Formation of general educational skills and abilities among junior schoolchildren in the field of Federal State Educational Standards, educational and methodological material on the topic

02/12/2019 Zoryan Freidovich Psychology

Who needs a person without knowledge, certain skills and abilities? He will be tolerated in the family, but it is difficult for such an individual to find a job. Knowledge is the key to career growth; without it, a person gradually degrades.

Certain skills and abilities are very useful in everyday life. In the article we will give a list of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for life.

What are skills?

Skills are things we learn all the time. For example, the ability to write, read, or make something is a skill. The list of human skills can be divided into several groups:

Complex and simple skills

Let's give an example of teaching complex and simple skills in mastering the operation of a computer.

Nowadays, children are born with a mouse in their hands, as adults joke. Some of them master the computer at the user level, others have a future as programmers. Such children are interested in mastering certain computer programs, mastering text processes and other computer-related knowledge. Learning all of this is called a complex skill.

Simple means the ability to use a computer at the user level: typing, working with email, communicating on social networks.

Practicing until automatic

Confucius argued that you can learn something through two ways: understanding the meaning, or repeating it many times. The latter principle is often used in martial arts. Repetition is the most famous way to remember information. This includes more than just memorizing a math formula or a poem. A set of movements, touch typing, and even an appropriate emotional reaction - each of these skills can be learned to the point of automatism. It is believed that to memorize a simple action (for example, the position of the keys on a computer), 4 to 8 repetitions are needed. To bring the movement to automaticity, up to 300 approaches are required.

This principle is known to every professional musician or athlete. For example, in the process of playing baseball, the ball reaches the base in an insignificant time interval - only 0.4 seconds. Therefore, the player physically does not have the opportunity to think for a long time. He makes the necessary movements unconsciously, and high-quality play is always based on already acquired habits. At the same time, conscious creativity during the game is also possible only if a base of automatic skills has already been developed. Actions during the execution process are dictated not only by those automatisms that are already rooted in the unconscious layers of the psyche, but also with the help of the developed ability to think and analyze the situation “in the field.” While the athlete performs previously learned movements, his brain has the opportunity to freely analyze the current situation and make a better decision.

Quit your boring job? It's simple! But it's difficult!

This method is useful not only for musicians, athletes, artists or representatives of other professions that require the development of a specific skill. A sales manager or physician can spend time every day developing equanimity and calm. Such a reaction will calm down frantic clients or patients frightened by the diagnosis they have heard, and will also help the specialist himself make the right decision in a given situation.

How to learn to recognize your emotions?

So, let's summarize the principles by which the repetition method works:

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  • Work hard to develop your skills to the point where you can use them automatically while simultaneously assessing your current situation. The main principle is repetition and correction along the way if necessary;
  • Gradually layer some learned skills on top of others;
  • Use positive reinforcement when repetitions are performed correctly. For example, praise yourself when you manage to remember the use of case in a foreign language, or the necessary sequence of dance movements;
  • There is a misconception that only a simple skill can be learned to become automatic. Spend time practicing simple skills first, and then start practicing more complex ones.

Habits of Highly Effective People

Thirty years ago, a wonderful book by American writer Stephen Covey was published. It was reissued in 2004, translated into 40 languages ​​of the world, the number of sales exceeded all imaginable indicators. In 2011, the book was included in the TOP 25 among the most influential in the business world.

Those who happen to read it will confirm what is written. The book is called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Tools for Personal Development. As you might guess, it provides a list of the skills of highly effective people that you can review right now.

  • Act in accordance with your life principles, regardless of current circumstances and environmental conditions. In other words, be proactive.
  • Visualize the end goal before you take action.
  • Do everything important and urgent first. Know how to prioritize your activities.
  • Think positively.
  • Know how to listen to others. This is more important than being heard by them.
  • Strive for mutually beneficial interactions.
  • Work on yourself, because there is no limit to perfection.
  • Improve what has been achieved

    Kaz / Pixabay
    One of the common mistakes of many students is concentrating all their efforts only on knowledge gaps and shortcomings. Cognitive science researchers say that focusing on failures is much easier than focusing on strengths. To achieve success in your chosen field, it is important, on the contrary, to remember your advantages and think less about your shortcomings. You need to train not only new skills, but also already acquired ones - polishing will help bring them to perfection.

