How to determine a person's character by facial features?

If you call the office of any company and ask whether a person’s appearance influences the decision to hire him, then most likely you will receive a negative answer. However, as practice shows, in reality, everything is completely different, and the HR inspector can make a decision in the first minutes of the interview, based exactly on how you look. This decision probably does not always correspond to the actual state of things, but, nevertheless, it is so, and nothing can be done about it.

How to determine your character type

A person's character is made up of various personality traits. It should be noted that all people are divided into two main types. These types are extroverts and introverts. They are defined very simply: introverts are always reserved, they refuse noisy companies and prefer to be alone. Extroverts are the complete opposite. They love noise and crowds, are always the center of attention and are not afraid to show their emotions. After you decide on the type, you should pay attention to the person’s behavior in small things. This will help confirm that you made the right choice. — Introverts are seen as melancholic and phlegmatic. At first glance, they seem to be calm and completely balanced people. Introverts close themselves off from prying eyes, they are withdrawn and do not show their emotions. You can notice sadness in them, constant self-pity, but at the same time they will never tell you about their experiences. These signs relate to melancholic people. As for phlegmatic people, they are somewhat similar to melancholic people, but they are distinguished by extreme slowness in actions, reasoning, speech and gait. They carefully think through every action they are going to take, and besides this, phlegmatic people try to stay at home so as not to once again encounter overly active people. Phlegmatic people are ideally suited for unhurried, painstaking work, which no other psychotype can cope with. - Extroverts are choleric and sanguine people. These types are prone to activity and even some impulsiveness. Such people are absent-minded, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing, so they often refuse any monotonous work. Their movements are active and somewhat abrupt. Cholerics are distinguished by their lack of restraint and harshness. Sanguine people are easy enough to discern in relation to various matters. They try to take on as much as possible and do all the things at the same time, but in the end they run out of energy, and they give up all the things they started at once, without completing any of them. All employers really dislike this character trait, as it greatly increases the likelihood of disruption to the work process.


Everyone knows that behavior can say a lot about a person. However, even without knowing “body language,” you can form an opinion about a person based only on an analysis of appearance.


Eyebrows can say a lot about your character. However, at the moment it is quite difficult to analyze this part of the face, since very often eyebrows are subject to correction and cosmetic influences.

  • The rougher the contours of the eyebrows and the greater the width, the more stubborn the person. Thin, neat eyebrows speak of calm, balance and conservatism.
  • If the eyebrows are thin and their length is short, then this signals some kind of internal conflict.
  • Eyebrows that are hardly noticeable on the face indicate that this is a rather cunning and enterprising person.
  • Eyebrows that are thick and short in length indicate a person’s independence. However, this can also be a sign of excessive aggression.
  • If the eyebrows grow together into one, then this indicates the straightforwardness of the person. Such people have excellent imagination and are able to find a way out of any situation.

eyes are the mirror of the soul, by looking you can determine truth and lies


Eyes, perhaps, can say the most about a person. No wonder they have been called “the mirror of the soul” since ancient times.

  • Large eyes that occupy most of the face indicate that this is a very sensitive and vulnerable person. However, at the same time, such people can be distinguished by masculinity and inner strength.
  • Small eyes most often occur in stubborn people. They are characterized by arrogance, inflated self-esteem and selfishness. Such people are very jealous.
  • If the edges of the eyes are slightly raised, this signals the courage and heroism of a person. Such people are not afraid to make difficult and important decisions.
  • If the edge of the eye is lowered, then this speaks of kindness, optimism and responsiveness. Such people are very attentive to others and always try to help.
  • A sharp corner of the eye speaks of intelligence and resourcefulness. Such people are very observant and insightful.


Weak and petty people are often distinguished by the small size of their mouth and lips. If the upper lip is much larger than the lower lip, then this signals a person’s selfishness. If, on the contrary, the lower lip is larger, then this indicates that such people are accustomed to getting their way. They are distinguished by enviable perseverance and determination. Plump lips are a sign of courage and openness.


If your interlocutor has a wide shoulder span, then this speaks of his courage and courage. Such people subconsciously inspire confidence in themselves. If the shoulders are narrow and the person constantly slouches, then this is a sign of complexes and lack of self-confidence.

appearance reflects character

How to determine character by face

When they say that character can be determined by a person’s face, they most often mean the eyes. After all, they reflect not only a person’s emotions, but also what he thinks about and what he is like. It is worth paying attention to the person’s pupils. In an excited or interested person, they expand. This way you can determine what interests your interlocutor. It should be noted that dilated pupils are most often a sign of positive feelings. But constricted pupils are a sign of something negative, perhaps even distrust of the interlocutor or hidden aggression. When trying to determine character by face, it is necessary to take into account what culture the person belongs to. For example, among the Chinese, sticking out the tongue is a sign of surprise. This means that in this case, you should not think that this person likes to tease. A science such as physiognomy can also tell you how to find out a person’s character. By the way, many of the conclusions of this science are quite simple to draw intuitively. For example, if you take a man with wrinkles around his eyes, he will be considered cheerful and also popular with women. Everything is logical here: women always like cheerful men, and those who smile and laugh a lot easily earn wrinkles around their eyes

Nonverbal signs

By observing your interlocutor, you can get a complete picture of the person’s character. Facial expressions, clothing, gestures, speech, position of the body and hands - all these aspects of behavior say much more about a person than the person himself can tell you about himself. We will talk about the main signs by which you can learn about a person’s personal qualities.

