100 questions to ask a girl in correspondence: list, options. What to ask a girl in correspondence on VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and other social networks?  

General recommendations

Very often in life the following situation occurs: a guy met a girl by correspondence, they exchanged a few phrases, and then there was an awkward pause. They have nothing to talk about. In this case, a man should have at least a small list of questions for the girl in his head. They will help to interest a girl in correspondence and start a relationship with her.

To select questions taking into account the woman’s age, her interests and your plans for the relationship, use the advice of psychologists:

  • Think in advance what questions you can ask a girl via correspondence, and which ones are best excluded from communication, or left for another time.
  • Don't be afraid to be a little vulgar and provocative. Pepper in SMS helps create excitement and intrigues lovers.
  • Read the answers carefully to avoid getting into trouble later. If a girl understands that the questions are being asked without interest, she will lie or ignore your letters.
  • Search and come up with non-standard phrases for communication. Banality is a guy’s enemy when meeting girls.
  • Communication must involve two people. If you ask questions and the lady answers them frankly, be prepared to be tested too.
  • Be sure to choose funny phrases and tasks. Humor and an ambiguous hint in a question help relieve tension and make people closer to each other.
  • Consider how busy the girl is at the time of communication and correspondence. If a question requires a deep, meaningful, detailed answer, ask it in the evening. And during the day, when you’re busy at work or school, use a list of quick phrases.

Funny questions for a girl that prolong the relationship

Laughter prolongs life, and not only human life, but also the life of your relationships.
Learn to ask in such a way that your girl will melt into a smile and be interested in you. You can ask funny and cool questions to a girl while walking or watching TV in the evening, when you feel that your beloved is sad. This approach can be used when meeting a girl, when you need to hook her with something, and an innate sense of humor is your win-win option. But there are two “don’ts” when choosing topics for humorous questions:

  1. A girl's appearance is nothing to laugh at (if you really have serious intentions about her);
  2. It’s better not to joke about “past relationships” and “ex-boyfriend”.

In addition, do not use cutting or sarcastic phrases. And don't make fun of something out of spite, it won't work in your favor. Try starting with these phrases:

  • How would you react if you and I switched bodies?
  • What can't be in your purse?
  • What food (what drink) could you compare yourself to?
  • What super power would you like to have? So what would you do?
  • Do you like to talk to your cat (dog)?
  • What song do you like to sing in the shower?
  • What do you like to watch more – House 2 or advertising?
  • Where would you look if you had x-ray vision?
  • Should you wear sneakers or rubber boots under a long dress?
  • How can you confuse a chameleon? And what color will it be?
  • What will happen to a donut if it doesn't have a hole?

Interesting questions

List of unique phrases that can be used as questions in correspondence with a girl:

  1. Do you have any talents?
  2. Have you read the book...(title, author)? Liked?
  3. Who is the boss in the family?
  4. Does love make a person happy?
  5. How long does it take to fall in love and trust a person?
  6. Do you have fears, phobias?
  7. What lengths will you go to to achieve your goal?
  8. What kind of relationship do you think is ideal?
  9. What do you live for?
  10. China, Japan, Korea, what will you choose for your next trip?
  11. Why did you like me?
  12. How do you see your future, for example, in 5, 10, 15 years?
  13. What annoys you about men?
  14. How do you feel about men’s hobbies: fishing, hunting, racing, tanks?
  15. What don't you allow in a relationship?
  16. What would you say to Putin when you meet?
  17. Do you have an idol?
  18. Who do you aspire to be like?
  19. Are there any taboo topics to talk to me about?
  20. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  21. What did your classmates call you?
  22. What event in your life do you consider the most unforgettable?
  23. Have you made a difficult decision in life?
  24. What should a guy do to make you fall in love?
  25. Do you have any weaknesses?
  26. Do you dream of moving to another city?
  27. Did you fall in love in kindergarten? At school?
  28. Do you have pets?
  29. What irritates you about people?
  30. Do you have a favorite dish?
  31. Which guys are not your type?
  32. What do your parents mean to you?
  33. What kind of ice cream do you like?
  34. Do you believe in God?
  35. How do you feel about same-sex love?
  36. Is there life on other planets?
  37. What is your dream home?
  38. How do you feel about smoking and alcohol?
  39. Are you gossiping with your friends about me?
  40. Is sex possible before marriage?
  41. Are children giving up their careers?
  42. Do you see dreams?
  43. Do you believe in psychics?
  44. Do you know how to restrain your emotions, even joyful ones?
  45. If you had a month or a year to live, what would you do?
  46. What gifts are the most valuable?
  47. What needs to be added to the world to make it kinder and more beautiful?
  48. What is happiness?
  49. Can you forgive the betrayal of your friend or husband?
  50. What moment from the past do you really want to return and correct?

