How are panic attacks and dizziness related?

When talking about dizziness, we must not forget about one of the very complex problems related to this symptom. This problem is psychogenic dizziness. This is a problem, in my opinion, because patients often cannot admit this fact, which means that the symptom may not go away, and a person suffering from psychogenic dizziness will go from one doctor to another, using a large number of drugs, undergoing expensive examinations and getting nowhere. I also want to call this condition a problem because, according to various authors, up to 25% of all patients who consult a doctor with this symptom suffer from this type of dizziness. And, unfortunately, it is also important that this condition is not always easy to differentiate from another pathology, and there are also situations of a combination of various causes of dizziness together with the presence of psychogenic dizziness. That is why I decided to write this article. I apologize that the article uses a non-scientific style, I resorted to it for better understanding, but at the end of the article I provide a list of scientific literature used to prepare the article.


There are many reasons for the development of psychogenic dizziness, but I would divide them into three main groups: emotional, non-emotional and background.

The emotional causes of the development of psychogenic dizziness include all factors that deplete the anti-stress systems of the brain, as well as contribute to an increase in the level of anxiety and depression. These include: serious acute psychotraumatic situations (death of close relatives, divorce, etc.), chronic stress (work with increased load, more than 50 hours a week, night shifts, responsible work and working with people, unsettled personal life and so on.). Also, emotional reasons include an initially high level of emotionality, because a person who “takes everything to heart” becomes emotionally exhausted much faster. Well, any frustrating situations can be classified as emotional reasons, although in society and in the thoughts of the patient himself such situations do not have much significance, however, dissatisfaction of one’s desires for a long time also plays a role.

Among non-emotional reasons, I would include, first of all, a history of severe or acute episodes of dizziness (for example, a previous episode of benign positional vertigo, a history of vestibular neuronitis), a history of serious illnesses (malignant oncological diseases, major surgical interventions, heart attacks, strokes, etc.) .d.). These conditions allow the “subconscious” to either remember an episode of dizziness (in order to later “remember” it in a stressful situation, which will resemble a situation of acute dizziness, which was itself stressful), or “force” the subconscious to expect some new disease and allow it to feel any slightest negative symptoms in the body.

The background causes include compensated chronic pathology, which manifests itself as dizziness (for example, vestibular migraine, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, residual encephalopathy, etc.). These diseases contribute to both the development of high levels of anxiety and are chronic stress, and also allow the “subconscious” to live with the idea that dizziness will inevitably develop in a person.

Why do you feel dizzy when you're depressed?

Dizziness can occur for various reasons: nervous disorders, somatic disorders, hormonal imbalance, brain dysfunction, spinal diseases.
A special place is occupied by psychogenic dizziness, which appears as a consequence of emotional disorders. Psychosomatic dizziness is a complex of symptoms in the form of:

  • lightheadedness;
  • feelings of intoxication;
  • anxiety;
  • tension;
  • darkening before the eyes;
  • loss of balance;
  • tinnitus;
  • sensations of rotation of surrounding objects;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • increasing anxiety, severe nervousness.

Symptoms usually occur spontaneously, but usually the person begins to notice that the cause is a specific situation (for example, a fear of closed spaces or when a person begins to be among crowds).

Almost always, vertigo in depression is accompanied by hyperventilation, muscle spasms, and tachycardia, which indicates its vegetative nature.

The main clinical sign that allows psychogenic dizziness to be distinguished from physiological (true, DPP) is that it is accompanied by a chain of interrelated processes. Emotional anxiety provokes depression, depression aggravates anxiety.

This affects the somatic nervous system, causing lightheadedness and dizziness. Vertigo can be sporadic or constant.

According to scientists who have studied the psychosomatics of dizziness, it is more common in people prone to panic attacks. Mostly psychogenic vertigo occurs against a background of stress, and there are many factors that can provoke it. This can be a constant state of anxiety for yourself or your loved ones, chronic fatigue and even lack of sleep.

Menopause occurs in women around 50 years of age and is accompanied by hormonal disorders and loss of reproductive function.

One of the main problems that a woman faces during menopause is a violation of psychological balance. She is disturbed by suspiciousness, irritability, and becomes vulnerable. Vertigo may appear against a background of constant anxiety.

During this period, the support of loved ones and a friendly atmosphere are important to the lady. This helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Stress is one of the main causes of psychogenic dizziness. When a person is on edge, the lungs hyperventilate, which in turn causes the arteries to narrow, causing less blood to reach the brain and other parts of the body. The result is that a person becomes dizzy and his fingers and toes go numb.

To relieve dizziness after stress, you need to sit down, calm down, breathe deeply, or go for a walk in the fresh air.

