Liz Burbo and her Metaphysics of Diseases: There is a reason for all diseases

Back in 1997, readers were able to get acquainted with one of the most delightful books by Liz Burbo called: Your Body Says “Love Yourself.” A well-known Canadian psychologist, who has been working with psychosomatics for many years, talks in this book about the metaphysical causes of diseases in the human body, and also gives advice on healing. According to Liz Burbo, full awareness of the causes of the disease already triggers the recovery mechanism, and a special technique for obtaining forgiveness helps with this; it is also given at the end of the book. The metaphysics of diseases still remains a not very explored area of ​​science, and although many doctors and psychotherapists conduct their research in this area, the greatest contribution to the development of this area of ​​parapsychological sciences was made by Liz Burbo and Louise Hay, and among domestic healers we can highlight E. Shmorgun and Yu. Zotov. There is even a summary table of all these authors on the Internet, where you can look at the disease you are interested in in different interpretations. But still, the metaphysics of diseases is most fully revealed in Liz’s book, which can be read both online and in the regular version.

How to work correctly with a book on the metaphysics of illnesses

Liz Burbo herself in the preface gave clear explanations on working with this unique book. Here's what she advises:

  • We are looking for our disease in the general list (a table is attached in the electronic version), all diseases are arranged in alphabetical order;
  • We read an explanation of the hidden meaning of the disease, learn the features of its blocking;
  • We remember or write down the most important things;
  • We answer questions that will help remove blocks;
  • Your answers will help determine the cause of your illness;
  • We carefully read what to do next;
  • We begin work to improve our physical and mental state. Before you start searching for the disease of interest, Liz recommended reading additional explanations.

Psychosomatics of cardiovascular diseases

A person's lifestyle, his status in the family and at work influence psychosomatic disorders of the cardiovascular system.

The mental state influences the development of diseases such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, irregular heart rhythm, and cardiac neurosis.

INTERESTING fact: Psychosomatics of bladder diseases

Problems that arise with the functioning of the cardiovascular system begin to manifest themselves as a result of strong rage, anger, denial, fear, sadness, boredom and other human experiences and emotions. When adrenaline is released, the blood vessels begin to constrict, and the pulse and myocardial contraction increase. This provokes the psychosomatics of cardiovascular diseases.

Health to you!

Additional explanations by Liz Burbo for understanding diseases and illnesses

Metaphysics about congenital diseases.

All congenital diseases represent the unfinished conflict of the previous incarnation of your soul. You need to understand what a congenital disease prevents you from doing, and then its purpose will become clear.

Hereditary diseases.

A hereditary disease demonstrates that a given person specifically chose the way of thinking and life of his parent, the source of the disease. They both need to learn the same life lesson. A person must lovingly accept the hereditary disease given to him, otherwise it will be passed on to the next generation.

Why do almost all diseases develop at a certain age?

A person becomes ill when he reaches his emotional, physical and intellectual limits. The less energy a person has, the sooner he will reach the limit of his capabilities.

Why do some people get serious illnesses, while others only get mild ones?

Severe (and even fatal) illnesses affect people who hide severe emotional trauma. Five main psychological traumas:

  1. betrayal;
  2. humiliation;
  3. abandonment;
  4. rejection;
  5. injustice.

Why do inflammatory diseases occur?

Inflammation is the solution to biological conflict. If this conflict is eliminated, the body recovers, but at this moment it may suddenly be struck by inflammation or an infectious disease.

Questions to understand the cause of physical illness

What do I feel in my body? - Shows our attitude towards the situation or person that caused the problems. We ask ourselves to remove physical blocks.

What does the disease prevent me from doing? — Determines which of our desires the block is based on. We ask ourselves to remove emotional blocks.

If I allow myself to make this wish come true... (answer to question #2), how will my life change? — Identifies the unconscious needs of a person, blocked by far-fetched beliefs. We ask ourselves to remove spiritual blocks.

If I allow myself to be... (answers to question #3), what terrible or unacceptable things will happen in my life? - Allows you to express beliefs that block a person, his need for self-realization and desires. We ask ourselves to remove mental blocks.

Before moving on to considering diseases, you need to understand that the spiritual block of all diseases is removed in the same way: just ask yourself the above questions. Your answers to such questions reveal the real cause of your physical problem.

Briefly about the important, or get acquainted - stroke

During a stroke, the blood supply to an area of ​​the brain is disrupted.
As a result, the blood vessels are affected, and the brain does not receive the necessary oxygen supply, and the nerve cells gradually die. Associated symptoms are:

  • disorders of the motor system on one side;
  • sensory disorders;
  • lesions of central motor neurons;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • coma.

