How to learn to enjoy life - advice from psychologists

The ability to enjoy life is not given to everyone by nature. Often, many of us fall into a pessimistic mood, at times when we should pay closer attention to situations that could well be rejoiced at. How can we not focus on the negative and learn to notice the joys that life gives us?

I want to live happily and enjoy life every day

It is important to learn to live here and now

Often, we are upset by thoughts about what happened a long time ago or about what has not yet happened (and we are not sure what will happen). We think about possible options for the development of certain events, fantasize about what we could do to prevent any unpleasant consequences, and the like. Thus, we are not present in the present moment, wandering through the outskirts of the past and a ghostly future. Thus, we deprive ourselves of our present. That is why it is very important to drive such thoughts away. Of course, sometimes it’s nice to plan a vacation, or think about what interesting gifts you can give to loved ones, for example, for the New Year. Such thoughts will not harm your day today, but do not allow negativity to occupy your thoughts.

Don't be discouraged, no matter what

In order to live happily, it is important to learn to be an optimist. Surely, you have noticed that there is a category of people who try not to lose heart, no matter what. And they do it wonderfully! At first, many of us are perplexed when looking at such people, but over time we understand that it is much easier to live this way. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find positive aspects in certain situations, but it is always worth trying. If this task seems overwhelming to you, set yourself up to the fact that even if everything is not very rosy now, one day it will pass. Unfortunately, life cannot be filled only with joyful events, but they certainly follow sorrows. Maybe that's why we learn to truly appreciate them over time.

Enjoy life to the fullest

Don't put life off until last. If possible, enjoy your present to the fullest. Perhaps you have a dream that is quite realistic to realize in a short period of time, but you are leaving its implementation “until better times”? You can bring those “better times” closer right now if you do what you really want!

Advice from a psychologist: how to find joy in life

Your life will be joyful if the people closest to you have reasons for joy. It would seem that there is no connection, but this is obvious! It is very difficult to live happily when your loved ones are not doing well, but if you find a way to improve the lives of others with pleasant surprises, support, help, then your life will become easier - at least from the knowledge that you bring positive emotions to your family, second significant other or friends. Undoubtedly, close people will try to answer you in the same way.

How to become a happy person - advice from a psychologist

There are many tips on how to become a happy person and enjoy life. The most important thing is to understand what happiness is for you. There are other recommendations.

Know how to forgive

As stated above, resentment eats away from the inside. Therefore, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Don't get hung up on anger, don't plan revenge. Try to forgive the one who offended you. It is not necessary to go into direct contact with him for this. You will see how much easier your life will become. By defeating all grievances, you will improve not only your emotional and mental state, but also your physical health.

Hang out with positive people

If there are those around you who constantly complain about bad life and circumstances, then over time you will also become like that, lose joy and, accordingly, happiness. Therefore, communicate with those people who see the good in everything and strive for development and achieving goals. Keep contacts with those who evoke negative emotions in you to a minimum if possible.

How to overcome depression and enjoy life

It's important to live your life

Often we become depressed because we take on other people's burdens or live as we are told, and not as we ourselves want. It is not surprising that under such circumstances it is quite difficult to truly enjoy life. Meanwhile, if you learn to distinguish between what you want yourself and what you are being pushed towards, then you will undoubtedly be able to find inner harmony. There is nothing wrong with helping another person, but you truly owe it to yourself! When a person takes on a burden beyond his reach, he often “breaks” under its weight. Don't condemn yourself to this! Remember that only by filling your life can you help someone else, but if this is not the case, then you yourself need help. Assess your capabilities soberly.

Learn to smile every day

In every day you can find a reason to smile if you really want it. A person who has decided to become an optimist is undoubtedly able to enjoy the warm weather outside, well-prepared coffee, delicious pie, a purring cat, flowering trees, soft snow-white snow, and so on. Learn to notice the beauty around you, and you will have many reasons to smile.

Learn to forget about everything bad and let go of the past

Unfortunately, many of us are trapped in the past. Even if everything is fine now, we remember the moments that once hurt us, and we cannot fully enjoy the joys that life gives us today. Subsequently, most often, they realized how stupid they were, not appreciating true happiness, fussing about in the events of days gone by. Don't let this insight come years later! Right now, let go of the burdens of the past, and begin to pay attention to what is happening in your life at the present moment. What methods can be used for this?

Thank you for the lesson

No matter how difficult your past may be, if you still cannot part with it, then most likely it has taught you some kind of lesson. Realize that this was his purpose - to give you wisdom that one day in the future you can use. Nothing happens by chance, so the only thing you can do when letting go of a situation is to thank it for teaching you something, which it certainly did.

Learn to be happy for other people

When we begin to sincerely rejoice for other people, luck comes to us too. It is unknown how this “boomerang” works, but it really is! A person living in envy and disapproval becomes so immersed in these emotions that he simply misses those moments of joy that fate is trying to give him.

