Features of working with children with deviant behavior

Causes of deviant behavior in children and its essence

Each child is unique and requires an individual approach, especially for children with various deviations and behavioral characteristics.
Currently, the number of children with behavioral disorders is increasing. This requires special training for future teachers, since working with such children becomes more and more difficult every year. In order for a teacher to have a positive impact on correcting the situation, he needs to have extensive skills in the field of working with children with deviant behavior. Definition 1

Deviant behavior (deviant behavior) is a system of individual actions or behavioral characteristics that fundamentally contradict generally accepted norms of law.

Modern teachers note that every year the number of children with deviant behavior is growing. Working with them is very difficult and requires special professional skills from the teacher. It is important when organizing work with such children to determine the cause of this problem.

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The main reasons for deviant behavior are the following factors:

  • biological (unfavorable anatomical or physiological characteristics of the child’s health);
  • psychological (psychological pathologies, neuropsychic illnesses, etc.);
  • socio-psychological (improper upbringing in the family, educational institution, negative influence from others, etc.).

Note 1

According to psychologists, deviant behavior should be perceived as normal, a kind of natural reaction of a child to abnormal conditions or a negative situation. In addition, deviant behavior is often mistaken for a kind of communication language when the child can no longer express his opinion, desire, attract the attention of an adult, etc. in any other way.


1. Introduction
“Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You are capable of going where your mind can go. Remember, what you believe in, you can achieve.” Mary Kay Ash

The birth of a child is a real happiness for a family - it has increased by one person, and yesterday’s guy and girl are today proudly called parents. It is quite natural for every parent to want to see their baby healthy. It just happens that supposed happiness is overshadowed by some rather unpleasant illness. And as a result, doctors announce their opinion: disability.

How to continue to live?

The main thing is to understand that this has nothing to do with the verdict. To overcome the further path, which will not be easy at all, you need to come to terms with the circumstances and not blame anyone for what happened. We must not forget that now you are parents, whose state of mind is transmitted to the child. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary stress in the baby, it is necessary to feed him with positive thoughts.

2. Children with special needs

“No one is immune from illness in life. Don’t laugh at crippled, sick people, because in their place... you could easily find yourself.” Inva-Life. ru

Children with disabilities are children with various mental or physical abnormalities that cause general developmental disorders that do not allow children to lead a full life. The following definitions of such children can be synonyms for this concept: “children with problems” , “children with special needs” , “atypical children” , “children with learning difficulties” , “abnormal children” , “exceptional children” . The presence of one or another defect (disadvantage) does not predetermine incorrect, from the point of view of society, development. Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with impaired psychophysical development who need special (corrective) training and upbringing.

According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov, the main categories of abnormal children include:

  • Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);
  • Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);
  • Children with speech disorders (speech pathologists);
  • Children with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with behavioral and communication disorders;
  • Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the disorder, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child (for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the characteristics of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various forms of pedagogical work with him. One child with developmental disabilities can master only basic general educational knowledge (read syllables and write simple sentences), while another is relatively unlimited in his abilities (for example, a child with mental retardation or a hearing impairment). The structure of the defect also affects the practical activities of children. Assessment of certain manifestations of peculiar atypical development is a necessary basis for developing a system of special education and upbringing based on the positive capabilities of children. The source of adaptation of children with disabilities to the environment is preserved psychophysical functions. The functions of the damaged analyzer are replaced by intensive use of the functional potential of the intact systems. Thus, four factors will influence the development of a child with disabilities.

Type (type) of violation.

The degree and quality of the primary defect. Secondary deviations, depending on the degree of violation, can be pronounced, weakly expressed and almost imperceptible. The degree of severity of the deviation determines the uniqueness of the atypical development. There is a direct dependence of the quantitative and qualitative uniqueness of secondary developmental disorders in an atypical child on the degree and quality of the primary defect.

Term (time) of occurrence of the primary defect. The earlier the pathological impact occurs and, as a consequence, damage to speech, sensory or mental systems, the more pronounced the deviations in psychophysical development will be;

Conditions of the surrounding sociocultural and psychological-pedagogical environment. The success of the development of an abnormal child largely depends on timely diagnosis and the early start (from the first months of life) of correctional and rehabilitation work with him.

3. Features of teaching and raising children with needs in the Russian Federation

“Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide; it is easier for them to live in the familiar world than to find the strength to change it. Impossible is not a fact. This is just an opinion. Impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. Impossible is a chance to test yourself. Impossible - this is not forever. The impossible is POSSIBLE."

