How to very easily calm your nerves and bring your psyche back to normal

All mechanisms have their own strength limits. The human body is no exception. People, especially strong-willed ones, can withstand the onslaught of stress for a long time. But at a certain time the tension reaches its peak. It becomes unbearable. To relieve tension, the body automatically turns on its defense mechanism. This is what is commonly called a nervous breakdown.

What is this condition? What are the causes of a nervous breakdown? And how does the unpleasant phenomenon manifest itself?


The carbohydrates it contains stimulate the body's production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for the state of mind. Decreased levels of serotonin in brain cells can trigger depression and migraines.

Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which is why it is absorbed slowly. Therefore, despite the fact that oatmeal contains a lot of carbohydrates, its consumption, due to its slow absorption, does not lead to an unwanted sharp release of sugar into the blood. This quality of oatmeal provides a feeling of fullness that lasts for a long time.

Nerve test: how to pass it?

The test consists of 35 questions. In fact, this is the first test of your nerves: whether or not you have the patience to answer all the questions.

How to calm your nerves: 5 folk remedies

You only need to answer “yes” or “no”. To complete the test as quickly as possible, write down your answers.

Nerve test and its 35 questions:

1. Does it annoy you if you see an inappropriately dressed person?

2. Do you get upset over trifles, for example, because of a stain on your clothes or a long wait for a waiter in a cafe?

3. Do you sleep well?

4. Do you have difficulty relaxing?

5. Does a stressful situation worsen your physical condition, for example, does your blood pressure rise, does your head hurt, does your stomach hurt?

6. Are you angry about crowds in public places?

7. Do you get frustrated if you have to wait a long time for something?

8. Do you bite your nails because of nerves?

9. Do you depend on the opinions of people around you?

10. Do you suffer from panic attacks?

11. Can you cry because of the sad ending of a movie or book?

12. Are you embarrassed in unfamiliar companies?

13. Do people's bad habits get on your nerves?

14. Do you flinch if you hear a loud, unexpected sound?

15. Do you run to the doctor with a runny nose or a splinter in your finger?

16. Are you afraid of dying unexpectedly?

17. Do you have more than one phobia?

18. When you are worried, is it noticeable because of a frightened look, trembling hands or an uncertain voice?

19. Do you want to give up everything and run away to where no one knows you?

20. Are you angry about traffic jams?

21. Changes in plans get on your nerves?

22. Do you get upset if you find yourself the subject of jokes and witticisms, even from close people?

23. Do you have difficulty falling asleep if you are away from home and your bed?

24. Have you ever taken a sedative for nerves?

25. Are you used to carefully planning everything, even holidays?

26. Do you get angry when you have to perform several tasks at the same time?

27. Do people who are late make you angry?

28. Are useless birthday gifts annoying?

29. Do you get nervous when you’re tired?

30. Are you easily drawn into conflict?

31. In stressful situations, do you break into a sweat and your body starts to itch?

32. Are you afraid to watch horror movies?

33. Do you raise your voice when you are annoyed?

34. Do you get scared easily?

35. Do you feel that the modern rhythm of life is getting on your nerves?

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Nervousness and lifestyle.

How to stop being nervous? How to overcome anxiety?

Black chocolate

Many people know that chocolate improves mood because it promotes the production of endorphin, the hormone of happiness. The cocoa beans from which real chocolate is made contain special antioxidants that prolong the life of nerve cells.

It is not necessary to get carried away with chocolate and eat it in large quantities to prevent stress. It is enough to consume about 30 grams of high-quality dark chocolate per day.

The psychologist debunked myths about nerve cells and gave advice on how to keep your nerves in order

They often say: don’t be nervous, because the nerve cells are not restored. It turns out that this is not the case. Scientists have proven that being nervous is not fatal; there are enough nerves for everyone. Moreover, this process can be influenced. In the “Ranok with Ukraine” program, which airs weekdays at 6:30 on the “Ukraine” TV channel, the psychologist dispelled a popular myth and shared secrets on how to keep your nerves in order until you are very old.

The scratch will heal, the broken bone will heal, but the nerve cells must be protected, because they cannot be restored. That's what they thought before. And they were wrong.

