Communication barriers that arise during communication

Causes of communication barriers

One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of business communication is the existence of communication barriers. Reasons for their occurrence include:

  • Psychological characteristics of partners (for example, differences in intellectual level, temperament, thinking, etc.);
  • Social, political, religious, national differences, different levels of education;
  • Differences in vocabulary and lexicon;
  • Different knowledge of the subject under discussion.

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Almost every person has encountered communication problems, regardless of gender, age, social status, values ​​and attitudes. This suggests that the causes of barriers are different and can be present in everyone's life. They may or may not be realized by people entering into communication. This largely determines how quickly a person is able to notice that he has a problem and how he can solve it. Communication barriers can also be contrived by one or more interlocutors.

How to overcome the language barrier in English


First conversations with a foreigner are not easy.
At this moment it is important to calm down. Remember how pleasant it is when a foreigner speaks Russian with numerous errors and is not at all worried about it

We perceive it with understanding and try to help in every possible way.

The same thing happens when you start talking. Even with basic knowledge of a foreign language, you can be understood. Try to explain yourself calmly, don’t be nervous. Foreigners are kind to everyone who tries to master their language.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Get rid of perfectionism. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. At the initial level of honing your spoken language there will be a lot of them. And it's not scary. Foreigners are condescending and happy to communicate even with a beginner practicing foreign speech.

Take your time, try to pronounce sounds clearly

Of course, you want to immediately learn to speak English fluently. Unfortunately this is not possible. Ask your interlocutor to point out your speech errors and correct you. When taking your first steps in communication, focus on speaking correctly rather than speaking quickly.

Learn to capture the essence of the conversation

To communicate with foreigners, you need to understand what they are talking about. Watch more films and TV series in English. Don’t try to understand everything verbatim, capture the essence of what is being said.

Listen to the block of statements, rather than focusing on the translation of individual words.

Ask again

If you do not understand anything from what was said to you, ask the other person to repeat it at a slow pace, and possibly in simpler phrases. Your request will definitely be received adequately. After all, every person understands how difficult it is to perceive a non-native language by ear.

Main communication barriers and ways to overcome them

Communication barriers are obstacles in the course of communication that relate to the exchange of information between interlocutors. Among the most common barriers are:

  • semantic,
  • phonetic,
  • logical.

A semantic barrier occurs when two people mean completely different things by the same concepts. It occurs almost always and everywhere, since people understand many things very differently. For this reason, when talking on the same topic, we can talk about different things, encountering a misunderstanding of each other.

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To break this barrier, you need to have a good understanding of your partner and his picture of the world, which is represented by the meanings put into different categories. If there are possible inaccuracies, you need to explain in detail what you mean. Also, in a conversation, it is important to try to use words and their combinations that are understandable to the interlocutor.

The phonetic barrier lies in poor speaking technique. In this case, it is not clear what the interlocutor is saying. This makes it difficult to perceive the information he communicates. If there is interest in communicating with such a person, then it is necessary to adapt to his manner of speaking. You can occasionally ask again in unclear places.

If there is informal or friendly communication, then you can convey to the interlocutor in a gentle form that it is difficult to understand him due to some features of speech. Here, if possible, he can adapt and correct these shortcomings.

A logical barrier represents an individual’s inability to express his own thoughts. In the speech of such people, cause-and-effect relationships are confused, some concepts are replaced.

If you had to communicate with such an interlocutor, then you need to be patient: listen to him very carefully and ask questions, which will help you obtain the necessary information. Any person who discovers such a feature in himself should try to get rid of it. There are several tips for such people:

  • listen to how good speakers or writers express their thoughts,
  • read literature on logic,
  • enroll in public speaking courses,
  • ask friends for feedback with recommendations, etc.

Communication barriers that arise during communication

Svetlana Efimova

Communication barriers that arise during communication

The perception of information largely depends on the presence or absence of communication barriers in the communication process .

Communication barriers are obstacles that stand in the way of understanding the interlocutor.

In and their various modifications may arise

1. "authority"


2. "avoidance"


3. "misunderstanding"


The first two provide protection from the source of information, the last - protection from the message .

1. Communication barrier “authority”

Having divided all people into authoritative and non-authoritative, a person trusts and listens only to authoritative ones and refuses to trust others. For example, older people do not listen well to the advice of young people.

Classifying a person as authoritative depends on the following factors:

• social status (status)


• attractive appearance (is the hair neat, combed, ironed, shaved, buttoned up, etc.);

• a friendly attitude towards the recipient of the influence (smile, friendliness, ease of use, etc.)


• competence;

• sincerity.

2. Communication barrier “avoidance”

The person avoids, evades contact with the interlocutor. If it is impossible to evade, then he makes every effort not to perceive the message (inattentive, does not listen, does not look at the interlocutor, uses any excuse to end the conversation).

3. Communication barrier “misunderstanding”

Often the source of information is trustworthy and authoritative, but the information “does not reach”
(we do not hear, we do not see, we do not understand)
. Why is this happening?

Usually there are four barriers of misunderstanding : phonetic (phoneme - sound), semantic (semantics - the semantic meaning of words, stylistic (stylistics - style of presentation, correspondence of form and content, logical.

3.1. Phonetic barrier of misunderstanding

Occurs in the following cases:

• when speaking a foreign language;

• use a large number of foreign words or special terminology;

• when they speak quickly, slurredly and with an accent.