Mark Victor Nansen

Currently, in the education system of Russia, as well as other countries of the world, integration takes a leading position in educating children with developmental problems. Currently, the world is attentive to children with disabilities, which is reflected in the ratification of the UN Convention (2006) by the Russian Federation in 2012, and in the first Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (No. 597 and No. 599). Currently, a concept is being implemented according to which a person with disabilities does not have to be “ready” to study in kindergarten or school, but much attention is paid to adapting the environment to his capabilities, developing abilities that may be in demand there, where he lives and studies. The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is very diverse and numerous. The most important direction in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specific mental development and health of each child.

  • It is important to develop psychological recommendations for children with mental retardation. When working with children, the teacher should use collaborative methods and a person-centered approach, as well as educational games and tasks.
  • Teachers and educators should take into account the age characteristics of children and remember the zone of proximal and proximal development. In lessons and in extracurricular activities, actively use methods and techniques for the formation of universal educational actions among students. These are regulatory UUDs, which include skills - the ability to act according to a plan, overcome impulsiveness, involuntariness, evaluate the correctness of the action performed and make adjustments to the result. Also, an important role in the development of personality is played by communicative learning skills; these include the ability to establish friendly relationships with peers.
  • The teacher should work on the development of cognitive (cognitive learning skills) and creative abilities in schoolchildren, as well as on the formation of adequate self-esteem and educational motivation. Using developmental exercises.
  • The teacher and educator should carry out a special, individual assessment of the answers of students with disabilities: using tasks that they can cope with.

The educator and teacher must create a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom. Focus on organizing the child’s success in educational activities by relying on his positive, strong qualities.

  • It should be developed according to the principle from creativity to action, as well as in educational work, give instructions, involve in various events, for example, dramatizations, dances, artistic creativity. Children should be involved in research projects, creative activities, and sporting events. In the process of such work, children learn to understand the meaning and predict the consequences of their own emotional behavior. They realize the importance of an emotional atmosphere of kindness, joy, and cooperation.

4. Children's problems with needs

“The basic rule is not to let yourself be broken by either people or circumstances” Marie Sklodowska-Curie

The future of any country is decided at the school desk. One of the main problems that arose in our society at the turn of the century is the problem of moral and spiritual burnout of the younger generation. Increasingly, we are faced with facts of substitution of values ​​and concepts among young people. It is remarkable that the main goal of education at school is good: the development of a highly moral, harmonious, physically developed and spiritually healthy personality, capable of creativity and self-determination. The topic of moral education of children with disabilities is extremely relevant. In the context of the formation of a new education system, focused on entering the global educational space, there is an active process of searching for educational models that will preserve the moral and cultural-historical traditions of domestic education and upbringing, formed both in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods. development. In messages from the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev draws attention to the dominant role of education: “Education comes first!” . The definition of the upbringing process is very multifaceted; the process itself is very complex even when it comes to healthy children. Of course, it turns out to be especially difficult when children with developmental disabilities are being raised, and there are more than 10 thousand such children in our region. All factors that determine the moral formation and development of a schoolchild’s personality, I.S. Maryenko divides into three groups: natural (biological), social and pedagogical. In interaction with the environment and targeted influences, the student is socialized and acquires the necessary experience of moral behavior. The moral formation of an individual is influenced by many social conditions and biological factors, but the decisive role in this process is played by pedagogical ones, as the most controllable ones, aimed at developing a certain kind of relationship.

One of the tasks of education is to properly organize the child’s activities. Moral qualities are formed in activities, and emerging relationships can influence changes in the goals and motives of activity, which in turn affects the assimilation of moral norms and values ​​of organizations. Human activity also acts as a criterion for his moral development. The development of a child’s moral consciousness occurs through the perception and awareness of the content of influences that come from parents and teachers surrounding people through the processing of these influences in connection with the moral experience of the individual, his views and value orientations. In the child’s mind, external influence acquires individual meaning, thus forming a subjective attitude towards it. In this regard, the motives of behavior, decision-making and the child’s moral choice of his own actions are formed. The direction of school education and the actual actions of children may be inadequate, but the point of education is to achieve compliance between the requirements of proper behavior and internal readiness for this.

A necessary link in the process of moral education is moral education, the purpose of which is to impart to the child a body of knowledge about the moral principles and norms of society, which he must master. Awareness and experience of moral principles and norms is directly related to awareness of patterns of moral behavior and contributes to the formation of moral assessments and actions.

