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In modern psychology, abilities are usually understood as special individual-specific formations of a person, which include knowledge, abilities and skills of a person structured in a special way, developed on the basis of innate (biologically determined) inclinations. Abilities are a single whole that determines an individual’s potential in mastering a particular type of activity.

Most researchers suggest distinguishing between:

  • general abilities that determine an individual’s success in a wide variety of activities, that is, without reference to any one of them; General ones include mental abilities, developed memory and logical thinking, well-developed speech, subtlety and accuracy of manual movements, abilities in interacting with people, and many others;
  • special abilities that manifest themselves in specific specific types of activities; the development of special abilities (for example, musical, mathematical, linguistic, technical, etc.) requires inclinations of a special kind, which are formed in a limited number of people.

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Researchers have proven that if a subject has general abilities, the development of special ones is not excluded, and vice versa, and they even complement each other. In addition, the effectiveness of any type of activity is influenced not by any one ability, but by a combination of various abilities, and this combination can produce the same result, but in different ways.

The extent to which an individual will be able to develop natural inclinations into abilities depends on a number of factors. Firstly, on the quality of mastery of certain elements of knowledge and skills, on the nature of their grouping into a single whole, as well as on the quality of the structure of this whole. For example, the dynamics of ability development drops significantly with low-quality and incomplete training, and when working with incompetent teachers. Secondly, on the natural inclinations of a person, on the quality of those primary nervous mechanisms of elementary mental activity with which a child is born. And thirdly, from the greater or lesser training of the brain cells themselves involved in the implementation of cognitive and psychomotor processes. Based on the analysis of the interaction of these factors, it is possible to distinguish:

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  • high levels of development of special abilities;
  • average level, at which the individual does not stand out significantly from his environment (applies to both general and special abilities);
  • low levels of development of general abilities.

The listed levels need to be described in more detail.

What is personality development?

What is a strong personality? This question is asked by people who have embarked on the path of self-improvement and knowledge, who have decided to achieve their goals. Personal development begins in childhood and depends on the cultivation and stimulation of certain qualities in a person; this process is based on education and training. A harmonious personality develops comprehensively: physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually.

What is personality socialization?

Personality psychology is inextricably linked with socialization, which represents a mutual process of the individual’s assimilation of the norms, rules, regulations and values ​​of society and the individual’s influence on society in the form of various transformations and the individual’s building up his own values. What is the social status of an individual - this is a factor that plays a large role in the socialization of a person, indicating his inclusion in a certain social group, or society - there can be many statuses.

What is a personality disorder?

The psychology of a person’s personality would not be complete if only his full, harmonious development were affected. For a number of reasons, a deviation from the norm occurs, considered by psychiatrists as a disorder or psychopathology. Sometimes the concepts of normal and pathological are blurred. Personality disorder leads to social disintegration and destruction of personal structure.

What is split personality

Dissociative disorder or multiple personality is a psychopathology in which several personalities coexist in the human body. An example is the notorious Billy Milligan, who “possessed” 24 personalities, two of which behaved antisocially. What is split personality - symptoms:

  • the existence of two or more personalities within an individual;
  • each personality has its own characteristics, memory and does not know about the presence of another, this explains the memory lapses during the “capture” and control of one of the personalities;
  • With age, the number of personalities increases.

What is personality degradation?

Personal abilities in psychology presuppose its development in accordance with the inherent natural characteristics and talents. A full-fledged personality is always in the process of development. What is personality in the process of degradation? Degradation is a pathological process of regression of skills, abilities, functions, impoverishment of emotions and feelings. It develops slowly, the final stage of degradation is insanity. Causes:

  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • mental illness;
  • severe traumatic brain injury;
  • pathological age-related changes.
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