Functions from psychosophy: position of Logic


The first logic has the main property that its owner has his own opinion and his own justification for all incoming questions. There is a certain understanding on various issues, and if something new happens, first of all you want to comprehend it, understand it, realize it. 1Ls are often laconic in their speech and may not like to explain something to someone for a long time, repeating it many times, in a teaching format. They do not always voice their own opinions; the degree of openness is no longer determined by Logic. But it is important to have your own understanding. Collect all the information so that it fits in your head and only then can it be applied.

Often 1Ls are conservative in terms of new ideas, opinions, and information. They have one thing of their own, it is the only true one (= the only one that they understood and accepted and the only true one is essentially only for them). In order for 1L to accept a new fact or opinion into his picture of the world, it needs to be explained to him in his own language. 1L will explain to himself and fit a new opinion into his picture of the world. And it will stay there for a long time. 1L - thinking people, comprehend and think through everything, read and research on the area of ​​interest, form their own thoughts (colored by the shade of their personality). And it is they who are often the originators of new ideas and concepts (in the sense that they rethink what already exists in their own way and add a new, their own flavor).

In order for the 1L point of view to change, a large amount of new information that a person needs (halftones, small deviations from the main picture of the 1L world they do not perceive), when this accumulates, a rethinking and addition of one’s picture of understanding begins. Note that this is not a change, but an addition. The first function is so closely connected with the basis of a person’s personality that it is quite difficult to abandon one’s opinion - it is easier to expand it by adding a new one. “Synthesis” is accomplished, so to speak. Like a snowball that rolls and absorbs everything “significant” along the way, becoming larger and more powerful. But in itself it is lumpy - it exists and it is alone.

1Ls often (like 3Ls) take a long time to understand new information (it needs to not only be read, but also comprehended, if it is not comprehended, but seems to have flown by). When they tell something to someone, they essentially express themselves, show their “I”. And therefore they are not very willing to pay attention to the reactions of others. They don’t always notice if others don’t understand them and how to make them understand. Even if they are wrong and even if they understand that “here I am incompetent,” inside there still remains “this is my opinion and in this I am right.” 1L it is easy to abstract from what is happening and comprehend it, look a little from the outside (the lower Physics and the stronger the intuitiveness, the easier it is to do this).

Everyday life

LVFE are considered good friends and family men because they always worry about the condition and health of loved ones and try to look after and care for them. Often they themselves have health problems, so people like Lao Tzu often lead a healthy lifestyle. They are very critical of their appearance and try in every possible way to hide any flaws. And if in scientific matters they are like fish in water, then the sphere of appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures causes them uncertainty.

Lao Tzu loves to create beauty around himself, so he arranges even temporary housing with great pleasure and puts special meaning into every detail. The financial side is also important in their lives. In everyday life, they give the impression of an absolutely unemotional person. Often his internal state depends on the mood of the people around him.

As for vocation, such people most often become inventors, lawyers, and human rights activists. These are explorers, travelers, sages and aesthetes. In critical situations, Lao Tzu does not get lost and often acts ahead; he is famous for his rationalism, heroism, and courage in emergency situations. The classification of human psychotypes is based on the following characteristics: logic (dogmatist), will (nobleman), physics (touchy), emotion (onlooker).


2L, on the other hand, has the energy to navigate logical questions, to understand, to refute oneself. Explain what you understand to especially critical listeners.

Talkative. Almost always ready to argue, discuss, reason, study, assume. Look for new sources of information. They can enjoy explaining things to other people. Moreover, they are calm when someone does not understand them - they will try to explain it differently, repeat it - along the way they can suggest something new and explain it in a different form. Using logic, they make contact with other people - first of all - through speech, stories, explanation of something. When doing any work, if it is even slightly connected with logic, it is difficult for them to stop and record some result - they may want to add something, listen to some criticism, correct something.