Take a few questions and weave them into the conversation one by one. Then the dialogue will be complete, and in a couple of days you will learn a lot of interesting things about the girl.


  1. Do you think baldness suits girls?
  2. Are there any differences between the frog princess and the toad princess?
  3. How to take revenge on your boss: put pepper in your tea or feed herring with milk?
  4. Platypus or duckbill, which is correct?
  5. If you pour water into an aquarium for a fish, will it drown?
  6. If I were an animal, what kind would I be?
  7. I don't understand what the difference is between a snowman and a snowwoman. And you?
  8. How did ancient women shave their legs?
  9. Do woodpeckers get concussions?
  10. Do bald people have dandruff?

Accompany humorous SMS with emoticons, gifs, pictures. React violently to the lady’s answer if you find it funny. Make jokes in response so that the chain of letters is not interrupted by silence.


Unusual, tricky questions to a friend allow you to get to know the lady better, putting your interlocutor at a dead end. Please note that awkward phrases with a catch do not imply humiliation of female dignity, it is simply a provocation for a frank conversation.

  1. Girls deceive men so often, do they like it? Why?
  2. Imagine becoming a man for 1 day. Your actions?
  3. Why can't you forgive a guy?
  4. Do you have a price?
  5. Is vulgarity cool?
  6. Do you want to get married and become a housewife?
  7. Do you have complexes about your appearance?
  8. Which guys are not your type?
  9. Do you do crazy things?
  10. Ever danced a striptease?

Before asking a tricky question, think about whether you are ready to receive a frank answer. Practice shows that men are not always satisfied.

If you are already dating3

  • Do you remember the day we first met?
  • Would you like to repeat our first date as a game?
  • What are the three biggest benefits of our relationship?
  • If tomorrow we had the opportunity to get away from all our problems and spend the day just the two of us, what would you like to do?
  • Why do you think you fell in love with me?
  • What do you think I like most about you?
  • If I suddenly come to you and drag you off on a date without saying anything, will you consider me a romantic or will you tell me to go to hell?
  • Should partners know everything about each other?
  • Imagine that I am a genie who grants your wishes. What will you ask for?
  • What list of romantic platitudes have we never tried that we should have?
  • What's the craziest thing we've done together?
  • Would you like us to go out more often?
  • If a million fell on us, how would you like to spend it?
  • If I got a tattoo of your name, what would your reaction be?

About relationships and love

If you don’t know what to ask a girl about in correspondence, move on to the topic of love and relationships. Ladies love to carry on conversations on personal topics. A conversation about relationships helps to get to know your interlocutor and establish close contact.

  1. Do you often fall in love?
  2. Did you confess your love first?
  3. Do you know what unrequited love is?
  4. Is romance a necessary part of a relationship or can you do without it?
  5. Can you call first after a fight with a guy?
  6. If a man cheats, will you forgive him?
  7. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  8. Does friendship between a man and a girl exist?
  9. The ideal guy, what is he like?
  10. Do you believe in love at first sight?


Use intimate questions when communicating with a girl you don’t know well, if you feel that she doesn’t mind, they won’t confuse her. In other cases, leave them for later, when the relationship is a little stronger.

Vulgar phrases in correspondence take communication to another level, help create an intimate atmosphere and give a reason for a date. But they must be correct, careful, so that the guy does not look like a sexual maniac.

  1. What was your first sex like?
  2. Have you experienced a real orgasm?
  3. Do you have unfulfilled sexual fantasies?
  4. Do you like making love in unusual places?
  5. Do you approve of unconventional sex?
  6. What part of a man's body seems most attractive in bed?
  7. Does the size of your manhood matter to you?
  8. How do you feel about hard sex?
  9. Do you go to adult stores?
  10. Favorite position for making love?