How an 11-year-old girl taught an entire village to enjoy life

To explain how a little girl managed to teach adults to enjoy life, you need to get to know the main character of the book. Pollyana is a young, cheerful girl of 11 years old. Left an orphan, she ends up in the house of her only relative. Aunt Polly does not have a friendly disposition. And the residents of the village do not welcome Pollyana with open arms. The heroine finds joy in any situation and enjoys every minute of life. The girl’s positive thinking found a response in the hearts of the residents. It is instructive to watch the characters of the book, how they change before our eyes. Rich men and women sulk and get angry, and this is despite their excellent financial situation.

He has so much money that he could eat it instead of dessert with tea.

The gag, of course, and the quote sounds a little different, but the meaning is conveyed exactly.

Imagine such a rich guy with a disgusting character and a lot of money in his bank account. Perhaps you are personally familiar with this. But there is no happiness. It would seem: enjoy life, do something good, make someone happy. And instead of joy, a person is shaking with fear: what if the shares fall, or the business will burst. Anxiety in vain only makes you sad, weakens your nerves, and leads to hypertension. And there it’s not far from a stroke. All because of the negativity in the head. And we need to think positively.

Enjoy the little things and what you have

It is very important to learn to notice and appreciate what we have today, and not to concentrate on something completely extraneous - alien or past. So, how can we learn to notice all the pleasant things that life surrounds us with? Many people have heard more than once about how useful it is, at times, to “disconnect” from problems and direct your consciousness in a completely different direction. Often we just smile when we hear such advice, retorting that there is simply no time to implement all these techniques. Of course, this is our main mistake - there is always time, we just set our priorities wrong.

Learn to "switch"

Each person, if desired, will be able to “switch” one event to another. As has already been emphasized, this will only happen when there is really a desire! To make your own life easier, first of all you should think about how you build your “internal dialogue”. Do not allow pessimism in your thoughts, consciously set yourself up in an optimistic mood, encourage when necessary and calm down. Don't beat yourself up if things don't work out!

Learn to be grateful

Often we truly begin to appreciate what we had only when we are deprived of it. Don't let this happen to you! Sometimes we ignore loved ones, not thinking that one day they will stop communicating with us and they simply won’t be around. However, if this does happen, we reconsider our attitude towards them and begin to regret some of our actions. You have the power to avoid these regrets. Learn to thank dear people in word and deed for being in your life.

Positive thinking, charisma, or what is the secret of Pollyana

There are characters among earthlings who attract a lot of people, no matter where they are. Why does this happen? From the positivity that they radiate. Someone will object that you can’t have too many friends. Correctly noted, but friends won't hurt.

Don’t close yourself off from communicating with people you don’t know well, but don’t open up completely either.

Pollyana attracted people. The whole village sympathized after the accident. A doctor I know, who is not the attending physician, did not stand aside. He changed the young lady's future and helped her avoid disability.

If the girl had not thought positively, if she had not provided assistance to two of the doctor’s patients, then it is unlikely that friendship would have developed between them, and Pollyana’s life would have passed in a wheelchair. Here are the cause-and-effect relationships between positive thinking and fateful encounters.

What's your secret?

It's better to enjoy life than not.

Dialogue between Pollyana and Doctor Chilton from the movie "Pollyana" 2003.

Is it important to be able to see the positive in every day?

How to develop imagination in adults and children - recommendations

It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to see the positive in every day. Life is designed in such a way that unpleasant events happen to every person. However, trying to see the positive in most cases is a good sign. This indicates a healthy mental state of a person.

To greet each new day with a smile, it is recommended to find small little things that bring pleasure. For example, drink a cup of your favorite coffee with chocolate candy in the morning, go for a run, watch your favorite TV series or movie in the evenings, read good books, engage in hobbies.

If you let everything take its course, return home after a difficult day at work, take care of your family and fall “face-first into the pillow” from fatigue, then you are unlikely to be able to enjoy such a life. In order not to fall into depression, you need to change something.

Important! Happiness is individual for each person. You need to be able to create it for yourself.

Girl with flowers on her face

What to do if you encounter difficulties

Difficulties always stand in the way. You shouldn’t take them to heart and give up halfway through. You don't have to rush to achieve the desired result. Life is not so short that you won’t have time to do all your plans. If problems and difficulties arise, this is a disadvantage, but you need to overcome them smoothly. Step by step they climb out of depression. There are several options for this period:

  • Pamper yourself with your favorite food, but don’t forget about your figure.
  • Go to an event that you have been planning for a long time.
  • Meet friends or go to a party.
  • Don't get discouraged and quit what you started.
  • Watch any movie.
  • Buy a new thing or clothes.