2Ls can easily give up their opinions if the situation requires it. If 1L relies on his opinion in conversations, in making decisions, etc. - then 2L in conversations, making decisions - are ready to change their opinion as much as necessary. Rather, there is a mental search, consideration of new information (it does not linger, does not settle in the person’s picture of the world, like in 1L). 2Ls look for different angles of consideration, comprehend, pay attention to who disagrees with what - and use other people's questions and disagreements as clues for themselves. In order to think more, discuss from a different angle. They are willing to look for information where it is not easy to find (on the Internet, in books, looking for computer programs, instructions, descriptions). More than other Logicians, they are given the study of large books and sources written in complex language. When reading them, it is not so much important for them to understand what is written there, but rather it is important to go through these mental jungles, mastering all new corners of the author’s understanding and awareness of the information.

2Ls often speak in complex phrases and cleverly composed sentences. They find it easy to logically confuse another person and respect it when others think and comprehend (rather than just listen and perceive) information. They may be interested and may well be good at studying foreign languages ​​(especially if the intuition of time is in values), comparing linguistic fundamentals, the semantics of words and research in this direction. They are talkative and almost always have the energy to explain something to someone (each and every time a little differently, adapting to the interlocutor and at the same time not allowing him to relax). They know how to make a person think and are not eager to immediately give a finished result. They like to come up with, think through different ideas, concepts (and it is really difficult to describe and complete this process - it may seem that more thoughts will come now). They do not consider their thoughts to be something valuable, and at the same time it is the logical search that saturates their life, makes it fuller and more interesting.

Will. Nobleman

A distinctive feature of nobles is that they take into account the desires and needs of others in any situation. His goal is to find a compromise so that the interests of others do not conflict with his own. It is not difficult for a nobleman to give in, but only if it is within reasonable limits. They do not seek to impose their preferences and desires on others and, on the contrary, try to help loved ones determine their personal desires and needs. They are always open to conversation and happy to help others, but at the same time they are considered unemotional people.


3L, however, the search for thoughts is much more difficult. Their attention “turns on” when logical discussions and reasoning begin, when the interlocutor’s opinion changes and new ideas come. They become interested and they listen. However, their interest is selective; there are topics that are important to them. There is some feature in the discussion that they may be attracted to, or that they may not like. And it depends on each individual person and on the specific situation. They are pleased to understand, to feel that they are in this logical process, that they can come up with it themselves and understand it themselves. At the same time, there may come a time when 3L runs out of steam and you want to take a break, change the topic, and continue that same logical work a little later. At such moments, a person’s logic seems to “turn off” and he no longer understands what is happening. At the same time, the dominance of the function may not allow one to accept this calmly - the person may begin to doubt his abilities. And, as a result, either a negative attitude towards one’s self-esteem, or a rejection of the idea being discussed (or the work being performed).

3L wants their opinion to be listened to, for a break to be taken, for someone to talk and reason, but not in a very complex and intense way, while 3L adapts. That they explained and gave exactly the necessary 3L information in exactly the right volume. But these very needs are difficult to realize, much less voice. 3Ls can be carried away by different ideas, be interested in books, strive to get a higher education (first, second, third...) (in order to finally form a confident understanding in their head and feel competent, like a 1L), but in essence, not final knowledge is their goal , but the effort itself. They learn to think throughout their lives and uncertainty about competence motivates them. This is how essentially every “troika” in psychosophy works. In one version, a person refuses an idea (a job, a promotion), being unsure and in fear of hearing “you don’t understand!” you're wrong!". In another case, a person becomes excessively immersed in a question, digs, searches, understands, listens to others - and constantly looks for either other people’s mistakes, or that he still misunderstood and undertaught something. And in the development of the troika, firstly, the degree of “process” logically still becomes adequate to the specific situation and corresponds to the tasks of a person (rather in its high functions). Secondly, a person learns to be aware and understand himself and in a timely manner (that is, in such a way that he himself feels comfortable) to complete logical work and move on to the next question.

A well-developed 3L can explain the material well, competently, and in reasonable detail to others, she is interested in it, and is not lazy to repeat the same thing many times. Often, when they study themselves, it is difficult for them to evaluate their knowledge. He seems to be solving a 3L problem, he seems to know everything and understand it inside and out - but he’s not sure. Stops at every step and strives to ask “is this correct?” And with all this uncertainty - if they say “wrong” without explaining the reason - 3L will have resistance, “How come! I'm right! Or maybe not...” and it’s unclear how to check. (and 3L’s task is essentially precisely in its own process, in the development of its own logic).