Gestures and facial expressions

If during communication the interlocutor often nods his head, smiles and occasionally touches the interlocutor, then this signals his openness to communication, optimism and attentiveness. Such people are ready to help others, they are distinguished by sensitivity and understanding.

If a person often twirls various objects in his hands, nervously scratches his face and other parts of the body, then this indicates that it is very difficult for him to make new acquaintances. The same conclusion can be drawn from the knitted and furrowed eyebrows. This is a sign that a person is an introvert by nature and prefers to spend time alone or with close people.

If during communication you notice vertical folds on your interlocutor’s forehead, he also often frowns and shouts loudly, then this indicates selfishness. Such people do not like to compromise, and consider their opinion to be the only correct one. They are characterized by emotional instability and frequent mood swings.


If you are about to meet with a stranger, we advise you to go to the designated place in advance and take a comfortable position for observation. It is better to position yourself in such a way that your companion does not see you, or sees you, but not immediately. Sometimes your walk can say more than any other fact.

  • Free walking style. A person with such a gait gives the impression of purposefulness and strength. It is believed that the owners of such a gait are distinguished by responsibility, perseverance and independence.
  • If the gait can be called uniform, but the person constantly turns around, then this signals his absent-mindedness. In addition, this sign indicates that the owner of such a gait easily gets involved in new love affairs.
  • If a person behaves quite nervously while walking and constantly tries to catch someone else’s gaze, then this indicates that he is in a state of anxiety or stress.
  • A lowered head while walking indicates that your companion is trying to deceive you or that he is a weak person.
  • If his hands are hidden in his pockets when moving, then this is a sign that he is as relaxed as possible. Psychologists advise interpreting this fact as a sign of high self-esteem.

a person’s gait and gestures can tell about the hidden traits of his character

How to determine a person's character by color

Every person has their own favorite color, and sometimes even more than one. But by what color a person likes, one can accurately determine his character. — Thus, red shades are most often preferred by active and courageous people who have a stubborn and domineering character. People who love red are characterized by quick temper, determination, passion and, no matter how strange it may be, gullibility. Such people are prone to private quarrels, as well as conflict situations. — Those who choose pink are distinguished by romance, dreaminess and sophistication. Such people are always easy-going; they trust their feelings more than their reason. The main negative traits of such people are irresponsibility towards work and constant shifting of their responsibilities to others. — Orange lovers are very brave and unusual people who are endowed with a “creative streak,” and therefore a bright, extraordinary imagination. Such people love to stand out from the crowd; they will never refuse to go to a party. And their main way of communicating with other people is flirting. — Optimists love the color yellow. They make the most of life, love to communicate, learn new things, and are distinguished by courageous actions. Integral components of their life are risk and adventurism. — Green color is the prerogative of determined and stubborn people. Their character is characterized by balance, straightforwardness, independence and perseverance. Such people are quite successful in business and work, so they often look down on their colleagues and subordinates. — Balanced and calm people choose blue. They are melancholic people who worry about any reason. — And brown shades are preferred by confident people who stand firmly on their feet. These are truly real individuals with a moderately gentle character, patience and enviable calm. — Purple color is chosen by decisive and mysterious natures who show interest in everything magical and mysterious. Their character is characterized by extreme selfishness, as well as slight aggressiveness. — Gray color is liked by people with a vulnerable and shy character. They are always very patient, responsible, distrustful and reasonable. All their actions are logical and carefully thought out. — Soulful people love beige. They value harmony, tranquility, practicality and quality. In any conflict situations, such people try to take a neutral position. — Those who prefer black look at the world with embittered eyes. Such people have a depressed and gloomy character. If you want to know how to understand a person’s character, then read the articles: “What kind of character is there?” and “How to determine character from handwriting?”

Ways to Improve Your Character

Self-improvement necessarily includes working on your personality and character. Try to find your strengths and develop them. To develop new positive qualities, you should choose a model to “imitate” and try to adopt the strengths of this personality. It is also worth remembering that acquiring new qualities for a strong character means leaving your comfort zone. For sociability, you will need more communication with others; for perseverance, you will need to develop the skills of perseverance and concentration.

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