Despite all the problems, such small pleasures will help you survive difficulties and maintain the achieved results. They may even contribute more to happiness than they initially think.

Important! Don’t think that the loss of meaning is a trifle that will resolve itself. Anxiety and fuss will always haunt you if you don’t find a solution.

People on the beach

If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Believe the facts.

The past cannot be undone. Moving the events of long-gone days from shelf to shelf will not bring any benefit. If you made a mistake, forgive yourself. Forgiving others is easier than forgiving yourself. Make an effort and let go of the situation. You are only human, and everyone makes mistakes. Be wiser.

If there is no way to influence the situation, then there is no need to worry.

Assumptions pretty much ruin life. Trust facts and actions, not words and your own inventions.

I hope the tips will help you become happier. It is impossible to teach someone to think positively, but there is always something to be happy about. Appreciate every moment of your precious existence.

Stage one: 0–7 years

We are very vulnerable, in need of care, completely dependent on our parents.

From the day he is born to the age of 7, a person is entirely under the influence of his mother and father. He slowly begins to imitate them, since this is a natural, programmed by Nature way of learning something. If parents love a child, then he grows up with a sense of his own worth and awareness of the family “rear.”

If in the first 7 years of life we ​​are given a sufficient amount of love and care, then our soul reaches an optimal level of sensitivity and begins to better understand what it needs for happiness. The more often a child receives from his parents what he really needs, the easier it is for him to further determine his true needs. Young children, whose words and needs were paid too little attention, subsequently have poor understanding of their own thoughts and feelings.

In the mind of a person who received the full support of his father and mother in his early years, the conviction is fixed that he is strong and will always be able to achieve his goals. If in infancy our cries do not go unnoticed, and in preschool age we can always rely on our parents when faced with anxieties or fears, then in subsequent years it will not be difficult for us to look at life wisely and optimistically.

If in childhood there was always a reliable father and a loving mother nearby, then, having matured, a person will understand and feel well in which cases he can ask for help for himself, and in which he should lend a helping hand to others.

Motivation to action

Why you have no luck in life - who is to blame for failures and how to deal with them

Motivating yourself to make changes in life is quite difficult. Each person has their own reasons for this condition. There is no easy way to get rid of the problem. To force yourself to change something, you go through certain stages:

  • Admitting there is a problem. If joy in life does not appear within several weeks or months, then this indicates a problem.
  • Search for the cause of this condition. To fix a problem, you need to find its beginning.
  • Give up the fear of change. There is an expression: “Everything that is done is for the better.” It may be difficult at first after the change, but later it can serve as a new discovery and bring a lot of positive things.
  • Find a new interesting activity, create a hobby.
  • Create new goals for life and smoothly move towards achieving them.
  • Stop looking back at the past.

Important! The most effective motivation is a new goal.

Why can't you enjoy life?

There comes a time for every person when he stops enjoying life. This happens as a consequence of all the goals achieved. The joy of life is lost. Any dishes, things, people no longer bring the feeling that they had before. A person increasingly begins to wonder whether he did everything right in his life, whether he lives well, whether he got what he wanted, how to learn to enjoy life?

After such questions, depressive thoughts arise in your head, which do not allow you to live normally and rejoice. This problem is often faced by people who constantly live their days in the same mode, according to the same routine, without taking extra steps, for example, mothers on maternity leave, workaholic men, single women 50 and 60 years old, people in long-term relationships, which are long overdue for completion.

Lack of joy in life also causes loss of desire to live. This is the first step to depression. It is better to stop this condition at an early stage than to let everything take its course and take it to the extreme.

Important! If the joy of life is lost, then you need to take measures to avoid depression.

Dark-haired girl in a field

Happiness is in the little things

There is so much beauty in the world that no one notices! Humans are created by the smartest creatures to be optimistic. Happiness is everywhere, you just have to open your eyes and see it. What pleases a person most in life is love. If it is lost, then it can be replaced with the positive of the world around us. You can try to observe and admire:

  • Blooming of your favorite flowers.
  • Communication with pets who are always happy to see their owner.
  • A walk in the fresh air or forest.
  • Chatting with strangers on the street.
  • Trying to smile at passersby.
  • Spending time with your spouse in harmony and peace.
  • Watching the sunset and sunrise.
  • Taking water treatments that relax and give pleasure: a shower, a hot bath, a visit to the pool.
  • Reading your favorite works.
  • Going to a museum or art gallery.

There are a lot of options, the path to happiness is different for everyone, you just need to find it. If a person learns to receive joy from waking up in the morning, being able to observe and see the world around him, and calmly coming to any point in the city, this indicates his positive attitude, and this is how he should be.

Important! In psychology, it is recommended to teach a person to switch his problems and find a new meaning in life.

The child in the basin rejoices

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