Psychosomatics. List of diseases and the main experiences underlying the disease

In modern medicine and psychology there is a direction that studies physical diseases caused by emotional stress. It is the identification of the relationship between psychological factors and the development of somatic diseases that psychosomatics deals with.

Psychosomatic diseases are caused by various conflicts, strong emotional experiences and suffering, feelings of fear and aggression. All these emotions are not realized by a person, remaining deep in his subconscious. In simple terms, diseases of a psychosomatic nature are suffering of the soul that has found no other way out except through the physical body. So it signals internal psychological problems, it is a kind of “cry” of the soul.

Types of psychosomatic diseases

The impact of our thoughts on the body and the most important internal organs is carried out through three systems: endocrine, immune and autonomic nervous. These systems interact and translate all our thoughts into physiological reactions. Some of them occur almost instantly. For example, if you remember a loved one, your heartbeat noticeably increases. Thoughts and experiences are most clearly reflected in the condition of the skin. A person may blush at an exciting moment, and the reaction to fear will be sweating and paleness. The skin conveys a person's emotional experiences well, but the functioning of other systems can also change at this moment.

Numerous studies have made it possible to identify a number of diseases that arise as a response of the body to conflict experiences. These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • ulcerative colitis:
  • essential hypertension;
  • skin diseases such as neurodermatitis and eczema;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • psychosomatic thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetes mellitus (type 2);
  • migraine and various types of radiculitis;
  • intestinal colic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • gallbladder dyskinesia;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • infertility in the absence of pathologies of the reproductive system.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the fact that cancer is also caused by psychological reasons. Cancer and other psychosomatic diseases begin to develop when physical and emotional stress reaches its limit.

These limits will be different for each person. They depend on internal strength, energy reserves and state of health, as well as on how many times he experienced the same mental pain.

Many genetic and hereditary diseases are also psychosomatic in nature. They arise when a child, on an unconscious level, chooses as a model the life of a parent suffering from this disease. Such a child’s love for his father or mother does not allow him to be himself, to live his own life, to have the right to his own emotions and actions.

Psychosomatics of poisoning: psychological causes

Food poisoning is a common phenomenon. The number of methods for treating the disease is increasing. Psychosomatics has become an actively developing area of ​​medicine. Science practices the study of poisoning from a different perspective than official medicine. The essence is to search for the causes of diseases in the emotional and psychological state of a person.

additional materials, this is important to know.

Psychosomatics of diseases

Psychosomatics is based on prevention. If you look at it, with the ability to produce and accumulate large quantities of toxic substances, the human body is capable of poisoning life. This occurs by projecting heavy negative thoughts and judgments directly onto the body.

An unresolved conflict can provoke the development of real diseases, which serve as a distraction for the human psyche in a state of tension. Probably, in this way a person is trying to close himself off from his surroundings. Or, on the contrary, he is trying to draw attention to his own person.

Against the background of emotional distress, the vital systems of the body increase activity: all internal organs and glands produce harmful substances. What happens is similar to the symptoms of the penetration of enterotoxins, plant or animal poisons into the body from the environment.

Predisposition on an emotional level

Psychology considers the underlying cause of food poisoning to be the fear of loneliness and the desire to be invisible to others. But the subconscious blocks such desires even before the nervous system has time to react. Those. the urge of the brain is not realized, however, it remains to exist in the somatic system.

Naturally, the psychosomatics of poisoning does not always reveal pronounced symptoms. But an unresolved conflict with a strong emotional overtone after several months or years of existence forms somatic pathologies.

More often this phenomenon is typical for:

  • Respiratory system - bronchitis, chronic sinusitis and rhinitis.
  • Cardiovascular system - disturbances in heart rhythm and blood flow to the myocardium, heart disease.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - gastroduodenitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, peristalsis disorders, intestinal upset or heartburn.
  • Genitourinary system - cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, disturbances in urine output or the functioning of the genital organs.
  • Liver and biliary system – hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis.
  • Skin – atopic dermatitis, urticaria, rashes and skin rashes.

The disease appears when emotional stress reaches its limit. Some people spend months trying to solve accumulated problems, and sometimes the first symptoms appear after just a few weeks.

The connection between psychosomatics and symptoms of poisoning

Psychosomatics attributes food poisoning to a feeling of insecurity. To get a complete picture, you need to consider individual symptoms of poisoning:

  • Attacks of nausea.
  • Periodic vomiting.
  • Feeling of bloating and painful cramps in the abdominal area.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Periodic increase in body temperature.
  • Rarely botulism.