How to keep your nerves in order

photo: pexels

“Nerve cells themselves do not divide. Once upon a time they tried to artificially divide them, from which they simply died. This is where the myth “nerve cells do not recover” came from, explained psychologist Natalya Podlesnaya in the program “Rank with Ukraine”.

But scientists have still proven that neurogenesis, that is, the process of formation of new neurons and connections between them, continues until old age.

“Everything that a child sees, touches, smells, understands forms new connections and new nerve cells,” the expert comments.

True, with age this process slows down. But there are several effective tips on how to maintain a good memory and a clear mind into old age:

1. Be physically active. During sports, muscles produce a special protein that has a positive effect on the growth of new neurons. Running a marathon is not necessary, just moving is enough. The bigger, the better.

2. Learn something new every day, learn by heart. You can also do familiar things differently. For example, if you are right-handed, try writing or brushing your teeth with your left hand. And for the older generation, it will be useful to understand a smartphone or complete a computer game.

3. Increase the amount of time between meals. For example, eat twice a day. There are studies that show that calorie restriction and intermittent fasting promote neurogenesis. But before resorting to such experiments, consult your doctor.

Of course, it’s better not to get nervous unnecessarily. But if you still have to, don’t worry, new ones will appear in place of the destroyed nerve cells. This is called neurogenesis. To make it go faster, take care of your physical activity, learn something new every day, and if your doctor allows, try to reduce the number of meals.

Watch the program “Rank with Ukraine” on weekdays at 6:30 on the “Ukraine” channel.

Banana milk smoothie

One of the most famous tips from psychologists is a mix of bananas and milk. Bananas are not just a fruit, but a huge supply of good mood and strength. They contain vitamins E, C, B6. Among other things, the sugar contained in a banana, together with glucose, will provide you with strength and vigor for a long time. But the alkaloid harman causes delight and euphoria.

We have already looked at the benefits of bananas, let's move on to milk. It contains many B vitamins. They give our body energy and vigor in the fight against depression. Together, these two ingredients are the perfect way to combat stress.

Program procedures

— Initial appointment with a therapist — Repeated appointment with a therapist — Final appointment with a therapist — Appointment with a cosmetologist — Electroneurostimulation “Transair” — Vibrating foot massage (SCEC) — Pearl bath with valerian and bromine — Relaxation bath “Osnova”

— Infrared cedar sauna/cedar barrel — Neck massage (15 minutes) — Head massage — Speleotherapy — Herbal medicine “Alfit” — sedative — Yoga / stretching — Art therapy

Effective author's program, lasting 3, 5 and 7 days to choose from

The “Nerves are OK” program has a cumulative and long-term effect. Vigor, a surge of strength, and a good psycho-emotional state are the main indicators of the program’s results.

This health program is recommended as a prevention of acute stressful conditions and to restore strength 3-4 times a year.


These nuts are similar to chocolate in their beneficial composition. Almonds contain vitamin riboflavin (B2), vitamins E, zinc and magnesium. They produce serotonin in the body, which counteracts stress and improves mood. Zinc also removes the negative manifestations of stress, and vitamin E works as a powerful antioxidant.

It is enough to eat a small amount of almonds daily to relieve the nervous system. Just be careful not to overdo it, as these nuts are high in calories and can lead to unwanted weight gain. Doctors recommend consuming no more than 50 grams of almonds per day.

How to very easily calm your nerves and bring your psyche back to normal

Nowadays, we can safely talk about an epidemic of nervous diseases. But the point is that a person simply cannot keep up with the pace at which life is going now: time runs faster and faster, and with it the intellectual and psychological stress becomes more and more large-scale. The second reason is life in big cities with noise and dynamics. For many centuries, people lived in villages and still have not adapted to what they themselves have created.

Emotional, physical and intellectual overstrain, an incredible amount of information - this is why even people who have not experienced psychological or physical trauma that destroy the nervous system suffer from nervous disorders. That is why even young and strong people ask the question of how to calm their nerves and bring their psyche back to normal. We will be treated.

Types of nervous disorders

To understand, calm your nerves and restore your psyche in your case, you need to understand what exactly is wrong with you.


A functional disorder of the central nervous system, provoked by mental trauma and severe psychological or intellectual stress.

6 Signs of Excessive Tension You Shouldn't Ignore

They are divided into several categories.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. These are emotional states, negative memories and intrusive negative thoughts that cannot be controlled. All this leads to a permanent feeling of anxiety.