Raising unusual children “requires” the use of special technologies and methods in the work of a teacher. The difficulty of the problem of moral education of children with disabilities is determined by:

  1. insufficient research on the topic of moral education of children with disabilities, since there are no special programs in a given direction (specifically for children with disabilities);
  2. Children studying at MSCOU are distinguished by a wide variety of profound disorders in psychophysiological development. Due to illnesses suffered by a child, the normal development of the processes of perception, processes of memorization and reproduction, especially in their active voluntary forms, is disrupted: the processes of abstraction and generalization are significantly disrupted in their development, i.e. what characterizes verbal-logical thinking. Many students are characterized by serious disturbances in the area of ​​excitability and imbalance in behavior. The abnormal functioning of these processes does not allow the child to assimilate a complex system of knowledge about the world;

3) families of children with disabilities often belong to low-income, disadvantaged categories. Unfortunately, the number of families abusing alcohol and psychoactive substances is not decreasing. There is a low educational status of parents, and as a result, a low percentage of employed parents. All these circumstances indicate the extremely low pedagogical potential of families. Children living in such families have imprinted negative life experiences in their emotional memory since childhood and saw life from the “back door” . To form the personality of this contingent of children, it is necessary to make pedagogical adjustments to the living conditions, everyday life, content and form of educational work;

4) spontaneous education ( “street” , not targeted, often immoral) of children with disabilities can have a serious negative impact on the formation of personality, aggravating health problems, turning them into a “socially dangerous” group of the population. Based on the analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature and the results of practical activities, we can conclude that the role of moral education of children with disabilities is great, since it contributes to the prevention of crime; allows you to form the spiritual world (value orientations) and moral qualities of such a child, allowing him to organically fit into society; reveals creative potential, expanding the possibilities of professional choice; forms diligence in work, helps to improve professional orientation, helps reduce the number of unemployed, fosters diligence (a voluntary attitude towards work and honesty), forms in the child’s mind the concept of work as a universal human value; helps reduce the number of dysfunctional families; allows us to solve the problem of social infantilism. Scientists in the field of pedagogy have found that at different age periods there are unequal opportunities for moral education. A child, a teenager and a young man have different attitudes towards various means of education. Knowledge and taking into account what a person has achieved in a given period of life helps to design his further growth in education. The moral development of a child occupies a leading place in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

When working on the problems of moral education of schoolchildren with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account their age and psychological characteristics:

  1. Tendency to play. In a playful relationship, the child voluntarily exercises and masters normative behavior. In games, more than anywhere else, the child is required to be able to follow the rules. Their children notice violations with particular acuteness and uncompromisingly express their condemnation of the offender. If a child does not obey the opinion of the majority, then he will have to listen to a lot of unpleasant words, and maybe even leave the game. This is how the child learns to reckon with others, receives lessons of justice, honesty, and truthfulness. The game requires its participants to be able to act according to the rules. “What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up,” said A.S. Makarenko.
  2. Inability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time. According to psychologists, children 6-7 years of age cannot maintain their attention on one object for more than 7-10 minutes. Then children begin to get distracted and switch their attention to other objects, so frequent changes of activities during classes are necessary.
  3. Lack of clarity of moral ideas due to little experience. Taking into account the age of children, norms of moral behavior can be divided into 3 levels: A child under 5 years old learns a primitive level of rules of behavior, based on the prohibition or denial of something. For example: “Don’t talk loudly” , “Don’t interrupt those talking” , “Don’t touch someone else’s thing” , “Don’t throw garbage” , etc. If a child has been taught to comply with these basic norms, then those around him consider this child to be a well-mannered child. It makes no sense to talk about the second level of moral education if the first has not been mastered. But exactly this contradiction is observed among teenagers: they want to please the people around them, but are not trained in basic behavior. At level 3 (by the age of 14-15), the principle is mastered: “Help the people around you!”
  4. There may be a contradiction between knowing how to do it and practical application (this concerns etiquette, rules of good manners, communication).

Knowledge of moral norms and rules of behavior does not always correspond to the child’s actual actions. This happens especially often in situations where there is a discrepancy between ethical standards and the personal desires of the child.

5) Uneven use of polite communication with adults and peers (in everyday life and at home, at school and on the street).