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    Each of us knows people who do their job with full dedication and passion. Imagine a talented dressmaker who can sew you a luxurious cocktail dress within a few days. She works on her project so enthusiastically that she forgets to buy a few meters of frills in the store, and she has to give this order to the courier. Of course, forgetfulness is not the best quality, however, if this woman is able to create a real masterpiece for you for the upcoming celebration, this drawback is unlikely to be significant.

    Remember that there is a big difference between the concepts of “good work” and “the pinnacle of excellence.” To achieve heights in your business, work not only on working out your shortcomings, but also on polishing your already acquired skills.

    Adults practice something every day. Another question is whether this practice brings results, whether it makes their life better, richer, more productive. Don't be afraid to introduce high standards into your life - those who use the right methods and know how to set the right goals for themselves will certainly soon reap the fruits of their work.

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    Making a resume

    When talking about a person's skills, it is difficult to ignore the ability to write a resume correctly. Skills and knowledge are necessary both in everyday life and in employment.

    What is the employer looking at? Why are some applicants constantly invited to interviews, while others sit at home for weeks? It's all about a properly written resume.

    Here is an example of skills and abilities instructions for a resume. The applicant needs the ability to present information about his skills in a favorable manner. This section of the resume is filled out in accordance with the required skills and knowledge for the position sought.

    A person applying for a position that requires constant contact with other people must have the following skills:

  • Correct oral and written language.
  • Ability to show tact.
  • The ability to persuade.
  • Experience in successful sales if the applicant applies for the relevant position.
  • Ability to find an approach to clients.
  • Ability to learn quickly.
  • Promptly respond to information received from the client.
  • Anyone applying for a management position will need to have the business and personal qualities of an employee who is ready to become a boss over others:

  • The ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them.
  • High communication skills, ability to win people over.
  • Ability to quickly resolve conflict situations.
  • Persistence.
  • Efficiency of personnel management.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Conditions for the formation and application of knowledge, skills and abilities

    One of the stages of assimilation is the application of knowledge, skills and abilities. The nature and specificity of the educational subject determines the type of pedagogical organization of this process. It can be implemented through laboratory work, practical exercises, and solving educational and research problems. The value of applying skills and abilities is great. The student’s motivation increases, knowledge becomes solid and meaningful. Depending on the uniqueness of the object being studied, various methods of their application are used. Subjects such as geography, chemistry, physics involve the formation of skills using observation, measurement, problem solving and recording all data obtained in special forms.

    Development of skills in labor lessons

    The implementation of skills in the study of humanitarian subjects occurs through the application of spelling rules, explanations, and recognition of a specific situation where this application is appropriate.

    The conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities are generalization, specification and ensuring the sequence of operations. Working through these tasks allows you to avoid the formalism of knowledge, since the basis for solving problems is not only memory, but also analysis.

    The process of forming new knowledge is inextricably linked with the following conditions:

    • Group 1 – conditions for motivating students’ actions;
    • Group 2 – conditions for ensuring the correct execution of actions;
    • Group 3 – conditions for practicing, nurturing the desired properties;
    • Group 4 – conditions for transformation and step-by-step development of the action.

    General educational skills and abilities are those skills and abilities that are formed in the process of learning many subjects, and not just one specific one. This issue should be given a lot of attention, but many teachers underestimate the importance of this task. They believe that during the learning process, students acquire all the necessary skills on their own. This is not true. The processing and transformation of the information received by the student can be carried out in one way or another, using various methods and methods. Often the child’s way of working differs from the teacher’s standard. Control of this process by the teacher is not always carried out, since he usually records only the final result (whether the problem is solved or not, whether the answer is meaningful or uninformative, whether the analysis is deep or superficial, whether the conditions are met or not).

    Training and education - differences

    The child spontaneously develops some skills and techniques that turn out to be irrational or erroneous. The subsequent development of the child becomes unthinkable, the educational process is significantly slowed down, and the comprehension of new knowledge and its automation becomes difficult.


    The correct methods of developing knowledge, skills and abilities should be given great importance in the learning process. Two main points can be noted. This is setting goals and organizing activities.

    In cases where the teacher discovers that a student lacks a specific skill, it is important to realize whether the goal was set for the student and whether he realized it. Only selected students with a high level of intellectual development can independently determine and realize the value of the educational process. Lack of purpose is considered the most common drawback in organizing educational work. Initially, the teacher can indicate one or another goal that the student should strive for when solving the problem. Over time, each student acquires the habit of setting goals and motives independently.

