Features of pedagogical communication. The structure of pedagogical communication.

Pedagogical communication and its specifics article on the topic

Speech at the ShMO by primary school teachers:

“Pedagogical communication and its specificity”

Gladun Elena Nikolaevna

primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 9

Pedagogical communication is a specific form of communication that has its own characteristics, and at the same time is subject to general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, including communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

Pedagogical communication is a set of means and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training and determine the nature of interaction between the teacher and students.

The main goal of pedagogical communication is both the transfer of social and professional experience (knowledge, abilities, skills) from the teacher to students, and the exchange of personal meanings associated with the objects being studied and life in general. In communication, the formation of individuality occurs for both students and teachers.

Whether this communication will be optimal depends on the teacher himself, on the level of his pedagogical skills and communicative culture.

To establish positive relationships with students, the teacher must show goodwill and respect for each of the participants in the educational process, be involved in the victories and defeats, successes and mistakes of the students, and empathize with them.

Ethical values ​​such as honesty, frankness, selflessness, trust, mercy, etc. are of great importance for productive communication.

gratitude, care, loyalty to the word.

The specificity of pedagogical communication, first of all, is manifested in its focus. It is aimed not only at the interaction itself and at students, for the purpose of their personal development, but also, which is fundamental for the pedagogical system itself, - at organizing the development of educational knowledge and the formation of skills on this basis. Because of this, pedagogical communication is characterized by a triple focus - on the educational interaction itself, on students (their current state, promising lines of development), and on the subject of mastery (assimilation).

At the same time, pedagogical communication is determined by a triple focus on subjects: personal, social and subject. This occurs due to the fact that the teacher, working with one student to master any educational material, always focuses its result on everyone present in the class, i.e., frontally influences each student. Therefore, we can assume that the originality of pedagogical communication, revealed in the totality of the named characteristics, is also expressed in the fact that it organically combines elements of personally oriented, socially oriented and subject-oriented communication.

If we consider communication as an end-to-end process in learning, then it is necessary to distinguish two main models of communication:

  • educational and disciplinary;
  • personality-oriented.

Educational and disciplinary model of communication.

It has been developing in our country for decades and bears the imprint of the second half of the 70s. last century, when the purpose of education was to equip students with knowledge, skills and abilities. The slogan during the interaction between adults and children was “Do as I do.” The model of communication under consideration is characterized by an authoritarian style of communication, where the methods of communication are instructions, explanations, prohibitions, demands, threats, punishments, notations, shouting. Communication tactics: dictate or guardianship. Personal position: satisfy the requirements of management and regulatory authorities.

As a result of this model of communication, there was a detrimental effect on the child’s personality. An alternative to this model is the personality-oriented model of communication.

Personally oriented model of communication.

The goal of a personality-oriented model of communication is to ensure a child’s sense of psychological security, his trust in the world, the joy of existence, the formation of the foundations of personality, and the development of the child’s individuality. This model of communication is characterized by a dialogical type of communication.

This model of communication is characterized by the fact that an adult interacts with a child in the process of communication. It does not adjust the development of children, but prevents the occurrence of possible deviations in the personal development of children. The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is not a goal, but a means of full development of the individual.

Thus, achieving a positive result of communication and interaction, and in general, success in the educational activities of each child depends on the level of development of the teacher’s communication skills,

his abilities for empathy and reflection, for observation, and the ability to take into account the representative system of the interlocutor. And also from the ability to listen and understand a child, influence him through persuasion, emotional contagion, changing styles and positions of communication, the ability to overcome manipulation and conflicts.

Used Books:

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M., 1996

2. Kan-Kalik V.A. To the teacher about pedagogical communication: Book. For the teacher. — M.: Education, 2013

3. Leontiev A.A. Pedagogical communication. – M., 2010

Structure of pedagogical communication


Structure of pedagogical communication

1. Prognostic stage. It consists of preliminary modeling by the teacher of upcoming communication with students in the process of preparing for the implementation of teaching activities .

2. Initial period of communication . It consists of getting to know the audience, group and organizing direct communication with it .

3. Communication . It takes place directly during the developing pedagogical process and consists in the implementation of a pre-selected and modeled communication .

4. Final stage. It consists of analyzing the results of implementing the selected communication and modeling new technologies to solve subsequent pedagogical problems .