Lack of sleep can cause persistent headaches and dizziness. If lack of sleep is constant, the pain can turn into a migraine.

Usually the pain is concentrated in the neck area, sometimes affecting the upper back. Getting rid of the disease is simple. All you need to do is get a good night's sleep.

Osteochnodrosis is a common disease of people employed in sedentary professions. When it occurs, abrasion of the vertebrae occurs, even to the point of disc rupture. In advanced stages, the pathological process is accompanied by dehydration, lack of vitamin C, and infectious processes.

The first symptom that occurs with osteochondrosis is dizziness. Patients also feel:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • visual impairment;
  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • instability, unsteadiness of gait, loss of coordination.

With sudden movements of the head, vertigo intensifies, and headaches with osteochondrosis cannot be treated with analgesics, as they are caused by traumatic processes in the vertebrae. Typically, patients with osteochondrosis are prescribed Mexidol.

Meniere's disease is a disease of the inner ear that causes sudden attacks of dizziness when everything around you seems to be spinning. Hearing loss or tinnitus are common. Attacks of vertigo may be accompanied by vomiting, sweating, and weakness. They last for several hours, after which improvement occurs. As deafness increases, attacks occur less frequently.

Vertigo is a common and common symptom of hypertension. During crises, a person can only lie in bed with his eyes closed. When you open your eyes, the headache and dizziness intensify, and the urge to vomit appears.

Sometimes increased blood pressure is accompanied by increased heart rate and nosebleeds.

Due to frequent illnesses, the character deteriorates. The person becomes angry, irritable, tough.

A stroke does not go away without leaving a trace and is accompanied by disruption of many body systems. Thus, the blood supply suffers, atrophy of brain tissue is observed, and some functions are lost.

One of the complications after a stroke is frequent dizziness, which is accompanied by headache. A course of restorative therapy and lifestyle changes help relieve discomfort.

Pinched cervical artery or vertebral artery syndrome occurs due to disruption of blood flow in the vertebral arteries. This condition is accompanied by vertigo. Occurs for the following reasons:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the artery, its pathological tortuosity;
  • diseases that reduce the lumen of blood vessels (arteritis, atherosclerosis, embolism and thrombosis;
  • external compression of the artery due to cervical osteochondrosis, trauma, scoliosis, due to tumors or muscle spasms.

Sudden dizziness and disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular system are observed with inflammation of the vestibucochlear nerve - vestibular neuritis. In this case, dizziness is caused by a disease of the inner ear.

Neuritis occurs spontaneously and the factors that caused its development are uncertain. Usually these are viruses, problems with the vegetative-vascular system (VSD), infections, fungi, Meniere's disease, drug intoxication, i.e., secondary problems.

The vestibular system is responsible for human balance and orientation in space. When its work is disrupted, dizziness, problems with hearing and vision occur. This is a consequence of the development of infectious, inflammatory diseases, as well as impaired blood supply.

A particularly dangerous problem is blockage of the internal auditory artery, as it occurs in conjunction with a circulatory disorder in the brain. The result may be a cerebellar stroke or heart attack.

The main signs of circulatory disorders of the vestibular apparatus are acute dizziness, loss of balance and coordination, and one-sided deafness. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

50% of patients with brain tumors experience dizziness. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, cold sweat, drop in temperature, cold extremities, pale skin, tinnitus, and fainting.

During vertigo, muscle cramps may appear, limbs begin to shake, and spontaneous turns of the eyes and head to the sides occur.

Dizziness most often occurs in the morning, in a certain position in bed. This results in people being forced to hold their head in a certain position.

According to statistics, 70% of people suffering from migraines complain of vertigo of varying severity and nature.

Vestibular disorders occur during a migraine attack, but sometimes in the intervals between them. Dizziness precedes the headache and lasts from a few minutes to an hour. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, blurred vision.

These symptoms are based on deterioration of blood circulation in the vertebrobasilar arteries.

Before starting treatment for psychogenic dizziness, you need to undergo a diagnosis. The patient is recommended to consult the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

To determine the causes and nature of vertigo, the following types of examinations are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of large vessels and arteries that supply blood to the brain;
  • computed tomography (CT) of the brain. Allows you to identify disorders in the structure of the brain;
  • radiography of the skull and cervical spine;
  • blood tests: general and biochemical;
  • determination of blood sugar levels;
  • balance tests;
  • audiography;
  • definition of nystagmus.

At the initial stage of diagnosis, the doctor must exclude all causes that may be associated with loss of balance. These include:

  • problems with vestibulation;
  • diseases, the symptoms of which are dizziness and fainting.