    The motivation of each student is individual, so the teacher should focus on a wide range of motives. They can be social, aimed at achieving success, avoiding punishment, and others.

    What is motivation - definition

    Organization of activities consists of compiling a list of basic processes associated with knowledge, skills and abilities. This list should include the most important issues, without which further progress is impossible. Next, you need to develop an algorithm for solving the problem or a sample, using which the student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, can develop his own system of rules. By comparing the task with the received sample, he learns to overcome the difficulties and difficulties encountered along the educational path. Deepening and consolidation of knowledge occurs in the case of generalization, analysis and comparison of work completed by students in the class.

    School education is the beginning of the comprehensive formation of knowledge, skills and abilities

    The learning process is related to the ability of students to distinguish between the main and the secondary. To do this, various tasks are offered in which you need to highlight the most significant part of the text or words of secondary importance.

    When training necessary to develop a skill, it is important to ensure its versatility and normal intensity. Over-processing one skill can prevent it from being used correctly and integrated into a holistic learning system. There are often cases when a student who has perfectly mastered a certain rule makes mistakes in dictation.

    An integrated approach and pedagogical work are conditions that guarantee the full education of the younger generation.
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    21st century skills

    The necessary skills for a 21st century person who wants to move up the career ladder and be successful in life are as follows:

  • Competent presentation of thoughts on paper. Agree, a business letter with many errors written by the company secretary looks repulsive and ridiculous. And ordinary friendly correspondence, in which there are a certain number of errors, does not do honor to an illiterate comrade.
  • Ability to speak competently. It will be useful both at work and during simple communication. It's always nice to deal with someone whose speech sounds like a babbling stream instead of a polluted swamp.
  • Self-confidence is another essential quality. A modern person must have the ability to defend his opinion; blind submission and trust will appeal to manipulators.
  • Planning your own time. There are boring and routine tasks at work, but you have to do them. In order for work to go faster, you need to manage your time correctly. In everyday life, it is easier to live according to a schedule; a person knows what needs to be done in a certain time, and it is easier for him to control himself.
  • Constantly updating your knowledge and skills. Communication with professionals in this or that business will help you learn something.
  • Mastering new technologies. Do not neglect learning how to use a computer, citing age, for example.
  • Ability to solve problems and have a creative approach to work. The instructions are simple and anyone can do it. But creative thinking brings much better results in moving up the career ladder.
  • The ability to sell your time. There is a phrase: “know your worth.” It can be attributed to the ability to value your time, when negotiating your salary, do not hesitate to increase it. Your knowledge and skills are worth slightly more than what the employer offers for them.
  • Ability to work in a team. This phrase constantly appears in the descriptions of numerous vacancies. A person who is ready to unleash his potential by working in a team will quickly overcome the steps of the career ladder.
  • Applying your knowledge. This is written above; theory is a good thing, but without practice it does not provide any advantages for its owner.

    (English habit, skill).

    1. An action brought to automatism through repeated repetitions; the criterion for achieving N. are temporary indicators of implementation, as well as the fact that implementation does not require constant and intense attention (control). Syn. Operation (in the theory of activity of A. N. Leontyev). N. m. b. not only motor, but also perceptual, mnemonic, mental, speech, etc. A huge number of special N. are associated with the implementation of different types of activities (domestic, educational, professional). According to modern terminology, N. refers to the content of the so-called. procedural memory. The ability to form and reproduce N. is one of the most important indicators of general intellectual potency and safety. N. are characteristic of people and animals (see EXERCISE CURVE, Learning, Learning ability, Plateau). (B.M.)

    2. N. (labor movements) - the ability acquired as a result of training and repetition to solve a labor problem, operating tools (hand tools, controls) with a given accuracy and speed. N. is a well-formed action, the dynamic structure of which includes cognitive components: a sensorimotor image of the workspace, an image of an executive act, a program of action and control (current and final) over its implementation, as well as executive (motor) components, including correctional processes. The relationships between the listed components are fluid. It is possible to “exchange” time and functions between them, which ensures accurate and timely execution of an action under a fairly wide range of external circumstances and internal conditions for its implementation. When organizing the process of training in labor skills, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of cognitive components to prevent the commission of impulsive and reactive acts and to ensure the implementation of appropriate and reasonable actions. This is achieved, in particular, by the variability of the conditions in which N. are formed (See also MOTOR SKILL, Interference of skills, Transfer, Habit).