On a note! Girls themselves can hint at a meeting with the help of provocative questions, hints at a love meeting. The main thing is to notice the ambiguity of the correspondence and get your bearings in time and take a decisive step.

Blitz questions

Questions for a girl to get to know her better in correspondence on VK do not have to be long. You need to answer blitz tasks quickly, briefly, and frankly. Discuss the terms in advance.

  1. Favorite toy as a child?
  2. Why are you ashamed?
  3. Favorite book (movie, actor, car brand, etc.)?
  4. What do you do perfectly?
  5. How do you feel about me?
  6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  7. What country do you dream of visiting?
  8. Favorite cartoon character?
  9. Can you describe me in three words?
  10. Do you believe in fate?

To always have questions at hand, download the TOP 100 questions for a girl cheat sheet:

What to ask a girl when meeting her

  1. Do you like to go shopping?
  2. What dishes do you know and like to cook?
  3. What will you never regret?
  4. What things will you never buy?
  5. What is your favorite childhood movie or book genre?
  6. Which country do you consider the strangest? Why?
  7. What foods or dishes are you allergic to?
  8. What's the best way to start your day?
  9. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with?
  10. What type of active recreation have you not tried, but would like to?
  11. Do you judge a book by its cover or content?
  12. What seasonings can you not tolerate in food?
  13. What do you find most annoying on social networks?
  14. What events make you homesick for school?
  15. What do you never leave home without?
  16. For what job would you like to have an assistant? What is the hardest thing for you?
  17. What little things make your day better?
  18. What did you find out too late?
  19. What people can't you take seriously?
  20. What makes you nervous?
  21. What's the spiciest dish you've eaten?
  22. What is the most beautiful thing in your life?
  23. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
  24. Where do you like to go for walks?
  25. What kind of vacation do you consider ideal?
  26. Are you afraid of the dark?
  27. What is your dream job or career?
  28. Do you like to cook or bake?
  29. What do you want to know about me?
  30. Do you prefer cheeseburgers or pizza? cookies or pancakes; mashed potatoes or french fries; Russian, Mediterranean or Oriental cuisine?

What not to ask

Some questions from men make a girl blush or make her feel angry. A careless word can ruin the prospect of a relationship forever. To prevent this from happening, remember the black list of questions that under no circumstances should you ask a lady at the beginning of your acquaintance, and in the future too. They concern a woman’s appearance, her friends, former relationships.

  1. Do you have a beautiful girlfriend? Is your sister pretty?
  2. Why do you look so bad, haven’t you gotten enough sleep?
  3. Don't you think you're too thin (fat)? Maybe it's time to go on a diet?
  4. Why don't you have a boyfriend?
  5. Why did the previous relationship end, did the guy have any complaints against you?
  6. Where do you get so much hair on your body? Would you like to give me a certificate for going to a beauty salon?
  7. What do you use to remove acne?
  8. Are you sure this dress suits your legs? Is it for skinny people?
  9. Why don’t you use foundation (hair dye, lipstick)?
  10. What PMS hit?

In addition, there is a list of banal phrases that greatly infuriate the fairer sex. They should not be asked to an unfamiliar girl as a reason to start correspondence:

  1. Does your mother need a son-in-law?
  2. Are you afraid of being an old maid?
  3. Do you have a husband?
  4. Virgin?
  5. Do you want children?
  6. How much do you weigh?
  7. What is your breast size?
  8. Will you lend me some money?
  9. How much do you earn?
  10. Can I give you a compliment?
  11. Do you have an apartment?
  12. Can you give me your phone number?

Now you know what you can ask and find out from a girl in correspondence at the very beginning of a relationship. Do not limit yourself to just questions, actively talk about yourself, but carefully avoid rudeness, banality, and monosyllabic answers. Friendly dialogue helps build trusting relationships that will stand the test of time.