The examinations described above help to detect and distinguish between these diseases.

At the second stage, neurotic disorders that arise against the background of stress and depression are diagnosed. The most common causes of a psychogenic nature are anxiety-depressive disorders and panic attacks.

How to treat psychogenic dizziness? Therapy is carried out using medicinal and non-medicinal methods, with preference given to the latter:

  • psychotherapy;
  • gymnastics to improve the vestibular periphery;
  • breathing exercises to improve vascular tone.

The goal of therapy is to change the internal attitude towards traumatic situations in such a way that disturbing symptoms and vertigo do not occur. This is a difficult task, as it requires a lot of work on yourself and your fears.

The patient’s diet is also reviewed; it is necessary to take vitamins C and A. They are contained in the following products:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons);
  • beef liver;
  • fish fat;
  • carrot;
  • rose hip;
  • persimmon;
  • strawberry;
  • black currant;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • sprouted grain crops.

The correct diet and the content of all necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements in the diet are important. It is recommended to eat at the same time, portions should be small, and meals should be frequent. Among the medications for the treatment of psychogenic dizziness, the following drugs are prescribed:

NameHow to use?
Antidepressants (Paxil, Fevarin)Helps cope with depression of various origins and stress.
Anxiolytics (Clonazepam, Phenazepam, Atarax)Psychotropic drugs that reduce anxiety, stress, emotional tension, fear, phobias.
Neuroleptics (Sulpiride, Tiapride)Intended for the treatment of psychosis and other psychological disorders.
Nootropics (Betarsec)Stimulate mental activity, cognitive functions, increase the brain's resistance to harmful influences.

Source: //

Symptoms (features)

Features of psychogenic dizziness require special attention. Psychogenic dizziness can be anything. Systemic and non-systemic, constant and periodic, pronounced or weak, the symptom can develop at any time of the day, can be provoked by a change in body position in space, but not necessarily, develop at any level of blood pressure, its duration can vary from seconds to months and even years . Therefore, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from other causes of dizziness.

However, there are some features that are inherent mainly in this particular cause of dizziness. Dizziness, as a rule, is provoked or intensified against the background of emotional excitement, is usually non-systemic in nature, and is usually not accompanied by noise in the head or ears. Very often, dizziness is accompanied by other signs inherent in emotional exhaustion: increased sweating, a feeling of lack of air, panic attacks, nightmares, as well as other sleep disorders (disturbed falling asleep, interrupted sleep, etc.), a feeling of inability to swallow (feeling of a lump in the throat ), may be accompanied by an increased heart rate. Symptoms of irritable bowel and restless bladder are common. General weakness and increased fatigue are often noted.

Treating dizziness with depression

Dizziness can occur for various reasons: nervous disorders, somatic disorders, hormonal imbalance, brain dysfunction, spinal diseases. A special place is occupied by psychogenic dizziness, which appears as a consequence of emotional disorders.

Symptoms of psychogenic dizziness

Psychosomatic dizziness is a complex of symptoms in the form of:

  • lightheadedness;
  • feelings of intoxication;
  • anxiety;
  • tension;
  • darkening before the eyes;
  • loss of balance;
  • tinnitus;
  • sensations of rotation of surrounding objects;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • increasing anxiety, severe nervousness.

Symptoms usually occur spontaneously, but usually the person begins to notice that the cause is a specific situation (for example, a fear of closed spaces or when a person begins to be among crowds).

Almost always, vertigo in depression is accompanied by hyperventilation, muscle spasms, and tachycardia, which indicates its vegetative nature.

How to distinguish from physiological vertigo

The main clinical sign that allows psychogenic dizziness to be distinguished from physiological (true, DPP) is that it is accompanied by a chain of interrelated processes. Emotional anxiety provokes depression, depression aggravates anxiety.

This affects the somatic nervous system, causing lightheadedness and dizziness. Vertigo can be sporadic or constant.

The main causes of the disease

According to scientists who have studied the psychosomatics of dizziness, it is more common in people prone to panic attacks. Mostly psychogenic vertigo occurs against a background of stress, and there are many factors that can provoke it. This can be a constant state of anxiety for yourself or your loved ones, chronic fatigue and even lack of sleep.


Menopause occurs in women around 50 years of age and is accompanied by hormonal disorders and loss of reproductive function.

One of the main problems that a woman faces during menopause is a violation of psychological balance. She is disturbed by suspiciousness, irritability, and becomes vulnerable. Vertigo may appear against a background of constant anxiety.

