The connection between a stressful situation and the occurrence of excessive sweating

How does stress affect the body?

Stress is characterized by the fact that a person’s blood pressure rises greatly, which has a destructive effect on the body’s performance. A person who often succumbs to stress increases the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as ulcers, diabetes, impotence, and early menopause in females, so you should not worry about every reason.

Stress causes increased production of cortisol, also called the stress hormone. Cortisol stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, causing your palms or armpits to become sweaty.

Sweat glands, their types

There are eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. The first cover the entire surface of the skin of our body. The secretion secreted from the eccrine sweat glands contains water and salt. Sweat ducts serve as a protective mechanism against overheating of the body.

Apocrine glands are concentrated in the armpits, groin and sternum. They consist of protein, lipids and keratinized cells. The secretion of the apocrine glands is sent to the hair follicles. These glands secrete sweat in the presence of a stress factor, emotional tension, or active physical activity.

When the previously listed factors act, vasospasm occurs, resulting in the release of adrenaline.

The sweat glands react to adrenaline, causing the palms, feet, armpits, scalp and forehead to sweat.

The theory of the origin of this process has not been fully explored. Most scientists tend to think that the sweat glands react to the release of adrenaline entering the blood.

In addition, profuse sweating may be associated with changes in the sympathetic nervous system during emotional stress.

Nervous sweating

Nervous sweat accompanies a person at crucial moments in life, when a person is nervous and is overwhelmed by excitement or emotional stress. This makes it difficult to do business, especially for people whose work is directly related to working with people, be it an entrepreneur or a bartender in a club; it is not very pleasant to work with a person whose palms are constantly wet.

A person who sweats a lot arouses suspicion, because it is believed that he has something to hide, and this is what makes him nervous. When you are nervous, excessive sweating occurs in your palms or armpits, and there can be many such situations every day.

The most valuable tip for stopping excessive sweating is to try to calm down.

Another problem that hyperhidrosis causes is the constant smell of sweat, which repels others, because it is unpleasant for everyone. Nervous sweat is characterized by a sharper and more pungent odor, as the nerves trigger the work of the apocrine sweat glands, which are localized in the groin or armpit. They contain lipids, which create favorable conditions for the life of bacteria. This explains the bad smell from a person who is nervous, with hyperhidrosis.

Anti-sweating products

Based on the above, we conclude that sweating and stressful situations are interconnected. Places of sweating can be divided into two zones: superficial and deep. The superficial ones include the face, forehead, feet and palms. The deep ones include the inguinal and axillary areas.

If there is increased sweat formation in the armpits, use an antiperspirant. It contains aluminum salts. The amount of these salts and the level of acidity are responsible for the quality of the product.

Good antiperspirants eliminate unpleasant odors. This happens because they reduce the growth of bacteria by changing the pH level and drying the skin.

The less humidity in the armpit area, the more difficult it is for pathogenic flora to multiply and release their waste products. It has been proven that antiperspirants without aluminum salts in the composition do not eliminate the foul odor, they only reduce the growth of bacteria. Therefore, if your armpits sweat, now you know what to look for when choosing these products.

Excessive coffee consumption leads to increased sweating

Sweating and stress are linked, but choosing the right antiperspirant can break the link.

Essential hyperhidrosis

Essential hyperhidrosis is the body’s reaction to a stressful situation in which the sweat glands work more intensely. This is associated with a frequent feeling of heat or chills in response to strong excitement or emotional stress. The autonomic nervous system gives an impulse to cool the body, although this is not necessary.

Essential hyperhidrosis is not associated with other diseases. This kind of hyperhidrosis is difficult to control. Doctors recommend taking sedatives, yoga, various relaxation therapies, etc. But these are not as fast-acting methods as we would like. Therapy to improve the functioning of the nervous system may take years, and may not work at all.

Proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene can improve the situation, but this is not a panacea. The patient's condition is worsened by hot weather and excessive consumption of spicy or hot foods. No one can name the exact reason for this phenomenon. The following factors are thought to trigger increased sweating:

  • response of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • the body's reaction to the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • a large number of glands that secrete sweat.

The amount of sweat produced may vary. Some patients experience mild hyperhidrosis, which is not too different from the sweating of a healthy person. Sometimes problems arise from constant stress, which is associated with the work of the patient, for example, a driver who holds the steering wheel, a dentist, an electrician, etc. The causes of hyperhidrosis can be attributed to a genetic predisposition.