Internal installations

If we talk about internal attitudes, the picture is this: they believe that the world is systemic, thought is of paramount importance and can explain almost everything, and the world is open to exploring everything new and unknown. People belonging to the Lao Tzu type in psychosophy are confident that everything that happens around us is not random and predetermined; every event and word has a deep meaning, which is characterized by cause-and-effect relationships. Freedom is the greatest value for them, and without freedom of choice, the development of a person as an individual is impossible.


4L, like any 4ka, is less significant in priority for a person than other functions. That is, a person will rely on logical arguments, on “I think”, on “it’s written there”, after “I want, I feel, it will be like this”, as well as specific actions, that don’t work. It is wrong to say that 4Ls are unintelligent or ignorant. Quite the contrary, 4Ls can perceive a lot of different opinions, information, etc. They practically do not refuse information “this is wrong, this is unnecessary.” And in the end, you know quite a lot. Information, thoughts - all normal and all necessary, depending on what situation we are in, depending on what tasks we face. 4Ls can perceive information from a variety of sources and in different forms. Although it is most comfortable for them to receive a “result” - specific knowledge, clearly and confidently and unambiguously formulated (such that it can be accepted as a ready-made complete package, without the need to rummage, check, clarify, supplement). Therefore, 4Ls often choose an authority on Logic, someone (or some concept) that is logically complete and complete - so that one could take a ready-made solution from there and not think about whether it is correct or whether modification is needed.

4Ls often trust the opinion of those with whom there is harmony in higher-level functions (in higher-level functions they feel comfortable and pleased, but in Logic it’s just easier). It can be lazy to search for information, especially if some of it is from here, some is from there, and you still need to think and think about it - this takes up quite a lot of energy. But they can read, listen, and perceive information quite comfortably and with interest. They can rest and relax at the same time. When the energy of logic runs out and a person simply gets tired, his attention dissipates, but, unlike 3L, this does not bother him. He is not afraid of missing something - the information that is there is enough, but if it is not enough, others will figure it out later. That is, if you understand something, it’s good, if you don’t understand it, that’s okay too.

4Ls can evaluate other people's ideas and competence, they automatically see whether another person's ideas are correct, whether he is right in Logic. Errors and details will not be particularly corrected. There is no wrong opinion in their vision of the world. There are no errors or inaccuracies. There is a completed and an unfinished opinion. There is a complete and incomplete solution. The one who is confident in his competence and has his own opinion is right. 4L has no particular ambition to form his own opinion - it’s easier to assess the completeness and authority of someone else’s opinion and join. This does not mean that 4L does not have his own opinion - it’s just easier for them to use someone else’s (and when they find themselves in different situations, 4L gets used to the opinion of authority in that particular situation and can change their opinion under influence). More often than not, 4Ls don’t even notice how and under whose influence their opinion changes (unless they specifically pay attention to it). It's not that important to them. Moreover, if the owner of 4L has a dissatisfaction with his third, then the person will use Logic as a tool of disagreement (for the sake of 3). For example, they treat him badly - he will say “you are wrong here and here and here, I (logically) disagree with you. Although he himself may think differently. But it’s easy to give up your opinion and change your opinion. And 3 is more important.

They often say about 4L that “there is no opinion.”
This is partly how it turns out - 1L has their own opinion, 2L has no such thing as a “final opinion”, 3L is uncertain and unstable in this matter. But 4Ls love ready-made opinions and logical and technical solutions. But since a person’s life energy is rather spent on questions in Physics, Will, Emotions, more often their decisions in Logic are taken from someone else. With strong socionic logic, 4Ls think quite quickly, complement other people’s thoughts, etc. (They are less likely to construct their own - they are more likely to pick up something that may be needed from all the information reserves). At the same time, 4L may well form their own opinion, but they will not strongly insist on it for a long time, except perhaps for their 1st and 3rd. With weak socionic logic, doing this is much lazier. And even if you disagree with someone, it has little weight. If only people themselves were calm with their point of view. Author: Yulia Kolesnichenko

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