Let us consider in more detail the content of each of these stages.

First stage.

. At this stage of pedagogical communication, a kind of planning of the communicative structure of interaction , the process and content of communication , based on the goals and objectives of the lesson, the current situation, the individuality of the teacher and the characteristics of the students. In this case, the emotional mood for the future lesson is selected in advance, based on the composition and size of the group, and the existing communication . “Lyrical digressions” are thought through as possible filling of pauses, ways of responding to the expected behavior of students, etc. With such preparation, repetitions should be avoided (what was successful in one stream will not necessarily be successful again). Stereotypes in group communication greatly reduce the teacher’s authority among students.

Preliminary modeling helps the teacher to imagine a probabilistic scheme of interaction, anticipate the possible atmosphere of the lesson in advance, feel the possible level of relationships during the upcoming communication , and on this basis more accurately build both the content and methodological structure of the future lesson .

Thus, at this stage, both moral-psychological and communicative-technological elements clearly appear, pedagogical tasks are transferred into the sphere of communicative tasks, and their compliance is achieved, ensuring the productive implementation of the goals of pedagogical interaction .

The second stage of pedagogical communication is the organization of direct interaction between the teacher and the audience during the initial period of contact with it. This stage largely determines the success of the further development of both the content-didactic system of activity and its socio-psychological basis. Its important elements for the teacher are: a) specification of the previously planned model of communication ; b) clarifying the conditions and structure of upcoming communication ; c) implementation of the initial stage of direct communication . When establishing contact in communication , an important role is played by the unconventionality and originality of the teacher’s behavior. Entering the classroom, you can notice something unusual: its fullness, the placement of students, the readiness of teaching aids, the sanitary condition of the room, etc. The reaction to this unusual “here and now” is always perceived positively by the audience, provided that it is friendly and spontaneous and non-standard.

In the very first moments of communication , the teacher must clarify the possibilities of work using the selected teaching methods, see the general mood of the audience, etc.

The very position of the teacher as the initiator of communication at the transitional stage from the pre-communicative situation to the situation of direct interaction is extremely important. The initiative of the teacher in communication acts here as a way of managing communication and all educational activities, joint creative work of the teacher and the team, i.e., managing cognitive search at a lecture, seminar, etc. is carried out through a properly organized communication system .

The third stage of pedagogical communication is to manage communication during the developing pedagogical process and to manage this process itself, to organize learning during the lesson. At this stage, the teacher implements the planned communication system, exerts a verbal influence on students, selects and implements various means of communication and information transfer, and maintains contact with the audience.

At the third stage, a complex of communicative interaction between subjects of the pedagogical process is implemented at three levels: emotional, cognitive and socio-psychological

The emotional or superficial level of communication determines the comfort of the situation of pedagogical communication , but does not characterize its substantive aspects.

The cognitive level is associated with the subject side of communication . It is at this level that the explanatory process unfolds as a core element of personal-group pedagogical communication and ensuring the desired effectiveness of students’ educational and cognitive activities.

Communication at the socio-psychological level determines the interpersonal and group relationships of the teacher with students and students with each other. Here the art of communication is closely intertwined with teaching technology and the organization of student work.

Thus, methodically expediently organized pedagogical communication performs not only its inherent functions of ensuring sustainable communication, but also leads the teacher to the possibility of solving more complex problems that contribute to the formation of meaningful formations in students - professional orientation, ideological positions, moral and ethical principles and beliefs, etc.

At the final, fourth stage of pedagogical communication, the teacher, if necessary, analyzes the communication , clarifies possible options for organizing communication in a given student group, correlates all this with the substantive aspects of the activity performed, thereby predicting upcoming educational communication with this audience . This stage represents a kind of feedback in the general structure of communication , without which the reflexive moment not only worsens, but may also become completely inadequate to the situation. In fact, here the transition to the first stage of pedagogical communication . This stage includes both clarifying aspects and partially prognostic ones, and it has a serious impact not only on the communicative aspects of learning itself, but also on the entire upcoming educational process.

The presented stages reveal the most typical situations that arise in the process of pedagogical communication . Although in real teaching activities they may be different. Some stages, for example, may be collapsed or not clearly defined, and sometimes, on the contrary, overextended. It all depends on the situation in which pedagogical communication , on the teacher himself, as well as the students, the level of their general culture , motivation and other factors.

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