During this period, the support of loved ones and a friendly atmosphere are important to the lady. This helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Stress and depression

Stress is one of the main causes of psychogenic dizziness. When a person is on edge, the lungs hyperventilate, which in turn causes the arteries to narrow, causing less blood to reach the brain and other parts of the body. The result is that a person becomes dizzy and his fingers and toes go numb.

To relieve dizziness after stress, you need to sit down, calm down, breathe deeply, or go for a walk in the fresh air.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can cause persistent headaches and dizziness. If lack of sleep is constant, the pain can turn into a migraine.

Usually the pain is concentrated in the neck area, sometimes affecting the upper back. Getting rid of the disease is simple. All you need to do is get a good night's sleep.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochnodrosis is a common disease of people employed in sedentary professions. When it occurs, abrasion of the vertebrae occurs, even to the point of disc rupture. In advanced stages, the pathological process is accompanied by dehydration, lack of vitamin C, and infectious processes.

The first symptom that occurs with osteochondrosis is dizziness. Patients also feel:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • visual impairment;
  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • instability, unsteadiness of gait, loss of coordination.

With sudden movements of the head, vertigo intensifies, and headaches with osteochondrosis cannot be treated with analgesics, as they are caused by traumatic processes in the vertebrae. Typically, patients with osteochondrosis are prescribed Mexidol.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a disease of the inner ear that causes sudden attacks of dizziness when everything around you seems to be spinning. Hearing loss or tinnitus are common. Attacks of vertigo may be accompanied by vomiting, sweating, and weakness. They last for several hours, after which improvement occurs. As deafness increases, attacks occur less frequently.

High blood pressure

Vertigo is a common and common symptom of hypertension. During crises, a person can only lie in bed with his eyes closed. When you open your eyes, the headache and dizziness intensify, and the urge to vomit appears.

Sometimes increased blood pressure is accompanied by increased heart rate and nosebleeds.

Due to frequent illnesses, the character deteriorates. The person becomes angry, irritable, tough.

Previous stroke

A stroke does not go away without leaving a trace and is accompanied by disruption of many body systems. Thus, the blood supply suffers, atrophy of brain tissue is observed, and some functions are lost.

One of the complications after a stroke is frequent dizziness, which is accompanied by headache. A course of restorative therapy and lifestyle changes help relieve discomfort.

Pinched artery in the neck

Pinched cervical artery or vertebral artery syndrome occurs due to disruption of blood flow in the vertebral arteries. This condition is accompanied by vertigo. Occurs for the following reasons:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the artery, its pathological tortuosity;
  • diseases that reduce the lumen of blood vessels (arteritis, atherosclerosis, embolism and thrombosis;
  • external compression of the artery due to cervical osteochondrosis, trauma, scoliosis, due to tumors or muscle spasms.

Source: //


Diagnosis consists of excluding the most likely causes of dizziness, based on the complaints of a particular patient. It is also important to identify various traumatic factors that could lead to this condition. To exclude various organic (direct organ suffering) causes of dizziness, neurological and otorhinolaryngological examinations are used, with special attention paid to symptoms such as the Romberg test, finger-nose and other coordinating tests, namely the process of their implementation, and, if necessary, neuroimaging (MRI, MSCT brain and temporal bone), functional studies (EEG, REG, ultrasound, etc.). It is important to conduct a thorough interview with the patient and test him using psycho-emotional scales (HADS and others).

What to do when you are overwhelmed by panic and dizziness

Why do headaches and dizziness occur? There are many reasons for such an illness, so treatment methods will differ from each other depending on the original source and accompanying symptoms. Very often, such manifestations occur during panic attacks.

Concept and signs of a panic attack

The panic state of a person is a separate section in neurology. There are many factors that affect nervous system disorders, mental balance and tranquility. This pathological condition is more common with depressive disorders, disruptions in the endocrine system, heart disease, the development of phobias, and exposure to external irritants.

How panic usually manifests itself (have you noticed something in yourself?):

  • feeling of cold, chills, trembling;
  • cold sweat;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, a feeling of suffocation;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area (possible nausea);
  • impaired perception of reality;
  • fear of losing control of oneself;
  • thoughts about death;
  • dizziness, loss of orientation in space;
  • the appearance of “pins and needles” in the limbs;
  • violation of the logic of thoughts and speech;
  • insomnia and others.

8 reasons why panic can make you feel dizzy

  1. Frequent stressful situations or anticipation of impending stress.
  2. Conflicts and quarrels at work, within the family circle.
  3. Psychological trauma.
  4. Overwork on a physical or emotional level.
  5. Hormonal imbalances.
  6. Abuse of alcohol and stimulants.
  7. A sharp attack of pain that causes thoughts of death.
  8. Taking certain medications.