3.2. Semantic barrier of misunderstanding

Occurs when phonetically the language is “our”

, but according to the conveyed meaning
. This is possible for the following reasons:

• any word usually has not one, but several meanings;


fields are different for different people;

• often used slang words, secret languages, images often used in any group, examples (for example, the meaning of the words “feather”

, etc. in thieves’ jargon is significantly different from the true meaning).

3.3. Stylistic barrier of misunderstanding

It occurs when the style of presentation is too heavy, or too lightweight, in general , does not correspond to the content, then the listener does not understand it or refuses, does not want to understand. The main thing when overcoming the stylistic barrier is to correctly structure the transmitted information.

3.4. Barrier of logical misunderstanding

Occurs if a person, from our point of view, says or does something contrary to the rules of logic. Then we not only refuse to understand him, but also emotionally perceive his words negatively. At the same time, we implicitly assume that there is only one logic - the correct one, that is, ours.

Each person thinks, lives and acts according to his own logic, but in communication , unless these logics are correlated or if a person does not have a clear idea of ​​his partner’s logic, a barrier of logical misunderstanding arises .


educators and parents to eliminate communication barriers with preschool children:

• Spend more time with your children;

• Offer a hobby;

• Read them exciting, interesting books;

• Do not limit communication with peers ;

• When punishing, always explain the reason for the punishment;

• Give your child the opportunity to show their talents by enrolling in a club;

• Feel free to play with children;

• Talk to children;

• Don't be lazy in answering their questions.


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Modality barrier

A person is able to perceive the world around him using five senses:

Vision; Hearing; Smell; Touch; Taste.

However, for each person there is a priority organ, based on the perception of which we draw our own picture of the world. This is called modality. A person with an auditory modality perceives visual or tactile information with a lesser degree of intelligibility. To determine the modality of your interlocutor, show him photographs, graphs, turn on audio recordings or videos, touch. Reinforce each action with appropriate verbs: see, hear, feel, etc.

Types of psychological barriers

  1. One of the most common options is “First Impression”. Almost every person has built a psychological barrier in front of themselves more than once without realizing it. It happens that when meeting for the first time (or visiting an unfamiliar place or company) people do not like their opponents. In this case, the behavior of an active and cheerful person becomes completely opposite. A silent position, reluctance to actively take part in games (dancing, discussions), complete immersion in one’s own thoughts and the desire to quickly end the acquaintance – this is precisely the “first impression” barrier.
  2. Conflict in thinking styles. Each of us is an individual with his own perception of life situations and the presence of his own opinion. Voicing your thoughts and entering into an argument with your interlocutor over whether they are right entails a conflict situation and an unpleasant aftertaste. Quite often, after loud and long discussions, everyone remains unconvinced, but tension and misperception arise between opponents (each builds a personal barrier regarding the other).
  3. Mismatch of temperaments is another type that leads to the emergence of a barrier. Quite often, a clash between a hot-tempered and overly active choleric person and a slow phlegmatic person can create a psychological barrier. Without even suspecting it, it is phlegmatic people who most often build a defense out of fear of an overly impulsive and gesticulating interlocutor. A similar situation exists between melancholics and sanguine people, optimists and pessimists. Of course, there are practically no pure temperaments. Depending on a person’s ability and desire to adapt and hear another, his feelings of comfort and the absence (or presence) of barriers in communication directly depend.
  4. The difference in goals is another reason that puts everything in its place. In the same situation, people can have completely different goals. Example: A family goes on vacation to the country. My husband strives to spend all his time fishing. The wife hopes to plant a vegetable garden and hopes for help from her husband and son. The child generally initially agreed to meet with friends. Despite the fact that everyone is heading to the same place, everyone has their own plans, and no one wants to give in. It is precisely because of the inability to listen to the interlocutor and compromise that a psychological barrier in communication arises.
  5. A moral barrier is another type that arises due to hostility to certain behavior of people (rudeness, arrogance, deceit, etc.). The presence of a psychological barrier is not always a negative phenomenon, but if it happens constantly, regardless of the situation and social circle, it is worth taking some measures to help solve the problem.

Communication reasons for barriers

A communication barrier is a consequence of a mismatch in the vocabulary of the interlocutors.
It arises due to differences in education, incorrect reading of the text, lack of adequate translation and other errors in the interpretation of individual terms. Barriers of this type can be divided into three types, which are fundamentally different from each other. Communication barriers are:

  1. Logical. They arise in a situation where one person cannot express his thoughts. His statements are chaotic and devoid of logic, making it difficult for others to understand his opinion. If everyone involved in an interpersonal interaction has difficulty expressing their thoughts, communication becomes almost impossible.
  2. Phonetic. Appears in people who have diction problems. They cannot clearly pronounce sounds and the meaning of what is said is distorted. Incorrect placement of semantic stresses can also complicate communication. As a rule, this difficulty does not have much impact on the conversation between native speakers, but when communicating with a foreigner it causes serious misunderstandings.
  3. Semantic. They arise when people understand different things under the same term. This difference in perception depends on the level of education, interests and constant circle of contacts. Depending on the type of personality, a person selects his own interpretation of the thesis, and it may not coincide with the opinions of other participants in the discussion. With a high level of intelligence, interlocutors identify inconsistencies and choose different terminology.

Communication barriers are more common than psychological barriers, but have a lesser impact. Thus, a person who suffers from a stutter or an inability to pronounce certain sounds, but has not encountered condemnation, will speak freely. But a person with normal diction, who has a fear of being judged for his opinion, will not even try to defend it and will take a passive role in the discussion.

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