Symptoms have psychological causes.

Bloating and abdominal pain

Such symptoms are considered a manifestation of guilt. Against this background, intoxication caused by external control and the appearance of feelings of guilt are understandable. Guided by other people's instructions, a person experiences a certain level of discomfort from his own powerlessness.

If the upper abdomen hurts, this means that the patient is afraid and worried about the future of himself, his loved ones and loved ones. The feeling of abdominal discomfort denotes a feeling of humiliation and submission.

If the lower abdomen hurts, it is a sign of fear of being trampled.

Luule Viilma, an Estonian esoteric doctor, associates the large intestine with the energy of masculinity and big affairs, intra-family problems, often with the father. And the condition of the small intestine directly depends on the relationship with the mother and women’s household responsibilities.

Psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev believes that flatulence and bloating are associated with thoughts and ideas that have not been put into practice. Influence is characterized by a lack of understanding of human motives and logic.

Increased temperature and general weakness

Body temperature exceeding the norm symbolizes the desire to eliminate all negative emotions that destroy a person’s life. The presence of hyperthermia indicates that the culprit has been found. Often the surge of anger is directed directly at oneself.

An elevated temperature means that a person is in a state of emotional boiling. In case of intoxication caused by a dependent position on a person or circumstances, anger at one’s own weakness causes fever.

A state of weakness is a sign of developing apathy, lack of desire for independence, loss of interest in life.

Psychologists' opinions

The first person who had the courage to put forward a theory about the dependence of the body's vital systems on the state of the psyche is Louise Hay. According to her assumptions, any bad thought and emotion becomes a destructive factor for health, because... provoke the development of diseases.

The study of Hay's theory was continued by psychologist and homeopath Valery Sinelnikov. The scientist has created a special table with which a person can identify the relationship between physical and emotional ailments.

Also one of the founders of the psychosomatic direction in alternative medicine is Liz Burbo. However, her interpretation of psychological reasons differs from the authors described above.

Bourbeau believes that people's illnesses arise from incorrect mental and emotional instruction of themselves. Those.

when you deny or do not want to notice your own mistakes, ailments simply manifest themselves on the physical level, as if reminding you of yourself.

A special table will help determine the true cause of the disease.

Causes of development of psychosomatic diseases

Despite the fact that each specific case requires an individual approach, only eight causes of diseases of a psychosomatic nature have been described. These include:

  1. Internal conflict between the conscious and unconscious.
  2. Conditional benefit. Quite often, the psychosomatics of diseases lies in the patient’s subconscious desire to distance himself from solving problems or the desire to manipulate his loved ones.
  3. Suggestion by other people. Most often, this cause of the disease is associated with early childhood, when the mother and father instill negative thoughts in the child. If you constantly tell a child that he is fat, clumsy, greedy, stupid, etc., then eventually the child will begin to demonstrate appropriate behavior.
  4. Self-hypnosis. If you very often say “My heart hurts for someone,” “It’s driving me crazy,” and other similar phrases, then real physical symptoms may soon arise. These elements of organic speech encode our consciousness, which is reflected in physical health.
  5. The desire to achieve similarity with another person. By choosing an ideal for oneself and copying it in ordinary life, a person, as it were, abandons his own body. Living someone else's life, he inevitably suffers from this.
  6. Self-punishment. When a person commits an act that, from his point of view, is unseemly, he unconsciously exposes himself to punishment. This occurs as a result of the fact that after such an act a person experiences a feeling of guilt, followed by punishment.
  7. Reaction to traumatic events that happened to a person in reality. Severe stress can be caused by the loss of a loved one, loss of a job and source of income, moving to a new place of residence, and much more.

One of the deepest causes of psychosomatic illnesses is painful past experiences that arose during early childhood, when the child does not yet know how to speak. Words help us get rid of negative emotions, and if a child cannot express his feelings verbally, then they get stuck in the body for a long time. As a result, these negative emotions turn into somatic diseases, which most clearly manifest themselves in adulthood.

Recognizing stress

The first step is to learn to recognize when you are under extreme stress. A simple test to determine if you are experiencing stress: take both hands and touch your neck. If your hands are significantly colder than your neck, you are stressed. If they are warm, you are relaxed. Other signs of stress include:

  • Fast heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Hand trembling
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Rapid breathing

Learn to recognize the signs of stress. In women, signs of stress often include feeling tired despite being well rested and getting enough sleep, irritability (especially towards people around you), bloating, even changes in your menstrual cycle.