The nature of dizziness in pathological panic can occur either spontaneously or according to a specific system. More often, the patient at the time of the attack cannot understand the true cause of poor health, deal with it correctly and take the necessary actions.

This is due to breathing disorders: deep and frequent inhalations and exhalations lead to a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide and an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the vessels of the brain.

Because of this, small arteries narrow and interfere with the flow of blood to brain cells. The resulting oxygen deprivation causes dizziness and impaired clarity of consciousness.

From the point of view of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, dizziness during a panic attack significantly reduces the level of stress, as a result of which the patient does not perceive the attack so acutely due to unpleasant sensations. His consciousness is in a foggy state, allowing him to get out of depression faster and easier.

There are a number of diseases that can lead to a panic attack and dizziness:

  • pheochromocytoma (tumor in the endocrine system);
  • endocrinological pathologies (hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • heart diseases;
  • mitochondrial diseases (impaired tissue respiration);
  • depression, phobias;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis.

What happens to the body when you panic?

A sudden attack of fear and a sense of danger leads to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. This hormone has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, bringing it into a state of “combat readiness”.

As a result, the heart begins to beat strongly, breathing quickens, profuse sweating and chills appear due to a violation of the body’s thermoregulation.

These symptoms cause vertigo or dizziness, decreased sensation in the limbs.

The thought of the reappearance of such manifestations in society depresses the consciousness and mind of a person, which provokes the development of depression, loss of control over one’s feelings and actions.

Very often, the only salvation from the patient’s point of view is alcohol, the use of which dispels fears and creates a visible feeling of happiness and comfort.

But in the absence of proper treatment, the disease becomes chronic and requires serious medical care.

A panic attack becomes the cause of social maladjustment, which is why a person begins to withdraw into himself, is afraid to appear in public places, leave his home, or communicate with people around him. The duration of the attack ranges from several minutes to several hours, depending on the characteristics of the individual.

What to do in case of panic dizziness

If you suddenly begin to feel dizzy and panic in the background, you need to try to pull yourself together and carry out a number of manipulations to improve the condition:

  • breathing into a bag - allows you to maintain the level of concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood for the proper functioning of the brain;
  • taking a sedative helps not to panic, but to correctly draw up an algorithm of actions.

It is possible to completely get rid of repeated manifestations of the disease only after eliminating the cause that led to such changes in the functioning of the body.

A combination of drug therapy and psychological methods is considered to be a fairly effective treatment.

In no case should medications be prescribed independently; the choice and dosage is selected only by the attending physician, taking into account all the specifics.

The most popular types of psychological assistance are:

  • EMDR therapy (the goal is to thoroughly process the patient’s negative perceptions and life experiences);
  • cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (changes in behavior patterns and subsequent transformation of one’s own “I”);
  • short-term strategic psychotherapy;
  • hypnosis.

In order not to worsen your health condition, it is necessary to contact a specialist at the slightest suspicion of illness.

Self-medication and its complete absence do not eliminate problems, but only lead to the emergence of new ones.

If headaches and dizziness are of psychogenic origin, you cannot do without a course of qualified psychotherapy, since such manifestations of panic attacks will periodically occur in the future.

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To begin treatment of psychogenic dizziness, in my opinion, it is necessary to begin with rational psychotherapy, namely, to put it simply, by explaining the problem to the patient. He should, if possible, talk about the causes of this condition, explain that there is no threat to life and health, identify and focus on problems that could lead to the development of this symptom. The next step is to prescribe treatment methods that would correct all the underlying causes of dizziness, namely vasoactive (Cavinton, Sermion, Tanakan, Bilobil, Stugeron, Cinnarizine, etc.) and neurometabolic (Mexidol, Neurox, Armadin, Ethoxidol, etc. .) therapy, symptomatic treatment with Betagistin drugs (Betaserc, Vestibo, Tagista, etc.). At the same time, you should assess the level of anxiety and depression and consider prescribing anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. You should remember about drug interactions, for example, betahistine drugs are not compatible with most anti-anxiety drugs, they neutralize the effects of each other, therefore therapy with these drugs should be carried out separately. Also, I would not recommend using drugs containing piracetam (Omaron, Phezam, etc.) due to the possibility of increased anxiety levels during treatment.

In parallel with drug therapy, non-drug correction of risk factors should be carried out (normalization of work and rest schedules, adherence to sleep hygiene, auto-training, implementation of other non-drug recommendations, etc.). Vestibular gymnastics is important, especially in the presence of psychogenic dizziness that developed after an attack of acute vestibular dizziness. If possible, you should get rid of frustrating factors (problems in the family can be solved with the help of a family psychologist, financial difficulties can be solved with a competent approach to planning expenses and sources of income, refusal of loans, etc.). Any general health-improving techniques are important: cardio exercise, swimming, etc., as well as attending events that bring joy or engaging in hobbies. And, of course, the complexity of the approach is important, namely the combination of all of the above methods, if necessary.