The best questions to ask in correspondence

The modern world dictates new conditions for meeting people and building relationships.
Communication on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, which contains a large number of various social groups (for example, Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, etc.), dating sites, forums and more. Here, young people can choose the person they like based on photographs and profiles of girls and start dating. But not every young man knows how to correctly structure a dialogue in order to win over his interlocutor. What interesting things can you ask a girl by correspondence and what specific questions can you ask her in order to arouse interest and get to know her from different sides? To do this, we will highlight the main categories of issues that are relevant for representatives of the fairer sex, and give several examples:

  1. Interests, hobbies. Usually, conversations of unfamiliar people begin with this topic. Having carefully studied the profile of your chosen one, you can already have a general idea of ​​​​her preferences and, based on this, ask questions of interest. If you haven’t found the information you need, then to start a conversation it’s quite acceptable to ask her about her hobbies. Examples of questions:
      I saw photos of you doing rock climbing (figure skating, tennis, running, etc.) I also want to try myself in this, but I’m not comfortable doing it alone. Can you help me find my way?
  2. You have such beautiful poems on your page. Who is author? I’m also a bit of a poet, would you like me to write a quatrain about you?
  3. Are you studying French (Chinese, German, Polish, etc.) language? I really like their pronunciation, I even know a few phrases. It probably suits you very well to speak French; when we meet, will you demonstrate?
  4. You are such an interesting girl, you are probably into something special, can you tell me?
  5. Which books do you prefer: electronic or paper ones to hold in your hands?
  6. Who is your favorite writer?
  7. Which work made the greatest impression on you?
  8. After reading which book did your inner world change?
  9. You draw well? I always dreamed of having my own portrait.
  10. Do you prefer to relax outdoors or in the city?
  11. It's so interesting to talk to you. Surely you are interested in psychology?
  12. Are you interested in spending an evening chatting with a nice, kind guy named (your name)?
  13. I would like to become your hobby. What do you think about that?
  14. Music, cinema. Modern youth are actively interested in music and cinematography. There will definitely be mentions of this in the profile, and there may be various media files in the profile. Social networks, which have a huge download base, are especially successful in this. Therefore, there will not be any particular difficulties when choosing what to ask a girl on VKontakte. For example:
      There is so much good music on your page. Can you tell me the download link?
  15. I noticed that we have common interests in music and cinema. Maybe we can go see a good movie together sometime?
  16. What genre of cinema do you prefer most?
  17. Which song by the band (name) do you like the most?
  18. What music gives you goosebumps?
  19. What kind of music do you prefer most?
  20. Is there a song that describes you specifically?
  21. Do you have films that you love so much that you are ready to watch them a huge number of times?
  22. Study, work. It is better to discuss this topic after finding out the girl’s hobbies. Because not everyone likes to talk about their achievements. Examples of questions:
      What is your job, if it's not a secret?
  23. Do you enjoy your work?
  24. It’s so interesting to communicate with you, what is your education?
  25. What was your favorite subject at school?
  26. Do you regret that you studied to become a teacher (economist, psychologist, lawyer, etc.)?
  27. You have such an interesting profession, tell us the specifics of the work?
  28. What is more important to you: career or love?
  29. Dreams and desires. Everyone knows that female representatives are always dreamers at heart. Therefore, this topic is very close to them, and they can develop it endlessly. The main thing is to direct the conversation correctly. The following questions will help:
      If I were a wizard, what wish would you make for me?
  30. If you had a magic wand in your hands, what three wishes would you give it?
  31. Do you have a dream that you are striving for?
  32. Do you have crazy desires?
  33. Have you ever dreamed of making a film? What would it be about, in what genre?
  34. Would you like to write a book? What would it be about?
  35. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  36. Which fairy tale character do you associate yourself with?
  37. What gift do you dream of?
  38. Trips. Almost every person has made trips to other cities and countries and after that always boasted about photos on the Internet. Carefully study the girl’s photo gallery and comment on the options you like against the backdrop of interesting sights. Examples:
      What a divine view! Where are you?
  39. I saw your photos and memories came flooding back. I was also in this city. What are your impressions of him?
  40. I see you travel a lot. Would you like to move permanently to another country (city)?
  41. You visit new places every year. Where are you going this summer?
  42. Which country are you planning to conquer next?
  43. I see you've been a lot. I'm wondering where it's better to go on vacation. Can you share your impressions of the most interesting places?
