How to put your thoughts in order: psychological practices, concentration exercises, working on yourself and advice from psychologists

Obsessive thoughts in your head sometimes sound like an alarm bell. It is difficult to cope with them, to see the constructive link behind them, to feel the presence of spiritual strength. When the dialogues in our minds do not stop for a minute, it becomes difficult to believe in the existing prospects and act in accordance with internal beliefs. To cope with this depressing state, you have to spend a lot of energy. Strength goes into the fight - all, without a trace. As a result, the individual resource of the individual is consumed, and it cannot be replenished quickly. That's why there's a feeling of helplessness.

Keep a diary

Keep a journal of your thoughts. In a notebook, write down your negative thoughts, when they happen, how you responded to them, and what you did about them. Writing down how often these thoughts happen can help you determine what triggers them. You may also be surprised that these thoughts are only imaginary and that you are unconsciously fixated on them because they have become part of your habits.

Once you have written down your negative thoughts, try to analyze them and think about whether they are truly true. A good way to stop negative thoughts is to ask yourself a few questions. For example, how do I see myself? Am I really a bad person, or am I just trying to please everyone?

By asking yourself a few questions, you will be able to understand whether your thoughts are true or not.


Getting rid of trash will help you put your thoughts in order and calm down. Surely everyone has things that “may come in handy someday.” Don't lie to yourself, they won't be useful. The same goes for old notes, drafts, notes to yourself, and so on. Psychologists say that by freeing oneself from this garbage, a person prepares his subconscious to create something new.

The second thing you need to do is mentally prepare yourself for change. To do this, you need to imagine an ideal image of your future life. Try to feel like the person you once wanted to become - healthy, successful, loved and truly happy.

Realize that your thoughts do not define you.

Always remind yourself that what's in your head, stays in your head. These are just thoughts, not facts. These are just products of your imaginary mind; unfortunately, you have learned to be pessimistic. Instead of saying "I'm a bad person," say "I think I'm a bad person." This way, you can reprogram your mind to start thinking positively again and avoid those thoughts that destroy your inner peace.

Changing your mindset

The most important function of the psyche is thinking. What a person thinks about himself or others, about some things, is thinking. The quality of life depends on it: bright, joyful or gloomy. The choice of a partner, a job, or a position also depends on how we think. If you are thinking about changing your life, the first place to start is with your mindset.

  • Identify the erroneous patterns by which you live without even noticing it. During emotional experiences, you need to follow the course of your thoughts. And gradually reveal the problem by asking yourself questions. For example, something upset you, ask yourself why, what exactly upset you? What lies beneath this and so on, delving deeper into the essence of your thoughts.
  • Now that your faulty patterns have been identified, they need to be seriously shaken. You believed in them for so many years, believed that you simply couldn’t live any other way, and now these thoughts turn out to be wrong. At this stage, you will understand how much your irrational beliefs are preventing you from living a peaceful life. Finally you are ready for change.
  • Replacing irrational schemes with effective ones. Every time you habitually have old thought patterns, immediately change them to new ones that are positive and effective.

In order to move to a new level of life and start enjoying every day, you need to work hard on yourself, because the way of thinking is embedded at a deep reflex level. It will take one month to form a new way of thinking. By following these rules for a month, you can create the habit of thinking differently.

We recommend watching Denis Burkhaeva’s webinar on lifestyle changes.

  1. Stop watching news programs, most of which are negative.
  2. Choose comedies consciously, even if you're not a fan of the genre. Laughter will give you a boost of positive energy.
  3. Detach yourself emotionally from strangers. Even with a brief glance on the street at the face of a stranger, a person is able to perceive all the information about his internal experiences on an unconscious level.
  4. Eliminate the words “I can’t” and “I won’t succeed” from your vocabulary. Replace them with the phrases “I accept this,” “I receive this,” “I am worthy,” “I am grateful.”
  5. Watch your thoughts and words. Catch yourself every time you start thinking negatively out of habit.
  6. Live easy! Make time for things that bring you joy. Everyone has the right to follow their own path, and it is individual for everyone. By doing what you enjoy, you will achieve the best results.
  7. Trust your life. Use your imagination to draw the happy life you dream of. Take time every day to visualize a wonderful life.

Everything that surrounds a person, his social status, financial situation are the result of his thinking. It follows from this that you decide for yourself who you want to be: rich or poor, successful or failure.

Use your thinking in order to achieve the most daring goals, learn to hear your inner voice, which with its wisdom is ready to lead you on the right path.

