Understand that the guy fell in love by correspondence. How to understand that a man likes you by correspondence. How to find out if a guy likes you at an early age

How to determine sympathy by correspondence

If you carefully analyze the conversation with a guy, you will definitely establish his attraction to you. When a man likes a woman, he will try to win her over in every possible way. Pay attention to the common signs of sympathy, which will be outlined below.

Message frequency

You can find out whether a guy likes a girl by the number and frequency of messages he sends. When people communicate for a long time, you need to look at how often a man writes to a woman. You should pay attention to the regularity of messages: for example, if a guy writes every day, then you are definitely interested in him. The more messages, the stronger the man’s feelings, because he already wants to win your attention. He will definitely find a few minutes a day to remind you of himself, send you an emoticon or a funny picture.

When you communicate less often, every other day or two, then he is interested in you, but most likely he has several options for continuing the relationship. If he writes to a girl occasionally, on holidays and special occasions, then he is simply showing a sign of decency and good manners.

Requests for advice or help

When a man communicates with a woman, shares life situations with her, he can ask her for advice. This means that her opinion is not indifferent to him. He considers her smart and savvy in the area in which he asks for help with solving the problem. Guys rarely seek advice from girls who aren't attracted to them. If a man asks you to help financially, he did not have enough money to pay for the apartment, or force majeure occurred, then this may indicate his selfish motives or that he is engaged in Internet fraud.


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Compliments have always been a sign of open sympathy. The more affectionate and tender words addressed to you, the stronger his attraction to you. Compliments will be under your photos, and he will also send personal messages with pleasant words. If a guy is shy, then he can post pictures and gifs on your page that will convey his attitude.

Pay attention to the text of the compliments. If these are banal phrases, then there is a possibility that he writes them to all the girls on the network. When a man is in love, he does not notice the woman’s shortcomings and he has something to admire.

Comments on posts

You began to notice that the man regularly looks at your feed and follows your updates. We just added a new photo, and he already liked it. But if, in addition to the tag under your photo, a comment with positive content appears, then this is a sign of sympathy. If a girl is a fan of long posts, then this is a real test of her feelings. Most people don't read the content of a post at all if it's more than two or three sentences long. If a man bothered to read your thoughts and responded to your post in the comments, then this is a sign of sympathy.

It is also important to pay attention to the content of the comments. When they contain vulgar phrases, inappropriate thoughts, denial of your frankness, then this man is not worthy of your attention, since there is no serious attitude.

Jokes and hints

A young man who has a sense of humor will, of course, show it when communicating with someone he likes. Jokes are very popular in messages, these can be anecdotes, funny stories or pictures. If you have the same sense of humor, this is a great sign. Relationships filled with fun and positivity have a high chance of success. When a man wants to cheer you up and make you smile, it means he is very attracted to you.

If he shows hints about your relationship, a future date - this also indicates interest. You need to be careful when making jokes that cross the acceptable line.

Topics for communication

Conversations between people indicate a convergence of views. You can check how suitable you are for each other by checking this list:

  1. It seems to you that he is interested in communicating with you.
  2. He brings up topics that are more common for women.
  3. He is active, asks questions ranging from “What are you doing?” to “What baby names do you like?” If a man is not interested in you as a person, does not touch upon important moments in life, then there may not be sympathy.
  4. A guy in love will openly talk about himself and try to find out more information about you.
  5. If the message contains topics for conversation, and not just short general phrases, then the man is attracted to you.
  6. When you post a photo, he is interested in the details, where they were taken, etc.

Flirting is obvious

A guy in love and interested in a girl:

  • gives compliments, appreciates a sense of humor;
  • starts writing first, afraid of missing her appearance online;
  • always maintains a conversation, avoids awkward pauses;
  • always asks how the day went, what wonderful events happened during the few hours of absence.

These signs speak for themselves - the guy is really interested and wants to continue communicating in person.

Follow the conversation. From the messages you can see how much the man is in love by correspondence. Interest is manifested in an instant reaction to the girl’s messages. The guy asks a lot, wanting to know more about the beauty he likes.

Flirting in correspondence is conveyed by many emoticons and stickers. Some messages end with compliments with an exclamation point.

A sign of falling in love is turning to you for advice. This means that he really needs support, your opinion decides a lot.

An important point in chat is ending the conversation. A simple “Bye” or “Come on” rather suggests that the man does not have much regret about the finished conversation. If they wish you all sorts of favors with a set of emoticons, this is infatuation, everything is fine.