    Source: Big psychological dictionary on

    Meanings in other dictionaries

    1. skill - spelling skill, Lopatin's spelling dictionary
    2. Skill - The ability to solve one or another type of problem (most often motor) brought to the point of automatism. Medical encyclopedia
    3. skill - see >> knowledge, experience, habit see also -> acquisition, skill Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms
    4. SKILL - SKILL - English. habit; German Fertigkeit. The ability to perform purposeful actions, brought to automaticity, as a result of repeated repetition of the same actions or solving typical problems. Sociological Dictionary
    5. skill - SKILL Performing purposeful actions brought to automatism as a result of conscious repeated repetition of the same movements or solving standard problems in industrial, sports or educational activities. - motor... Dictionary of sports terms
    6. skill - skill m. An action brought to the point of automatism, characterized by integrity, lack of element-by-element consciousness and control; an automated skill acquired through practice or experience. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
    7. skill - skill From on + turn off; see teach. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
    8. skill - On/off/. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
    9. Skill - An automated action, formed through repeated repetition, reproduced without element-by-element conscious regulation and control. N. manifests itself in perception, intellectual activity, and in the motor sphere. Loss... Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms
    10. skill - noun, number of synonyms: 17 high qualification 10 knowledge 28 idiolect 1 custom 4 art 45 qualification 13 mastery 11 skill 25 experience 13 experience 19 habit 25 professional skill 1 psychoskill 1 fluency 2 dexterity 18 ability 28 grasp 10 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
    11. Skill - The ability to solve one or another type of problem (most often motor) brought to the point of automatism. Every new method of action, proceeding initially as some independent, developed and conscious action... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
    12. skill - N'AVYK, skill, male. 1. Skill created by habit. I don't have the skill for this job. Acquire a skill for something or something. Labor skills. "Practice makes perfect." (last). | preim. pl. Practical skills (ped.). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
    13. skill - Skill, skills, skill, skill, skill, skill, skill, skill, skill, skill, skill, skill Zaliznyak’s Grammar Dictionary
    14. skill - SKILL, a, m. A skill developed by exercise, habit. Buy n. to something N. at work. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
    15. skill - a, m. A skill acquired through exercise, created by habit. Labor skills. □ I acquired some skill in poetry by copying notebooks that passed from hand to hand among our officers. Pushkin, History of the village of Goryukhina. Small academic dictionary
    16. skill - noun, m., used. compare often (not) what? skill and skill, what? skill, (see) what? skill, what? skill, about what? about skill; pl. What? skills, (no) what? skills, what? skills, (see) what? skills, what? skills, about what?... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
    17. Skill - An action formed through repetition, characterized by a high degree of mastery and the absence of element-by-element conscious regulation and control. N. are distinguished between perceptual, intellectual, and motor. Perceptual… Pedagogical terminological dictionary
    18. Skill - A method of performing an action, brought to automaticity as a result of repeated repetition, easily and quickly implemented with minimal control from the mind. Information in forensics... Forensic encyclopedia
    19. skill - SKILL -a; m. A skill acquired by exercise, created by habit. Develop skills and abilities. Gain skills in shorthand. N. to independent work. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
    20. skill - See skill Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
    21. skill - Obsesslav. Derived from navyknǫti “get used to, learn”, pref. derived from vyknǫti “get used to, learn.” See science, custom, get used to, teach. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
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    What skills does a woman need to live?

    All of the above relates mainly to work skills and abilities. Life dictates its own rules, you have to follow them regardless of your own desires. We will talk about the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for life in this subsection.

    The main skill a woman needs is the ability to maintain a home. This includes cooking delicious food, raising children and maintaining order. In addition, she must be diversified and help her man in certain matters. Behind every successful man there is always a strong woman - many have heard this phrase.

    Skills are...

    The phrase “skillful worker” is pronounced respectfully in relation to someone who quickly and correctly performs their work and shows ingenuity in solving production problems that arise. Such an employee is prepared theoretically and practically to perform certain actions and has a creative attitude to work.

    What is the difference between a skill and a skill? Skill requires:

    • a conscious attitude to planning your actions to achieve results;
    • knowledge about the properties, qualities of the object of labor and methods of working with it;
    • skills in working with tools and auxiliary materials.

    That is, a skill is a way of performing some action that is based both on firmly formed skills and on specific knowledge about the object of work, its properties, and possible ways of working with it. Skills are the basis for the formation of skills.

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