Argue with yourself

Automatic thoughts are inaccurate, habitual thoughts that we don't even notice but always take for granted. Identify your automatic thoughts and change the ones that are not working in your favor. Once you have dealt with your negative thoughts, you should try to test them and argue with yourself to find out what is true and what is your imagination.

To combat these automatic negative thoughts, you must try to do things that don't come naturally. This is because when you are attacked by pessimism, you may naturally jump to negative conclusions about yourself, underestimate your abilities, and see opportunities slipping away. So, just challenge yourself and do different things with confidence.


To put your thoughts in order, you need to take care of your health. Often, a feeling of anxiety appears due to the fact that the body lacks some vitamins, there is not enough (or excess) physical activity, the body suffers from nicotine, alcohol and caffeine (in fact, this is not uncommon in the modern world).

Therefore, you need to give up bad habits, go in for sports or meditation (the best option is yoga), include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, while eliminating fried, too spicy and salty foods.


Psychologists sometimes advise playing games to calm down and distract from obsessive thoughts. These can be the most common children's yard games, as well as computer shooters, puzzles, racing, etc.

Research has shown that gaming allows a person to abstract from reality for a while. While he is playing, the subconscious is actively working in search of a solution to the problem. In addition, games help relieve nervous tension and release pent-up aggression, which is important if you need to put your thoughts in order.

How to change your appearance with the power of thought - materialization

Is it possible to influence your appearance with your mental images? Absolutely yes! Many people have been able to test the power of thought to change their appearance through personal experience. Let us now also deal with this secret weapon.

What are the features of working with thinking?

  1. It is important to have a firm, unconditional belief in the effectiveness of the power of thought. Eliminate any doubts from your head, because they will greatly harm you.
  2. Be consistent - if you take on a job, do it every day, without throwing it away.
  3. It is advisable not to tell anyone about what you are doing. Well, at least until you get the desired result. At best, you may be laughed at, and at worst, considered crazy. Do you really want to spoil your nerves with unnecessary showdowns?
  4. Set realistic goals that are adequate and achievable. There is probably no need to explain that you cannot increase your height by 20 centimeters or change your skin color from dark to white.

What changes are real?

  • changes in hair shade;
  • improvement of the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • change in figure;
  • breast enlargement (moderate);
  • reduction of facial wrinkles.

Repair of minor skin damage

Repairing light scratches and abrasions on leather is the easiest to repair. If only the layer of paint that covers the leather is damaged, then repairs will require either a special polish with filler or spray paint.

Before carrying out repairs, it is recommended to test any product on a less noticeable area. This is especially true for an untested product from a little-known manufacturer. After the inspection, you should carefully prepare the affected area for repair: it must be cleaned of dirt and dust, properly dried and degreased.

Further repairs involve applying paint to the scratch, drying and polishing. When applying paint, you should avoid the formation of smudges, as it will be difficult to eliminate them. After applying the paint, if everything went well, all that remains is to polish the restored area and enjoy the effect.

Leather repair products

Previously, only highly qualified specialists were involved in repairing leather upholstery. Such repairs were quite expensive for the car enthusiast. Today, in most cases, this problem can be solved much easier and is not so expensive for the car owner’s budget.

The automotive market is literally flooded with a variety of products for repairing and caring for leather upholstery. These include various restorative polishes, aerosol paints, liquid leather, special powders, etc. If you use products from a trusted manufacturer and follow some recommendations, you can restore leather interior with any type of damage.

Repair of moderate damage

A more complex repair procedure awaits the car enthusiast if the scratch has spread to the skin itself. In these cases, for restorative repairs, so-called liquid leather is most often used, which is sold in various colors. With such a renovation, the most difficult thing will be to choose the right color that will blend with the main shade of the interior. Otherwise, repairing scratches will not give the desired effect, but on the contrary, it will stand out against the general background and be unpleasant to look at.

As in the previous case, repairs should begin with surface preparation. In addition to cleaning the scratch from dirt and degreasing it, you should carefully remove any loose pieces of skin (if any). A scratch that is too deep can be pre-filled with regular quick-acting glue. This will make it possible to tighten the edges of the scratches, which will prevent their further spread.

After the preparatory work, all that remains is to apply liquid leather to the damage and polish the restored area. The product is applied using a brush or a special sponge, which is included with most of these products.

When applying the product, you should avoid using too much of it, as it will all have to be removed later.

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