Why is Internet correspondence dangerous?

There is no better way to get to know a person than through personal communication. Virtual correspondence can hide unsafe things behind it. Signs of an unworthy man that should alert a woman:

  1. The guy lives abroad and sends a gift, the delivery of which the girl must pay for. As a rule, this is an expensive item, significantly exceeding the amount the woman paid. In reality, the gift turns out to be a dummy, and the money ends up in the hands of a fraudster.
  2. Another way to take over a lady’s money is for a guy to get into a difficult situation and ask for help. Before this, he showers the girl with compliments and attention so that she is already in love with him. The money is not returned, and the account is most often deleted.
  3. An offer to talk about erotic topics by phone or video call. These are sexual fantasies, to which, most likely, the connection between people will be limited.
  4. Excessive vulgarity. If a man constantly talks only about sex, allows vulgar jokes, then he doesn’t need anything from a woman except perversions.
  5. Please send intimate photos or forward your own. The guy will have no other intentions besides sexual interest.
  6. If a man maintains contact in fits and starts, constantly disappears and does not explain the reason for his absence, then most likely he is hiding another woman or wife.
  7. The guy has a very large list of female friends. Maybe, of course, he is a sociable person, but in this case you can’t count on a serious relationship. A great way to test him is to write from another account and see how he behaves, whether he says the same things to you that he says to other girls.
  8. The man does not insist on a personal meeting. If you communicate for a long time, and the gentleman does not show a desire to see you in person, then perhaps this communication is insignificant for him, and another person is hiding behind the photos posted on his page.


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Selected moments

When communicating online, without hearing the voice of your interlocutor, you can still determine whether there is mutual sympathy. Many men start dating by correspondence because they find it more difficult to start a conversation, they are shy, or they are simply indecisive. Online conversations often end in correspondence without moving into real life, but they can become real relationships.

Daily positive communication gradually brings the interested young person closer to the moment when he needs to offer to meet. After just a few days of chatting, the girl will understand how serious the guy’s intentions are.

In order for communication on the Internet to lead to a real meeting, even in correspondence you need to look like an interesting person who has his own point of view. Such a girl will be able to interest a guy not only online, but also in real life. The man will take the first step, offer to meet, seeing your interest in the correspondence.

Checking sympathy using correspondence

Let's consider ways to calculate interested men by correspondence in VK or via SMS. To do this, you need to correctly evaluate the information from them.

SMS messages

The content of the messages conveys the man's intentions. From his words you can understand what he is in the mood for, whether he is interested in the girl or is this just meaningless flirting.

If the SMS texts make you wonder why he is writing about this, then take a look at his words from a psychological point of view:

  1. Unobtrusive communication without serious topics means that a man establishes contact with a girl.
  2. Affectionate words, nicknames, diminutives, and variants of address, including your name, indicate sympathy.
  3. He quickly responds to your messages; if he was busy, he explains why he could not answer, but does not ignore you.
  4. Shows signs of attention, wishes you a good day and good night, and is interested in your affairs.
  5. Sends funny pictures, stories, cute jokes.
  6. The messages are filled with emoticons. A man will not choose suitable images that convey emotions if he is not interested in the girl.
  7. He says he dreamed about you.
  8. He claims that he misses you, he feels at ease with you, as if you have known each other all your life.

Expression of sympathy

The first sign of a nascent passion is visible in the activity of correspondence. The girl attracted the guy’s attention, he constantly pays attention - sends funny, cute pictures, throws interesting links.

In the correspondence itself, after almost every sentence, the guy puts emoticons and sends funny stickers.

To show how passionate he is about you, the guy will say good morning and wish you sweet dreams. Every day you receive messages that make you smile. It's nice when you wake up and see a cute emoticon wishing you a good day.

In correspondence, an interested young man is interested in everything that you like, he wants to know more about your hobbies. The guy cares about how you spend your free time.

To be on the safe side, so as not to lose track of you, the young man asks for links to your other accounts on social networks - in case you decide to delete Twitter or your VKontakte page.

Some tips

Do not despair if you expected that correspondence with a guy would develop into a relationship, but this did not happen. After all, any communication is a life experience. You can understand that a guy loves you by his behavior and external signs.

If you notice at least a few of all the listed signs, then there is a chance that you will actually meet the man you like. But it’s better to be prepared for the fact that in real life many people are not at all what they tried to appear to be online.

When communication on social networks brings positivity, you have found a common language, and you strongly want to meet - do not deny yourself.

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