3.2. Motive as a goal (subject of satisfying a need)

Goals and needs

The needs are of a very diverse nature: from basic needs for food, housing, etc., to the highest social and spiritual needs. By directing his attention to objects of the external world in order to satisfy his own needs and interests, a person learns their properties and, on this basis, evaluates them as satisfying or not satisfying his needs and interests, i.e., he evaluates them. Determined by needs and interests, the goal in relation to them acts as an ideal, mental image of the value created by people.

At the same time, the goal, in itself, is a global human need, without which his life loses meaning. First, the goal is determined, and then the person begins to implement it in practice. When a certain cycle of activity ends, as a result of which the set goal is achieved, then new goals must be set, otherwise, despite the achieved goal, the person falls into a state of depression and disappointment.

A goal, being an image of a value (true or false), in contrast to a need, is a value in relation to individual consciousness - it is a mental value. Therefore, a goal achieved ceases to be a goal.

For a biologist, according to Hans Selye, the main need or goal of life is to preserve and realize innate abilities and drives with the least damage and failure. For the need for peace of mind, a person needs a goal and pride that he works for it. The only attitude in life in which the means and the final goals coincide is hedonic - the goal of pleasure. These are always immediate goals and needs. A completely different need manifests itself in the satisfaction that, say, a chef and a musician experience: they want to create and earn love through it. Philosophical, religious and political ideals have long served effectively man in his search for a distant goal to which he can devote his whole life.

The so-called spiritual needs can be regulated depending on the main, defining needs of a person, which often determines the main goal of life and its meaning. In this process, regulated, previously subjective needs are more or less recognized as objects of analysis, distant from the subject and even “alien.”

In many ancient and modern teachings, the need for self-improvement is prescribed as a life goal from all “spiritual” needs; Of all conscious actions, it is the ability to choose oneself, which presupposes the coordination of reason and feelings. “I” is the one who chooses himself. But “I” is also part of “we”, i.e. views, views and values ​​that belong to the “we” community. “I” chooses itself within “we,” which determines the main range of needs and emotions, as well as the choice of ways to achieve the goal.

More generally, the dual division of feelings, such as sympathy and antipathy, love and disgust, compassion and callousness, are widespread signs of the dual division of the human environment into “us” and “them.” “We” is what corresponds to a person’s imaginary ideals. “They” (“strangers”) – that which is alien is not approved. This primitive dualism is one of the causes of wars and human misfortunes. At the same time, such an approach often determines the goals and spiritual needs of people, their understanding of justice, happiness, etc.

From a psychological point of view, happiness is often understood as the coincidence of what has been achieved, realized with a plan or goal. Joy and pleasure are steps below. But the essence of the need for these feelings often remains the same. This essence is in plans, ideals, goals, dreams. However, happiness in relation to goals and dreams is still not so much the point of their accomplishment as a process that should be renewed if spiritual needs are satisfied and goals are achieved.

The article was prepared based on the materials of the article “My old entries” in this subsection.

Shear mechanism

In his works concerning motivation, Leontiev separated conscious motives from effective ones , that is, those that actually act.

Since the modification of one into another occurs only if, in the process of real action, the resulting result brings greater moral satisfaction or benefit than the goal for which, in fact, the process took place.

How are motives formed and modified?

The goal turns from a motivating factor into a motive with the accumulation of emotions in the process of the activity.

Objectives are achieved through operations performed subconsciously and through actions taken through awareness .

But at the same time, in the process of working to achieve the chosen level, actions can become operations if the implementation of the former can already be carried out at a reflex level.

A good example of this mechanism is sports training . The more responsible you approach the procedure, the faster a series of actions can be carried out without even thinking about the execution algorithm.

What operations should be distinguished?:

  1. Executed automatically or almost so.
  2. Conducted along the beaten path, through repeated repetitions or not yet having a clear mechanism of action, since they are born due to copying something behavior or the need to fit into existing circumstances.

Any actions consist of elements of both types and are necessary for the emergence of skills, which are an algorithm for the sequence of operations and actions fixed in memory and consciousness.

Under favorable circumstances, what is happening becomes the key to expanding human activity and mastering new areas. But, unfortunately, the mechanism of shifting the motive to the goal is formed in the human psyche not always for the benefit and can cause personality degradation.



The student dreams of poring over textbooks less often and spending more time with friends.

But there is a literature exam ahead and it is necessary to prepare.

In the process of preparing data for answers, the student comes across material about the path of development of one of the writers. And in some way the child saw a connection between himself and the biography of a famous person .

Having begun to take a deeper interest in the writer’s works, the student began to perceive literature no longer from the point of view of a person forced to study tons of “boring” information, but turned into a researcher who gained access to a mass of interesting data .

So the desire to pass a good exam opened the way to a new hobby, and the study of literature turned from a boring duty into an attractive activity.


A complex, overweight young man decided to resort to sports to change his figure and become more attractive to girls.

Careful adherence to the recommendations of the trainer at the fitness club, systematic hard training led to a brilliant result - the man’s appearance underwent dramatic changes.

But over time, the young man began to train not so much to maintain an attractive appearance, but because of the pleasant sensations that arise from the understanding that now controlling his body and making it do labor-intensive work is much more pleasant and easier.


For food and the opportunity to pay for shelter, yesterday's clerk, fired due to staff reductions, grabs the first vacancy that comes along and gets a job as a helper at a car service center.

Thanks to the experience from youth and a parent with “golden hands,” experience in fixing hardware and intuition allow a person to become a master in good standing.

At the same time, the habit of being interested in new developments in the field where one has to earn a living has remained.