Symptoms and treatment of psychogenic dizziness. Ways to get rid of the disease

Dizziness is a common symptom in neurological and general somatic practice.

Psychogenic dizziness often occurs with depression, anxiety and conversion disorders. They are accompanied by a feeling of intoxication and “fog” in the head.

In the article we will tell you how to determine the cause and cure the disease, and how those people who have had such symptoms can diagnose the disease.

What is this?

Psychogenic dizziness is a commonly diagnosed type. It arises as a reaction to a person’s negative psychological and emotional state.

With vestibular and psychogenic dizziness, different sensations arise . During the first, there is a feeling of movement and rotation, and the psychogenic type is characterized by a feeling of instability and fog in the head.

Diagnosing such a deviation is quite difficult. The patient must undergo a complete examination. During the diagnostic process, the doctor eliminates all sorts of organic factors.

Important ! Without qualified and timely treatment, the disease progresses, thereby worsening the quality of life. The patient becomes socially maladjusted.

Psychogenic dizziness is systemic in nature . They appear spontaneously, but most often under the influence of perceptual stimuli. This could be an enclosed space, a staircase or a bridge. This condition is observed both in a standing position and while walking. In most cases, pathology develops against the background of severe emotional stress or fear.

Symptoms of dizziness

Reference . A symptom of ordinary dizziness is an obsessive anticipation of loss of consciousness. Psychogenic dizziness has slightly different vegetative and mental manifestations.

The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  1. nausea;
  2. heavy sweating;
  3. urge to vomit;
  4. sudden changes in blood pressure;
  5. tremor of the limbs;
  6. rapid oscillatory eye movements;
  7. painful pale skin;
  8. discomfort in the abdominal area;
  9. breathing problems;
  10. darkening of the eyes;
  11. alternating fever and chills;
  12. dry mouth.

Quite often, patients who suffer from this pathology describe their condition as alcohol intoxication. They lose control of their body and experience illogical thoughts or hallucinations.

Often an attack of psychogenic dizziness is accompanied by:

  • fear of an irrational nature;
  • fear of going crazy;
  • obsession with premature death;
  • increased anxiety for one's own life.

Over time, the patient begins to notice a deterioration in cognitive function. He quickly gets tired from physical and mental stress. Such patients are characterized by memory impairment.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of this pathology is carried out in several stages . At the first stage, all possible causes of dizziness are excluded. The doctor needs to check the patient for the following conditions:

  • damage to the vestibular system;
  • neurological diseases;
  • somatic abnormalities.

For your information . Hematologists, otoneurologists and cardiologists are often involved in diagnostics.

The first step is to confirm the type of dizziness. To do this, he collects an anamnesis and asks the patient to describe in detail his feelings during the attack.

As part of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of studies:

  1. glucose level determination;
  2. X-ray of the skull;
  3. balance tests;
  4. Ultrasound of cerebral vessels;
  5. general and biochemical blood test;
  6. X-ray of the cervical spine;
  7. X-ray of the skull;
  8. Ultrasound of large arteries.

The second stage of diagnosis is to identify neurotic disorders that may be associated with stress.

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment of psychogenic dizziness should be under the supervision of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. This is explained by the fact that in some cases specific drugs are prescribed.

Types of treatment

To eliminate the pathology, complex therapy is carried out . It should combine medicinal and non-medicinal treatment methods. The goal of non-drug treatment is to reduce the level of excitability of the vestibular apparatus. Read more about the treatment of dizziness here.


If severe anxiety disorders are present, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants: Paxil or Fevarin. The cost of the drugs is 710 and 834 rubles. respectively. The price in Moscow and St. Petersburg is the same.

Antipsychotics are prescribed to treat mental disorders : Tiapride and Sulpiride. The cost of Tiapridal in St. Petersburg is 1246 rubles, and in Moscow – 1251 rubles. Sulpiride in St. Petersburg will cost 97 rubles, and in Moscow – 94 rubles.

Nootropic drugs are prescribed to eliminate memory problems and hazy perception of reality. Anxiolytics suppress fear and anxiety. This group of drugs is also called tranquilizers. Phenazepam and Atarax are most often prescribed. The price of Phenazepam varies from 68 rubles to 125 rubles, and Atarax will cost 295 rubles.

Therapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the pathology, but also at treating concomitant diseases, if any.


Important . Non-drug treatment involves following a certain diet, psychotherapeutic work and, in some cases, hypnosis.