People of all ages are susceptible to stroke, especially those who suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure. The risk group includes patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus and those who abuse bad habits.

Micro-strokes foreshadow an upcoming brain catastrophe. You should pay close attention to the first symptoms, since even short-term vascular disorders lead to pathological changes in the brain substance.

Doctors can handle stroke treatment. Certain drugs restore damaged areas of nervous tissue and protect nerve cells from destruction.

However, complete recovery depends on the patient himself. Impaired brain circulation signals that you need to change your life, and not feel sorry for yourself.

Metaphysics of diseases: the most common diseases among people

Now let’s look at common diseases among people (such diseases are contained in the summary table of the metaphysics of diseases by Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, and other authors).


Physical blocks - the main symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing with a whistling sound in the chest.

Emotional blocks - the body of an asthmatic indicates that he demands too much of everything. He seems stronger than he is. An asthmatic often evaluates his abilities inadequately.

Mental blocks - get rid of the desire to take as much as possible:

  • Admit your flaws and weaknesses.
  • Get rid of the belief that power can replace the love and respect of people.
  • Do not manipulate your loved ones with the help of illness.


Physical blocks - myopia is a lack of vision when a person sees objects nearby perfectly, but poorly those that are far away.

Emotional blocks - fear of the future. Also, myopia indicates a very limited horizon.

Mental blocks - you need to get rid of fear that arose as a reaction to past events:

  • Open yourself to fresh ideas;
  • Learn to look forward optimistically;
  • Listen respectfully to other people's opinions.


Physical blocks - bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, the bronchi represent our family. A person gets bronchitis if there are some serious problems in his family (for example, quarrels).

Mental blocks - you need to approach life joyfully and easily:

  • There is no need to worry too much about what is happening in the family;
  • Live the way you think is right, do not be influenced by your family members;
  • Take your place in your family without feeling guilty.


Physical blocks - our head is directly connected to individuality.

Emotional blocks - a person “hits” his individuality with low assessments and reproaches, and he is also afraid of criticism and has inflated demands on himself. Pain in the forehead is a sign of overexertion while trying to understand everything.

Mental blocks - headaches prevent people from fully using their five senses and being themselves. We need to restore close contact with the inner “I”:

  • There is no need to force yourself to fully meet the expectations of others;
  • Stop being stubborn towards other people;
  • Don't try to understand everything in this world.


Physical blocks - dizziness has a bad effect on the ability to assess the situation and impairs a person’s hearing and vision.

Emotional blocks - dizziness - occur when a person wants to avoid something or someone due to old psychological trauma. Sometimes dizziness signals that a person is acting recklessly, disorganized, or distracted.

Mental blocks - dizziness is caused by a developed imagination and excessive demands:

  • Stop being afraid of the future;
  • Do not exaggerate the situation because of severe suffering or fear experienced a long time ago;
  • Sincerely forgive other people and yourself.


Physical blocks - the flu is manifested by a feeling of fatigue and weakness, coughing fits, high fever, severe runny nose and pain in the head.

Emotional blocks - people who do not know how to express desires and formulate demands get the flu. Flu serves as a simple way out of difficult situations in human relationships.

Mental blocks - reconsider your attitude towards the things you should do and who you should be:

  • Find out what is in your soul, change your position and attitude towards people
  • Stop feeling like a victim.
  • Perform your daily duties joyfully.

Pressure (high and low)

Pressure problems can be of two types:

  1. hypertension;
  2. hypotension.


Physical blocks - high blood pressure (hypertension) can cause ruptures of the eye vessels, as well as blood vessels in the brain, kidneys and heart.

Emotional blocks - a person’s emotions put a lot of pressure on him. All situations remind us of old psychological traumas. Such a person tends to overdramatize the situation and takes on excessive obligations.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to think about yourself:

  • Reconsider the word "Responsibility";
  • Get rid of unnecessary stress;
  • Live every day, enjoy life.


Physical blocks - hypotension is characterized by insufficient blood supply to the arms and legs, fatigue, dizziness and fainting.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, low blood pressure occurs in people who quickly lose heart. Such people always feel defeated and quickly deviate from their goals.

Mental blocks - you need to start creating your life yourself:

  • Stop listening to various doubts and bad thoughts;
  • Set realistic goals for yourself;
  • Don't be afraid to face difficulties.