Signs and symptoms of stress in men more often include chest pain, increased blood pressure and changes in sexual desire.

How to get rid of stress

You should never relieve stress with alcohol or caffeine. In the long run, this will lead to negative consequences for your health and life in general.

Here are some simple ways to control stress and let off steam:

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Join a support group
  • Use relaxation techniques (meditation, yoga, breathing exercises)
  • Find time to be idle
  • Consider herbal supplements for stress relief such as valerian
  • Take care of your health (eat right, don't smoke, exercise)
  • Let go of old grudges
  • Do something good for others (if you are not used to doing this) or spend more time on yourself (if you always sacrifice your interests)

Other effective ways to relax that many people underestimate:

  • Aromatherapy can help reduce anxiety and stress. Light a candle or use essential oils to benefit from calming aromas.
  • Regular exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and improving your sleep and self-esteem.
  • Some supplements may help reduce stress and anxiety, including ashwagandha, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, and lemon balm.
  • Large amounts of caffeine can increase stress and anxiety.
  • Journaling can relieve stress and anxiety, especially if you focus on the positive and write about what you are grateful for in life.
  • According to several studies, chewing gum will help you relax.
  • Having strong social connections and connecting with friends and family can help you manage stress and reduce your risk of anxiety.
  • Try not to take on more than you can handle. Learn to say “no” so that there is as little stress in your life as possible.
  • Find humor and something positive in every day. Spend time with funny friends or watch a comedy show.
  • Listening to music that you enjoy can be a good way to relieve stress.
  • Spending time with your pet is a relaxing and enjoyable way to relieve stress.
  • Hugging and kissing more – touch also reduces stress (by releasing oxytocin and lowering blood pressure).

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

Despite the fact that all psychosomatic diseases have very real physical symptoms, it is impossible to cope with them using traditional methods. Medicines only eliminate the manifestations of the disease, but an unresolved psychological problem leads to the disease breaking out with renewed vigor.

Psychotherapy plays a leading role in the complex treatment of somatic diseases caused by psychological factors. Sometimes only it can act as the only way to treat a psychosomatic illness.

The degree of intensity of psychotherapeutic influence largely depends on the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition:

  • In the treatment of hypertension and coronary heart disease, drug treatment is mandatory. Psychotherapy in this case allows you to eliminate symptoms such as high blood pressure, cardiac pain, and fear of new pain. The most effective types of intervention in the treatment of these diseases are hypnosis and behavioral therapy;
  • the success of treating nonspecific colitis and gastric ulcers is several times higher, although the same methods are used as for heart disease. In the vast majority of cases, with the help of psychotherapy, it is possible to completely cure ulcers and prevent their reappearance;
  • in the process of treating bronchial asthma, various types of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, and gestalt therapy are successfully used. behavioral and linear time therapy;
  • psychotherapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus occupies a secondary position. Hypnosis can be used during complex therapy. The effectiveness of this method is slightly higher in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • In the fight against excess weight and overeating, psychotherapy often comes into play as the only treatment option. The most effective techniques are behavioral therapy, neurolinguistic programming, positive psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and linear time therapy can also be used;
  • Migraines can be managed through a combination of various types of behavioral therapy and hypnosis. After completing the course of psychotherapy, migraine attacks decrease or disappear completely;
  • Treatment of various skin pathologies is carried out using hypnosis, some types of behavioral therapy, image therapy and symbol drama.

If a patient is diagnosed with cancer, psychotherapeutic assistance will be aimed at reducing pain and correcting personal attitudes. During the work, the psychotherapist can use hypnosis, imagery techniques, existential and gestalt therapy.

Psychotherapy demonstrates the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases that have developed as part of neuroses. After all, it is precisely to combat these conditions that various methods of psychotherapeutic influence have been developed.

Louise Hay table

Among the researchers who tried to find and describe the relationship between physical health and the psychological state of a person, there are many famous scientists and doctors. The greatest recognition was received by the American Louise Hay, who does not have a medical education or academic degrees. This writer has published several books, one of which is called “Heal Yourself.” In the course of her work, she used personal experience, because the knowledge described in her books helped her heal from uterine cancer.

First of all, Louise Hay points out that all diseases arise from outdated thinking patterns. They are formed under the influence of negative emotional experience. By changing this old mindset, a person will have the opportunity to improve their emotional and physical well-being.