Why do people sweat when they are nervous?

Every person sweats so that their body can cool down. In the process of natural thermoregulation, a normal temperature is maintained within 36-37 degrees. The hypothalamus is responsible for receiving signals from cutaneous receptors of the skin and internal organs.

In stuffy and hot weather, the sweating mechanism is activated, and in cold weather the blood vessels begin to constrict, and trembling appears. As soon as the skin is covered with perspiration, the surface of the body cools and, accordingly, this process protects a person from overheating during enormous physical exertion, severe stress or unfavorable external conditions. Sweating and nerves have a close relationship with each other.

Many people even sweat a lot even when it’s not hot at all. They sweat when they are nervous, and this is quite natural. This can happen reflexively during any strong emotional experiences.

The reasons for increased sweating may be the following factors:

  • stressful situation;
  • strong excitement or anxiety for any reason;
  • alcohol abuse, which often happens to a person during nervous overstrain;
  • attack of severe pain;
  • use of certain chemicals;
  • eating too hot or spicy food.

Sweating can also be caused by staying in a stuffy room or not drinking enough water during the day. All these factors will negatively affect the functioning of the sweat glands. And if a person also has nervous overexcitation, then the process of sweating will definitely become more intense.

Sweating during stress always manifests itself in the form of large beads of sweat running down from the forehead, wet armpits, or wet palms and feet. The body instantly reacts to emotional stimuli in the form of:

  • unrest;
  • panic fear;
  • sudden fear;
  • joy;
  • attack of anger.

When a person sweats from excitement, his condition returns to normal faster than if he sweats from the heat. If excessive sweating occurs with every outburst of emotions, then the reason lies in mild excitability of the nervous system. In this case, it is recommended to consult a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Emotional hyperhidrosis

Emotional hyperhidrosis is a reaction of the body that is provoked by an increase in sweating due to strong emotions. This type of sweating occurs in suspicious and sensitive people when they are excited or nervous. Sweating occurs due to disruption of the autonomic nervous system. It can vary in intensity and occur in all sweating areas or in one place.

A person can become covered in sweat from nerves, fear, irritability, or during physical exertion. The patient may sweat only because he is worried. In a healthy state, such sweat does not cause discomfort, but nervousness with hyperhidrosis causes great inconvenience, sometimes you sweat more, sometimes less.

The exact causes of the disease could not be established. The autonomic nervous system may be damaged in the section of the sympathetic nerve, which is responsible for the unconscious functioning of the body, such as heart rate, pupil size, etc. It is unknown what factors influence the patient's abnormal sweating. There is a guess that the patient’s sweat glands react poorly to the influx of adrenaline that is released into the blood. There is a theory about genetic defects of the vegetative center.

The mechanism of sweat glands

The release of sweat from our body is a process that corresponds to normal indicators; thanks to this, metabolism is regulated, body thermoregulation, water-salt balance are maintained, and excess toxins are eliminated.

Excessive sweating without the presence of an irritant can lead to a disease; in medical terms, excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis occurs when the sympathetic nervous system does not work properly. There is an uncontrolled supply of nerve impulses to the sweat glands, which begin to secrete excess secretion.

A psychotherapist will help you overcome nervous conditions and stress.

There are two types of hyperhidrosis: local and general. In the presence of generalized hyperhidrosis, sweating affects the entire body. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the work of the endocrine glands.

The thyroid gland is mainly affected; it begins to produce excess amounts of its hormones. Profuse sweating of the body is typical in the presence of infectious diseases and intoxication of the body.

Local hyperhidrosis manifests itself as sweating in one area. Local hyperhidrosis occurs in people with diabetes at the time of hypoglycemia. Diabetes mellitus causes the following symptoms: constant thirst, increased sweating and an increased amount of nocturnal urine output.

Excessive sweating at night, without everyday causes, is a pathology.

In the absence of diseases in a person, increased sweating during sleep may occur due to a disturbance in the microclimate in the room, synthetic bed or clothing. When people sweat a lot at night, it makes sense to suspect heart disease, disruption of the endocrine glands, insomnia or nightmares.

If you notice increased sweating, which causes you discomfort, immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

Emotional sweating can put a person in an awkward position. Sweaty palms leave marks on objects held in a person's hands. Sweating on the face of women leads to ruined makeup, as it flows profusely down the face.