Physical blocks - a farsighted person sees very poorly at close distances.

Emotional blocks - farsighted people are afraid to see what is happening in front of their noses.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to interact with situations and people:

  • Don't be afraid to let go of control;
  • Work through unreasonable fears that prevent you from living a full life and enjoying new experiences;
  • Stop being an observer in life, start taking part in it.


Physical blocks - with impotence, the erection weakens so much that it is impossible to have sexual intercourse.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, you just need to clarify in what exact situation impotence occurs. If this happens to one woman, then the man subconsciously acts only as a mother, or his love for her is excessively exalted. Sometimes a man punishes his partner this way (and does it unconsciously).

Mental blocks - in intellectual terms, impotence is caused by the following reasons:

  • Sometimes impotence signals that a person feels powerless in another area of ​​life. Stop worrying about other people and let them handle their own affairs.
  • If impotence occurs as a result of a bad sexual experience, the problem will disappear as soon as you stop believing in the recurrence of failure.
  • If impotence is used as punishment for a partner, a man blocks the energy of creativity in himself.

Heart attack

Physical blocks - a heart attack occurs when a blood clot unexpectedly clogs an artery, and sometimes a person subconsciously creates a clot in order to get rid of the flow of negative emotions that block the joys of life.

Emotional blocks - all heart problems, incl. and heart attack are signs of a condition when a person takes everything too seriously. The main message that a heart attack carries is “You have to love yourself!”

Mental blocks - we urgently need to change our attitude towards ourselves:

  • Learn to receive love from yourself, and not depend on the love of others, which you have to earn all the time;
  • Realize that you are unique, learn to respect yourself, give yourself at least 10 compliments every day;
  • Continue to do everything you did before, but for your own pleasure, and not to receive someone else's love.


Physical blocks - coughing is a reflex, a desire to clear the airways of irritants.

Emotional blocks - an unreasonable cough occurs in an overly irritable person who should be more tolerant. A cough is always associated with experiences occurring inside a person.

Mental blocks - you need to analyze what is happening now in your head:

  • Stop criticizing yourself;
  • Treat yourself more tolerantly;
  • Give others the treatment you would like for yourself.

Runny nose

Physical blocks - runny nose - inflammation (acute or chronic) of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, a runny nose overtakes a person who is confused in a confusing situation.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to relax and stop tormenting yourself needlessly:

  • There is no need to suppress feelings;
  • Don't try to do many things at once;
  • Don't blame the situation or people for your problem.

Lack of orgasm

Physical blocks - if a person does not achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse, then this indicates problems with the chakras (energy centers in the body).

Emotional blocks - the absence of orgasm gives a person the opportunity to refuse everything that another person can offer him, to remain closed emotionally. He is reserved and cannot enjoy life because he constantly feels guilty.

Mental blocks - by constantly blocking orgasm, you punish yourself. Learn to love yourself:

  • Make life joyful and enjoyable yourself;
  • Stop controlling yourself in everything;
  • Relax, stop clinging to ideas and things.


Physical blocks - cancer refers to changes in the cell, as well as failures in the cell reproduction mechanism. To determine the possible cause of cancer, it is necessary to analyze the functions of the affected part of the body.

Emotional blocks—cancer affects adults who have experienced serious psychological trauma in childhood and then carry negative emotions within themselves all their lives. People who have suppressed resentment, hatred and aggression towards their mother or father for a very long time also suffer from cancer.

Mental blocks - a person should not be afraid to admit that he suffered greatly in childhood:

  • Give yourself permission to be angry with your parents;
  • Stop experiencing psychological trauma alone;
  • Forgive everyone you have ever hated. This is written in great detail in other books by Liz Burbo.


Physical blocks - scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine when it becomes shaped like the letter S.

Emotional blocks - curvature of the spine indicates a feeling of insecurity and lack of support. Such a person is not at all confident in his abilities and expects a lot from others.

Mental blocks - evaluate your capabilities objectively:

  • Believe that you can get real pleasure from material wealth and everything else that adds confidence to a person;
  • Actively express wants and needs;
  • Do not strive to be an indispensable support for all of humanity.

Vascular problems

Physical blocks - the heart pumps blood through the vessels to all tissues and organs of our body.

Emotional blocks are vessels that pass through life force. If a person has problems with blood vessels, then he cannot allow himself to live a full life. He feels a lack of joy, social activity and movement.