Diet is needed to strengthen the immune system and eliminate deficiencies of vitamins and microelements.

Patients suffering from psychogenic dizziness are recommended to add foods with a maximum content of vitamins C and A to their diet. They are present in the following foods:

  • citrus;
  • fatty fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • sprouted grain crops;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • beef liver.

It is recommended to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. As a result, the patient’s metabolic processes will accelerate, and nutrients will be absorbed better.

A common cause of the psychogenic type of dizziness is nervous overstrain. To improve mental and emotional state, psychotherapeutic work is recommended .

It will help restore peace of mind and teach you how to react correctly to stressful situations.

Psychogenic dizziness is a fairly common pathology that occurs due to nervous overstrain or long-term depression. Timely treatment will help the patient lead a full life. It is important that the treatment is not only medicinal, but comprehensive .


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  6. Bronstein AM Gresty MA et al. Phobic postural vertigo // Neurology. 1997. (46). P. 1480–1481.

Dizziness and fear of fainting

VSD refers to a pathology that occurs in a large number of patients more often than usual. The main symptoms of this disease include dizziness. It occurs as a result of diseases of the human nervous, cardiovascular, and vestibular systems.

Somatic diseases lead to a significant decrease in the level of oxygen entering the body. Dizziness with VSD can appear unexpectedly, regardless of where the person is. In some patients, this type of ailment does not have pronounced symptoms, while in others, on the contrary, it can have numerous manifestations.

Frequent attacks significantly worsen the general condition. You should not treat the disease with disdain, because this is a rather dangerous symptom, indicating the presence of a disease of the nervous system, heart, and blood vessels.

Panic attack symptom: dizziness

There are a great many symptoms of panic attacks and they can be individual for each person. Among the interesting examples of symptoms of PA in people who completed my course “How to get rid of panic attacks on your own” were the following: a tickling sensation near the elbow of the left hand, pulsation in the right ear, spontaneous abduction of the little finger to the side. These are rather exclusive signs.

According to my surveys, at least 7 out of 10 people experience dizziness during panic attacks.

This high incidence of dizziness is explained by the large number of reasons that can cause it.

Causes of dizziness during panic attacks:

  • Breathing problems. During a panic attack, the respiratory rhythm is disrupted - breathing becomes either very slow, heavy and deep, or, on the contrary, fast and shallow.
    As a result, the amount of oxygen entering the body changes dramatically, which causes dizziness. After some time, the body adapts to the “new conditions” and the dizziness goes away.
  • Tightness and tension of muscles in the body. Panic attacks and their anxious anticipation force our nervous system to activate the body’s defensive reaction - muscle tension (like an athlete in the ring - readiness for battle).
    Our brain perceives a panic attack as a real danger from which we must protect ourselves. How to defend yourself? Fight! And for this you need to tense your muscles. In a person suffering from PA, the muscles are very tense almost all day long and over time constant fatigue comes, as after real physical exertion.

    Fatigue and weakness can also make you feel dizzy.

  • Pressure changes. Many people suffering from panic attacks report frequent changes in blood pressure.
    The tonometer readings simply jump up and down literally every half hour - the pressure either rises or falls. Naturally, low blood pressure may make you feel weak and dizzy.

What are people afraid of when they feel dizzy?

Why are dizziness due to panic attacks so unpleasant? Again, fear is to blame. Fear of losing control of yourself, losing consciousness, falling and dying. It is this fear that we need to overcome! How? Let's go through the points:

  • fear of losing control of oneself. This is a fear bordering between “going crazy” and “losing control of your body.” According to statistics from psychologists and psychotherapists, people who suffer from panic attacks do not have the opportunity to go crazy - anxiety disorder does not turn into schizophrenia. This means that madness is out of the question - relax!)
  • fear of losing consciousness. When we experience severe dizziness during a panic attack (or while waiting for one), it feels like we are about to pass out and lose consciousness. This is where there is a discrepancy. Nice inconsistency. When can a person lose consciousness? When the pressure is very low. Then it becomes dark in the eyes and fainting can actually occur. On the contrary, blood pressure increases during panic attacks - the person is overly excited. Accordingly, if you have high blood pressure, you won’t be able to lose consciousness. You can say goodbye to this fear now.
  • fear of falling and dying. If we consider this fear as a continuation of the previous fear of loss of consciousness, then it is already clear - you will not lose consciousness, and therefore you will not fall. If we consider this fear as a consequence of “dizzy, staggered and fell,” then this will help you simple experiment: stand up right now and make 10 rotations around your axis in one direction. You can do 15. Spin until you feel very dizzy. Now stop. Track and remember the result of the experiment. What happened to you? Your head was very dizzy, but your internal navigator kept you on your feet? Or did you sit on the floor/chair? And if you fell, did you hit yourself hard? Are you dead? The usual result is at most to sit in a chair or squat and wait 10 seconds for the dizziness to pass.
    The main thing you should take away from the experiment is that nothing bad happened and your anxiety was in vain.