How will we overcome these features? Let's turn to the experience of great teachers. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “In practical work on moral education, our teaching staff sees, first of all, the formation of universal moral norms. At a young age, when the soul is very susceptible to emotional influences, we reveal to our children universal moral standards, teach them the alphabet of morality:

  1. You live among people. Don’t forget that your every action, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a boundary between what you want and what you can. Check your actions by asking yourself: are you doing harm or inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.
  2. You use goods created by other people. People make your childhood happy. Pay them for it in kind.
  3. All the blessings and joys of life are created by labor. Without work you cannot live honestly.
  4. Be kind and sensitive to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Help a friend in need. Don't hurt people. Respect and honor your mother and father - they gave you life, they raise you, they want you to become an honest citizen, a person with a kind heart and a pure soul.
  5. Be partial to evil. Fight against evil, deception, injustice. Be irreconcilable with those who seek to live at the expense of other people, harm other people, and rob society.

This is the ABC of moral culture, mastering which children comprehend the essence of good and evil, honor and dishonor, justice and injustice.”

Among the main tasks that modern society poses to public education, the urgent task of educating an active, conscious, creative personality stands out.

The educational process is structured in such a way that it provides for situations in which the child is faced with the need for independent moral choice. Moral situations for children of all ages should never be presented or appear to be educational or controlling, otherwise their educational value may be negated.

The result of moral education is manifested in children’s attitudes to their responsibilities, to the activity itself, and to other people.

5. Pedagogical solutions for working with children with disabilities in the Russian Federation

“It is important that people do not feel disabled... These are people to whom fate has sent difficult trials... But sympathy is not enough, opportunities must be developed.”

L.I. Shvetsova

Every year more and more children come to municipal educational institutions who have deviations from the conventional age norm; These are not only frequently ill children, but also children with logoneurosis, dysgraphia, dyslexia, increased excitability, problems with concentration and attention, poor memory, increased fatigue, as well as with much more serious problems (mental retardation, autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy). They need specialized help, an individual program, a special regime.

It is increasingly realized that psychophysical disorders do not deny human essence, the ability to feel, experience, and gain social experience. There is an understanding that each child needs to create favorable development conditions that take into account his individual educational needs and abilities.

According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language, to accompany means to follow alongside, along with someone as a companion or guide.

The purpose of psychological support: the creation of a comprehensive system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society.

Objectives of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • prevention of child development problems;
  • assistance (assistance) to the child in solving current problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers.

The most important area of ​​psychological and pedagogical support for the development of students is the preservation and strengthening of children’s health.

Solving the problems of psychological and pedagogical support for a child cannot be limited to the area of ​​direct interaction between the psychologist and the child, but requires organizing work with teachers and parents as participants in the educational process.

Special work should be carried out with parents of this category of children to provide them with the necessary knowledge about the child’s characteristics, optimal forms of interaction, and training in effective methods of assistance.

Children with disabilities need to develop social competence and communication skills with others.

Overcoming social isolation and expanding opportunities for voluntary interaction with peers is an essential condition for positive changes in the development of such children and improving their learning abilities.

6. Epilogue

“He who is discouraged dies before his time” Omar Khayyam

The development of a child is directly influenced by the type of disorder, the severity of its manifestation, the time when the defect manifested itself, environmental conditions, and the social and pedagogical environment of life. Working with children with disabilities requires painstaking work. After all, such a child needs to be given much more attention than without a developmental disorder. For each type of developmental defect, its own training program is selected. But in general, their main aspects are the same.

The basic principles of teaching children with disabilities are listed below:

  • Motivation – it is necessary to arouse the child’s interest in the world around him and the educational process.
  • Development – ​​it is important to create a unified process of cooperation and joint activities.
  • Building interaction, providing assistance in adapting to the conditions of the surrounding world.

The principle of psychological safety.

At the initial stage of education, it is important to arouse interest, willingness and ability to cooperate with the teacher, and the ability to complete tasks. And the goal of studying in secondary school will be the formation of a moral, ideological and civic position, as well as the identification of creative abilities. As a result of training children with disabilities, violations of one of the analyzers are replaced by stronger and more sensitive work of others.

It is worth noting the importance of family education of children with disabilities, because most of the child’s life is spent with relatives. Purposeful actions of parents can significantly affect his life. After all, if they know exactly what they want to achieve, then they can count on success. In the family, the process of a child’s formation as a part of society, the formation of social values ​​and communication skills takes place. It must be remembered that conflict situations and any manifestations of aggression will lead to the opposite result and will have a very negative impact on the already fragile psyche of the baby. Thus, the family plays a major role in the development of personality.


