Give an example of inductive, deductive, and analogical reasoning. Explain how they differ from each other.

Each scientific research involves the implementation of specific actions by the researcher that will lead him to a specific result. All techniques and methods for obtaining and processing information and analysis are called research methods. One of these techniques that allows the author of a scientific work to come to certain conclusions is deductive method knowledge.

Why develop inductive and deductive abilities?

Deductive methods became known from the books of Arthur Conan Doyle about the legendary detective named Sherlock Holmes. This detective masterfully found the criminal, because he first suspected everyone, and then studied each of the potential villains, cutting off the unnecessary ones by the method of elimination. Not a single detail escaped Holmes's attentive gaze, so he successfully unraveled seemingly dead-end cases. Why does a person need deductive abilities in the modern world? This is an integral part of logical thinking. Without them, any acceptably high level of intelligence is impossible. Deductive reasoning is usually done automatically. In other words, a person makes almost no effort to draw, for example, the following consistent conclusions:

  • All children love cartoons.
  • Vasya is a child.
  • Therefore, Vasya loves cartoons.

The reverse method of inference is called induction. It is worth noting that in life we ​​are not so categorical and do not make hasty conclusions based on deductive or inductive methods. Statements can be based on specific facts, life experiences and previously made conclusions. Otherwise, erroneous conclusions appear. In the example above, in fact, not all children love cartoons, since there are children with impaired vision or hearing. But there may also be people who have not seen the cartoons and know nothing about them.

Deductive and inductive methods of logical thinking are very useful in everyday life. Every day a person makes hundreds of conclusions based on only a small amount of information. Seeing a crowd of people and remembering that today is Saturday, a person can confidently announce that a sale has begun. Knowing the characteristics of other people's behavior, we can cheer up a person who is sad, without even asking him about the reasons for his bad mood.

Historical excursion

The concept of “induction” was first identified in Ancient Greece. Local philosophers were particularly interested in understanding the human brain and the principles of its operation. Who is the founder of the inductive method of thinking?

Socrates was the first to mention this method in his works. In his research, he interpreted induction differently. In his understanding, several characteristics under study may indicate different conclusions. Following this, Aristotle called inductive thinking a comparative analysis of characteristics and a conclusion based on the general indicator obtained from them. The philosopher contrasted syllogism with induction as a search for an averaged attribute. During the Renaissance, this theory was sharply criticized.

Syllogism has generally ceased to be studied as a research method for obtaining reliable information. Induction was considered the most reliable way to determine truth. The modern concept of this method was defined by Francis Bacon. The syllogism, in his opinion, is not trustworthy. However, the concept of inductive thinking in its interpretation does not contradict the syllogical one. The basis of Bacon's method is comparison. The scientist believed that in order to come to a reliable conclusion about something, it is necessary to analyze all the available signs and identify similarities. Then combine the data and get a clear picture of the true essence of the event.

The next person to contribute to the study of the inductive way of thinking was John Mill. A supporter of the theory that the syllogism method should not combine similar features. It would be more correct to consider each of them individually. He characterized inductive thinking as the study of homogeneous features of one phenomenon. Conclusions based on general characteristics are made using the following methods:

  1. Agreement. If several phenomena have one common sign, it is their cause.
  2. Difference. If two phenomena have one difference among a mass of similar signs, this is their cause.
  3. Leftovers. After studying all the signs of a phenomenon, there remain those that cannot be attributed to its causes at first glance. Despite the fact that they sometimes seem absurd, often one of them is the cause of the phenomenon being studied.
  4. Compliance of changes. When various phenomena change under the influence of one circumstance, it carries the essence of the cause.

As can be seen from the methods of study, Bacon's theory is based on the principles of deduction. The residual method, for example, where the conclusion is built from partial characteristics.

Deductive thinking in the life of every professional

It is important for all people to develop deductive abilities, but they will be most useful for representatives of the following professions:

  • Investigator
  • Judge
  • Lawyer
  • Detective

For human learners, deduction is very useful. It is this property of logical thinking that allows you not only to remember, but to assimilate the material.

Deductive methods help doctors make decisions that may affect a person’s life.

If we recall such intellectual shows as “What? Where? When?”, we can understand that victory in the rounds of the game is not achieved by the amount of encyclopedic knowledge of team members. Namely, the ability to analyze particulars and patterns. This is where such skills will be in full demand!

Every person needs deductive abilities, but they should be developed. This is a part of logical thinking that is improved with regular training.