The psychosomatics of diseases, according to Louise, can tell a lot about the psychological problems that plague a person. Her book contains a table showing the most common diseases in alphabetical order, as well as the causes that cause them. For example, excess fat occurs in people who subconsciously protect themselves from the outside world. To start the weight loss process, you need to achieve a complete feeling of security. Hair loss is associated with stress, allergies arise due to intolerance to someone or yourself, diseases of the female genital organs are associated with sexual behavior disorders and resentment towards your partner.

To completely get rid of an illness, you need to understand, accept and realize the cause of its occurrence - the psychosomatics of diseases is very extensive.. Only after eliminating the psychological problem does recovery occur. Louise Hay suggests using affirmations to treat psychosomatic illnesses. This is a text of a positive nature, composed in a certain way. Louise considers affirmations to be a starting point, a trigger mechanism that activates the process of internal change.

Working with the Louise Hay table is simple:

  1. In the first column we find the disease from which we want to be healed.
  2. The second column lists the causes of somatic pathology. You need to not just read the text, but understand it and rethink it.
  3. The third column contains a positive affirmation. This text must be written out and memorized. Say the affirmation at least once a day, and then your condition will improve significantly.

If you think that the reasons given by the author of the book do not suit you, then you can try to look for them yourself. Close your eyes, relax and ask yourself the question: “Which of my thoughts led to this state?”

Positive affirmations can also be composed independently, but there should not be a particle “not” in this text. In this case, the affirmation can have the opposite effect. You need to repeat the text as many times as possible.

The book “Heal Yourself,” which contains a table and detailed recommendations from the author for working with it, very quickly became a global bestseller and sold millions of copies.

What is psychosomatics and how does it work

The term "psychosomatic disorder" is generally used to refer to "a physical illness that is believed to be caused or aggravated by mental factors." The term is also used when mental factors cause physical symptoms but there is no physical illness. For example, chest pain can be caused by stress.

Some physical illnesses are thought to be aggravated by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. At any time, a person's mental state can affect the severity of a physical illness. Physical symptoms caused by mental factors are also called somatization or somatoform disorders. These symptoms are associated with increased activity of nerve impulses sent from the brain to various parts of the body.

A number of factors may play a role in psychosomatic disorders, such as a person's personality traits; genetic or environmental influences; biological factors and much more.

Unlike hypochondria, people with psychosomatic illnesses have real symptoms but no medical explanation for those symptoms.

Large-scale studies of the prevalence of psychosomatic disorders show that the frequency with which people experience them is the same for people of any financial or health status.

How to prevent the development of somatic diseases

He himself bears responsibility for all events that happen in a person’s life. This applies to both good moments in the past and negative moments. All thoughts that appear in our head have an impact on the future. If you don’t want them to harm you, then it’s worth remembering a few rules of positive thinking:

  • self-love. You should not completely dissolve in another person. No matter how strong the love and passion for him is at the moment, these feelings will still cool down over time. But the affair with yourself will continue throughout your life. Keep love within yourself for yourself - the child, the adult and the parents who gave you life. If a person does not love himself, then he does not know how to forgive, and grievances turn into the most terrible psychosomatic diseases;
  • you need to learn to listen to your body. It constantly speaks to us, with every cell. You just need to stop and listen to your own body;
  • how your life turns out depends only on you. Every person begins life at birth and ends it with death. These two events do not depend on him, but the path from these two points is passed by a person himself, as he sees fit;
  • If you feel unwell and the onset of illness, then try to think and look for a hidden resentment in your heart. Forgive him sincerely, and the illness will recede;
  • Every person has a point of strength. There is no need to waste time looking for it, it is here and now in people’s minds;
  • don't hold on to the past. Let him go with gratitude, because it was thanks to these events that you became what you are now;
  • drive away negative thoughts. If one arises in your head, then just tell it: “Thank you for your participation!”;
  • All our beliefs are formed in early childhood. Moving along the path of life, a person himself recreates situations that are ideally suited to his beliefs;
  • there is no need to compare yourself to other people and compete with them. These are the main obstacles to the development of creativity;
  • There is a small child inside every person. He's scared, he's scared and he wants love. The people who caused you suffering were just as scared and confused as you were. Do not hold a grudge against them in your heart;
  • All problems that arise in front of you should be perceived as an opportunity for your own personal growth. By overcoming difficulties, you change and grow.

The only answer to all our problems is love. It does not arise around a person on its own, this feeling lives inside us. The more love you give to others, the more you receive in return. To achieve such a state, you need to learn to forgive, since forgiveness dissolves internal grievances responsible for the psychosomatics of diseases.

Love and forgive yourself, be attentive to your loved ones, communicate more and smile. And then your mental and physical health will be excellent!

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