    Be sure to perform the experiment described above and your self-confidence will increase, and the dizziness and fears associated with it will decrease

Numbness, spasms in the legs and arms during a panic attack. Why does this happen and how to help yourself

If you look at Wikipedia, you will find the following definition of PA: UNEXPLAINABLE, painful for the patient, an attack of severe anxiety, accompanied by UNCAUSE fear, combined with various vegetative (somatic) symptoms.

People fall into a trap from the moment they interpret their problem. If everything is inexplicable and there is no reason, how can I control it? The world is unsafe, I don’t even control my body, let alone the situation around me.

I always say, you are perfectly aware of why you laugh or cry, where the sharp pain comes from when you pull your hand away from a hot pan. Anxiety is also an emotion.

Fear has a reason. Everything happens in our lives naturally, which means it has a source and a solution.

Numbness of the limbs, face, a feeling as if there is a sudden heaviness in the thighs, a powerful rush of blood, distension - this is a consequence of hyperventilation of the lungs. That is, you are breathing too quickly.

You may have several other related symptoms, such as tinnitus, tachycardia, but you isolate only one. This happens according to the following scheme:

1. We thought about going to the boss, asking for a promotion, or approaching the salesperson in the store and simply returning the damaged goods - we felt fear. This situation is uncomfortable and dangerous for you. You won't make it.

2. Since this situation is dangerous for you, the brain responded and produced adrenaline to help cope with the obstacle. More adrenaline in the blood - you need to breathe more intensely to enrich the blood with oxygen.

3. The blood was enriched with oxygen 2-3 times more than necessary - it immediately entered the brain and caused noise in the head, spots in the eyes and slight dizziness. There was a rush to all organs, including the legs and arms. The receptors are confused - you feel numbness or even paralysis.

4. You begin to fear for the consequences of the symptoms of fear in the body and with this fear you increase the rush of adrenaline even more.

5. You give up your plan and they let you go. You distract yourself with breathing techniques or a sedative, call a friend and put the decision on his shoulders, or a panic attack occurs.

Why legs, arms, face?

Because there was once a situation that scared you very much. You concentrated on the feeling of numbness in your legs. But the point is not how to relieve this particular symptom. You can deal with him, but someone else will take his place.

It is necessary to reduce general anxiety so as not to react to every stimulus as if it were the end of the world

It is important to identify the situation that causes fear

. Otherwise, you will continue to think that everything is happening inexplicably.

For example, you need to approach a person and ask him for help. The thought in my head: “He will laugh, he will definitely refuse, and he will also tell others.”

Why only one option?

How else could events develop? Could it be that a person will help me? Will it help, but not with everything? Can you tell me who to contact? What will happen if he refuses me? Will life stop there? Maybe I can approach someone else? Why do I immediately perceive a refusal as an insult? Is it really all about me? Why do they tell me no? Maybe I'm asking someone who can't help me? Does he have his own problems, is he in a bad mood?

The main thing is, what is my fear based on?

On the conclusions of the past? Or maybe based on childhood experience and perception in general? But then there were specific reasons why everything turned out the way it did. Does the past situation apply to me now?

You must list all the options for the development of the event, as well as your actions and possible reactions.

There shouldn’t be only 2 of them – I will do it and I won’t do it. Just listing future options will reduce your anxiety.

The thing is, a panic attack is just the icing on the cake.

This is a consequence of being under stress and anxiety for a long time, where you accumulate tension and anxiety over the years.
Your psyche gradually becomes thinner, and your emotionality increases

You develop dysfunctional attitudes, in the style: “The world is dangerous”, “Everyone wants to harm me”, “But once I trusted and...”.

Against the backdrop of these beliefs, you begin to avoid dangerous situations, you form patterns of behavior that become so ingrained that later it is very difficult to rebuild them. The perception of reality is narrowed to a minimum. Everything is scary, difficult, dangerous, bad. And such a target is very easy to hit.

Any sideways glance is regarded as a personal insult. What if something is wrong with you? If they smile at me, they want to rob me. They refused me - I'm a freak. They shouted - you need to tear the offender to shreds.

Therefore, if you want to change the quality of your life and break out of a vicious circle, you should start with your worldview.

Good luck.

You can ask me questions about panic attacks via direct message on Instagram @mentalblogger

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