Features of the inductive method of drawing conclusions

There are two types of induction:

  1. General induction (complete). Each of several phenomena is studied in turn. They look for a match with a certain specified characteristic. In the case when all phenomena are similar in this attribute, they have a common nature. For example: the publishing house publishes all books in English in hardcover. The publishing house publishes all books in French in hardcover. English and French are foreign languages. The publishing house publishes all books in foreign languages ​​in hardcover. As can be seen from the example, inductive thinking does not always bring a truly correct solution.
  2. Selective induction (private). The conclusion from this method is often not reliable. The signs of phenomena are compared selectively. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion is drawn about the similarity of the phenomena. This particular conclusion is not always correct. For example: Sugar dissolves in water, salt dissolves in water, soda dissolves in water. Sugar, salt and soda are granular bulk products. It is likely that all granular bulk products are water soluble.

Tips for developing deduction

So, deductive abilities should be developed in conjunction with logical thinking. It is very important to be patient and attentive here. Deduction does not tolerate haste; its methods can be compared to unraveling a ball of thread. If you make one careless movement, the knot becomes tighter. To train deductive abilities, it is important to follow several rules.

How to develop logical thinking

Psychologists recommend several ways to develop thinking:

  1. To solve problems. Mathematics is the most striking example of deduction and induction together. Solving problems allows you to distinguish truth from lies and teaches you to draw the right conclusions.
  2. New knowledge. It is recommended to read more; examples from books develop the thought form. A person builds interconnected chains of events in his head and trains the construction of logical conclusions.
  3. Accuracy. Achieve specificity in judgments and conclusions. Only precise formulations and specific conclusions give the concept of a true, reliable phenomenon.
  4. Development of flexibility of thinking. The experiences a person receives from life in general and from communication influence his judgment. A person with a narrow outlook is not able to construct many probabilities in the development of events or explain the phenomenon most fully.
  5. Observations. These constitute the internal experience of the individual. Based on observations, all conclusions in an individual’s life are drawn.

Psychological induction, in most cases, means the development of a disease in a person or his immersion in an abnormal state.

Study not superficially, but deeply

Expand your horizons, discovering new facets of science, culture and art. There are no small details in deduction, which is why pay attention to small details that help make conclusions. You can train by watching films and observing storylines when the outcome is not known in advance. To make deduction training less boring, spend more time traveling. It is during travel and relaxation that the human brain receives incomparable impulses that allow one to train intellectual abilities.

Cons of induction

Inductive reasoning is limited to logical conclusions. The presence of similar features in the subject of study does not prove its authenticity. There must be several signs proving the truth of a phenomenon; only then can it be stated that it is true.

Using purely inductive reasoning makes conclusions implausible. Constructing thoughts in this way involves subsequent consideration of similar signs for their causes and combinations. The purpose of such an analysis is to obtain evidence of correct conclusions. They must meet the criteria of logic and rationalism.

Observation and attentiveness are two assistants to deduction

Careful observation of many details helps not only to draw the right conclusions, but also to identify several options for solving the problem. Life experience and past conclusions help predict the development of the situation with great accuracy and draw the right conclusions.

Observation in life is a very useful skill that contributes to the development of deductive thinking. You can observe not only people, their behavior, manner of voice, but also natural phenomena, weather, animals. In any case, an observant person will process the information received better and draw conclusions from it.

By the way, the genius of the deductive method, Sherlock Holmes, used his pipe and also played the violin to increase concentration. Today, many people are helped to concentrate by a simple rule - giving up gadgets for a while. If you turn off your phone, computer, and TV for a while, you can better focus on finding ways to solve a problem.


A person decides that food is harmful. He completely refuses to eat. The sight and smell of food causes him to have panic attacks. The psyche stops coping and he cannot eat. In moments of emotional crises, aggression is typical; an eating disorder may be accompanied by bulimia or anorexia.

This phenomenon is called “fixation”. Deduction helps to cope with it. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a professional psychologist, preferably with experience in this form of deviation.


Inductive way of thinking: the subject of jokes is the so-called “female logic”. When, from one incorrectly spoken word, a conclusion is drawn about the speaker or what he wanted to say with his phrase.

For example: my husband said that I didn’t add enough salt to the salad, my husband noticed that the stain on my T-shirt had not been washed out, my husband does not praise me for the cleanliness of the apartment. Conclusion: my husband thinks that I am a bad housewife. Although, in essence, the conclusion here is not justified. The studied signs only illustrate the husband’s behavior.

The deductive method in this case would look like this: “my husband said that I over-salted the salad, he didn’t like the taste of the salad, the salad wasn’t tasty.” Conclusion: “I don’t cook well, according to my husband.” This is an example of the notorious “female logic”, which often causes scandals in the family.

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