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Methods of working with children with deviant behavior

The success of working with children with deviant behavior depends on the literacy and experience of the teacher. The work involves not only interaction with children, but also cooperation with parents, the class teacher (teacher) and other teachers of the educational institution.

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The peculiarities of working with deviant behavior are that there are a number of rules, the observance of which will significantly increase work efficiency:

  • accept the child as he is;
  • when presenting demands to a child, it is necessary to take into account not only one’s own pedagogical desires and aspirations, but also the child’s capabilities;
  • expanding the child’s horizons;
  • inclusion of the child in joint activities with other children of the team, it is important to correctly focus on the importance of the child in completing the task (solving a problem, resolving a situation, etc.);
  • ignoring insignificant manifestations of aggressiveness, not focusing not only your attention on them, but also the attention of other children;
  • when working with a child with deviant behavior, be patient;
  • do not be lazy to explain to your child difficult and incomprehensible moments, even if he asks several times;
  • reward normal and good behavior.

One of the reasons for deviant behavior is fear. If it is determined that the child is worried about fears, then the teacher’s work should be based on the following principles:

  • perceive the child as an independent and separate personality, which has its own characteristics and individuality, but at the same time can change;
  • try to work with children in a positive rhythm, devote attention and time to each pupil (student);
  • show understanding and sympathy for the child’s experiences and fears, under no circumstances ridicule his fears or try to rid him of them in radical ways;
  • if necessary, in a light and relaxed manner, play out with the child situations that cause him anxiety.

Quite often, children with deviant behavior lie; in this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. focus on the child’s good deeds, praise and approve of his behavior;
  2. if the teacher is absolutely sure that the child is lying, then he must be correctly brought into a frank conversation and the reason for the lie must be established;
  3. if the exact reason why the child is lying is known, it is necessary to try to eliminate it;
  4. In no case should punishment be allowed for a lie if the child admitted it on his own, realized that he had done wrong and asked for forgiveness


  • manipulation of others;
  • stress state of the child;
  • age-related characteristics (for example, protest behavior is typical for children experiencing a crisis at 3 years old);
  • insufficient level of development of the emotional sphere;
  • ignorance of other adequate ways of expressing one’s emotions;
  • an unstable situation in the family, where the parents themselves are aggressive towards their child and each other, thereby showing him aggressive patterns of behavior. As a result, aggression becomes the norm of life for such a child.
  • serious behavioral disorders, personality psychopathology.

Diagnosis of behavior disorders

It is carried out by child psychiatrists. Communication with the child's caregivers is very important in recognizing these problems - after all, they can tell a specialist about the problems that exist.

However, it is also necessary to conduct a thorough psychiatric evaluation of suspected behavioral disorders. This diagnosis cannot be made in a child with a mental illness or disorder such as depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder.

When diagnosing, the time during which the anomalies described earlier occur is important. It is generally accepted that a problem can be recognized if symptoms of conduct disorder persist for more than 6 months.

Our correction methods

The strategy for helping children with behavior problems depends on the characteristics of the child’s leading age-related cognitive activity:

  • from 3 to 7 years - this is a play activity - at this age we use sand play therapy methods,
  • from 7 to 12 years old - this is a cognitive and communicative activity - we successfully use group forms of work (MIM therapy, teenage group classes),
  • from 12 to 18 years old - this is interpersonal communication and active self-knowledge - we effectively use cognitive behavioral therapy.

As a rule, a professional outside view allows you to quickly and efficiently identify the most problematic areas and help you create a correction program specifically for your child.

Categories of deviant behavior of adolescents

Teenage alcoholism is a category of immoral behavior of deviance

  1. Antisocial. Misdemeanors are based on violations of legal norms, public order, prohibited by law. For adolescence, this means theft, vandalism, hooligan behavior, drug trafficking, and violence.
  2. Amoral behavior. Actions that are associated with a violation of moral standards threaten normal interpersonal relationships. Teenagers are characterized by vagrancy, drug use, aggression, alcoholism, and sexual disorders.
  3. Self-destructive (autodestructive) behavior. Actions that involve harming oneself. Adolescents are characterized by computer, chemical and food addiction, as well as suicidal tendencies.

Separately, the tendency to suicide is considered, which can be a consequence of both an asocial lifestyle and destruction. A teenager may begin to think about suicide for many reasons:

  • drug addiction;
  • severely low self-esteem;
  • constant conflicts, quarrels in the family;
  • alcoholism;
  • clouding of mind;
  • refusal of intimacy.
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