All these factors create additional sources of stress and emotional discomfort. Excessive sweating disrupts a person’s aesthetic appearance, which leads to the formation of complexes. Teenagers, pregnant women and women during and after menopause are most susceptible to excessive sweating.

Deodorants and antiperspirants will help get rid of odor and sweat

Due to the presence of hormonal imbalance, resistance to stressful situations in these individuals is reduced. In addition to profuse sweat, an unpleasant odor becomes a problem. It is so pronounced that everyone seems to hear it.

People with a history of sweating when stressed have low self-esteem. Because of this, they try to be less in society and avoid communicating with people. This disease lowers self-esteem and reduces quality of life. In case of unsuccessful independent attempts to cope with the problem, you should contact a psychotherapist.


Most often, people consult a doctor in adolescence and later, since excessive sweating in children is not so noticeable. First of all, the specialist must determine whether hyperhidrosis is primary, or whether it develops against the background of a serious illness, as one of the symptoms.

Primary hyperhidrosis is treated by a dermatologist. First of all, he communicates with the patient to find out the extent of the problem, in which places more sweat is excreted: in all places where there are sweat glands, or, for example, only the palms sweat. To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • hormone analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • blood test for sugar levels, etc.

When the doctor determines that the cause of sweating lies only in nervousness, he can begin prescribing therapy.

Therapeutic measures

If you sweat when you are nervous, you should consult your doctor about what to do to reduce sweating. A competent and comprehensive approach to treatment will help get rid of intense sweating due to nervous tension. Based on the clinical picture and tests, the doctor will be able to determine whether any disease is causing this problem.

The following tests will be required:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • blood for sugar.

It should be remembered that it is not enough to simply eliminate the symptoms of excessive sweating. It is important to find the real cause and undergo treatment. If a person is sweating from nerves, they may be offered one of the following treatment options:

  • drug treatment in the form of sedatives and sedatives;
  • consultations with a psychiatrist or psychologist to restore an unstable emotional state;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis and iontophoresis;
  • botulinum toxin injections that block the transmission of impulses to the sweat gland to stop its work.

Lifestyle changes can also help reduce nervous sweating. It is necessary to exercise, watch your weight, walk before bed and adhere to a diet.

Treatment methods

Diseases must be treated comprehensively. Therapy depends on the degree of the disease. In the mild form, the disease causes discomfort only with a slight excess of sweat; in the moderate form there is more sweat, it has a bad pungent odor. In severe cases, the patient complains of severe discomfort, sweating so much that clothes become wet.

There are various treatment methods, including:

  • taking pharmaceutical drugs;
  • surgical intervention;
  • phytotherapy;
  • grandmother's methods;
  • psychotherapy, etc.


Drug therapy consists of prescribing tranquilizers and sedatives. The patient may be advised to take a course of Diazepam or Bellataminal, which calm the central nervous system . Prescribe herbal medications (infusion of valerian or motherwort).

Sedatives or tranquilizers are needed if irritability or nerves become the cause of hyperhidrosis or nervousness begins to appear due to excessive sweating. Anticholinergic drugs are needed to inhibit the stimulation of the sweat gland, but one should take into account the fact that such drugs have many side effects, so the course of treatment is usually short, a maximum of a month.

Aluminum chloride antiperspirants

Aluminum chloride, penetrating into the ducts of the glands, narrows their lumen, causing the amount of sweat produced to become less. Most often, long-acting or alcohol-based roll-on deodorants are suitable for patients. Conventional cosmetic antiperspirants are most often useless; medicinal ones are needed. You need to pay attention so that the substance is not absorbed into the blood, and the antiperspirant is safe for long-term use.

Botox and Dysport injections

The basis of these drugs is the toxic substance botulinum toxin. But its dosage is small, which helps to achieve the desired effect without harming the patient. The substance blocks nerve and muscle fibers and blocks the sweat glands for a short period, causing less sweat to come out. Its action is ensured by blocking acetylcholine. Injections into the armpits need to be done every 4-8 months.

Psychotherapeutic method

Psychotherapy can help stop sweating heavily from anxiety, which can help the patient cope with stress, increase resistance to it and improve the psycho-emotional state. Until the patient copes with his nerves and stops worrying about every issue, hyperhidrosis will not go away, says psychologist-psychotherapist P. Malakhov.