Mental blocks - stop worrying about little things and restraining yourself all the time:

  • Find out what makes you happy and give it to yourself;
  • Stop rushing between spiritual values ​​and needs;
  • Learn to feel joy all the time.


Physical blocks - joint diseases are usually accompanied by pain and significant loss of mobility. Joint problems indicate uncertainty and indecision, fatigue and reluctance to act actively.

Emotional blocks - joint diseases affect a person who is too strict with himself, who cannot relax, who cannot express desires and needs. This causes deep hidden anger in him. By the location of the diseased joints, you can understand which area of ​​life is the source of anger.

Mental blocks - learn to express needs and desires:

  • Allow yourself to say “No” if you don’t want to do something;
  • Do every activity with joy, do not criticize yourself;
  • Strive to gain recognition from the people around you by helping them, working with them.


Physical blocks - nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region, often accompanied by vomiting.

Emotional blocks - this feeling occurs when a person feels threatened by a person or event. What happens is disgusting because it does not fit with the person’s plans. Disgust can be caused by both people and objects. A pregnant woman experiences nausea if she finds it difficult to perceive upcoming changes. They may have:

  • Aversion to changes in one's body;
  • Fear of losing freedom;
  • Fear of disapproval from father, etc.

Mental blocks - you need to change your attitude towards the events that are happening now in your life:

  • Stop humiliating and rejecting yourself;
  • Analyze what causes fear and disgust;
  • Try to love yourself.


Physical blocks - a bruise is a non-penetrating tissue injury caused by impact or pressure. A bruise can occur at a moment of severe weakness or fatigue, when a person feels that life is “beating” him. Bruises are physical manifestations of mental wounds. In addition, it is necessary to analyze which part of the body was injured and how serious the bruises themselves are.

Emotional blocks - bruising is a way in which a person wants to stop feeling guilty. It seems to him that by suffering, he will atone for his guilt, fictional or real. This decision is made by him on an unconscious level. Serious bruises, combined with other injuries, such as preventing one from working, indicate an unconscious attempt to stop and rest without feeling remorse.

Mental blocks - a person needs to reconsider the idea of ​​guilt:

  • Whenever you blame yourself for something, ask yourself whether you did it on purpose. If not on purpose, then stop blaming yourself, because there is no reason for it;
  • If bruises or other unexpected injuries were triggered subconsciously, in order to gain a break, think about the fact that there are other ways to consciously take the same time to rest without causing pain to your body;
  • If bruises give you noticeable pain, this shows that you have suppressed (subconsciously or consciously) secret thoughts about causing violence to other people. Since you can't be overtly violent, but you can no longer contain it, this desire can turn against you. You must first get rid of your negative thoughts, and then tell them to the person against whom they were directed. It is best to sincerely apologize to him when doing so.


Physical blocks - stye causes purulent, painful inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelids or the hair follicle of the edges of the eyelids. Barley regularly occurs in people with digestive system disorders.

Emotional blocks - stye is a disease of emotional people who find it difficult to digest what they observe around them. What they see is shocking. Such people want to see only what is within their sphere of influence. They strive to control everything that happens to them all the time. They feel angry and irritated when other people dare to see things differently.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to be more tolerant of what you observe around you:

  • Recognize that you can’t control everything in life, at most you can control yourself;
  • Relax and learn to look at other people with your heart;
  • Accept that people may see things differently.

Psychosomatic causes of illness. Stroke, paralysis and paresis.

The most common cause of this disease is “paralyzing” jealousy and hatred. In my practice, there have been many cases where people (mostly men) use jealousy to cause strokes and paralysis.

“Doctor, help me eliminate my paralysis,” the man turns to me. “I recently suffered a stroke, and now the right side of my body seems to be not mine, it’s numb.

From communication with his subconscious mind, it turned out that the cause of the stroke was strong jealousy towards his wife. His wife is ten years younger than him, and from the very beginning of their life together he was very jealous of her. And recently events occurred that became critical for him.

Resistance to the life process and rejection of one's life and destiny can also lead to paralysis. A person feels unable to change anything in his life; he has literally “paralyzed” himself and doomed himself to inaction. What “paralyzing” thoughts have led you to a dead end? Find these thoughts. What prevents you from living freely? We create our own world, and therefore there is always a way out.

People prone to paralysis are very inflexible; they defend their long-outdated views on the world. They clearly forget that this is just their opinion, that there are other opinions. They themselves refuse to change, and you can often hear from them: “I would rather die than betray my principles!” Well, it's their choice.