  44. What kind of vacation do you prefer: active, extreme or romantic?
  45. Pets. Many girls have a pet at home that they simply adore. There must be a mention of him in his profile and photos online. This is a rather sensitive topic for the young lady, so she simply cannot ignore questions concerning her. Possible options:
      How cute is your cat (dog, guinea pig, rabbit, etc.) in the photo, what’s her name?
  46. Tell me a funny story about her?
  47. I just wanted to get one, but I don’t know the character of this breed very well. Can you tell us the features?
  48. How do you take care of her, what do you like to pamper her with?
  49. Help, advice. Very carefully ask your interlocutor if she needs any help or advice. And offer yourself as an assistant. It is advisable that you have a good understanding of the problem. Better yet, ask for advice yourself in some area that interests you. After all, girls love to be useful. For example:
      My sister (mother, grandmother, etc.) has a birthday soon. Can you recommend what I can give as a gift, otherwise I’m completely confused?
  50. I'm a good programmer. Do you happen to need to fix anything on your computer?
  51. I could help you in this matter. Let's meet and discuss everything?
  52. Does your back hurt after training? I do massage professionally, let me help?
  53. I can tell you where it’s best to get car insurance, I did it myself, I’m happy.
  54. Photo. A lot of young people are now simply obsessed with photographs. Some people do this professionally, but most people just like to post numerous photos online. For example, the Instagram network is based precisely on showing photos and videos and collecting followers and comments on your works. You can also see a lot of interesting things on VKontakte pages. Therefore, if you are tormented by the question of what to ask a girl on VK, comment in an original way on any of her photos and wait for an answer. The options may be as follows:
      You look gorgeous in the photos. This is what I do professionally. Would you like us to arrange a photo shoot for you?
  55. The photos are just rubbish. Surely you work as a fashion model?
  56. You have a familiar face. Where could we meet?
  57. Food. A typical topic of conversation that you can talk about endlessly: discuss photographs of food, be interested in tastes, share recipes, make a date in a cafe or restaurant to taste delicious dishes. Examples of questions:
      I see that you love cheesecake. How do you feel about cooking it together?
  58. My kebabs are finger licking good. Let's go to nature together and I'll cook them for you?
  59. I'd love to try some of your favorite dishes, when will I get lucky?
  60. What's your favorite dessert? I know a cafe where they cook it wonderfully, let's go there together?
  61. A new restaurant has opened in town and is receiving much praise. I would like to visit it with such a beautiful girl. What do you think about that?
  62. What kind of coffee do you prefer? I have barista skills, I would like to demonstrate.
  63. Do you like to please your man with a delicious breakfast (dinner)?
  64. Personal life. This topic is the most pressing, so you need to build the dialogue very carefully so as not to touch the girl’s heartstrings. Or, on the contrary, to awaken the most vivid emotions and feelings in her. And you need to approach the subject of personal life in correspondence gradually, after an invisible connection has been established between you. With a well-structured conversation, over time it may turn out that her personal life is closely intertwined with yours. Possible questions:
      You're so gorgeous. You probably have a boyfriend?
  65. Do you listen to other people's opinions? From my point of view, you are simply stunning.
  66. Do you have many friends? I can become a loyal and caring friend.
  67. Do you think men or women are more faithful in relationships?
  68. It seems to me that your ex-boyfriend is a real fool if he could let such a wonderful girl go. Do you think I can take a place in your heart?
  69. I really want to ask you out on a date. What will be your positive answer?
  70. Let's imagine: if we had children, what names would you give them?
  71. What do you need to be completely happy? I can try to make you happy.
  72. Have you ever been disappointed in love? How it was?
  73. In your opinion, how many dates does it take for the first kiss to happen?
  74. I dreamed that there was love between us. Do you think it was a prophetic dream?
  75. I dreamed about you today, and about me?
  76. When I talk to you, it seems to me that we have known each other for a hundred years. What is your impression?
  77. Do you believe in love at first sight? When I saw your photo, I realized that I believe.
  78. Today the horoscope said that a romantic adventure awaits me this evening. Will you join me?
  79. How do you feel about crazy love?
  80. How many times throughout the day did I appear in your thoughts?

Remember that the fairer sex is very sociable. Therefore, when starting an interesting dialogue, do not count on its quick ending or approaching the long-awaited ending.

Such original questions will help not only draw the girl’s attention to you, but also create the most complete portrait of her and form a certain impression about her. Thanks to this, you can already think about either further development of the relationship, or about ending communication with this person.

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