To stop sweating a lot, you can use traditional medicine recipes. Sage is effective in combating the problem; it is drunk in the form of a decoction or tincture. To make a decoction, you need to pour 20 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Take before going to bed. Wipe sweaty areas with a decoction of oak bark, galangal or eucalyptus. It is recommended to make teas from mint, linden or lemon balm.

Proper balanced nutrition

When sweating occurs “on the nerves”, it is important to follow a diet. It is important to exclude high-calorie foods and the amount of fat in the diet. It is necessary to exclude sausages, fast food, and mayonnaise.

It is important to remember foods that can increase sweating, such as legumes, salt, garlic, horseradish, etc. Hot and spicy foods worsen the smell of sweat. Increased sweat production can occur due to food that is too hot or cold. Many people wonder why they shouldn’t drink alcoholic beverages. They dilate the pores, so sweat production increases.


If the disease is severe and at the slightest emotional excitement, irritability, sweating is so strong that your clothes are wet, the doctor may recommend getting rid of the problem with the help of an operation, which is carried out in 2 ways:

  • removal of glands;
  • cutting nerves.

The first method is more radical, since restoration does not occur. However, it is not possible to remove all glands. Cut nerves can regenerate. Excision of the armpit is possible, when the glands are removed along with the skin. These are radical measures, rehabilitation is painful and lengthy. The methods of surgical intervention are curettage, sympectomy and liposuction.

Treatment with folk remedies

Before contacting a specialist, many people do special procedures at home. Patients take baths in decoctions of oak bark and soda. To sweat less, sweat-producing areas can be wiped with vinegar or lemon juice, which are first diluted with water.

Fighting sweating

The problem can be solved only if the true cause of excessive sweating is established. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will give you a referral for tests and a full examination of the body.

With general sweating, when the sweat glands work intensely over the entire surface of the body, it is generally accepted that the cause lies in nervous pathology. But in some cases, sweating can be local, for example, when your hands sweat due to excitement.

When a person is nervous and sweats a lot, he should discuss with his doctor what to do in such a situation. First of all, you need to make sure that the cause of intense sweating is not hot weather or intense physical activity. These factors do affect the functioning of the sweat glands, but this is a completely normal reaction to changes in the body or environment.

If sweating occurs against a background of stress or severe anxiety, then to normalize the general condition, it is recommended to listen to the advice of experts:

  1. Body care . Showers must be taken twice a day. This is especially true in the summer heat. In the morning you need to take a contrast shower, this will help you cheer up and get in the mood for work. Twice a week it is recommended to take a bath before bed, to which you can add pine needles, oak bark or sage leaves. It is important to shave your armpit hair weekly, as this area is where a lot of bacteria are located.
  2. Diet . To normalize the sweating process, you need to eat right. Products that contain caffeine or theobromine should be excluded from the diet. These substances tend to stimulate the sweat glands. The list of such products includes carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate products. The consumption of hot, smoked and spicy foods should be minimized. It is better to avoid alcohol, as it stimulates blood flow in the skin.
  3. Use of antiperspirants . These are effective remedies for excessive sweating. Their effect is similar to aluminum chloride ointments, but they are not so aggressive. If a person sweats a lot when nervous, the doctor will not only tell you what to do, but also help you choose the right antiperspirant. There are two types of such products: for daily use with a duration of action of 24 hours and long-term action for 7 days. Such protective equipment is very relevant for working people, as they will help maintain confidence in any situation.
  4. Aluminum chloride ointments . These drugs contain aluminum, zinc and formaldehyde. These substances promote the formation of a film on the skin, thereby helping to reduce sweating by blocking the release of sweat. These products include zinc-salicylic ointment, which has an antiseptic effect. By destroying pathogenic bacteria, it thereby eliminates the unpleasant odor. Teymurov's paste is also considered an effective remedy. But the drug cannot be used for a long period of time, since it contains lead. For the same reason, pregnant women are advised to refrain from using the paste.
  5. Traditional medicine . They are quite effective in combating sweating, are accessible and harmless to the body. You can reduce sweating by wiping particularly damp areas with infusions of medicinal herbs. For this purpose, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark is usually used. You can also treat sweaty areas with a solution of baking soda. Regular baths with sage will be useful in case of severe sweating of a general nature. The duration of water procedures is 20-30 minutes.

It is also recommended to stay hydrated and drink enough water. If you don't drink enough, your body will sweat a lot to cool down. If a person sweats a lot when he is worried, he can find out what to do in this case by consulting a doctor.

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