I was recently invited to a consultation at the home of a pensioner. After the stroke, the left side of his body was left paralyzed. After communicating with his subconscious, we found out that the cause of the stroke and paralysis was his dissatisfaction with his life, the fate of his children, the government and much more. In connection with this, a lot of aggression towards the world and people, towards his wife and himself has accumulated in the subconscious. Essentially, his hatred and lack of joy and love in his life led to his illness.

Avoiding responsibility, a situation, or a person when you feel unable to change anything can also lead to paralysis.

Another reason is deep-rooted “paralyzing” fear, horror.

Often a stroke arises as a subconscious need to unite the family. When disagreements in the family have reached their limit and all conscious ways to change something have been exhausted, then the subconscious sheds blood (symbolically - love and joy) on those in the brain for the well-being of the family.

Elena and Sergei have been married for five years. In the sixth year of their marriage, their relationship began to deteriorate: Elena began to have many complaints against her husband, quarrels began, and more and more often Sergei began to come home drunk. And one day Elena took her daughter and went to live with her parents. After some time, her mother-in-law came to her and said:

– Lena, Sergei is in the hospital, he has a stroke. I ask you, as a mother, go to him. He doesn't want to see anyone but you.

Elena came to the hospital and began caring for her husband. Sergei began to recover. After being discharged from the hospital, they began living together again.

Let's think about why recovery from paralysis is so painful. Because a person learns to move, feel again - in a word, act. Before the illness, he had already doomed himself to inaction, and the illness was simply the result of his attitude towards himself and towards life. Now he has to study, learn to act.

Recently in my practice there was a case of incomplete paralysis of the facial nerve. It was already an elderly man. From his subconscious I received the answer that what led to paralysis was reluctance and simply the inability to express my feelings and emotions. For example, the effort to restrain, suppress anger, and the inability to express love create internal tension.

Along with eliminating the subconscious causes of the disease, I prescribed homeopathic treatment for him and gave him the task of learning to express his feelings, standing in front of the mirror and in communication with loved ones, learning to get angry and love truly, openly.

Paralysis is always a requirement to live differently, to think differently.

What does the metaphysics of disease teach? Lessons from Liz Burbo

You have found and read a description of the disease you are interested in. You even managed to understand the reason for its occurrence. What should we do next? Then work on yourself begins through special affirmations. Liz Burbo wrote a lot about this in her other books. If we try to summarize her ideas, we get the following:

  • Once you recognize what belief or belief is holding you back from being the person you think you are, you can completely change or replace it. To do this, allow yourself to use this belief.
  • Start contacting your inner child, who formed this false belief or belief in the past due to experiencing severe psychological trauma.
  • Then ask yourself: do you still need this belief to feel happy?
  • If your answer is positive, it means that the belief is still beneficial to you. Since you have the right to manage your life independently, you can continue to maintain this belief, but know that then everything in your life will remain unchanged, incl. and pain. In this case, stop hoping for any changes.
  • If you still think that this belief is correct, but are far from sure that it makes you happier, just compare it with this belief five years ago. It may be that your belief has become much weaker today. If so, then you are halfway to your cure.
  • If you are absolutely sure that you no longer want to maintain the identified belief, then the only way is available to you: you must do everything necessary to realize your needs, to become the person you have always dreamed of being.

The philosophy of the metaphysics of disease is very simple: love yourself and your body, and then your body will fully reciprocate you. You deserve to be healthy and happy, but the road to recovery is rarely straight or easy. However, for a person who has realized the subconscious causes of his misfortunes and illnesses, nothing is impossible. Feel free to follow the path blazed by Liz Burbo, and you will find harmony, health and happiness.

Stroke and psychosomatics

Just 15 years ago, stroke was considered a disease of older people. Unfortunately, the latest medical data says that this disease is “getting younger.” Increasingly, strokes are being diagnosed in young men and women, and there are even cases where such a stroke occurred in teenagers.

In traditional medicine, the causes of stroke are problems with blood circulation, disruption of the functioning of an organ that leads to changes in brain activity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, lack of vitamins, fresh air and active physical exercise.

There are so many reasons that doctors themselves express the opinion that the basis of this pathology is the patient’s incorrect perception of the modern world. Multiple studies have confirmed that psychological factors cause stroke. The psychosomatics of the sore is associated with the stress in which a person lives.

Causes of stroke

Psychologists who have been studying a disease such as stroke for a long time were unable to settle on one psychosomatic cause that could be considered the main one.

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