As a result, the man understands that skills and knowledge are enough to start his own business.

After some thought, he quits and starts his own business, which, as it turns out, has become not only a source of money , but also brings much more satisfaction than the work that is far in the past.

How to properly motivate your man? Advice from psychologists will help you!

Need for labor

In terms of its meaning, work is an urgent human need, designed to satisfy his biological needs and cultural needs. The nature of satisfying this need is determined by both subjective and objective factors.

The first include the individual age and gender characteristics of people, their state of health, personal properties (temperament, character, abilities), as well as the level of general culture, professional experience of the subject of activity, his social status, that is, position in the sphere of public relations (position, profession , speciality).

The second includes the features of the production in which a person works: working conditions and discipline, the form of its organization, the rationality of wage systems, training and retraining of personnel, the presence of innovations in the technology of labor processes and a number of other aspects of a socio-economic nature.

As an example, let us consider the psychological indicators of meeting the needs of persons in maritime professions. These include both biological needs - for food, water, housing, sex, and social needs - for communication, work, creativity, entertainment, recreation. At the same time, it is difficult to determine which of them are more important, since any person must first of all have a certain minimum of vital benefits that ensure his physiological functions, and conditions for development, improvement of his spiritual interests, intelligence, professional skills, as well as for official work. growth. The peculiarities of the working and rest conditions of seafarers, a significant part of whose life is spent in a ship environment, makes it difficult to satisfy many of the vital needs of people, and also changes the indicators of their psychological structure and dynamics. Thus, throughout the entire period of voyage, crew members are dominated by the need to communicate with nature and new people, to move, and to have emotional and sexual release.

Socially and personally significant needs in work, the need to fulfill job duties, observe labor discipline and moral and ethical standards of relations in the work team are more manifested among representatives of the ship's command staff. Individuals of this professional group are most often characterized by a coincidence of goals and meaning of work, which they see in achieving a socially useful result, performing production tasks with minimal expenditure of time, money and human resources. For many representatives of junior command and rank and file, the content of the meaning of activity is often expressed in maintaining health and external attractiveness, achieving prestige, career aspirations, material wealth and a number of other goals that are far removed from socially significant goals.

For ordinary crew members, the main psychological formations of the structure of satisfying labor needs are the goals (“what needs to be done”) and the means (“with the help of what”) of activity. For senior and middle command personnel, these points are supplemented by methods of action (“how to do it”, “in what ways”, which activates the creative components of activity and helps to satisfy a person’s needs in achieving labor success. At the same time, the ability to plan the labor process, ensuring the coincidence of the intended ones, is important the individual’s goals and results obtained, which he perceives as success.

Significant transformations in the conditions of long flights undergo psychological indicators of the energetic, dynamic side of the process of satisfying needs. In particular, on the 70th - 80th day of the voyage, all crew members tend to decrease the “degree of aspirations”, to limit ideological interests, general cultural and spiritual needs. This is largely due to the lack of social information, long-term deprivation of a wide circle of contacts, and the monotony of the production environment and landscape.

For sailors with extensive professional experience, rich life experience, with well-developed special and general abilities, the activity of aspirations fades away during the voyage to a lesser extent, which is facilitated by: a creative attitude to work, the ability, with the help of a strong-willed conscious effort, to be distracted from the forced monotony of life, occupying one’s leisure time by pursuing a hobby (reading, music, drawing, knitting, etc.). For many people in such conditions, there is a change in the hierarchy of needs and ways of satisfying them, when the secondary is taken for the main, and vice versa, which can be expressed in the indiscriminate means of achieving the goal (abuse of official position, petty consumerism, etc.).

Age plays an important role in the nature of the sources of need satisfaction. Representatives of the older generation are distinguished by reasonable moderation in experiencing existing restrictions. Young, inexperienced sailors tend to experience a high level of neuro-emotional stress, which in some cases leads to the formation of deviant forms of behavior (hooliganism, drug addiction, drunkenness, etc.). this poses the problem of educating young ship crew members in the direction of developing the skills to satisfy their needs within the framework of socially acceptable norms. Self-education and the development of such professionally important personal qualities of will as determination, courage, and perseverance in achieving goals are of decisive importance.

The concept and meaning of values

Definition 2

The value system is a set of assessments of objects and phenomena in the surrounding world that are given by a person. In particular, a value system can determine how a person will relate to certain problems and needs, how he will form and correct them.

Within the tourism industry, the study of value needs is important, since it is Ilya’s tourism product that is oriented towards human needs. Determining the needs, motives, and goals of a person allows you to find a suitable target audience that can be sold to a certain tourism product.

The assessment of certain objects or phenomena determines what significance they have for a person and how he relates to them. Needs and values ​​permeate literally all spheres of public life, all social structures and relationships. Without them, the existence of society as such is impossible. For these reasons, they act as general concepts for the entirety of social sciences.

Cases with negative shift

disturbances in the functioning of the psyche and nervous system are to blame

  1. Example 1. In the past, a person was interested in music and had every chance of making a brilliant career in this direction.
    But due to problems with epilepsy, his dreams were not supported and today the man makes a living by binding books. The process is very exciting for the master. He works very slowly, but efficiently, enjoying every action he takes on the next order. At the same time, the latter is absolutely not interested in the content of the books that the master updates.
  2. Example 2. Struggling for the cleanliness of the room in which he lives, a patient can look for various garbage around him for many hours in a row and carefully collect what he sees. However, a person lays out everything he has selected on his bed, ensuring that the collected elements are located on the surface in even and neat rows.
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