It can be diagnosed by rapid fatigue, excessive irritability and the inability to engage in any activity for a long time. The nervous systems are depressed. Again, it can be triggered by mental trauma.


Emotions are manifested demonstratively, the manifestation does not correlate with their real depth. People prone to self-hypnosis suffer from this.

Neurologists and neurosologists know how to calm the nerves and relieve stress in these diseases.

For mild neuroses, psychotherapy alone will be sufficient. There are over-the-counter remedies for neuroses. They can be a quick answer to the question of how to calm your nerves at home. These include:

  • Glycine;
  • Persen;
  • Hypericin;
  • Mebicar;
  • Herbs (mint, motherwort, passionflower, lemon balm, lily of the valley, hawthorn, St. John's wort, valerian, hops, elderberry and many others).

Autonomic dysfunction

VSD, with which it is confused, is a manifestation of this disease. It’s just that the organs receive irregular (or incorrect) signals from the autonomic system. CNS lesions and psychological trauma are to blame. It makes itself known by problems with attention, tension and anxiety, decreased performance, alternating irritability and lethargy.

They are treated with nootropics, tranquilizers (including daily ones), adaptogens, vascular agents, B vitamins.

Non-drug treatment

It’s not easy to calm your nerves and restore your psyche quickly. Some patients hope that they will be cured quickly, but this is even more harmful with neurosis, and is generally an illusion. In addition to drug treatment, you need to change your lifestyle.

Fitness and breathing exercises

It is better to avoid heavy types of fitness like powerlifting for now. Boxing and martial arts are more appropriate, as they will help throw out negativity, but they should be practiced in moderation.

First of all, fitness areas from the “reasonable body” series are appropriate for people with weak psyches. These are yoga, callanetics and Pilates. They will help you find peace of mind.

This also includes swimming. Water is soothing. Measured movements and attempts to harmonize the work of arms and legs are no less calming. The body relaxes, and with it the psyche relaxes.

The good thing about breathing exercises is that they can be done anywhere and at any time. Breathing correctly, you achieve concentration and calmness, normalizes the functioning of the whole body and saturates the brain with oxygen.

How to restore the nervous system: life hacks, drugs, vitamins

Relaxation techniques, physiotherapy

These include aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture and massage. All this relieves muscle spasms, improves lymph flow and blood circulation, stimulates the immune system and activates digestion processes. The procedures relieve the effects of stress.

Proper nutrition, movement, daily routine

It’s very difficult, but you need to go to bed before 11 o’clock and sleep at least 7 hours. You need to take breaks and days off while working. Believe me, billionaires also have weekends, and they devote them to their families, and not to the sofa with games or alcohol. Even if you don't play sports, try to walk in daylight for 45 minutes to an hour.

Change your diet, focusing on B vitamins. These are offal, egg yolk, cheese, various cereals, greens, nuts, meat, cabbage, mushrooms, legumes. Take vitamin complexes with an emphasis on B.

Calm down now

Treatment of neuroses takes a long time and it is not always possible to live in sterile conditions. Therefore, you will often wonder how to calm your nerves at home. Here are the emergency measures.

Breathe deeper

The little-known singer Alexandra Strelnikova became famous thanks to her breathing exercises. Exercise sets last an hour, but there are also emergency exercises. Here are three of them.

5 Active Ways to Improve Mental Resilience

Alternative nasal breathing

Find balance and peace of mind, harmonize the functioning of the brain hemispheres.

We sit comfortably and close our eyes. We close the left nostril with the thumb of the hand of the same name and inhale deeply. We do the same with the right hand and nostrils. So 4 approaches. It's better not to do this at night.

Increasing relaxation

Helps achieve relaxation and instantly calm the nervous system.

We sit comfortably, breathe slowly and deeply. Mentally examine your entire body: from the feet to the top of the head. We hold our attention on all parts of the body for a couple of exhalations. We relax, imagine that we are breathing through this area.

Equal breathing

We calm down and concentrate. We sit straight, back straight, inhale and exhale through our nose, count to four. We practice for about five minutes. Over time, you can learn to count to six or even eight.


If possible, you can do yoga if your nerves are at their limit. Here are some asanas.

