffering. Do not self-medicate so as not to worsen the situation. Only a doctor can help determine the best dosage regimen.

How does abstinence treatment work in a drug treatment center?

Treatment of any type of drug addiction should be carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists who will accompany the patient at all stages of recovery.

We can help you or your loved one. If you notice symptoms of withdrawal and cannot relieve withdrawal symptoms on your own, then you need to do the following:

Contact our consultants by phone

Experts will tell you how you can persuade a drug addict on your own. You can also get psychological counseling and support. If the patient refuses hospitalization, our specialists can come to your home. We will act as intermediaries who will help convince your loved one of the need for treatment. We also help him with transportation to the center.

Collect documents

Certificates confirming the absence of open tuberculosis and transmitted skin and venereal diseases are required.

Also, any document with a personal photograph of the patient is required - passport, driver’s license, etc.

Agree on the cost and features of therapy with your doctor

In the hospital, we will conduct a personal conversation with the patient, and also select an individual treatment regimen and prescribe an examination of the body. To find out about the condition of your loved one in a timely manner, pick up the phone number from our specialist when registering. Stay calm and remember - treatment of any type of addiction, with the right approach, always gives a positive result.

Follow all recommendations of our specialists

Follow the rules required by the program after completing the rehabilitation course.

Attend special support and rehabilitation groups

We provide professional psychological support for relatives and friends of drug addicted patients, and also help eliminate depression and master communication skills when the former drug addict is cured. Call the contact number and come to our center. We are interested in helping you and your family recover and become full-fledged, healthy people again! Addiction treatment in our center gives excellent results.

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