Child's Pose

Sit on your heels, bend towards your stomach so that your forehead is on the ground. We lay out the upper limbs on the sides along our body. Let's breathe deeper.

Tree pose

We stand up straight, connect our feet and place them parallel, distributing the weight over their entire surface. The knees are tense, the cups are tucked. We pull in the stomach, the spine is extended.

We bend the right lower limb at the knee, pressing the foot to the inner surface of the thigh. Preferably as close to the groin as possible, but if that doesn’t work, do as best you can. Toes point to the floor. The bent knee is moved to the side.

We are looking for balance. When we find it, we reach for the ceiling with our hands and open our chest. With your free foot we grow into the floor, with our arms we grow upward.


My favorite pose, it’s best to finish even a five-minute yoga routine. We lie on our backs, spread our legs, move our arms away from the body 15 centimeters.

Fish pose

We lie down, lower limbs are brought together. We lift the chest up, the upper limbs lie along the body.

Jnana mudra

Yoga for hands. The simplest mudra, in which the thumb and index finger touch with pads, the other fingers are spread out and straight.


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It's no secret that they contain a very large amount of vitamin C, which plays a leading role in the fight against stress. Our body does not synthesize vitamin C and does not store it, so every day we need to include foods containing it in our diet.

Lemons, grapefruits, oranges and tangerines should be eaten as often as possible. But it’s worth remembering that with citrus fruits, as with many products, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Green tea

Tea makes us resistant to stress and helps improve mood during depression. All this can, of course, be explained by cleansing the blood of toxins, but it is much more pleasant to realize that together with tea we are pouring into ourselves a mysterious, magical essence. Connoisseurs of this drink note that conversations over tea are different from everyday conversations and reveal the best side of the interlocutor.

Only fresh and properly prepared tea has such wonderful properties. In addition to normalizing the functioning of the body, green tea is also a powerful spiritual stimulant. This is why green tea helps us fight stress.

Orange vegetables

Carrots, pumpkin and other orange vegetables are rich in provitamin A and beta-carotene. These elements strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and normalize blood circulation in the peripheral and central nervous system. And this perfectly relieves stress and improves mood.

It is recommended to eat at least one carrot daily. Moreover, it is better to do this in the morning, because it is at this time of day that carbohydrates and beta-carotene are better established.

The “Nerves are OK” program includes:

Effective massage complex

— Massage of the collar area — Massage of the head — Vibromassage of the feet STSEK

Powerful complex of therapeutic baths

— Pearl bath with valerian and bromine — Relaxation bath “Base”


— Electroneurostimulation "Transair"

Infrared cedar sauna or cedar barrel

An excellent and beloved procedure by many, which helps increase immunity, strengthen the nervous system and relieve fatigue.

Art therapy

The pearl of our program “Nerves are fine”




Treatment with creativity is not only effective, but also very pleasant. Do you remember the last time you drew? Did you sculpt? Crafts for kindergarten don't count.

But it is through creativity that harmonization of personality occurs, improvement of emotional state, and improvement of the psyche as a whole.

The Sibiryak sanatorium has its own workshop where pottery master classes and sand and paint painting classes are held. Working with your hands reinforces the healing effect of the entire “Nerves are OK” program. In addition, you can take home a masterpiece created with your own hands as a souvenir of a pleasant stay in our sanatorium.

In total, during the course of treatment you will undergo the required number of procedures (depending on the duration of the program) according to a scheme drawn up especially for you by the curator.


All berries are rich in natural sugars, which, when introduced into the body, produce serotonin - the hormone of joy already known to us. The water contained in the berries provides moisture to the cells.

As a result, metabolic processes improve, cells receive adequate nutrition and mood improves from the inside.

In addition, the berries contain vitamin C, which helps the body get rid of stress.


Wine is an excellent natural antidepressant and tranquilizer. No one argues with the statement that wine is a drink that leads to a state of euphoria, eliminates anxiety and even relieves pain.

Why is wine good for you? Many healing substances are present in plants in the form of complex compounds that are difficult to absorb by the body. Digestive juices are not able to break them down, and in their undigested form they do not penetrate through the intestinal walls into the blood. On the contrary, during the process of alcohol extraction, many of these complexes break down into simpler components, which remain dissolved for a long time without loss and are perfectly absorbed by the body.

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